Develop or Plugin suggestion for Wordpress site - wordpress

I need to create a WP site which will have a single membership. Each member will have its own page where the posts added by that user will be displayed. I know Wordpress comes with the default author and posts, but it does allow only premium members to add posts and paid registration/profile. Shall I develop a custom one or there is any available plugin. I tried, but did not find any similar to my requirement.
Any suggestion and help will be much appreciated...thanks a lot.

There is a very flexible plugin that allows you to create/configure members stuff Ultimate Member.
Check How to customize member templates, Code Examples, and other documentation.


How to enable authors to make posts? (ultimate member)

So I'm making this website in which people(authors) have their profiles and can upload their art works.
I'm using ultimate member plugin and I cannot understand how the author will make posts and post them on their accounts? I mean their is no option to create posts! and the plugin documentation is not helping I have already followed it but there is still no option/button for the authors to make and publish posts.
+new exists on the admin bar. from there you can add media or text!

wordpress custom field to select from existing posts

I'm building a WP site and at one specific page i want to have a custom field in wich the user can select from existing content to be linked there. (english is not my native lang :)
In my case:
I have a services page where the admin can add new services.
I have a doctors page where the admin can add new doctors.
I want to have the option to link one doctor to one specific service.
Can this be done?
As other said, Advanced Custom Field is the answer to your and most needs regarding the data hierarchy management in wordpress.
In addiction I suggest to you to read this good tutorial about the use of Types, another good plugin that does the same work of ACF.
Considere moreover that both plugins ask money if you want more functionalities.
Here is the plugin url : that makes relationship between custom filed. It will you.

Wordpress Functionality: Custom Theme or Plugin?

I am new to Wordpress (using roughly 6 months) and just now getting into development when I decided I would attempt to replicate a project I have going currently and after reading multiple blogs regarding plugin development and custom post types, I am thoroughly confused as to which direction I should go. I am in need of creating a site that has back-end management (admin only) and then end-user management where the end-user should have a page that allows them to manage their items.
With custom post types, I am able to create the objects that I will need to use but that doesn't give me total control when it comes to allowing the end-user to modify them from a front-end interface.
With a plugin, I think I am able to create exactly what I need but not sure how to yet but at the same time, thinking through the structure of Wordpress, everything is basically a post, correct? So, if that's the case, my plugin would need to have the ability to register new custom post types. Does it sound like I am on the right track or am I way off here?
Custom Post Types can add a lot of power, especially if you dress up the Custom Fields with meta boxes. You can always use a role-scoping plugin to limit the access of end-users to only be able to use these Custom Posts and nothing else. CPT are a great way to handle inventory management and not rely on a plugin that will either cost $ or potentially break months down the road.
That said, many plugin you would find would most likely just create a Custom Post Type anyway. Take a look around on the codex for info on creating CPT, and if you're interested, look at jaredatch's work on Github.

WordPress posts in phpBB topics

I like to know if there is a way to create topics on specific Forums when I save posts on WordPress side. Is there any tutorial available?
More specific. I like to allow my plugin users to combine a WordPress category to a phpBB forum, and when I create a new post in the WordPress, automaticly to create a topic in the phpBB side in the corresponding forum.
ie: Post that are posted on Tech News category, automaticly to be posted on Technology news forum on the phpBB side.
Any solution for that ?
BBPress is supposed to do exactly this.
If you want to develop your own Wordpress plugin, take a look at phpBB's submit_post function:
and Wordpress' publish_post function, located in wp-includes/post.php
You don't need to switch to bbPress, you can use WP-United. It only allows you to select one forum to cross-post to at the moment, but it would be an easy change to cross-post based on category: I'm considering adding that for v0.9.2

Members only based plugin for Wordpress

Can anyone recommend me a good members-only plugin? I want to hide pages (and their tabs) if users aren't signed in.
So far I have found:
'Member Access' which doesn't hide the tabs
'wp-members' which wouldn't work with 2.8.4
'user access manager' which was too complex clunky to be useful.
There should be something basic out there for what I need, but no luck so far.
Justin Tadlock is a WordPress heavy (wrote the popular Hybrid theme framework), recently released a comprehensive user management plugin called Members, which among other things can turn your blog into a login-only venue:
Private Blog: Allows you to create a
private blog that can only be accessed
by users that are logged in (redirects
them to the login page).
But I get the impression that you're looking to keep some part available to the public users and other parts only for registered users.
You can also use this plugin to restrict certain areas of your blog, screenshot example here: based on role
Hiding the tabs from the public user is the challenging part. Themes typically aren't designed with private portions in mind; you'd have to hack it yourself or get someone to do it for you.
If are familiar with php and WP structure, you can add a few lines of code to a few template files to redirect users to login page if they are not signed-in. Let me know if you want to go that way. I can try to provide sample code. Are you using one of the basic themes?
I have a plugin called "LJ Custom Menu Links" that can do what you are asking. However as the name suggests they are custom links, so you would have to hand add the pages you want. But it does/and can only show a link when a user is logged on if that is what you want. Combined with "pagemash" plugin which will hide pages from the menu generated by WP itself leaving only the pages linked to by the LJ Custom Menu Links plugin.
However I was under the impression if you made a Page private then it wouldn't show up unless someone was logged in, or am I wrong on that one?
A good option is to use three difference plugins:
Member Access
Register Plus
AJAX Login Widget++
You can find my post on all these here:
Try CMS Members
I know it hide some pages for non-members.
A paid option is this. It's VERY good. I use it on several websites. Called Wishlist Memeber
For me s2member does the job. You don't have to use the paypal option, you can stick with free membership.
