Change Browser language or project language to test localisation - symfony

this is my first time of developing with translation service.
I implemented it, seems to be working, but how can I test other languages?
Can I change the default language in my symfony project?
Or can I change the language transfered to my project via the browser?
(I only found the settings to change browser GUI language)

you can also do it inside controller using the session like this:
* Switch language
* #Route("/switchLanguage/{locale}/", name="switch_language")
* #param Request $request
* #param string $locale
* #return RedirectResponse
public function switchLanguageAction(Request $request, $locale): RedirectResponse
$request->attributes->set('_locale', null);
$this->get('session')->set('_locale', $locale);
return $this->redirect($request->headers->get('referer'));

Yes of course you can there is few approach for translation.
If you want save your project translation data in your database you must create entities for data translation and after that you can use global sql filter for selecting data each language.
And you can read about Symfony Translation Component.
For changing project language you can write listener.
like this
public function onKernelRequest(GetResponseEvent $event)
/** Set language parameter*/
$lang = $event->getRequest()->query->get('lang', 'en'); //this is optional you can write another code for getting language.
This example if you want to set each request language.
Read symfony translation component documentation there are more useful things.


defines manually routes using Symfony2

I've set up my entities, now I want to
use the doctrine:generate:crud, during this command it asks what route
prefix I would like. I would expect that this means that the routes
would automatically be generate, this is not happening. So I need to
know if it is supposed to generate the routes, or if I'm supposed to
create them all manually? If it is the case that I need to generate
them manually is there a route class, to define all the routes for the
CRUD operations?
When you generate a CRUD with Symfony, it will ask you to choose a configuration format.
By default, it's annotation. If you haven't changed it, then your routes are in the entity controller, as annotation.
In the example below, you can see the #Route anotation, which is how to define the URL in anotation.
* Finds and displays a user entity.
* #Route("/user/{id}", name="user_show")
* #Method("GET")
* #param User $user
* #return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
public function showAction(User $user) {
return $this->render('security/show.html.twig', array(
In the end, it's not that "It didn't happen", it's simply and most likely that you haven't read some doc, and didn't knew about it... ;)
Symfony doc: Routing

Can I implement my own Symfony2 annotations easily?

Is there anything in the Symfony annotations modules that allow me to use them for other uses?
I know for #Route and #Method you need to extend existing libraries, so its just not that easy i'm guessing.
Currently, i'm working with the JS History API, and would LOVE to put the popState data for my JS files in the annotations. So they are already available when the routing generates the URL.
Q Doesn't this makes sense to have a, HTML5 annotated title, or some attribute here? It would be great to have the ability to define this data, as annotated, right next to the already existing route name and stuff.
Q Is there anybody that has tweaked with the annotations before?
I wanted to clarify my intentions here as I think I left out some crucial details (the mention of History API) for understanding my use case.
There is a few SPA front ends that have been integrated through a front-end bundle, and this connected via AJAX calls to a backend bundle which was a straight RESTful API, with the addition of a very fun-to-develop PHP API class I made that intereprets and processes (routes) the AJAX in a fashion that directly executes other PHP class controller `methods.
I use a lot of ajax for this Symfony 2 app (fosjsrouter) to handle routing. So instead of URLs triggering the routes and actions, the SPA click event fires off AJAX to the back end router, with a large JSON payload, not limited to PHP control parameter's (class/method/var names), and data sets.
OK, so getting back on track; Given the above scenario; In the JS class object end of the router, inside this I thought it was the best place to add some JS History API functionality to it, (state, back button, etc.)
The above class can be called if a history flag was called, which could become responsible for assigning initial state data. Primarily, this is because the JSON data object that's being around in this JS method contains already a lot of the crucial route data, and param information for that route needed in the backend PHP, which comes from the annotations.
So the idea is if I add accessibility for a history state title and URL to the annotations, then I will have access to that information right there available to define the initial state, if flagged, right inside the an ajax.done(), inside this main JS routing method.
Now we can pass state back and forth two ways between the db and realtime client-side async. You can use an observer, or anything, from there front-end, and jobs/queues on the backend to keep it fully reactive. (use React too :-))
EDIT I'm not so sure that's what I was thinking, it looks like its making me set the values of the title and url for this inside the return statement of the PHP function, where I want it set in the annotation (see return 'Matthias Noback';)
So I'm trying this, but where do I set these titles at?
namespace Blah\CoreBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
* #Annotation
class HistoryAnnotationController
//history state params are out properties here..
* #var
private $url;
* #var
private $title;
public function __construct()
* #return mixed
public function getTitle()
return $this->title;
* #return mixed
public function getUrl()
return $this->url;
I want to set it WAY back here, so the ajax that calls this route has access to it.. (look for #historyApiTitle in this code, etc..)
namespace Blah\Bundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller,
Doctrine\ORM\Query; //for hydration
class StuffController
* #Route("/some/route/name/{test}", name="some_route_name", options={"expose"=true})
* #param $test
* #return mixed
* #historyApiTitle('This is the get something page')
* #historyApiUrl('/get_something')
public function getSomethingAction($test)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$dql = "
FROM BlahBundle:Stuff s
WHERE s.test = :test";
$query = $em->createQuery($dql);
$query->setParameter('test', $test);
$paginator = $this->get('knp_paginator');
$pagination = $paginator->paginate($query,
$this->get('request')->query->get('page', 1), 1000);
return $this->render('BlahBundle:Stuff:get_something.html.twig', array('pagination' => $pagination));
Q So looking at these TWO code examples, how do I connect the dots between the two to get this to work?
Yes you can annotations classes you can follow the following tutorial Creating Custom annotations Classes
Basic rules are the follows:
Your class should have the #Annotation -phpdoc comment
* #Annotation
class CustomAnnotation
public function __construct($options) {}
In Your Needed class just use it in standard way;
class Person
* #CustomAnnotation("option")
public function getName()
return 'some stuff';
You should looks at the AOPBundle, it allows you to do treatement from your personnals annotations. But I don't thinks trying to do annotations in the view is a good idea. You need to parse the javascript with php, and it sounds bad.

Symfony 2: Static function [JMSTranslation]

I'm currently working on a project that the previous developer integrated with JMSTranslationBundle.
At this moment, I've did some modification to the application, one of them was to turn the menu to be highly dynamic. (Basically, the user logic of the application have 3 layers and each layer have their own menu).
The menu are stored into the database and accessible through the doctrine entity. To display the label, I store into the DB the "label code" which is used by JMSTranslationBundle as a key to identify it. The desc is by default empty until setted into the translation file. (editable with the _trans route).
Into the documentation of JMS, it is mentionned that one can implement TranslationContainerInterface so when the compilation of the translation file (who are XLIFF file currently) are done, each class implementing this will be called to return a list of Message objects. Here's my issue:
The function to implement is static, meaning that when call, my model Menu (who handle to logic of fetching throught Doctrine repo) is not loaded via the service manager. This means that I do not receive the repository object (since it's loaded by service and pass through the controller):
public function __construct(MenuRepository $objMenuRepo)...
The definition of the function I implements is:
static function getTranslationMessages(){ ... }
My question is: how can I obtain the doctrine (either manager or repository) within that static function . (Since this will be only called on translation initial generation and not by the site itsef, performance is not an issue I worry about).
Also: If anyone have better alternative to propose (that wouldn't involved getting rid of this translation bundle, trust me, it would take quite an amount of time right now), I'm opened to hear them.
Thank you :-)
If some of you are interested, I had to use an alternative solution.
Although it doesn't answer the question on how to use a service within a static context, it will help those who ran into the same issue I had when attempting to implement with JMSTranslation.
To implement the solution (to extract translation key from the database), I had to use the JMS\TranslationBundle\Translation\ExtractorInterface.
I have implement it under this format:
class TranslationRepositoriesExtractor implements ExtractorInterface{
//Loaded through the service container
public function __construct(EntityRepository $objRepositoryNeeded);
// Implementation of the interface ExtractorInterface.
// Within this function, I've used the EntityRepository received in the
// constructor to fetch the list of keys that would be use for translating
* #return \JMS\TranslationBundle\Model\Message[]
public function extract()
As you can notice, the extract function return an array of \JMS\TranslationBundle\Model\Message.
After implementing this function, you have to add your object as a service and make it recognizable by JMSTranslationBundle as an extractor. To do so:
<!-- Replace the id of the service, the class path, the id of the argument and the alias
named you want by the value you need in your application -->
<service id="idOrYourService" class="Path\Of\Class\TranslationRepositoriesExtractor">
<argument type="service" id="repository.needed" />
<tag name="jms_translation.extractor" alias="NameOfAlias" />
The alias tag is used within JMSTranslationBundle to recognize your class as an extractor.
Finally, when generating the files, I had to had to enable the extractor. This can be done via the config, but in my case, was done manually through the command line
php app/console translation:extract --enable-extractor=NameOfAlias en
// NameOfAlias is the same name as the one defined in the tag of your service
I hope I didn't forget any step (if so, feel free to reply in a comment and I'll update the answer).
Happy coding :-)
Using this input, I ended up coding this version of the extractor.
namespace MyBundle\Service;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use JMS\TranslationBundle\Model\Message;
use JMS\TranslationBundle\Model\MessageCatalogue;
use JMS\TranslationBundle\Translation\ExtractorInterface;
* Extracts translatable strings from Doctrine entities
* #package MyBundle\Service
class EntityTranslationExtractor implements ExtractorInterface
* #var EntityManager
private $entityManager;
* EntityTranslationExtractor constructor.
* #param EntityManager $entityManager
public function __construct(EntityManager $entityManager)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
* #return MessageCatalogue
public function extract()
$messageCatalogue = new MessageCatalogue();
// Sample portion of the extraction
$translatableEntities = $this->entityManager->getRepository('MyBundle:MyEntity')->findAll();
foreach ($translatableEntities as $entity) {
$message = new Message($entity::class .'.'. $entity->getName(). '.name');
return $messageCatalogue;

How do I create a custom exclusion strategy for JMS Serializer that allows me to make run-time decisions about whether to include a particular field?

As the title says, I am trying to make a run-time decision on whether or not to include fields in the serialization. In my case, this decision will be based on permissions.
I am using Symfony 2, so what I'm looking to do is add an additional annotation called #ExcludeIf which accepts a security expression.
I can handle the annotation parsing and storing of the meta data, but I am not able to see how to integrate a custom exclusion strategy with the library.
Any suggestions?
Note: exclusion strategies are an actual construct in the JMS codebase, I just haven't been able to figure out the best way to integrate an extra on top of the others
PS: I had asked about this before and was pointed to using groups. For various reasons this is a very poor solution for my needs.
You just have to create a class that implements JMS\Serializer\Exclusion\ExclusionStrategyInterface
namespace JMS\Serializer\Exclusion;
use JMS\Serializer\Metadata\ClassMetadata;
use JMS\Serializer\Metadata\PropertyMetadata;
use JMS\Serializer\Context;
interface ExclusionStrategyInterface
* Whether the class should be skipped.
* #param ClassMetadata $metadata
* #return boolean
public function shouldSkipClass(ClassMetadata $metadata, Context $context);
* Whether the property should be skipped.
* #param PropertyMetadata $property
* #return boolean
public function shouldSkipProperty(PropertyMetadata $property, Context $context);
In your case, you can implement your own custom logic in the shouldSkipProperty method and always return false for shouldSkipClass.
Example of implementation can be found in the JMS/Serializer repository
We will reference the created service as acme.my_exclusion_strategy_service below.
In your controller action:
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use JMS\Serializer\SerializationContext;
// ....
$context = SerializationContext::create()
$serial = $this->get('jms_serializer')->serialize($object, 'json', $context);
return new Response($serial, Response::HTTP_OK, array('Content-Type' => 'application/json'));
Or if you are using FOSRestBundle
use FOS\RestBundle\View;
use JMS\Serializer\SerializationContext;
// ....
$context = SerializationContext::create()
$view = new View($object);
// or you can create your own view factory that handles the creation
// of the context for you
return $this->get('fos_rest.view_handler')->handle($view);
As of jms/serializer 1.4.0, the symfony expression language is integrated in its core.
The feature is documented at and this allows to use runtime exclusion strategies.
An example taken from the documentation is:
class MyObject
* #Exclude(if="service('user_manager_service').getSomeRuntimeData(object)")
private $name;
* #Expose(if="service('request_stack').getCurrent().has('foo')")
private $name2;
I this example, the services user_manager_service and request_stack are invoked at runtime, and depending on the return (true or false), the property will be exposed or not.
With the same expression language, as of 1.6.0 is possible also to use virtual properties via expression language.
Documented at allows to add on the fly data coming from external services

Using convention over configuration in Symfony2 controllers/views

I have the following Symfony controller:
* Says thanks to the user for signing up.
* #Route("/thanks", name="user")
* #Template()
public function thanksAction()
return $this->render('VNNPressboxBundle:User:thanks.html.twig');
If I don't include the return statement, I get an error saying the controller must return a response. It's interesting that I have to manually specify which template my action needs to use, considering Symfony could easily figure that out based on my controller and action. Plus that's how Symfony 1.x worked.
I have to imagine that I'm missing something. It doesn't seem like they would apply the convention over configuration concept in Symfony 1.x and then abandon it in Symfony >= 2.0.
Is it possible to tell Symfony to figure out which template to use based on my controller and action, and if so, how?
You have to return something. You're using #Template annotation so you don't have to render the response but you still have to return an array of parameters for the template (in your case empty):
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Template;
* Says thanks to the user for signing up.
* #Route("/thanks", name="user")
* #Template()
public function thanksAction()
return array();
Read more on #Template annotation in the docs:
P.S. Don't compare symfony 1.x to Symfony 2.x. These are two different frameworks. Symfony 2 favors being explicit over magic.
Return an array. In your case it'll be an empty array, but normally you would fill it with variables you want to pass to a template.
