symfony3 vendor's console commands not available - symfony

I just created a new symfony3.2.6. project and added a few vendors (FOS User Bundle, Propel2 and Twig) but no new console seem to be available. At least I do not see any of them when using 'app/console' or 'bin/console' command.
/app/autoload.php is loaded from the console-file which also seems to load the /vendor/autoload.php file.
Are you able to give me a hint on what I might have done wrong?
Thanks a lot!

figured it out. The problem was a wrong version-requirement description on THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!!


Why can't I publish the project?

So I'm trying to publish a project to a local folder, which normally works. But as soon as I get contents from another site to implement the new update into it, it fails. There are no errors what so ever, and in the suggested tmp-file, it says to check the output window. I am using Umbraco Version 7.15.5.
Thank you for your help in advance!
The error:
The tmp-file:
The output-window:
The Error List:
Please make Delete existing file as False. Delete the files manually and check.

Proctect my app next js or nodejs type script API

first of all, thanks by the support!
I'm just getting to know if there is an npm package or a tool in order to protect my next js or node js (typescript) app...
For example, the use of an obfuscate tool ? or
license key like keygen SAAS app - ?
Can someone give me an idea?
Thanks in advance
I believe this could help
Get an exe of next js app.
Have someone tried?
I have use
And made pkg app.js and it will create 3 binary files
I execute on this way ./app-so
Now I want to deploy to heroku...
can someone have an idea?
Carlos Vieira

Piwik: There are no commands defined in the “generate” namespace?

I want to create plugin as the introduction told. Adding a new API module, but I got this error.
Any idea to solve this problem?
Please make sure to enable development mode:
./console development:enable

PhPUnit & Atlassian Bamboo

I am new here. How to configure PHP UNIT with Bamboo? Any Idea, I wasn't able to find out a proper documentation for this.
Thank you in advance
It would be better if you do little research about your problem and then post a more precise problem here.
Here you go:
While setting Executable path you have to set path as: path/to/executable(phpunit folder).cmd
and not just:
path/to/executable(phpunit folder)

Symfony2 install ChillDevProxyTemplatingBundle - Cannot import resource

i´ve just installed the ChillDevProxyTemplating Bundle for symfony2, described here:
My templates was rennamed correctly by the bundle (from 'default' to 'php'), but when i try to call my controller I get the following error:
Cannot import resource "." from (...)app/cache/dev/assetic/routing.yml". (The following loader(s) are not registered: default).
Has anyone an idea how to fix??
Thanks a lot !
As explained here:
You might just need to install ChillDevViewHelpersBundle to get it working.
I previously added answer to this question, but it was removed by moderator since my reputation was not high enough to post a comment.
But now thanks to support of community I was able to investigate this problem:
It's now fixed :). Thank you for pointing the problem.
The problem was, that Assetic, in dev environment tries to parse all the templates based on templating engine name so it needs loader for each templating engine - of course for "default" there was no loader and thus caused an exception.
