In pytorch. I want to multiply each vector of Matrix A by each vector of Matrix B:
A = M x N
B = L x N
result = (M x L) x N
result = A[:, None, :] * B[None, ...]
I tried this, and it is working:
torch.einsum('bj,aj->baj', input_unfolded, self.weights)
You can design any multiplication pattern using this approach.
The problem I have using tensorflow is as follows:
For one tensor X with dims n X m
X = [[x11,x12...,x1m],[x21,x22...,x2m],...[xn1,xn2...,xnm]]
I want to get an n X m X m tensor which are n m X m matrices
Each m X m matrix is the result of:
tf.math.greater(tf.reshape(x,(-1,1)), x) where x is a row of X
In words, for every row k in X, Im trying to get the pairs i,j where xki > xkj. This gives me a matrix, and then I want to stack those matrices along the first axis, to get a n m x m cube.
X = [[1,2],[4,3], [5,7]
Result = [[[False, False],[True, False]],[[False, True],[False, False]], [[False, False],[True, False]]]
Result has shape 3 X 2 X 2
Reshaping each row is the same as reshaping all rows. Try this:
def fun(X):
n, m = X.shape
X1 = tf.expand_dims(X, -1)
X2 = tf.reshape(X, (n, 1, m))
return tf.math.greater(X1, X2)
X = tf.Variable([[1,2],[4,3], [5,7]])
[[[False False]
[ True False]]
[[False True]
[False False]]
[[False False]
[ True False]]], shape=(3, 2, 2), dtype=bool)
I have to compute a product of 3 matrices D=ABC with:
A is a (1x3) matrix,
B is a (3x3) matrix,
C is a (3x1) matrix (and is equal to A', if it matters)
The result of this product is a simple value, and the calculation is very straightforward in R.
My problem is there is one unknown, namely X, inside A and C, and I would like to get the result as a formula: D = ABD = f(X).
Is there any way I could achieve this with R ?
Define D as shown below where argument B is the square matrix and A is a function of x returning a vector.
D <- function(B, A) function(x) t(A(x)) %*% B %*% A(x)
# test
A <- function(x) seq(3) * x
B <- matrix(1:9, 3)
Dfun <- D(B, A)
## [1] 22800
I would like to program a function in R to allow me to decompose any integer n into n=2^j+k where j>=0 and 0<= k <2^j. I have thought about using the modulus operation, but am failing to get a k that is less than 2^j. Would anyone have any ideas? Thanks!
For values of n > 0 you could try this function:
pow2_decompose <- function(n) {
j <- trunc(log2(n))
k <- n - 2**j
n <- 1289
j <- pow2_decompose(n)[[1]]
k <- pow2_decompose(n)[[2]]
#10 265
identical(2**j + k, n)
#[1] TRUE
Wondering how to duplicate a vector into a matrix in R. For example
v = 1:10
dup = duplicate(V,2)
where dup looks like rbind(1:10,1:10). Thanks
I think you're looking for replicate.
t(replicate(2, v))
matrix(v, nrow=2, ncol=length(v), byrow=TRUE)
Personally I just multiply it by a ones vector ..
for instance, if v is a column vector :
v [1 1] -> [v v]
Similar to Moud's answer but with some more clarity.
n <- 10
v <- c(1,4,3,6,4,7,8,1) # random
t(t(rep(1, n))) %*% v
Should be fast but not as elegant as some of the other answers.
Let's say you have a matrix
m <- matrix(1:25*2, nrow = 5, ncol=5)
How do you go from matrix subscripts (row index, column index) to a linear index you can use on the matrix. For example you can extract values of the matrix with either of these two methods
m[2,3] == 24
m[12] == 24
How do you go from (2,3) => 12 or 12 => (2,3) in R
In Matlab the functions you would use for converting matrix subscripts to linear indices and vice versa are ind2sub and `sub2ind
Is there an equivalent way in R?
This is not something I've used before, but according to this handy dandy Matlab to R cheat sheet, you might try something like this, where m is the number of rows in the matrix, r and c are row and column numbers respectively, and ind the linear index:
[r,c] = ind2sub(size(A), ind)
r = ((ind-1) %% m) + 1
c = floor((ind-1) / m) + 1
ind = sub2ind(size(A), r, c)
ind = (c-1)*m + r
For higher dimension arrays, there is the arrayInd function.
> abc <- array(dim=c(10,5,5))
> arrayInd(12,dim(abc))
dim1 dim2 dim3
[1,] 2 2 1
You mostly don't need those functions in R. In Matlab you need those because you can't do e.g.
A(i, j) = x
where i,j,x are three vectors of row and column indices and x contains the corresponding values. (see also this question)
In R you can simply:
A[ cbind(i, j) ] <- x
There are row and col functions that return those indices in matrix form. So it should be as simple as indexing the return from those two functions:
M<- matrix(1:6, 2)
#[1] 1
#[1] 3
rc.ind <- function(M, ind) c(row(M)[ind], col(M)[ind] )
[1] 1 3
Late answer but there's an actual function for ind2sub in the base package called arrayInd
m <- matrix(1:25, nrow = 5, ncol=5)
# linear indices in R increase row number first, then column
arrayInd(5, dim(m))
arrayInd(6, dim(m))
# so, for any arbitrary row/column
numCol <- 3
numRow <- 4
arrayInd(numRow + ((numCol-1) * nrow(m)), dim(m))
# find the row/column of the maximum element in m
arrayInd(which.max(m), dim(m))
# actually which has an arr.ind parameter for returning array indexes
which(m==which.max(m), arr.ind = T)
For sub2ind, JD Long's answer seems to be the best
Something like this works for arbitrary dimensions-
ind2sub = function(sz,ind)
ind = as.matrix(ind,ncol=1);
sz = c(1,sz);
den = 1;
sub = c();
for(i in 2:length(sz)){
den = den * sz[i-1];
num = den * sz[i];
s = floor(((ind-1) %% num)/den) + 1;
sub = cbind(sub,s);