WordPress, send articles by facebook messenger each day - wordpress

I have a wordpress website who publish articles, i want to automacaly send a selection of articles to users in their facebook messenger
I saw a website that do that, and I want to do same
Thank you

Maybe there is a Wordpress Plugin for that, but I would do it like so:
Creating a cronjob and executing a php file once a day. (How this works in WP: https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/installable-applications/optimization-and-configuration/wordpress2/configuring-a-cron-job-for-wordpress)
This file is getting all the new posts (or maybe posts with a specific WP Tag or whatever you want to send to your users) from the WP API.
Then, in this file, you connect to the Facebook Send API https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/reference/send-api/ and send this posts to your users. Read the API docs for how that actually works


Only page admins are able to open FB posts from our WP website as Instant Articles, everyone else sees them as links that redirect to our website

As stated above, I have been trying to configure instant articles for a news website. i have set up the FB instant articles for wp plugin to access the page through a FB app that I linked to the plugin using the app ID, secret, and Page access token (made using this guide ). The plugin seems to be working fine and posts made on the website are automatically converted to Instant Articles when their links are posted on FB. However only our page admins seem able to open these posts on facebook as instant articles; for all other audience the links open normally, directly to our website. Please help on how I can fix this.

Wordpress authentication for a custom page with access to plugin data

First, I am a Wordpress Noob. My company builds custom data dashboards. Our client wants to integrate our dashboard into Wordpress. They use plugins, mainly Gravity forms and WooCommerce, from which the dashboard needs to retrieve data.
The dashboard will be build as a custom page (HTML/JS/CSS) and we plan to served it as a Wordpress static item (like: https://qodeinteractive.com/magazine/add-custom-html-page-to-wordpress/).
Ideally, it would work like this:
the clients' user logs in into Wordpress.
Within the Wordpress environment the user can click a button to open our dashboard.
The dashboard fetches the data from Wordpress / a Wordpress API and displays it.
The complexity starts with the last step, how can we access the data from Wordpress/Gravity forms/WooCommerce. I would prefer it, if the user does not have to login separately into our dashboard, but that the credentials provided in Wordpress can be used.
There are API's available for Wordpress/Ggravity forms/WooCommerce, but I am unsure about the authentication part.
I found something about cookie authentication (https://developer.wordpress.org/rest-api/using-the-rest-api/authentication/#cookie-authentication), but I am not sure if this would work or how this works. The information is related to PHP, while we will be using HTML/JS.
Are there other options available?
I know it is a broad question, but I hope to get some pointers to how to deal with this.

How to integrate mobile app with Wordpress

I am working on a mini e-commerce mobile app for a pharmacy. What I need is:
Register through the mobile app and using the Wordpress registration
utility. The registration process will include sending the profile
avatar and optionally an insurance identity image as a base 64
encoded from the mobile app. The images should be converted, stored
on an wp-content/upload folder, and their URL stored as user meta.
Login using the Wordpress credentials.
Insert/Update/Delete/View a product with its data.
Insert/Update/Delete/View a shopping cart (per user).
Insert/Update/Delete/View all orders (all and per user).
I am very new to Wordpress. I have to use Wordpress as there is already a Wordpress site for the pharmacy and we need to make something to plug it in with the existed website easily.
I found those plugins which helped me getting most of the job done JSON API, JSON API Auth, JSON API User, and CoCart. Also I had to turn on the REST API at WooCommerce-> Settings-> Advanced tab

Get recent wordpress posts in Laravel

I have a Wordpress site and a Laravel site and I want to display recent wordpress posts in the footer of Laravel site. How can I do this without having my wordpress database information in my config/database.php file and using it in the models? Can I get them using RSS?
Recent WordPress was released with a huge thing called REST API – earlier it was possible only with external plugins. So now we can query WordPress database from external projects. Including Laravel.
set up a local WordPress website, and after installation you got that usual dashboard.
we can already make API calls after installation. No need to configure anything, we just launch the URL in the browser:
we’ve received a JSON with a list of posts – by default, WordPress creates one dummy post.
Basically, URL structure for the API calls is simple:
Yes, you’ve read it right, we can get posts, categories, tags and other things that are publicly available, so we don’t need any authentication here.
And we also can filter the data with GET parameters, like this:
For more details open link:- Using WordPress REST API in Laravel
You can get the posts by calling an API endpoint:
It will return all the posts in a json format. You can also see the reference from here.

How to create an offline form for submitting WP posts

You may have seen WP plugins that allow guests to submit posts. Those submissions proceed to the WP posts area where the admin can edit/publish them.
I want to create a form like this that I can install on my (and other people's) computers, so they can fill out the form fields for a WP post, save offline, then send to my WP site when ready.
Can anyone tell me the steps involved, and, if there is a description for what type of thing this is, please let me know to aid my search.
I am learning code at present and want to learn while building tools.
Hi hope I can give you some hints with this answer.
I don't know what programming language you would like to use, but for the communication with your Wordpress blog you could use the WP API to create a post over REST API. It offers a API to create and edit your Wordpress Posts over HTTP.
Your programm just have to check if an connection is possible and then execute the API calls.
You could use an database to store all created post and then call the Create Post Task with the POST Method over HTTP for each post saved offline.
When the creation was successful you could update your offline database, so that the post is marked as already created.
