I want to select the top 10 voted restaurants, and plot them together.
So i want to create a plot that shows the restaurant names and their votes.
I used:
topTenVotes <- top_n(dataSet, 10, Votes)
and it showed me data of the columns in dataset based on the top 10 highest votes, however i want just the number of votes and restaurant names.
My Question is how to select only the top 10 highest votes and their restaurant names, and plotting them together?
expected output:
Restaurant Names Votes
A 300
B 250
C 230
D 220
E 210
F 205
G 200
H 194
I 160
J 120
K 34
And then a bar plot that shows these restaurant names and their votes
Another simple approach with base functions creating another variable:
df <- data.frame(Names = LETTERS, Votes = sample(40:400, length(LETTERS)))
x <- df$Votes
names(x) <- df$Names # x <- setNames(df$Votes, df$Names) is another approach
barplot(sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)[1:10], xlab = "Restaurant Name", ylab = "Votes")
Or a one-line solution with base functions:
barplot(sort(xtabs(Votes ~ Names, df), decreasing = TRUE)[1:10], xlab = "Restaurant Names")
I'm not seeing a data set to use, so here's a minimal example to show how it might work:
df <-
restaurant = c("res1", "res2", "res3", "res4"),
votes = c(2, 5, 8, 6)
df %>%
arrange(-votes) %>%
head(3) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = reorder(restaurant, votes), y = votes)) +
geom_col() +
The top_n command also works in this case but is designed for grouped data.
Its more efficient, though less readable, to use base functions:
#toy data
d <- data.frame(list(Names = sample(LETTERS, size = 15), value = rnorm(25, 10, n = 15)))
Names value
1 D 25.592749
2 B 28.362303
3 H 1.576343
4 L 28.718517
5 S 27.648078
6 Y 29.364797
#reorder by, and retain, the top 10
newdata <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:10) {
newdata <- rbind(newdata,d[which(d$value == sort(d$value, decreasing = T)[1:10][i]),])
Names value
8 W 45.11330
13 K 36.50623
14 P 31.33122
15 T 30.28397
6 Y 29.36480
7 Q 29.29337
4 L 28.71852
10 Z 28.62501
2 B 28.36230
5 S 27.64808
I need help please. I have two lists: the first contains ndvi time series for distinct points, the second contains precipitation time series for the same plots (plots are in the same order in the two lists).
I need to combine the two lists. I want to add the column called precipitation from one list to the corresponding ndvi column from the other list respecting the dates (represented here by letters in the row names) to a posterior analises of correlation between columns. However, both time series of ndvi and precipitation have distinct lenghts and distinct dates.
I created the two lists to be used as example of my dataset. However, in my actual dataset the row names are monthly dates in the format "%Y-%m-%d".
# First variable is ndvi.mon1 (monthly ndvi)
ndvi.mon1 <- vector("list", length = 3)
for (i in seq_along(ndvi.mon1)) {
aux <- data.frame(ndvi = sample(randu$x,
sample(c(seq(1,20, 1)),1),
replace = T))
ndvi.mon1[i] <- aux
ndvi.mon1 <- ndvi.mon1 %>% map(data.frame)
rownames(ndvi.mon1[[i]]) <- sample(letters, size=seq(letters[1:as.numeric(aux %>% map(length))]) %>% length)
# Second variable is precipitation
precipitation <- vector("list", length = 3)
for (i in seq_along(ndvi.mon1)){
prec_aux <- data.frame(precipitation = sample(randu$x*500,
replace = T))
row.names(prec_aux) <- seq(letters[1:as.numeric(prec_aux %>% map(length))])
precipitation[i] <- prec_aux
precipitation <- precipitation %>% map(data.frame)
rownames(precipitation[[i]]) <- letters[1:(as.numeric(precipitation[i] %>% map(dim) %>% map(first)))]
Can someone help me please?
Thank you!!!
Maybe like this?
precipitation2 <- precipitation %>%
map(rownames_to_column) %>%
map(rename, precipitation = 2)
ndvi.mon2 <- ndvi.mon1 %>%
map(rownames_to_column) %>%
map(rename, ndvi = 2)
purrr::map2(ndvi.mon2, precipitation2, left_join, by = "rowname")
rowname ndvi precipitation
1 k 0.354886 209.7415
2 x 0.596309 103.3700
3 r 0.978769 403.8775
4 l 0.322291 354.2630
5 c 0.831722 348.9390
6 s 0.973205 273.6030
7 h 0.949827 218.6430
8 y 0.443353 61.9310
9 b 0.826368 8.3290
10 d 0.337308 291.2110
The below will return a list of data.frames, that have been merged, using rownames:
lapply(seq_along(ndvi.mon1), function(i) {
x = data.frame(date = rownames(ndvi.mon1[[i]]), ndvi = ndvi.mon1[[i]][,1]),
y = data.frame(date = rownames(precipitation[[i]]), precip = precipitation[[i]][,1]),
date ndvi precip
1 b 0.826368 8.3290
2 c 0.831722 348.9390
3 d 0.337308 291.2110
4 h 0.949827 218.6430
5 k 0.354886 209.7415
6 l 0.322291 354.2630
7 r 0.978769 403.8775
8 s 0.973205 273.6030
9 x 0.596309 103.3700
10 y 0.443353 61.9310
date ndvi precip
1 g 0.415824 283.9335
2 k 0.573737 311.8785
3 p 0.582422 354.2630
4 y 0.952495 495.4340
date ndvi precip
1 b 0.656463 332.5700
2 c 0.347482 94.7870
3 d 0.215425 431.3770
4 e 0.063100 499.2245
5 f 0.419460 304.5190
6 g 0.712057 226.7125
7 h 0.666700 284.9645
8 i 0.778547 182.0295
9 k 0.902520 82.5515
10 l 0.593219 430.6630
11 m 0.788715 443.5345
12 n 0.347482 132.3950
13 q 0.719538 79.1835
14 r 0.911370 100.7025
15 s 0.258743 309.3575
16 t 0.940644 142.3725
17 u 0.626980 335.4360
18 v 0.167640 390.4915
19 w 0.826368 63.3760
20 x 0.937211 439.8685
when I try this code for barplot (L$neighbourhood is the apartment neighbourhood in Paris for example, Champs-Elysées, Batignolles, which is string data, and L$price is the numeric data for apartment price).
barplot(L$neighbourhood, L$price, main = "TITLE", xlab = "Neighbourhood", ylab = "Price")
But, I get an error:
Error in barplot.default(L$neighbourhood, L$price, main = "TITLE",
xlab = "Neighbourhood", : 'height' must be a vector or a matrix
We cannot use string data as an input in barplot function in R? How can I fix this error please?
Quite unclear what you want to barplot. Let's assume you want to see the average price per neighborhood. If that's what you're after you can proceed like this.
First some illustrative data:
Neighborhood <- sample(LETTERS[1:4], 10, replace = T)
Price <- sample(10:100, 10, replace = T)
df <- data.frame(Neighborhood, Price)
Neighborhood Price
1 C 23
2 C 34
3 C 99
4 B 100
5 C 78
6 B 100
7 B 66
8 B 18
9 C 81
10 A 35
Now compute the averages by neighborhood using the function aggregate and store the result in a new dataframe:
df_new <- aggregate(x = df$Price, by = list(df$Neighborhood), function(x) mean(x))
Group.1 x
1 A 35
2 B 71
3 C 63
And finally you can plot the average prices in variable x and add the neighborhood names from the Group.1column:
barplot(df_new$x, names.arg = df_new$Group.1)
An even simpler solution is this, using tapplyand mean:
df_new <- tapply(df$Price, df$Neighborhood, mean)
barplot(df_new, names.arg = names(df_new))
Good day!
I’ve got a table of two columns. In the first column (x) there are values which I want to divide in into categories according to the specified range of values (in my instance – 300). And then using these categories I want to sum values in anther column (v). For instance, using my test data: The first category is from 65100 to 65400 (65100
The result: there is a table of two columns. The first one is the categories of x; the second column is the sum of according values of v.
Thank you!!!
# data
x <- sample(seq(65100, 67900, by=5), 100, replace = TRUE)
v <- sample(seq(1000, 8000), 100, replace = TRUE)
tabl <- data.frame(x=c(x), v=c(v))
seq(((min(x) - min(x)%%300) + 300), ((max(x) - max(x)%%300) + 300), by =300)
I understood you want to:
Cut vector x,
Using pre-calculated cut-off thresholds
Compute sums over vector v using those groupings
This is one line of code with data.table and chaining. Your data are in data.table named DT.
DT[, CUT := cut(x, breaks)][, sum(v), by=CUT]
First, assign cut-offs to variable breaks like so.
breaks <- seq(((min(x) - min(x) %% 300) + 300), ((max(x) - max(x) %% 300) + 300), by =300)
Second, compute a new column CUT to group rows by the data in breaks.
DT[, CUT := cut(x, breaks)]
Third, sum on column v in groups, using by=. I have chained this operation with the previous.
DT[, CUT := cut(x, breaks)][, sum(v), by=CUT]
Convert your data.frame to data.table like so.
DT <- as.data.table(tabl)
This is the final result:
1: (6.57e+04,6.6e+04] 45493
2: (6.6e+04,6.63e+04] 77865
3: (6.66e+04,6.69e+04] 22893
4: (6.75e+04,6.78e+04] 61738
5: (6.54e+04,6.57e+04] 44805
6: (6.69e+04,6.72e+04] 64079
7: NA 33234
8: (6.72e+04,6.75e+04] 66517
9: (6.63e+04,6.66e+04] 43887
10: (6.78e+04,6.81e+04] 172
You can dress this up to improve aesthetics. For example, you can reset the factor levels for ease of reading.
When I use dplyr I am used to do it like this. Although I like the cut solution too.
# data
x <- sample(seq(65100, 67900, by=5), 100, replace = TRUE)
v <- sample(seq(1000, 8000), 100, replace = TRUE)
tabl <- data.frame(group=c(x), value=c(v))
s <- seq(((min(x) - min(x)%%300) + 300), ((max(x) - max(x)%%300) + 300), by =300)
tabl %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(g = s[min(which(group < s), na.rm=T)]) %>% ungroup() %>%
group_by(g) %>% summarise(sumvalue = sum(value))
g sumvalue
<dbl> <int>
65400 28552
65700 49487
66000 45493
66300 77865
66600 43887
66900 21187
67200 65785
67500 66517
67800 61738
68100 1722
Try this (no package needed):
s <- seq(65100, max(tabl$x)+300, 300)
tabl$col = as.vector(cut(tabl$x, breaks = s, labels = 1:10))
df <- aggregate(v~col, tabl, sum)
# col v
# 1 1 33234
# 2 2 44805
# 3 3 45493
# 4 4 77865
# 5 5 43887
# 6 6 22893
# 7 7 64079
# 8 8 66517
# 9 9 61738
# 10 10 1722
I have a vector z like this
z <- as.numeric(as.factor(c("A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H")))
and for different days a data frame df like this
A 1 1
B 10 14
C 12 13
A 2 3
B 11 18
D 12 13
A 13 1
E 10 14
D 12 13
where the IDs are the ones in z but can be different for every day.
I have assigned a colour to each element of the vector
range01 <- function(x)(x-min(x))/diff(range(x))
cRamp <- function(x){
cols <- colorRamp(rainbow(7))(range01(x))
apply(cols, 1, function(xt)rgb(xt[1], xt[2], xt[3], maxColorValue=255))
and what I would like to do is to plot for every day my df with the colours cRamp(z) but I am no able to link the ID value in every df with the one in z
Here is my code
for (i in 1:length(myfiles)){
plot(df[[i]]$LON,df[[i]]$LAT, col = cRamp(z))
map(add=T,col="saddlebrown",interior = FALSE)
legend("topleft", legend=c(unique(df[[i]]$ID)), col=cRamp(z))
but the colour for e.g. ID A are not the same for every day!
Many thanks
Maybe something like this:
z <- LETTERS[1:7]
df <- list(
for (i in 1:2){
plot(df[[i]]$LON, df[[i]]$LAT,
col = rainbow(length(z))[match(df[[i]]$ID,z)],
I have the following table in R (inspired by a cran help datasheet) :
> dfx <- data.frame(
+ group = c(rep('A', 108), rep('B', 115), rep('C', 106)),
+ sex = sample(c("M", "F","U"), size = 329, replace = TRUE),
+ age = runif(n = 329, min = 18, max = 54)
+ )
> head(dfx)
group sex age
1 A U 47.00788
2 A M 32.40236
3 A M 21.95732
4 A F 19.82798
5 A F 30.70890
6 A M 30.00830
I am interested in plotting the percentages of males (M), females (F) and "unknown"(U) in each group using barcharts, including error bars.
To do this graph, i plan to use the panel.ci/prepanel.ci commands.
I can easily build a proportion table for each group using the prop.table command :
> with(dfx, prop.table(table(group,sex), margin=1)*100)
group F M U
A 29.62963 28.70370 41.66667
B 35.65217 35.65217 28.69565
C 37.73585 33.01887 29.24528
But now, i would like to build a similar table with error bars, and use these two tables to make a barchart.
If possible, i would like to use the ddply command, that i use for similar purposes (except that it was nor percentages but means).
Try something like this:
summary(dfx) # for example, each variable
dfx$interaction <- interaction(dfx$group, dfx$sex)
ddply(dfx, .(interaction), summary) #group by interaction, summary on dfx
ggplot(dfx, aes(x = sex, y = age, fill = group)) + geom_boxplot()
You can get a good on-line tutorial on building graphs here.
I'm pretty sure you would need more than 1 value for the proportion in order to have any error. I only see 1 value for the proportion for each unique combination of variables group and sex.
This is the most I can help you with (below), but I'd be interested to see you post an answer to your own question when you find a suitable solution.
dfx$interaction <- interaction(dfx$group, dfx$sex)
dfx.summary <- ddply(dfx, .(group, sex), summarise, total = length(group))
dfx.summary$prop <- with(dfx.summary, total/sum(total))
# group sex prop
# 1 A F 0.06382979
# 2 A M 0.12158055
# 3 A U 0.14285714
# 4 B F 0.12462006
# 5 B M 0.11854103
# 6 B U 0.10638298
# 7 C F 0.10334347
# 8 C M 0.12158055
# 9 C U 0.09726444
ggplot(dfx.summary, aes(sex, total, color = group)) + geom_point(size = 5)