Firestore Realtime Updates 1M Limit - firebase

When using Firestore and subscribing to document updates, it states a limit of 1M concurrent mobile/web connections per database.
Is that a hard limit (enforced/throttled in code)? Or is it a theoretical limit (like you're safe up to 1M, then things get dicey)? Is it possible to get an uplift?
Trying to understand how to support a large user base without needing to shard the database (which is one of the advantages of Firestore). Even at 5M users, it seems you would start having problems because you'd probably hit times when >20% of those users were on your app simultaneously.

As you already noticed, the maximum size of a single document in Firestore is 1 Megabyte. Trying to store large number of objects (maps) that may exceed this limitation, is generally considered a bad design.
You should reconsider the logic of you app and think at the reson why you need to have more than 1Mib in single a document, rather than each object being their own document. So to be able to use Firestore, you should change the way you are holding the data from within a single documents to a collection. In case of collections, there are no limitations. You can add as many documents as you want. According to the official documentation regarding Cloud Firestore Data model:
Cloud Firestore is optimized for storing large collections of small documents.
IMHO, you should take advantage of this feature.
For details, I recommend you see my answer from this post where I have explained some practices regarding storing data in arrays (documents), maps or collections.
Without sharding, I'm affraid it is not an option. So in this case, sharding will work for sure. So in my opinion, that's certainly a reasonable option.


Are Firestore Collections Physically Isolated from Each Other?

I am considering storing multiple tenants in a single Firebase Firestore database. There will only be one collection per tenant and a few shared collections. Some will have more data than others. Some tenants may have a few million records while others may end up with a few billion. I want to confirm that the size of data in one collection will not impact the performance or storage of another collection in the same database.
I couldn't find much in the documentation about how the data is physically stored. Is all the data in Firestore stored in a single blob/file? If so, this could be a problem when there are hundreds of tenants with billions of records each. In an ideal world, each collection would be a physically separate file, and the server orchestration would separate the collections onto multiple servers so that a single server is not sharing the load between a very heavy tenant, and a very light tenant. This scenario would mean that a heavy tenant would slow down a light tenant.
My basic question is: can a single Firestore database infinitely scale up in size assuming that no single collection is bigger than a few billion records?
I know that there are two types of databases: native and datastore. Which of these seems more appropriate, and is the answer to my question different depending on which of these I select?
If the answer is that Firestore cannot scale infinitely in this way, what is the alternative approach? Should I be using Bigtable instead? Cassandra? Or, is there another way to physically divide my Firestore database other than collections?
Some tenants may have a few million records while others may end up with a few billion. I want to confirm that the size of data in one collection will not impact the performance or storage of another collection in the same database.
The performance in Firestore isn't related to the number of documents that exist in a collection. In terms of speed, it doesn't matter if you perform a query on:
A top-level (root-level) collection.
A sub-collection, which basically represents a collection that is nested under a document.
A collection group, which actually means querying collections and sub-collections that exist across the entire database.
The speed will always be the same, as long as the query returns the same number of documents. This is happening because the query performance depends on the number of documents you request and not on the number of documents you search. So it doesn't really matter if you query a collection with 1 MILLION documents or even 1 BILLION documents, the time for getting the same results will be the same.
I couldn't find much in the documentation about how the data is physically stored. Is all the data in Firestore stored in a single blob/file? If so, this could be a problem when there are hundreds of tenants with billions of records each.
In Cloud Firestore, the unit of storage is the document. Documents live in collections, which are simply containers for documents. Please note that Firestore is optimized for storing large collections of small documents. And when I say large, I mean extremely large. So when you perform a query against a collection of 1 MILLION documents, the speed depends on the number of results you return and it does not depend on the number of the documents in which you search, or on the number of documents that exist in other collections in which you aren't performing a search.
Can a single Firestore database infinitely scale up in size assuming that no single collection is bigger than a few billion records?
While when using the Firebase Realtime Database you had to scale using multiple databases, in Firestore this practice is not necessary. However, the are some techniques that are really good explained in the official docs:
Building scalable applications with Firestore
If the answer is that Firestore cannot scale infinitely in this way, what is the alternative approach?
I can definitely massively scale.
See the Firestore best practices and security rules.
You may conceptualize Firestore as being one service being shared by all of Google's customers. Just as Google's attempts to ensure that one customer's (so-called "noisy neighbor") impact on the service does not affect others, you don't want to be a noisy neighbor to yourself.
You need to consider more than just performance.
Security. E.g.see security rules as a mechanism that you may be able to use to help enforce segregation of your tenants' data. You will want to understand fully how to keep different customers' data separated securely. Your customers will want to understand what measures you're employing to ensure their data is keep separate too.
Multitenancy. Google Cloud Platform has no intrinsic (platform-wide) multitenant capabilities and, often, a way to manifest tenancy has been to use different Google Projects for different customers. This is because Projects provide a well-defined security perimeter. You may want to investigate whether (some subset of your customers) would benefit from being one customer, one project.
Quota. Another important consideration is quota. Every Cloud Platform method is constrained by some quota. You will want to be careful in ensuring that quota is distributed fairly across customers so that some customers don't consume all the quota denying other customers access to the service.

Is this pattern valid for communicating among multiple firestore databases?

I'm currently brainstorming and wondering if it's possible to easily communicate among multiple firestore databases. If so, I could isolate collections and therefore also isolate writes/updates on those collections from competing with other services reducing the risk that I hit the 10,000 write limit p/second on a given database.
Conceptually, I figure I can capture the necessary information from one document in DB_A (including the doc_id) in a read and then set that document in DB_B with the matching doc_id.
In a working example, perhaps one page has a lot of content (documents) that I need to generate and I don't want those writes to compete with writes used in other services on my app. When a user visits this page, we show those documents from DB_A and if the user is interested in one of those documents, we can take that document that we've effectively already read, and now write it into DB_B where user-specific content lives. It seems practical enough. Are there any indexing problems / other problems that could come out of this solution that I'm not seeing?
In the example you give the databases themselves are not communicating, but your app is communicating with multiple database instances. That is indeed possible. Since you can only have one Firestore instance per project, you will need to add multiple projects to your app.
What you're describing is known as sharding, as each database becomes a shard of (a subset of) your entire data set.
Note that it is quite uncommon to have shards to Firestore. If you predict such a high volume of writes, also have a look at Firebase's Realtime Database - as that is typically better suited for use-cases with more, small writes. Firestore is more suited for use-cases that have fewer larger writes, and many more readers. While you may also still to shard (and possibly shard more to reach the same read capacity) with Realtime Database, it can have multiple database instances per project - making the process easier to manage.

is there a limitation for query a collection in Firebase Firestore?

I have watched videos about Firestore on YouTube. It is said that there is a limitation for a where which the max size is 1 Mb and also maximum 1 write per second.
How about the query to a collection? Is there a limitation for this? Because I will heavily rely on a parent collections to perform different queries for a lot of users. That's why I need to know the worst case scenario. I need to know if there are any limitations.
I mean something like, maximum number of query per second, max concurrent queries? Maximum number to get data from a collection in a second ? Do such limitations exis for querying a collection?
I have tried to read the documentation from here and it seems there is no limitation for query in a collection. I need to make sure, maybe there is documentation that I have not read yet?
There is no documented limit to the number of queries you can execute against Firestore. While there is probably a physical limit, you're extremely unlikely to hit it before running into any of the documented limits (such as the 1 million concurrent users).
In other words: it is quite unlikely you'll need to worry about the read scalability or limitations of Firestore for your application. It is made to scale very well on read operations, which is precisely the reasons why it supports a more limited set of functionality, and why it has a write throughput limit on individual documents.
Firestore scales massively for read operations. When using the Blaze payment plan, there are no fundamental read limits like there are for write limits. You just need to be willing to pay for all those documents reads, and the bandwidth required for all that data. Please read the pricing page about billing.
There is limit for Your reads and writes.
They have provided in their document where in Free service you have limited read writes.
Each read will be counted in normal queries it acts same with writing document

Firebase Realtime Database vs Cloud Firestore

Edit: After posting the question I thought I could also make this post a quick reference for those of you needs a quick peek at some of the differences between these two technologies which might help you decide on one of them eventually. I will be editing this question and adding more info as I learn more.
I have decided to use firebase for the backend of my project. For firestore is says "the next generation of the realtime database". Now I am trying to decide which way to go. Realtime database or cloud firestore?
At a first glance, it looks like firestore charges per number of results returned, number of reads, number of writes/updates etc. Real-time database charges based on the data transmitted. The number of read-write operations is irrelevant. They both also charge on the data stored on the google servers too (I think in this respect firestore is cheaper one). Why am I mentioning this price point? Because from my point of view, although it might a lower weight, it is also a point to consider while choosing the one over the other.
Cloudstore seems to scale horizontally seamlessly. I think this is not possible with the real-time database.
In the real-time database, you need to shard your data yourself using multiple databases. And you can only do this if you are in BLAZE pracing plan.
Performance & Indexing:
Another thing is the real-time database data structure is different in both. The real-time database stores the data as a JSON object in any way we structure them. Firestore structures the data as collections and documents. And hence the querying also changes between the two.
I think firestore does auto indexing which increases the read performance greatly too (which will decrease read performance). I am not sure if this is also the case with the real-time database.
The real-time database does not automatically index your data. You need to do it yourself after a solid inspection of your data and your needs.
What other differences can you think of?
What would be (or has been) your choice for different types of projects?
Do you still go with the real-time database or have you migrated from that to the firestore? If so why?
And one last thing. How would you compare the SDKs of these two?
Thanks a lot!
What other differences can you think of?
what i think, ok. I use realtime-database for 6 months experience and difference is, firestore easy for sorting data. As Example, i want to retrieving user name based timestamp.
Query firstQuery = firestore.collection("Names").orderBy("timestamp", Query.Direction.DESCENDING).limit(10); // load 10 names
What would be (or has been) your choice for different types of
For me, Realtime-Database for Data Streaming when i work with Arduino, i want to store Drone Speed.
And Firestore for SMART OFFICE, like Air Conditioner, or light-room and Enterprise like Inventory Quantities, etc.
Do you still go with the real-time database or have you migrated from
that to the firestore? If so why?
still go with real-time because i need TREE for displaying streaming data strucure instead of query TABLE like firestore.

Work around firestore document size limit?

I need to store a large number of fields, like for a star rating system, but firestore only allows 20,000 fields per document. Is there a known way around this? Right now I am going to 'shard' the fields in multiple documents, and keep the size of each document in a documentSizeTracker document that I use to determine which document to shard to (and add to the counter with a transaction). Is this the correct approach? Any problems with this?
Sharding certainly could work. It's hard to say without knowing exactly what kind of data you'll need from your document, and when, but that's certainly a reasonable option. You could also consider having a parent "summary" doc that contains fields you might want to search on and then split all of your data into several documents inside a subcollection of that parent.
One important nuance here: the limit isn't 20,000 fields, but 20,000 indexed fields. So if you're storing a bunch of data inside your document, but you know that you're not going to be searching on all of them, another alternative is to mark some of your fields as unindexed (which you can now do in the Firebase console in the "Exemptions" section).
If you're dealing with thousands of fields, though, you probably won't want to exempt them all one at a time, so a better alternative might be to place your data as a map inside a container field (named something like "allOfMyData"), then just mark that one field as unindexed. That will automatically remove all indexes from any fields contained inside that map.
Actually, I ran into similar problem with the read and write issues with Firebase. So, here is my conclusion:
# if something small needs to be written & read very often, then use Firebase Realtime Database
Firebase Realtime database allows fast writes, but limits concurrent users to 100,000
Firebase Firestore allows a maximum of 1 write per second per document
It's very expensive to read a document that only contains a rating for example in Firestore
# if something (larger) needs to be read very often with writes usually more than 1 second in between then use Firestore
Firestore allows up to 1,000,000 concurrent users at current Beta release (they might make it more)
It's cheaper to read a large document (less than 1 MiB limit) in Firestore than Firebase Realtime database
# If your model doesn't fit into these two choices, then you should modify your model and split them into 2 models:
1 very small model to store in Firebase Real Database (ratings for example)
1 larger model to store in Firestore
Note: You could use both Firebase Realtime database and Firebase Firestore in the same project. Don't forget to take into account the billing differences between both databases. and their different limits. I believe, it's best to combine them and use the good side of each instead of trying to force solutions into one of them.
Note 2: I really didn't like the shard-ing idea in Firestore suggested solution and work around
