I am considering switching to Awesome WM (for several reasons, hackability being probably the most important - I am a heavy Emacs user;-)).
I used to use a tiling WM (StumpWM) for some time several years ago, and it had a nice feature of binding only one key as a "prefix". I set it up to be the (otherwise useless for me) "menu" key, so essentially all WM bindings were "press menu, release it, press something else".
From the docs/tutorials I can see that Awesome has a slightly different approach of binding its functions to "modkey+something".
Is it possible to use "menu" as a "sticky modkey" as I was used to? Or rather, how do I do that?
You could create a "normal" keybinding for the Menu key, start a keygrabber in there and use that to get the "something" that follows. It would mean that you have to reinvent some wheels yourself, because the code in AwesomeWM will not manage keybindings for you, but it should be workable.
Quick example that does not do much to get you started:
diff --git a/awesomerc.lua b/awesomerc.lua
index 5d2bd2c10..7973b210a 100644
--- a/awesomerc.lua
+++ b/awesomerc.lua
## -242,6 +243,12 ## root.buttons(gears.table.join(
-- {{{ Key bindings
globalkeys = gears.table.join(
+ awful.key({}, "Menu", nil, function()
+ keygrabber.run(function(mods, key, action)
+ print("You did:", gears.debug.dump_return(mods), key, action)
+ keygrabber.stop()
+ end)
+ end),
awful.key({ modkey, }, "s", hotkeys_popup.show_help,
{description="show help", group="awesome"}),
awful.key({ modkey, }, "Left", awful.tag.viewprev,
What this does is to print the first "keyboard event" after the Menu key was released. This could e.g. be "a key was released that was pressed before the Menu key was released", but you would likely only care about things like "'s' was pressed"...
I would like to start a julia script by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+H.
When the script starts, the keys Ctrl and Shift may still be pressed (depending on how quickly I remove my fingers).
I would like to be sure that these two keys are released before executing the rest of the script. To do that I need to test if the key are pressed.
Note that triggering an event when the key are released would not be enough as the keys may not be pressed when the script starts.
I found several references to detect when a key is pressed in Julia but I did not find one to test if a key is currently pressed.
Do you know how I could do that?
Here is a minimal example of why I would like to do that.
You can find here a file in the cnee format which enables to write "azerty" in the window which has the focus. If you type the following command in a terminal, "azerty" is typed in it as expected:
cnee --replay -sp 0 -f ./recorded_macro.xnl
In order to write "azerty" in any window (not just terminals), I create a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+H which executes this command. If I use the shortcut, the keys Ctrl and Shift are likely to be pressed when the command is executed (except if I use the shortcut very quickly) and instead of typing "azerty", the window with the focus will get Ctrl+Shift+a, Ctrl+Shift+z, Ctrl+Shift+e, Ctrl+Shift+r, Ctrl+Shift+t and Ctrl+Shift+y which will trigger actions in the window but will not write "azerty".
So, I would like instead to start a python script with this shortcut which waits for Ctrl and Shift to be non-pressed before executing the cnee command. Note again that waiting for the keys to be released with a listener is not a solution as the keys Ctrl and Shift may not be pressed at the start of the python script if I use the shortcut quickly (and so I will have to press again Ctrl and Shift before executing the cnee command which I do not want).
The following Gtk program will detect the release of shift, control, and alt that are already pressed before the program starts or gets the focus. Note that my keyboard at least seems to not always detect multiple keystrokes, so perhaps depending on your keyboard you may have to just detect one of those releases.
using Gtk
function keypresswindow()
txt = "Press and Release a Key"
state = ""
win = GtkWindow("Key Release Test", 500, 30) |> (GtkFrame() |> ((vbox = GtkBox(:v)) |> (lab = GtkLabel(txt))))
function keyreleasecall(w, event)
event.keyval == 65505 && (state *= "SHIFT ")
event.keyval == 65507 && (state *= "CONTROL ")
event.keyval == 65513 && (state *= "ALT ")
set_gtk_property!(lab, :label, "You have released: $state")
signal_connect(keyreleasecall, win, "key-release-event")
cond = Condition()
endit(w) = notify(cond)
signal_connect(endit, win, :destroy)
How to configure a shortcut key in awesome to toggle a client window vertical maximization to the left half of the screen (snap to left)?
Module awful.placement has an example that may help, but there is no mention on how to implement a toggle that would be able to maximize the client or restore it to its prior size and location.
Currently I have the following in rc.lua:
clientkeys = gears.table.join(
-- ...
awful.key({ modkey, "Mod1" }, "Left",
function (c)
-- Simulate Windows 7 'edge snap' (also called aero snap) feature
local f = awful.placement.scale + awful.placement.left + awful.placement.maximize_vertically
f(c.focus, {honor_workarea=true, to_percent = 0.5})
end ,
{description = "maximize vertically to the left half of screen", group = "client"})
Are you looking for awful.placement.restore? It seems to do be what you are looking for. However, the documentation says one has to "set[...] the right context argument" for this, but does not mention which one that is.
I think it should be scale since it is the first one in your chain, but I fail to see the logic in calling this chain "scale".
To turn that into a toggle, you can "invent" a new client property. Something like this: if c.my_toggle then print("a") else print("b") end c.my_toggle = not c.my_toggle. This way, the my_toggle property tracks which function you have to call.
So what I currently want to do is pretty much implement rofi in awesome.
The reason I want to do this and I don't just use rofi is because I want to learn how to 'auto-generate' widgets in awesome.
This will come in handy later when I'll implement things like network widgets that when clicked, shows you a panel, shows you the wifi hotspots available as rows, etc etc. So it's just for me to learn how awesome works better. But also, I want a program launcher.
And also, before someone suggests it, I already know that there's a built-in launcher in awesome, and I also know that there's this. This is not what I'm looking for. I want to have the same thing thing rofi and dmenu have: I want to have suggestions pop up when you press keys. and I want to be able to click on the suggestions, etc.
What I want is something like this: uhhhh
So what I'm having problems is this: how do I auto-generate the rows? I want to be able to specify in only one place how many rows I want, and have awesome do the rest.
I've looked through Elv's github and I found radical and even though what he made is a menu system, I thought that I could use some of his code to do what I want. But I can't for the love of god figure out how it works. No offense to him, but it's not all too well docummented, even for users, and for actually explaining how the code works there's no docummentation.
So My question is: How can I make this work? How would I go about making the widgets that act as the rows automatically?
i want to write a program launcher like rofi in awesome
i want to be able to specify only in one place the number of rows
therefore, (((I think))) I need to automatically generate widgets as rows somehow, how can I do it?
What I want is to be able to create the rows of my launcher automatically. I know I can hardcode the rows myself, have each row have a different id and then I can write a function that on each keypress, will update each widget with the most relevant matches. So it would be something like (not tested at all):
local wibox = require("wibox")
local awful = require("awful")
local num_rows = 10
local row_height = 40
-- set the height of the background in accordance to how many rows there are,
-- and how high each row should be
local prompt_height = row_height * num_rows
local prompt_width = 300
-- make a widget in the middle of the screen
local background = wibox({
x = awful.screen.focused().geometry.width / 2 - prompt_width / 2,
y = awful.screen.focused().geometry.height / 2 - prompt_height / 2,
width = prompt_width,
height = prompt_height,
bg = "#111111",
visible = false,
ontop = false
local rofi_launcher = wibox.widget({
widget = background,
-- get a flexible layout so the searchbox and the suggestion boxes get
-- scaled to take up all the space of the background
layout = wibox.layout.flex.vertical,
{ -- the prompt you actually type in
-- set id here so we can adjust its ratio later, so the magnifying
-- glass will end up on the right, and the texbox will take up the left side
id = "searchbox_and_mangifying_glass",
layout = wibox.layout.ratio.horizontal,
-- set id so we can use it as a prompt later
id = "searchbox",
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
widget = wibox.widget.imagebox,
icon = '~/path/to/magnifying_glass_icon.svg',
{ -- this is where I actually create the rows that will display suggestions
{ -- row number 1
-- make a background for the textbox to sit in, so you can change
-- background color later for the selected widget, etc etc.
widget = wibox.widget.background,
-- give it an id so we can change what's displayed in the
-- textbox when we press keys in the prompt
id = "suggestion_1",
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
{ -- row number 2
-- background, again
widget = wibox.widget.background,
-- id and textbox again
id = "suggestion_2",
widget = wibox.widget.textbox,
-- and another 8 (according to the `num_rows` variable) of the same two
-- textboxes above. This is exactly my problem. How can I make these
-- textboxes automatically and still be able to interact with them to
-- display suggestions on the fly, as the user types keys into the prompt?
If this is not clear enough please do let me know what you don't understand and I will update my question.
Equally untested as your code, but this creates a tables of textboxes instead of using the declarative layout to create all these textboxes:
[SNIP; For shorter code I removed some stuff at the beginning]
local textboxes = {}
local widgets = {}
for i = 1, num_rows do
local tb = wibox.widget.textbox()
local bg = wibox.widget.background(tb)
bg:set_bg("#ff0000") -- The original code did not set a bg color, but that would make the bg widget useless...?
tb.id = "suggestion_" .. tostring(i) -- This is likely unnecessary, but the original code set these IDs, too
table.insert(textboxes, tb)
table.insert(widgets, bg)
local rofi_launcher = wibox.widget({
widget = background,
-- get a flexible layout so the searchbox and the suggestion boxes get
-- scaled to take up all the space of the background
layout = wibox.layout.flex.vertical,
{ -- the prompt you actually type in
[SNIP - I did not change anything here; I only removed this part to make the code shorter]
-- Now make the textboxes display something
textboxes[3].text = "I am the third row"
textboxes[5].text = "I am not"
I'm a new Atom user and I want to override the Atom command palette (shift-ctrl-p) scrolling key bindings to something more vi friendly like
ctrl-n and ctrl-p instead of the annoying arrow keys (which force me to take my hands off the home row).
Just to be clear, I don't want to change the key binding that brings up the command palette, but the key bindings you use to scroll through the list once it's up:
I can only find a binding to override the command palette toggle:
As you can see in the following config file, I was able to override the autocomplete scrolling, and I hope to do the same with the command palette. I've tried 'command-palette:up' ,'command-palette:down' and 'command-palette:move-up' etc. to no avail.
Here's is my keymap.cson.
# Atom Flight Manual:
# https://atom.io/docs/latest/using-atom-basic-customization#cson
#vt add
'body atom-text-editor.autocomplete-active':
'ctrl-p': 'autocomplete-plus:move-up'
'ctrl-n': 'autocomplete-plus:move-down'
'alt-p': 'autocomplete-plus:page-up'
'alt-n': 'autocomplete-plus:page-down'
'home': 'autocomplete-plus:move-to-top'
'end': 'autocomplete-plus:move-to-bottom'
# vim-plus ex mode 2016-04-18
':': 'vim-mode-plus-ex-mode:open'
'!': 'vim-mode-plus-ex-mode:toggle-setting'
# add cmd palette key bindings --> These do not work.
'body .native-key-bindings':
'ctrl-p': 'command-palette:up'
'ctrl-n': 'command-palette:down'
#vt end
I've been really impressed with the key binding support in Atom thus far. I'd be really surprised if it couldn't handle this but, alas, I think this might be the case.
Does anyone know of a way to do this?
Atom 1.7.2, linux
I was able to get single line scroll to work, but not page scroll to work with the following in my keymap.cson:
# these work
'ctrl-p' : 'core:move-up'
'ctrl-n' : 'core:move-down'
# these don't work
'alt-p' : 'core:page-up'
'alt-n' : 'core:page-down'
It would be nice to have page scroll as well, but I should be able to narrow down the list down by typing in text, so I don't foresee needing page-up, page-down all that often.
Now I'm happy.
To target keybindings for just the command palette, you can find an appropriate selector by looking in the command-palette repo keymaps: https://github.com/atom/command-palette/blob/v0.43.5/keymaps/command-palette.cson
This suggests the use of the .command-palette selector, which seems more appropriate then atom-workspace.
'ctrl-n': 'core:move-down'
'ctrl-p': 'core:move-up'
I was not able to find a mapping to scroll a page at a time within the command palette, though I'm sure someone else can figure it out. The keyboard page up/down keys have no effect so mapping to core:page-down etc. is not going to work.
In current version of Mathematica these keyboard shortcuts are quite handy
Ctrl+K completes current command
GraphPl -> press Ctrl+K -> GraphPlot
Ctrl+Shift+K completes current command and adds argument placeholders which could be replaced with actual values with tab key
GraphPl -> press Ctrl+Shift+K -> GraphPlot[{vi1->vj1,vi2->vj2,...}]
However I couldn't find any keyboard option to show associated settings/options
For instance Say If I need to plot a graph with different layouts, I know I need to set Method with one of these Possible settings
Two things
First How to autocomplete these options , is there any shortcut key ?
GraphPlot[sg, Method -> <what keyboard shortcut to display all possible options>]
Second how to generate following PopupMenu list programmatically
, "RandomEmbedding"
, "HighDimensionalEmbedding"
, "RadialDrawing"
, "SpringEmbedding"
, "SpringElectricalEmbedding"
Manipulate[GraphPlot[sg, Method -> m], {m, list}, ControlType -> PopupMenu]
Is there any way to introspect Mathematica functions and access method Metadata similar to the way it could be done in other programming languages, Like using reflection in Java ?
I don't believe there is any included function to auto-complete a string. I also cannot recall a way to view all valid settings for a particular option, other than searching the help files.
You can expedite input with the Options Inspector settings InputAliases and InputAutoReplacements, allowing entry by EsctxtEsc or txtSpace.
Draft : work in progress ...
This is the nearest I could reach so far, though It needs loads of enhancement, Adding it as it is hoping to get some Ideas from community. If anyone could help enhance it further, Or suggest any Idea, It would really be appreciated.
ruleOfRule[list_] := Map[Rule[#, #] &, list];
GraphPlot ## {{"A" -> "B", "B" -> "C", "C" -> "A"},
options}, {{options, {}}, ruleOfRule[Options[GraphPlot]]},
ControlType -> CheckboxBar]