WordPress posts in phpBB topics - wordpress

I like to know if there is a way to create topics on specific Forums when I save posts on WordPress side. Is there any tutorial available?
More specific. I like to allow my plugin users to combine a WordPress category to a phpBB forum, and when I create a new post in the WordPress, automaticly to create a topic in the phpBB side in the corresponding forum.
ie: Post that are posted on Tech News category, automaticly to be posted on Technology news forum on the phpBB side.
Any solution for that ?

BBPress is supposed to do exactly this.
If you want to develop your own Wordpress plugin, take a look at phpBB's submit_post function:
and Wordpress' publish_post function, located in wp-includes/post.php

You don't need to switch to bbPress, you can use WP-United. It only allows you to select one forum to cross-post to at the moment, but it would be an easy change to cross-post based on category: I'm considering adding that for v0.9.2


Wordpress post view format for filter grid

I am a complete newb to wordpress. I am trying to help a friend out. She asked me to help her move her wordpress instance to another hosting provider.
I have done that for the most part. My issue is the original provider implemented a not-so-obvious way of an isotope filter on some UI elements.
Specifically the object is a company. Each company has a logo, the name of the company, a short description and a contact name / email.
These companies service states / areas and the idea behind the page is to select the state and only the companies for that state are visible.
From the brief searching I have done - there seems to be an overwhelming amount of plugins to support this.
I have tried creating a simple post with a featured image and adding in the text in the excerpt.
My problem is the links. I don't want the links to go back to the post - rather I want the links to go to a custom URL.
Is there a plugin that will allow me to define a custom post type (to include categories) and then filter on it similar to Isotope type of filtering?
There are many free plugins but if you are using the Elementor page builder. I am not advertising my product but as I saw your requirement matches a plugin that I am selling in the market.
The frontend filtering feature is not yet available to the released version but will be released soon. It basically allows you to build a custom grid as you like.
Is it something similar?
You have to create a custom post, there should be a custom field(custom URL) as well.
Or, You may create a WordPress query. https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/classes/wp_query/
also, coding will be required for filtering

Develop or Plugin suggestion for Wordpress site

I need to create a WP site which will have a single membership. Each member will have its own page where the posts added by that user will be displayed. I know Wordpress comes with the default author and posts, but it does allow only premium members to add posts and paid registration/profile. Shall I develop a custom one or there is any available plugin. I tried, but did not find any similar to my requirement.
Any suggestion and help will be much appreciated...thanks a lot.
There is a very flexible plugin that allows you to create/configure members stuff Ultimate Member.
Check How to customize member templates, Code Examples, and other documentation.

How do I add comments to buddypress forum replies

I'm setting up a custom buddypress install and would like to have comments directly on the forum topics page. I see that its possible to show your forum replies on the group activity stream, but I would like to have it the other way around. I essentially post a question as the "Topic" let everyone answer that question in their replies, but I'd like to see people comment on other peoples answers.
We're working on the same problem right now, this is what I suggested to my development team -
we can directly replicate the comments functionality that comes with
wordpress and database schema for wp_comments table. Like each topic
post can be like a blog post with comments. Above action hook will help with fetching and display.
I was looking for the same feature on Buddypress forum posts and finally got the success with the only available plugin bbPress Threaded Replies. This plugin added the same comment and reply system to my buddypress-bbpress forum posts as it is for my general sitewide activity.
If you need, you can download and install teh same at http://wordpress.org/plugins/bbpress-threaded-replies/

Only Show Comment in Wordpress

I am looking for a way to only show the comments posted in wordpress.
My main goal is to turn the wordpress CMS into a site like fmylife.com. The basic principle is allowing anyone to post anonymously (without having a post to comment on), and then the comments need to be moderated by the admin.
If there is an easier solution to doing this, then I'm open to hearing that as well. The only thing I don't want to do is get the fmyscript clone. I've tried that and don't like it.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Why don't you try the buddypress plugin wherein users can register and post. Just disable all other components except activity feed and make your homepage as a static activity feed page (configurable in the settings).

Similar By Terms module

I have a blog where you can add tags. I wanted to see the related blogposts to this tag in a view so i created one with the module Similar By Terms.
However, i can't seem to link old blog posts to new posts. Only new posts to old posts.
what does this mean? when i add a new blog i get all past blog post with the same tag posts. But when i click on them i dont see my new blog in the similar tags list.
can anyone help me with this?
Are you running Drupal's cron? I imagine that is how they would generate the similar terms - at least it was when I used this module in Drupal 5.
Just go to yoursite.com/cron.php and then check the old posts.
