HERE Map not rendering - here-api

I'm not sure what's wrong, but after setting up the map, all I get is a light blue screen. Changing schemes seems to not affect it either. Neither does changing the geoCenter (currently testing with: 37.73088189776775 -122.14045649405767) which is in the SF bay area.
Also, when I check usage on the project via my account, it is 0 despite me testing all day.
My delegate is called when I try to scroll the map, so I know that part is hooked up and I'm actually rendering the map. It's just a light blue I'm stuck in the ocean...
Any ideas? Any low hanging fruit I can check? Thanks.
Update: I'm using the iOS Starter SDK. Please let me know what additional information would help. Thanks.

I was able to get it working by not embedding the map inside another view. By bringing it to the top level, and then subclassing it I was able to get it to work. Thanks.


Problems with the IFCJS floorplan system

i need some help, i have this error using a floorplans, but I believe this error comes from something I did wrong in the visibility part, can help me?
the image before selecting the plan appears on the background as edges
I assume that you are using web-ifc-viewer. Just to give some more insight on this, the postproduction of web-ifc-viewer is an additional HTML elements that is displayed on top of the Three.js canvas.
For performance reasons, this layer only gets updated when the user stops moving the camera. When you go into floorplan mode, you need to disable the postproduction manually. This can be done like this: = false;
This also means that when you go back to 3D mode, you probably need to activate it again. FYI, you can also update the postproduction on demand:
I found the error, I'll leave my solution here in case you need to help someone.
You need to activate the togglePostproduction function. like so:

Hiding objects in unity without changing their state

I have a vague memory of a Unity video tutorial where the guy hid some objets while building a scene. The thing is that he dind't use the usual 'disable/enable the object via the inspector checkbox' and so he didn't have to worry to enable them later... moreover, as the objects were 'invisible but enabled', all attached behaviours were working.
As far as I remember the effect was pretty similar to moving the object into a hidden layer (but not changing the object layer but using a different Unity built-in action so he actually dind't change anything in the object).
I've been trying to remember how he did such a thing and looking around the editor to find the specific option but with no luck. Honestly, I'm beginnig to think that I might not be remembering correctly. Do anyone know about this 'hide objects without changing them' command?
Sounds like he might have just turned the object's renderer off. Each GaneObject is going to have some kind of renderer as a property in the inspector (sprite renderer if its 2D, ect). He probably just disabled that as opposed to disabling the entire GameObject. Let me know if that helps!
I've just received by chance a link to a video on twitter (I think it's the very same I was trying to remember but I'm not 100% sure). Anyway it seems that my current Unity version 2018.3.3) doesn't include that 'Scene visibility' toggle; it seems to be available for 2019 Beta. . I didn't test it yet but it seems pretty straightforward, just click on a gray bar in the hierarchy bar, to the left of the object you want to 'hide'; the bar seems to work as a an visible/not visible toggle. Here a link to de video where you can see the thing working!
I hope it helps!!

Framework7 and map

Thank you in advance for your help..
Here’s the problem :
I use the Framework7 and it works well but…
On the 3rd tab on the bottom (« se repérer », locate) a map could load, but the system bug…
The complete map ( every tiles) load ONLY if we resize the window, it’s ok on the computer, but impossible to do on a smartphone.
I think I missed somthing, but I dont find.
I guess the map dont initialize correctly when the 3rd screen is loading, but I didn’t find how to do.
If I put the map on the main page : everything works well.
Thank’s to the personn which will find.
Best regards,
The example is available on
i suggest you use a callback to call resize function (if there is any for leaflet)
you could also use a better map framework

Creating an interactive map with CSS

Based on the design below, is it possible to create the map just using CSS? If so, how?
So as you can see, when you hover over a state the name will appear and change the color of the state. On clicking it will info below the map per state.
Can it be done using absolute positioning, z-index and hover states on a button?
With a slight tweak to the design, would it be possible to have a flat image for the map and plotting dot's on it for each state that would include a hover (using the same tab style as the image example)? Each dot being an image. Am I right in saying that the complication of the design is to highlight the right area when hovered? Therefore, just having a dot would solve it right?
I was interested in this too and found this example (USA) MAP if you look into the source code there is area for each state that look like <area onmouseover="show(this)" onmouseout="hide()" onclick=";togl()" shape="poly" coords="179,33,174,66,230,67,225,35,179,33,179,33" href="us-nd.html">. You can read more about and tags in W3C link. I think its the only way how to do this without flash or something... But it cant be done without a little JS. To get the coords, I would asume you just open your image in some editor that shows coords(gimp or something) and manually find them out...
No. If it had rectangular shapes yes but with a lot of work.
You really need javascript on this one.
You might want to try a Javascript mapping library - is the market leader (and free and open source).
You get your US state map in the right format (GML for example) then you can pretty much cut n paste from one of the openlayers examples. Hovering and clicking are handled by event functions. They can then do things like updating your info box below the map.
Note that if you want Alaska and Hawaii as in the picture and all you can find is a geographic state map, you might have to use a GIS to shift the features around. Quantum GIS is a free and open-source GIS that can do this for you. Help for that can be found on!
If you're willing to use javascript, jQuery more specifically, here is a nice plug-in/tutorial on how to do what it seems like you'd like to. It won't do the states exactly, but it will allow you to drop pins and such.
Update: This seems to be exactly what you're looking for: It includes a rather indepth tutorial as well.
Here is another interactive US map I found myself: It is purely javascript with customizable popups.

Masking the Google Map in iOS

In my app I have displayed some custom overlay on google map using MKOverlay with the help of TileMap sample code. My requirement is, I need to mask the entire google map underneath the overlay.That is, I want rest of the map area to appear to be in gray except my custom overlay.
Could anyone give me direction on how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance,
I don't know all the calls that you'd need to cover but I know how to find out. In the TileMap example code provided by Apple they show how the MKMapView will call for tiles. All you'd need to do is swap out the code that finds files on disk and swap in some code that always returns a grey square every time.
However this won't remove the Google logo or stop the app from downloading the map tiles from Google in the background. If you find out how to stop that please let me know.
