How can I forbid minimization in AwesomeWM 4.2? - awesome-wm

I use awesomewm 4.2 and I would like to keep windows from ever minimizing. I have experimented with the request::activate, raised, and lowered signals and none of them fire when clients minimize themselves. Ideas?

Untested, but I would expect this to work:
client.connect_signal("property::minimized", function(c)
c.minimized = false


enforce-guard fails in Zelcore and XWallet

Whenever I call a function that has (enforce-guard some-guard) from X-wallet or Zelcore it always fails with the error Keyset failure (keys-all)
I have no issues when doing this from Chainweaver
How to fix this
This is an issue if you are also providing capabilities with your request.
To fix this, you will need to put enforce-guard within a capability too.
So you will need to do something like
(defcap VERIFY_GUARD (some-guard:guard)
(enforce-guard some-guard)
And wherever you would call enforce-guard , you will then need to do
(with-capability (VERIFY_GAURD some-guard)
; Guarded code here
Why does this happen?
Chainweaver allows you to select unrestricted signing keys, which provides a key/guard for enforce-guard to work with.
However X-Wallet and Zelcore don't provide this if capabilities present on the request (otherwise they do).
It is probably better practice to add enforce-guard into capabilities anyways and use require-capability in places where you expect the guard to pass.

Client doesn't have a name/class at startup

I'm trying to start an application (Spotify) on a particular tag. Rules aren't applied and now I'm inspecting the client class by printing the class in a notification in the "manage" signal. This results in an empty notification.
client.connect_signal("manage", function (c, startup)
When I restart awesome, it does print the client class, so why isn't it working when the client is initially started?
Using xprop, it also prints the class:
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "spotify", "Spotify"
Sounds like a bug in Spotify (and I think I heard about this one before). I would guess that Spotify does not follow ICCCM and only sets its WM_CLASS property after it made its window visible and not before.
I fear that you cannot do much about this except for complaining to Spotify devs to fix their stuff.
You could work around this by starting a timer in the manage signal that checks if a window turns out to be spotify a short time later. Alternatively, you could do something like client.connect_signal("property::class", function(c) if c.class == "Spotify" then print("This is now a spotify window") end end) to react to change to a window's class (of course you'd want to do something more useful to Spotify's windows than printing them).
(Per the ICCCM, a window is not allowed to change its class while it is visible, but who cares about standards...)
I had a similar issue with the claws-mail client. Inspecting it via xprop, it shows
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "claws-mail", "Claws-mail"
but awesome just did’t apply the rules for it. The trick was giving awesome-wm both of these class names in the rules section by providing a set of characters to chose from:
rule = {class = "[Cc]laws%-mail"}
I hope this works for your spotify application, too.
For further reading about patterns in lua I suggest this:

How to check if Telnet connection is still established? using telnetlib

I'd like to check if a connection using the telnetlib is still up.
The way I do it is to send a ls command and check the answer, but I'm sure there must be a smoother solution.
I've got the idea from here, so kudos to them, the code could be something like this
def check_alive(telnet_object):
if telnet_object.sock:
telnet_object.sock.send(telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.NOP)
telnet_object.sock.send(telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.NOP)
telnet_object.sock.send(telnetlib.IAC + telnetlib.NOP)
return True
the idea is pretty simple:
if the close() was called .sock will be 0, so we do nothing
otherwise, we try to send something harmless, that should not interact with what ever the underlying service is, the IAC + NOP was a good candidate. LaterEdit: seems that doing the send only once is not enough, so I just did it 3 times, it's not very professional I know, but ... "if it looks stupid, but it works ... than it's not stupid"
if everything goes well we get to the "return True" thous we get our answer, otherwise, the exception will get ignored, and, as there's no return, we will get a None as a response
I've used this method for both direct and proxied(SocksiPy) connections against a couple of Cisco routers

How to read any keypress in interactive R (e.g. cursor-up or shift)?

How do you read any arbitrary keypress in R (interactive-mode), such as cursor-up or shift, and return the actual key(s) pressed?
Ideally in a device-independent, OS-independent way (I'm on Mac OS 10.8.x)
I'm talking about reading any actual arbitrary keypress including cursor-keys or modifier-keys, so scan() and readline() won't do it - cursor-keys get intercepted by the interactive console. And not just waiting for a keypress.
It's not clear this is easy or device-independent. I looked at documentation:
interactive(), options('device'), R_INTERACTIVE_DEVICE, R_DEFAULT_DEVICE
I read R-internals, which says "a graphics device... can handle requests/opportunities to take action such as... wait for an event, for example a mouse click or keypress." but it doesn't say much more.
I tried grDevices::getGraphicsEvent() but got:
> getGraphicsEvent('waiting for cursor keys', onKeybd=function(key) { print(key) } )
Error in setGraphicsEventEnv(which, as.environment(list(...))) :
this graphics device does not support event handling
It seems like if you dig deep enough you could use a toolkit-specific and/or OS-specific hack, e.g. with Quartz. This guy suggests Sudoku::playSudoku(), which uses Quartz to handle mouse and key input. I have Quartz. But a Quartz-specific solution won't work on Windows. This all seems quite messy.
Can someone please demystify all this?

IE response.redirect

I ran into an extremely odd issue with IE today. IE fails every time I try to do a response.redirect more than ten times! Of course, the page works fine in FF and Chrome. Has anyone else experienced something like this?
Here are some code snippets to make sure I am not doing anything blatantly wrong...
if ( iDomain < ubound(aDomain) ) then
Response.Redirect "/home/login/a_logout.asp?site=" & strSite & "&domain=" & iDomain+1 & "&l=" & ilogout & "&s=" &sSid
end if
Dim aDomain(10)
aDomain(0) = ""
aDomain(1) = ""
aDomain(2) = ""
aDomain(3) = ""
aDomain(4) = ""
aDomain(5) = ""
'aDomain(5) = ""
aDomain(6) = ""
aDomain(7) = ""
'aDomain(8) = ""
'aDomain(9) = ""
aDomain(8) = ""
aDomain(9) = ""
Removed context sensitive data.
Let me know if you need any other info. Thanks!
This is the default behaviour to prevent a user from being looped back to the same page infinitely.
IE8s limit is 10 requests to the same page, Chrome and FireFox I believe are 20.
And no, a different querystring doesn't constitute a new page as I found out myself.
I would highly suggest that you change this. Redirecting multiple times is a pretty bad idea.
Instead, just run whatever code is being run by your a_logout page locally. I'm assuming your clearing several cookies. Go ahead and resend all of the appropriate cookies with blank data and an expires yesterday time.
Redirecting so often is blatantly wrong. The ideal maximum number of redirects is 1. In practice it can be a lot easier to do certain tasks if you allow for more than that, but anywhere more than 5 redirects happen should be considered a bug (more than 1 on the same server or more than 3 that crosses to another server should be considered sub-optimal, but not urgent to fix).
Browsers can't depend upon servers never doing anything blatantly wrong, so after a few goes they give up to save the user from the server. Sometimes user-agents don't protect themselves in this way (not serious browsers, but it's an easy mistake to make writing a simple piece of HTTP client code). It isn't pretty.
To demonstrate just how bad this can be, consider a case where the handler for /somePath/?id=1 redirects to /somePath/?id=2 which redirects to /somePath/?id=3 and so on. For all the server knows, you've just got a more obscure version of that, and will never stop redirecting.
