R: Summing of the column values by ranged values of another column - r

Good day!
I’ve got a table of two columns. In the first column (x) there are values which I want to divide in into categories according to the specified range of values (in my instance – 300). And then using these categories I want to sum values in anther column (v). For instance, using my test data: The first category is from 65100 to 65400 (65100
The result: there is a table of two columns. The first one is the categories of x; the second column is the sum of according values of v.
Thank you!!!
# data
x <- sample(seq(65100, 67900, by=5), 100, replace = TRUE)
v <- sample(seq(1000, 8000), 100, replace = TRUE)
tabl <- data.frame(x=c(x), v=c(v))
seq(((min(x) - min(x)%%300) + 300), ((max(x) - max(x)%%300) + 300), by =300)

I understood you want to:
Cut vector x,
Using pre-calculated cut-off thresholds
Compute sums over vector v using those groupings
This is one line of code with data.table and chaining. Your data are in data.table named DT.
DT[, CUT := cut(x, breaks)][, sum(v), by=CUT]
First, assign cut-offs to variable breaks like so.
breaks <- seq(((min(x) - min(x) %% 300) + 300), ((max(x) - max(x) %% 300) + 300), by =300)
Second, compute a new column CUT to group rows by the data in breaks.
DT[, CUT := cut(x, breaks)]
Third, sum on column v in groups, using by=. I have chained this operation with the previous.
DT[, CUT := cut(x, breaks)][, sum(v), by=CUT]
Convert your data.frame to data.table like so.
DT <- as.data.table(tabl)
This is the final result:
1: (6.57e+04,6.6e+04] 45493
2: (6.6e+04,6.63e+04] 77865
3: (6.66e+04,6.69e+04] 22893
4: (6.75e+04,6.78e+04] 61738
5: (6.54e+04,6.57e+04] 44805
6: (6.69e+04,6.72e+04] 64079
7: NA 33234
8: (6.72e+04,6.75e+04] 66517
9: (6.63e+04,6.66e+04] 43887
10: (6.78e+04,6.81e+04] 172
You can dress this up to improve aesthetics. For example, you can reset the factor levels for ease of reading.

When I use dplyr I am used to do it like this. Although I like the cut solution too.
# data
x <- sample(seq(65100, 67900, by=5), 100, replace = TRUE)
v <- sample(seq(1000, 8000), 100, replace = TRUE)
tabl <- data.frame(group=c(x), value=c(v))
s <- seq(((min(x) - min(x)%%300) + 300), ((max(x) - max(x)%%300) + 300), by =300)
tabl %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(g = s[min(which(group < s), na.rm=T)]) %>% ungroup() %>%
group_by(g) %>% summarise(sumvalue = sum(value))
g sumvalue
<dbl> <int>
65400 28552
65700 49487
66000 45493
66300 77865
66600 43887
66900 21187
67200 65785
67500 66517
67800 61738
68100 1722

Try this (no package needed):
s <- seq(65100, max(tabl$x)+300, 300)
tabl$col = as.vector(cut(tabl$x, breaks = s, labels = 1:10))
df <- aggregate(v~col, tabl, sum)
# col v
# 1 1 33234
# 2 2 44805
# 3 3 45493
# 4 4 77865
# 5 5 43887
# 6 6 22893
# 7 7 64079
# 8 8 66517
# 9 9 61738
# 10 10 1722


Selecting 10 names based on 10 highest numbers of other column

I want to select the top 10 voted restaurants, and plot them together.
So i want to create a plot that shows the restaurant names and their votes.
I used:
topTenVotes <- top_n(dataSet, 10, Votes)
and it showed me data of the columns in dataset based on the top 10 highest votes, however i want just the number of votes and restaurant names.
My Question is how to select only the top 10 highest votes and their restaurant names, and plotting them together?
expected output:
Restaurant Names Votes
A 300
B 250
C 230
D 220
E 210
F 205
G 200
H 194
I 160
J 120
K 34
And then a bar plot that shows these restaurant names and their votes
Another simple approach with base functions creating another variable:
df <- data.frame(Names = LETTERS, Votes = sample(40:400, length(LETTERS)))
x <- df$Votes
names(x) <- df$Names # x <- setNames(df$Votes, df$Names) is another approach
barplot(sort(x, decreasing = TRUE)[1:10], xlab = "Restaurant Name", ylab = "Votes")
Or a one-line solution with base functions:
barplot(sort(xtabs(Votes ~ Names, df), decreasing = TRUE)[1:10], xlab = "Restaurant Names")
I'm not seeing a data set to use, so here's a minimal example to show how it might work:
df <-
restaurant = c("res1", "res2", "res3", "res4"),
votes = c(2, 5, 8, 6)
df %>%
arrange(-votes) %>%
head(3) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = reorder(restaurant, votes), y = votes)) +
geom_col() +
The top_n command also works in this case but is designed for grouped data.
Its more efficient, though less readable, to use base functions:
#toy data
d <- data.frame(list(Names = sample(LETTERS, size = 15), value = rnorm(25, 10, n = 15)))
Names value
1 D 25.592749
2 B 28.362303
3 H 1.576343
4 L 28.718517
5 S 27.648078
6 Y 29.364797
#reorder by, and retain, the top 10
newdata <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:10) {
newdata <- rbind(newdata,d[which(d$value == sort(d$value, decreasing = T)[1:10][i]),])
Names value
8 W 45.11330
13 K 36.50623
14 P 31.33122
15 T 30.28397
6 Y 29.36480
7 Q 29.29337
4 L 28.71852
10 Z 28.62501
2 B 28.36230
5 S 27.64808

Rolling window with dplyr to find value of factor

I have a matrix like this
# A tibble: 6 x 4
<date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 2000-01-31 0.033968932 0.0324214815 0.010205926
2 2000-02-29 0.006891111 -0.0003352941 -0.005230147
3 2000-03-31 0.006158519 0.0213992647 0.040399265
4 2000-04-28 0.060022222 0.0151191176 0.047586029
5 2000-05-31 -0.016960000 -0.0287617647 -0.036209559
6 2000-06-30 0.034133577 0.0144456522 0.030756522
I want to pick the value of a factor which has highest cumulative return last 2 months over time.
I have done something like this and it works.
However, my friend told me that it can be done in one or two lines of dplyr and I'm wondering if you could please show me how to do that.
index = as.Date(unique(a$date))
nmonth = 2;
mean.ROE = numeric()
for (i in 1:(length(index) - nmonth)) { # i = 2
index1 = index[i]
index2 = index[nmonth + i]
index3 = index[nmonth + i+1]
# Take a 2-month window of ROE returns:
b = a[a$date >= index1 & a$date < index2,] %>% mutate(cum.ROE = cumprod(1 + ROE)) %>% mutate(cum.ROFE = cumprod(1 + ROFE)) %>% mutate(cum.ROTFE = cumprod(1 + ROTFE))
# Use the cumulative return over the 2-month window to determine which factor is best.
mean.ROE1 = ifelse(b$cum.ROE[nmonth] > b$cum.ROFE[nmonth] & b$cum.ROE[nmonth] > b$cum.ROTFE[nmonth], a[a$date == index3,]$ROE, ifelse(b$cum.ROFE[nmonth] > b$cum.ROE[nmonth] & b$cum.ROFE[nmonth] > b$cum.ROTFE[nmonth], a[a$date == index3,]$ROFE, a[a$date == index3,]$ROTFE))
# Bind the answer to the answer vector
mean.ROE = rbind(mean.ROE, mean.ROE1)
Create a function maxret which takes 2 + nmonth rows, x, and calculates the cumulative returns, r, for each column of the first two rows. For the largest of those return the value in the last row of x.
Now use rollapplyr to apply it to a rolling window of width 2 + month:
maxret <- function(x) {
r <- apply(1 + x[1:2, ], 2, prod)
x[2 + nmonth, which.max(r)]
z <- read.zoo(as.data.frame(a))
res <- rollapplyr(z, 2 + nmonth, maxret, by.column = FALSE)
giving the zoo series:
> res
2000-04-28 2000-05-31 2000-06-30
0.06002222 -0.03620956 0.03075652
If you want a data frame use fortify.zoo(res) .
Note: 1 The input was not provided in reproducible form in the question so I have assumed this data.frame:
Lines <-
1 2000-01-31 0.033968932 0.0324214815 0.010205926
2 2000-02-29 0.006891111 -0.0003352941 -0.005230147
3 2000-03-31 0.006158519 0.0213992647 0.040399265
4 2000-04-28 0.060022222 0.0151191176 0.047586029
5 2000-05-31 -0.016960000 -0.0287617647 -0.036209559
6 2000-06-30 0.034133577 0.0144456522 0.030756522"
a <- read.table(text = Lines, header = TRUE)
Note 2: With the input in Note 1 or with zoo 1.8.1 (the development version of zoo) this line:
z <- read.zoo(as.data.frame(a))
could be simplified to just:
z <- read.zoo(a)
but we have added the as.data.frame part in the main code so it works with tibbles as well as straight data frames even with the current version of zoo on CRAN.

R - How to change values with decimals into a different form

I have a variable that takes values of the form x.1, x.2 or x.3 currently with x being any number followed by the decimal point.
I would like to convert x.1 to x.333, x.2 to x.666 and x.3 to x.999 or in this case I would assume it would be rounded up to the whole number.
Context: running regression analysis containing a variable of innings pitched (baseball pitchers) which currently have data values of the .1, .2, .3 form above.
Help would be much appreciated!
You can use x %% 1 to get the fractional part of a number in R. Then just multiply that by 3.333 and add the result back on to the integer part of your number to get total innings pitched.
x <- 2.3
as.integer(x) + (x %% 1 * 3.333)
[1] 2.9999
(Use 3.333 instead of 0.333 to move the decimal.)
Depending on the exact context, it could be nice to keep the component parts -- if that's the case, I would be a little verbose and utilize tidyr and dplyr:
vec <- c("123.1", "456.2", "789.3")
df <- data.frame(vec)
df %>%
separate(vec, into = c("before_dot", "after_dot"), remove = FALSE, convert = TRUE) %>%
mutate(after_dot_times_333 = after_dot * 333,
new_var = paste(before_dot, after_dot_times_333, sep = "."))
# vec before_dot after_dot after_dot_times_333 new_var
# 1 123.1 123 1 333 123.333
# 2 456.2 456 2 666 456.666
# 3 789.3 789 3 999 789.999
Alternatively, you could accomplish this in one line:
sapply(strsplit(vec, "\\."), function(x) paste(x[1], as.numeric(x[2]) * 333, sep = "."))

Comparing Groups in data.table Columns

I have a dataset that I need to both split by one variable (Day) and then compare between groups of another variable (Group), performing per-group statistics (e.g. mean) and also tests.
Here's an example of what I devised:
data = data.table(Day = rep(1:10, each = 10),
Group = rep(1:2, times = 50),
V = rnorm(100))
data[, .(g1_mean = mean(.SD[Group == 1]$V),
g2_mean = mean(.SD[Group == 2]$V),
p.value = t.test(V ~ Group, .SD, alternative = "two.sided")$p.value),
by = list(Day)]
Which produces:
Day g1_mean g2_mean p.value
1: 1 0.883406048 0.67177271 0.6674138
2: 2 0.007544956 -0.55609722 0.3948459
3: 3 0.409248637 0.28717183 0.8753213
4: 4 -0.540075365 0.23181458 0.1785854
5: 5 -0.632543900 -1.09965990 0.6457325
6: 6 -0.083221671 -0.96286343 0.2011136
7: 7 -0.044674252 -0.27666473 0.7079499
8: 8 0.260795244 -0.15159164 0.4663712
9: 9 -0.134164758 0.01136245 0.7992453
10: 10 0.496144329 0.76168408 0.1821123
I'm hoping that there's a less roundabout manner of arriving at this result.
A possible compact alternative which can also apply more functions to each group:
DTnew <- dcast(DT[, pval := t.test(V ~ Group, .SD, alternative = "two.sided")$p.value, Day],
Day + pval ~ paste0("g",Group), fun = list(mean,sd), value.var = "V")
which gives:
> DTnew
Day pval V_mean_g1 V_mean_g2 V_sd_g1 V_sd_g2
1: 1 0.4763594 -0.11630634 0.178240714 0.7462975 0.4516087
2: 2 0.5715001 -0.29689807 0.082970631 1.3614177 0.2745783
3: 3 0.2295251 -0.48792449 -0.031328749 0.3723247 0.6703694
4: 4 0.5565573 0.33982242 0.080169698 0.5635136 0.7560959
5: 5 0.5498684 -0.07554433 0.308661427 0.9343230 1.0100788
6: 6 0.4814518 0.57694034 0.885968245 0.6457926 0.6773873
7: 7 0.8053066 0.29845913 0.116217727 0.9541060 1.2782210
8: 8 0.3549573 0.14827289 -0.319017581 0.5328734 0.9036501
9: 9 0.7290625 -0.21589411 -0.005785092 0.9639758 0.8859461
10: 10 0.9899833 0.84034529 0.850429982 0.6645952 1.5809149
A decomposition of the code:
First, a pval variable is added to the dataset with DT[, pval := t.test(V ~ Group, .SD, alternative = "two.sided")$p.value, Day]
Because DT is updated in place and by reference by the previous step, the dcast function can be applied to that directly.
In the casting formula, you specify the variables that need to stay in the current form on the RHS and the variable that needs to be spread over columns on the LHS.
With the fun argument you can specify which aggregation function has to be used on the value.var (here V). If multiple aggregation functions are needed, you can specify them in a list (e.g. list(mean,sd)). This can be any type of function. So, also cumstom made functions can be used.
If you want to remove the V_ from the column names, you can do:
names(DTnew) <- gsub("V_","",names(DTnew))
NOTE: I renamed the data.table to DT as it is often not wise to name your dataset after a function (check ?data)
While not a one-liner, you might consider doing your two processes separate and then merging the results. This prevents you from having to hardcode the group-names.
First, we calculate the means:
my_means <- dcast(data[,mean(V), by = .(Day, Group)],
Day~ paste0("Mean_Group", Group),value.var="V1")
Or in the less-convoluted way #Akrun mentioned in the comments, with some added formatting.
my_means <- dcast(Day~paste0("Mean_Group", Group), data=data,
fun.agg=mean, value.var="V")
Then the t-tests:
t_tests <- data[,.(p_value=t.test(V~Group)$p.value), by = Day]
And then merge:
output <- merge(my_means, t_tests)

Using R to remove data which is below a quartile threshold

I am creating correlations using R, with the following code:
Values<-read.csv(inputFile, header = TRUE)
outfile<-paste(inputFile, ".jpg", sep = "")
jpeg(filename = outfile, width = 15, height = 10, units = "in", pointsize = 10, quality = 75, bg = "white", res = 300, restoreConsole = TRUE)
plot(rx,ry, ylab="S", xlab="O", main="O vs S", type="n")
points(O,S, col="black", pch=3, lwd=1)
mtext(sprintf("%s %.4f", "pearson: ", pear_cor), adj=1, padj=0, side = 1, line = 4)
I now need to find the lower quartile for each set of data and exclude data that is within the lower quartile. I would then like to rewrite the data without those values and use the new column of data in the correlation analysis (because I want to threshold the data by the lower quartile). If there is a way I can write this so that it is easy to change the threshold by applying arguments from Java (as I have with the input file name) that's even better!
Thank you so much.
I have now implicated the answer below and that is working, however I need to keep the pairs of data together for the correlation. Here is an example of my data (from csv):
Abundance_O Abundance_S
3635900.752 1390.883073
463299.4622 1470.92626
359101.0482 989.1609251
284966.6421 3248.832403
415283.663 2492.231265
2076456.856 10175.48946
620286.6206 5074.268802
3709754.717 269.6856808
803321.0892 118.2935093
411553.0203 4772.499758
50626.83554 17.29893001
337428.8939 203.3536852
42046.61549 152.1321255
1372013.047 5436.783169
939106.3275 7080.770535
96618.01393 1967.834701
229045.6983 948.3087208
4419414.018 23735.19352
So I need to exclude both values in the row if one does not meet my quartile threshold (0.25 quartile). So if the quartile for O was 45000 then the row "42046.61549,152.1321255" would be removed. Is this possible? If I read in both columns as a dataframe can I search each column separately? Or find the quartiles and then input that value into code to remove the appropriate rows?
Thanks again, and sorry for the evolution of the question!
Please try to provide a reproducible example, but if you have data in a data.frame, you can subset it using the quantile function as the logical test. For instance, in the following data we want to select only rows from the dataframe where the value of the measured variable 'Val' is above the bottom quartile:
# set.seed so you can reproduce these values exactly on your system
df <- data.frame( ID = 1:10 , Val = runif(10) )
ID Val
1 1 0.76487516
2 2 0.59755578
3 3 0.94584374
4 4 0.72179297
5 5 0.04513418
6 6 0.95772248
7 7 0.14566118
8 8 0.84898704
9 9 0.07246594
10 10 0.14136138
# Now to select only rows where the value of our measured variable 'Val' is above the bottom 25% quartile
df[ df$Val > quantile(df$Val , 0.25 ) , ]
ID Val
1 1 0.7648752
2 2 0.5975558
3 3 0.9458437
4 4 0.7217930
6 6 0.9577225
7 7 0.1456612
8 8 0.8489870
# And check the value of the bottom 25% quantile...
quantile(df$Val , 0.25 )
Although this is an old question, I came across it during research of my own and I arrived at a solution that someone may be interested in.
I first defined a function which will convert a numerical vector into its quantile groups. Parameter n determines the quantile length (n = 4 for quartiles, n = 10 for deciles).
qgroup = function(numvec, n = 4){
qtile = quantile(numvec, probs = seq(0, 1, 1/n))
out = sapply(numvec, function(x) sum(x >= qtile[-(n+1)]))
Function example:
v = rep(1:20)
> qgroup(v)
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4
Consider now the following data:
dt = data.table(
A0 = runif(100),
A1 = runif(100)
We apply qgroup() across the data to obtain two quartile group columns:
cols = colnames(dt)
qcols = c('Q0', 'Q1')
dt[, (qcols) := lapply(.SD, qgroup), .SDcols = cols]
> A0 A1 Q0 Q1
1: 0.72121846 0.1908863 3 1
2: 0.70373594 0.4389152 3 2
3: 0.04604934 0.5301261 1 3
4: 0.10476643 0.1108709 1 1
5: 0.76907762 0.4913463 4 2
6: 0.38265848 0.9291649 2 4
Lastly, we only include rows for which both quartile groups are above the first quartile:
dt = dt[Q0 + Q1 > 2]
