Proctect my app next js or nodejs type script API - next.js

first of all, thanks by the support!
I'm just getting to know if there is an npm package or a tool in order to protect my next js or node js (typescript) app...
For example, the use of an obfuscate tool ? or
license key like keygen SAAS app - ?
Can someone give me an idea?
Thanks in advance

I believe this could help
Get an exe of next js app.
Have someone tried?

I have use
And made pkg app.js and it will create 3 binary files
I execute on this way ./app-so
Now I want to deploy to heroku...
can someone have an idea?
Carlos Vieira


How to start writing a corda application from scratch?

I am new to Corda and started working on 1 project. This will be a normal project. I want to know how should I start, how to create the project, what dependencies should I use and all. I know the details about the State/Contract and Flow. All I want to know is where to start from.
Please let e know your response.
Thanks in advance!!
You should use one of the CorDapp templates:
These show you how to set up your project using Gradle.
You can then extend the template by following the Hello, World! tutorial here.

symfony3 vendor's console commands not available

I just created a new symfony3.2.6. project and added a few vendors (FOS User Bundle, Propel2 and Twig) but no new console seem to be available. At least I do not see any of them when using 'app/console' or 'bin/console' command.
/app/autoload.php is loaded from the console-file which also seems to load the /vendor/autoload.php file.
Are you able to give me a hint on what I might have done wrong?
Thanks a lot!
figured it out. The problem was a wrong version-requirement description on THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!!

Piwik: There are no commands defined in the “generate” namespace?

I want to create plugin as the introduction told. Adding a new API module, but I got this error.
Any idea to solve this problem?
Please make sure to enable development mode:
./console development:enable

How to start controller in OpenDaylight Helium (Karaf based)?

I've downloaded the software and have run ./bin/karaf
what is the further procedure?
How to start controller? I want to use REST APIs to add flow entries.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Follow this link:
install the necessary features
open the dlux web page using (odl ip address:8181/dlux/ndex.html)
there you can find the services which you want.

Has anyone created a TypeScript definition file for ractivejs?

I am working with ractivejs in a large team project where all of our client side javascript is created using TypeScript. I am wondering if anyone else has run in to the need for a TypeScript definition file for ractivejs? Thanks for any replies.
I have now started create a ractive.d.ts :)
