Getting Data in a single row into multiple rows - r

I have a code where I see which people work in certain groups. When I ask the leader of each group to present those who work for them, in a survey, I get a row of all of the team members. What I need is to clean the data into multiple rows with their group information.
I don't know where to start.
This is what my data frame looks like,
LeaderName <- c('John','Jane','Louis','Carl')
Group <- c('3','1','4','2')
Member1 <- c('Lucy','Stephanie','Chris','Leslie')
Member1ID <- c('1','2','3','4')
Member2 <- c('Earl','Carlos','Devon','Francis')
Member2ID <- c('5','6','7','8')
Member3 <- c('Luther','Peter','','Severus')
Member3ID <- c('9','10','','11')
GroupInfo <- data.frame(LeaderName, Group, Member1, Member1ID, Member2 ,Member2ID, Member3, Member3ID)
This is what I would like it to show with a certain code
LeaderName_ <- c('John','Jane','Louis','Carl','John','Jane','Louis','Carl','John','Jane','','Carl')
Group_ <- c('3','1','4','2','3','1','4','2','3','1','','2')
Member <- c('Lucy','Stephanie','Chris','Leslie','Earl','Carlos','Devon','Francis','Luther','Peter','','Severus')
MemberID <- c('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','10','','11')
ActualGroupInfor <- data.frame(LeaderName_,Group_,Member,MemberID)

An option would be melt from data.table and specify the column name patterns in the measure parameter
melt(setDT(GroupInfo), measure = patterns("^Member\\d+$",
"^Member\\d+ID$"), = c("Member", "MemberID"))[, variable := NULL][]
# LeaderName Group Member MemberID
# 1: John 3 Lucy 1
# 2: Jane 1 Stephanie 2
# 3: Louis 4 Chris 3
# 4: Carl 2 Leslie 4
# 5: John 3 Earl 5
# 6: Jane 1 Carlos 6
# 7: Louis 4 Devon 7
# 8: Carl 2 Francis 8
# 9: John 3 Luther 9
#10: Jane 1 Peter 10
#11: Louis 4
#12: Carl 2 Severus 11

Here is a solution in base r:
idvar=c("LeaderName", "Group"),
Member=which(names(GroupInfo) %in% grep("^Member[0-9]$",names(GroupInfo),value=TRUE)),
MemberID=which(names(GroupInfo) %in% grep("^Member[0-9]ID",names(GroupInfo),value=TRUE))),
v.names = c("Member","MemberID"),
#> LeaderName Group Member MemberID
#> John.3.1 John 3 Lucy 1
#> Jane.1.1 Jane 1 Stephanie 2
#> Louis.4.1 Louis 4 Chris 3
#> Carl.2.1 Carl 2 Leslie 4
#> John.3.2 John 3 Earl 5
#> Jane.1.2 Jane 1 Carlos 6
#> Louis.4.2 Louis 4 Devon 7
#> Carl.2.2 Carl 2 Francis 8
#> John.3.3 John 3 Luther 9
#> Jane.1.3 Jane 1 Peter 10
#> Louis.4.3 Louis 4
#> Carl.2.3 Carl 2 Severus 11
Created on 2019-05-23 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)


Reshaping a dataset of patients with different numbers of diagnosis from long to wide [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to reshape data from long to wide format
(14 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am a beginner, confronted with a big task and all the typical long to wide reshaping tools I found using the search function did not really do the job for me. I would be glad if someone could help me.
I try to achieve the following:
I have patientdata in which every patient has a unique patient number but multiple stays in hospital have lead to multiple cases per person. I want to work with these cases. Problem is, I have all the diagnoses per case but not everybody has the same number of diagnosis and I don't know how to tell R to create a new dagnosis (and date of diagnosis) variable each time there is already a diagnosis. Every help is highly appreciated!
So, I have a huge dataset that looks roughly like that:
Patient Case Diagnosis DateOfDiagnosis
1 John Doe 1 A 2010-10-10
2 John Doe 1 B 2010-10-10
3 John Doe 1 C 2010-10-10
4 Peter Griffin 2 D 2010-10-11
5 Peter Griffin 2 E 2010-10-11
6 Homer Simpson 3 F 2010-10-12
7 Homer Simpson 4 G 2010-10-13
I need row by case and I need all the diagnosis and their dates in separate variables. This would be no problem but there is no pattern in the cases or diagnosis so some patients have only one case others 5 and some cases have 1 others 5 diagnoses with respective date.
So what I need looks like this:
Patient Case Diag1 DateOfDiag1 Diag2 DateOfDiag2 Diag3 DateOfDiag3 ....
1 John Doe 1 A 2010-10-10 B 2010-10-10 C 2010-10-10
2 Peter Grif 2 D 2010-10-11 E 2010-10-11 NA NA
3 Homer Simp 3 F 2010-10-12 NA NA NA NA
4 Homer Simp 4 G 2010-10-13 NA NA NA NA
The code for my example is:
Patient <- c('John Doe','John Doe','John Doe', 'Peter Griffin','Peter Griffin', 'Homer Simpson', 'Homer Simpson')
Case <- c(1,1,1,2,2,3,4)
Diagnosis <- c('A','B','C','D','E','F','G')
DateOfDiagnosis <- as.Date(c('2010-10-10','2010-10-10','2010-10-10','2010-10-11','2010-10-11','2010-10-12','2010-10-13'))
df<-data.frame(Patient, Case, Diagnosis, DateOfDiagnosis)
Every help is highly appreciated!
Kind regards,
You could use pivot_wider, after creating a unique column.
df %>%
group_by(Patient, Case) %>%
mutate(row = row_number()) %>%
pivot_wider(values_from = c(Diagnosis, DateOfDiagnosis), names_from = row)
# Patient Case Diagnosis_1 Diagnosis_2 Diagnosis_3 DateOfDiagnosis_1 DateOfDiagnosis_2 DateOfDiagnosis_3
# <fct> <dbl> <fct> <fct> <fct> <date> <date> <date>
#1 John Doe 1 A B C 2010-10-10 2010-10-10 2010-10-10
#2 Peter Griffin 2 D E NA 2010-10-11 2010-10-11 NA
#3 Homer Simpson 3 F NA NA 2010-10-12 NA NA
#4 Homer Simpson 4 G NA NA 2010-10-13 NA NA

Find dynamic intervals per group with Sparklyr

I have a huge (~10 billion rows) data.frame that looks a bit like this :
data <- data.frame(Person = c(rep("John", 9), rep("Steve", 7), rep("Jane", 4)),
Year = c(1900:1908, 1902:1908, 1905:1908),
Grade = c(c(6,3,4,4,8,5,2,9,7), c(4,3,5,5,6,4,7), c(3,7,2,9)) )
It's a set of 3 Persons, observed at different Years and we have their Grade for the Year in question. I would like to create a variable which, for each grade, returns "a simplified grade". The simplified grade is simply the Grade cutted in different intervals.
The difficulty is that the intervals are different by Person.
To get the intervals thresholds by Person, I have the following list :
list.threshold <- list(John = c(5,7), Steve = 4, Jane = c(3,5,8))
So the grades of Steve will be cutted in 2 intervals but the ones of Jane in 4 intervals.
Here are the results wanted (SimpleGrade) :
Person Year Grade SimpleGrade
1: John 1900 6 1
2: John 1901 3 0
3: John 1902 4 0
4: John 1903 4 0
5: John 1904 8 2
6: John 1905 5 1
7: John 1906 2 0
8: John 1907 9 2
9: John 1908 7 2
10: Steve 1902 4 1
11: Steve 1903 3 0
12: Steve 1904 5 1
13: Steve 1905 5 1
14: Steve 1906 6 1
15: Steve 1907 4 1
16: Steve 1908 7 1
17: Jane 1905 3 1
18: Jane 1906 7 2
19: Jane 1907 2 0
20: Jane 1908 9 3
I will have to find a solution in sparklyr because I'm working with a huge spark table.
In dplyr I would do something like this :
data <- group_by(data, Person) %>%
mutate(SimpleGrade = cut(Grade, breaks = c(-Inf, list.threshold[[unique(Person)]], Inf), labels = FALSE, right = TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE) - 1)
It works but I'm having trouble converting this solution in sparklyr because of the fact that the thresholds are different per Person. I think I will have to use the ft_bucketizer function. Where I am so far with sparklyr :
spark_tbl <- group_by(spark_tbl, Person) %>%
ft_bucketizer(input_col = "Grade",
output_col = "SimpleGrade",
splits = c(-Inf, list.threshold[["John"]], Inf))
spark_tbl is only the spark table equivalent of data.
It works if I don't change the thresholds and use only the ones of John for example.
Thanks a lot, Tom C.
Spark ML Bucketizer can be used only for global operations so it won't work for you. Instead you can create a reference table
ref <- purrr::map2(names(list.threshold),
function(name, brks) purrr::map2(
c("-Infinity", brks), c(brks, "Infinity"),
function(low, high) list(
name = name,
low = low,
high = high))) %>%
purrr::flatten() %>%
bind_rows() %>%
group_by(name) %>%
arrange(low, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
mutate(simple_grade = row_number() - 1) %>%
copy_to(sc, .) %>%
mutate_at(vars(one_of("low", "high")), as.numeric)
# Source: spark<?> [?? x 4]
name low high simple_grade
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Jane -Inf 3 0
2 Jane 3 5 1
3 Jane 5 8 2
4 Jane 8 Inf 3
5 John -Inf 5 0
6 John 5 7 1
7 John 7 Inf 2
8 Steve -Inf 4 0
9 Steve 4 Inf 1
and then left_join it with the data table:
sdf <- copy_to(sc, data)
simplified <- left_join(sdf, ref, by=c("Person" = "name")) %>%
filter(Grade >= low & Grade < High) %>%
select(-low, -high)
# Source: spark<?> [?? x 4]
Person Year Grade simple_grade
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 John 1900 6 1
2 John 1901 3 0
3 John 1902 4 0
4 John 1903 4 0
5 John 1904 8 2
6 John 1905 5 1
7 John 1906 2 0
8 John 1907 9 2
9 John 1908 7 2
10 Steve 1902 4 1
# … with more rows
simplified %>% dbplyr::remote_query_plan()
== Physical Plan ==
*(2) Project [Person#132, Year#133, Grade#134, simple_grade#15]
+- *(2) BroadcastHashJoin [Person#132], [name#12], Inner, BuildRight, ((Grade#134 >= low#445) && (Grade#134 < high#446))
:- *(2) Filter (isnotnull(Grade#134) && isnotnull(Person#132))
: +- InMemoryTableScan [Person#132, Year#133, Grade#134], [isnotnull(Grade#134), isnotnull(Person#132)]
: +- InMemoryRelation [Person#132, Year#133, Grade#134], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
: +- Scan ExistingRDD[Person#132,Year#133,Grade#134]
+- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(input[0, string, true]))
+- *(1) Project [name#12, cast(low#13 as double) AS low#445, cast(high#14 as double) AS high#446, simple_grade#15]
+- *(1) Filter ((isnotnull(name#12) && isnotnull(cast(high#14 as double))) && isnotnull(cast(low#13 as double)))
+- InMemoryTableScan [high#14, low#13, name#12, simple_grade#15], [isnotnull(name#12), isnotnull(cast(high#14 as double)), isnotnull(cast(low#13 as double))]
+- InMemoryRelation [name#12, low#13, high#14, simple_grade#15], StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas)
+- Scan ExistingRDD[name#12,low#13,high#14,simple_grade#15]

gather() and unite() in tidyr

I am running into a bit of a wall using the gather() and unite() functions from tidyr.
This example is the intended output
# sample Data
> wide_df
col A B C
1 X 1 2 3
2 Y 4 5 6
> gather(wide_df, my_key, my_val, -col)
col my_key my_val
1 X A 1
2 Y A 4
3 X B 2
4 Y B 5
5 X C 3
6 Y C 6
However, using my actual data, I get a different result.
# Actual Data
col Too_demanding Cost_Too_High Prefer_Stay_ParentHome
1 Austin NA NA Prefer_Stay_ParentHome
2 Austin Too_demanding NA NA
reasons <-gather(Austin_Parent_Pulse_Survey, reasonsWhy,High_Childcare_Cost:Other_Stay_At_Home)
Then I get this output
# A tibble: 30,900 x 2
reasonsWhy `High_Childcare_Cost:Other_Stay_At_Home`
<chr> <chr>
1 Austin Yes
2 Austin Yes
3 Austin Yes
4 Austin Yes
5 Austin Yes
6 Austin Yes
What am I doing wrong?
I want my actual output to look like the sample output.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
I would like to get this type of output
# Intended Output
Respondent Reasons
1 Austin High_Childcare_Cost
2 Austin Other_Stay_At_Home
3 Austin Too_demanding
4 Austin Too_demanding
5 Austin High_Childcare_Cost
6 Austin Other_Stay_At_Home
You have to put how you call (database, attribute_name, value_variable_name, columns you collect), looks like you miss to name value_variable_name. Below is example based on iris
reasons <- gather(iris,
reasonsWhy, Value,

Erasing duplicates with NA values

I have a data frame like this:
names <- c('Mike','Mike','Mike','John','John','John','David','David','David','David')
dates <- c('04-26','04-26','04-27','04-28','04-27','04-26','04-01','04-02','04-02','04-03')
values <- c(NA,1,2,4,5,6,1,2,NA,NA)
test <- data.frame(names,dates,values)
Which is:
names dates values
1 Mike 04-26 NA
2 Mike 04-26 1
3 Mike 04-27 2
4 John 04-28 4
5 John 04-27 5
6 John 04-26 6
7 David 04-01 1
8 David 04-02 2
9 David 04-02 NA
10 David 04-03 NA
I'd like to get rid of duplicates with NA values. So, in this case, I have a valid observation from Mike on 04-26 and also have a valid observation from David on 04-02, so rows 1 and 9 should be erased and I will end up with:
names dates values
1 Mike 04-26 1
2 Mike 04-27 2
3 John 04-28 4
4 John 04-27 5
5 John 04-26 6
6 David 04-01 1
7 David 04-02 2
8 David 04-03 NA
I tried to use duplicated function, something like this:
But that does not work since some NA values come before the valid value. Do you have any suggestions without trying things like merge or making another data frame?
Update: I'd like to keep rows with NA that are not duplicates.
What about this way?
test %>% group_by(names, dates) %>% filter((n()>=2 & ! | n()==1)
Source: local data frame [8 x 3]
Groups: names, dates [8]
names dates values
(fctr) (fctr) (dbl)
1 Mike 04-26 1
2 Mike 04-27 2
3 John 04-28 4
4 John 04-27 5
5 John 04-26 6
6 David 04-01 1
7 David 04-02 2
8 David 04-03 NA
Here is an attempt in data.table:
# set up
# construct condition
test[, dupes := max(duplicated(.SD)), .SDcols=c("names", "dates"), by=c("names", "dates")]
# print out result
test[dupes == 0 | !,]
Here is a similar method using base R, except that the dupes variable is kept separately from the data.frame:
dupes <- duplicated(test[c("names", "dates")])
# this generates warnings, but works nonetheless
dupes <- ave(dupes, test$names, test$dates, FUN=max)
# print out result
test[dupes == 0 | !$values),]
If there are duplicated rows where the values variable is NA, and these duplicates add nothing to the data, then you can drop them prior to running the code above:
testNoNADupes <- test[!(duplicated(test) &$values)),]
This should work based on your sample.
test <- test[order(test$values),]
test <- test[!(duplicated(test$names) & duplicated(test$dates) &$values)),]

In R: add rows based on a date and another condition

I have a data frame df:
df <- data.frame(names=c("john","mary","tom"),dates=c(as.Date("2010-06-01"),as.Date("2010-07-09"),as.Date("2010-06-01")),tours_missed=c(2,12,6))
names dates tours_missed
john 2010-06-01 2
mary 2010-07-09 12
tom 2010-06-01 6
I want to be able to add a row with the dates the person missed. There are 2 tours every day the person works. Each person works every 4 days.
The result should be (though the order doesn't matter):
names dates tours_missed
john 2010-06-01 2
mary 2010-07-09 12
mary 2010-07-13 12
mary 2010-07-17 12
mary 2010-07-21 12
mary 2010-07-25 12
mary 2010-07-29 12
tom 2010-06-01 6
tom 2010-06-05 6
tom 2010-06-09 6
I have already tried looking at these topics but was unable to produce the above result: Add rows to a data frame based on date in previous row, In R: Add rows with data of previous row to data frame, add new row to dataframe, enter link description here. Thanks for your help!
dt = # or convert in-place using setDT
# all of the relevant dates
dates.all = dt[, seq(dates, length = tours_missed/2, by = "4 days"), by = names]
# set the key and merge filling in the blanks with previous observation
setkey(dt, names, dates)
dt[dates.all, roll = T]
# names dates tours_missed
# 1: john 2010-06-01 2
# 2: mary 2010-07-09 12
# 3: mary 2010-07-13 12
# 4: mary 2010-07-17 12
# 5: mary 2010-07-21 12
# 6: mary 2010-07-25 12
# 7: mary 2010-07-29 12
# 8: tom 2010-06-01 6
# 9: tom 2010-06-05 6
#10: tom 2010-06-09 6
Or if merging is unnecessary (not quite clear from OP), just construct the answer:
dt[, list(dates = seq(dates, length = tours_missed/2, by = "4 days"), tours_missed)
, by = names]
