Manual simulation of Markov Chain in R - r

Consider the Markov chain with state space S = {1, 2}, transition matrix
and initial distribution α = (1/2, 1/2).
Simulate 5 steps of the Markov chain (that is, simulate X0, X1, . . . , X5). Repeat the simulation 100
times. Use the results of your simulations to solve the following problems.
Estimate P(X1 = 1|X0 = 1). Compare your result with the exact probability.
My solution:
# returns Xn
func2 <- function(alpha1, mat1, n1)
xn <- alpha1 %*% matrixpower(mat1, n1+1)
return (xn)
alpha <- c(0.5, 0.5)
mat <- matrix(c(0.5, 0.5, 0, 1), nrow=2, ncol=2)
n <- 10
for (variable in 1:100)
print(func2(alpha, mat, n))
What is the difference if I run this code once or 100 times (as is said in the problem-statement)?
How can I find the conditional probability from here on?

alpha <- c(1, 1) / 2
mat <- matrix(c(1 / 2, 0, 1 / 2, 1), nrow = 2, ncol = 2) # Different than yours
be the initial distribution and the transition matrix. Your func2 only finds n-th step distribution, which isn't needed, and doesn't simulate anything. Instead we may use
chainSim <- function(alpha, mat, n) {
out <- numeric(n)
out[1] <- sample(1:2, 1, prob = alpha)
for(i in 2:n)
out[i] <- sample(1:2, 1, prob = mat[out[i - 1], ])
where out[1] is generated using only the initial distribution and then for subsequent terms we use the transition matrix.
Then we have
# Doing once
chainSim(alpha, mat, 1 + 5)
# [1] 2 2 2 2 2 2
so that the chain initiated at 2 and got stuck there due to the specified transition probabilities.
Doing it for 100 times we have
# Doing 100 times
sim <- replicate(chainSim(alpha, mat, 1 + 5), n = 100)
rowMeans(sim - 1)
# [1] 0.52 0.78 0.87 0.94 0.99 1.00
where the last line shows how often we ended up in state 2 rather than 1. That gives one (out of many) reasons why 100 repetitions are more informative: we got stuck at state 2 doing just a single simulation, while repeating it for 100 times we explored more possible paths.
Then the conditional probability can be found with
mean(sim[2, sim[1, ] == 1] == 1)
# [1] 0.4583333
while the true probability is 0.5 (given by the upper left entry of the transition matrix).


Generate random numbers in R satisfying constraints

I need help with a code to generate random numbers according to constraints.
Specifically, I am trying to simulate random numbers ALFA and BETA from, respectively, a Normal and a Gamma distribution such that ALFA - BETA < 1.
Here is what I have written but it does not work at all.
n <- 0
repeat {
n <- n + 1
a <- rnorm(1, 10, 2)
b <- rgamma(1, 8, 1)
d <- a - b
if (d < 1)
alfa[n] <- a
beta[n] <- b
l = length(alfa)
if (l == 10000) break
Due to vectorization, it will be faster to generate the numbers "all at once" rather than in a loop:
N = 1e5
a = rnorm(N, 10, 2)
b = rgamma(N, 8, 1)
d = a - b
alfa = a[d < 1]
beta = b[d < 1]
# [1] 36436
This generated 100,000 candidates, 36,436 of which met your criteria. If you want to generate n samples, try setting N = 4 * n and you'll probably generate more than enough, keep the first n.
Your loop has 2 problems: (a) you need curly braces to enclose multiple lines after an if statement. (b) you are using n as an attempt counter, but it should be a success counter. As written, your loop will only stop if the 10000th attempt is a success. Move n <- n + 1 inside the if statement to fix:
n <- 0
alfa = numeric(0)
beta = numeric(0)
repeat {
a <- rnorm(1, 10, 2)
b <- rgamma(1, 8, 1)
d <- a - b
if (d < 1) {
n <- n + 1
alfa[n] <- a
beta[n] <- b
l = length(alfa)
if (l == 500) break
But the first way is better... due to "growing" alfa and beta in the loop, and generating numbers one at a time, this method takes longer to generate 500 numbers than the code above takes to generate 30,000.
As commented by #Gregor Thomas, the failure of your attempt is due to the missing of curly braces to enclose the if statement. If you would like to skip {} for if control, maybe you can try the code below
r <- list()
repeat {
a <- rnorm(1, 10, 2)
b <- rgamma(1, 8, 1)
d <- a - b
if (d < 1) r[[length(r)+1]] <- cbind(alfa = a, beta = b)
if (length(r) == 100000) break
r <-,r)
such that
> head(r)
alfa beta
[1,] 9.787751 12.210648
[2,] 9.810682 14.046190
[3,] 9.874572 11.499204
[4,] 6.473674 8.812951
[5,] 8.720010 8.799160
[6,] 11.409675 10.602608

Generate vector of 'random' proportions of a given length within specific boundaries

I want to generate a vector of a given length, e.g., n = 5. Each value in the vector should be a proportion (i.e., a value between 0 and 1) so that across n elements they sum up to 1.
Unfortunately, I have two vectors: one (mymins) defines the allowed lower boundaries of each proportion and the other (mymaxs) defines the allowed top boundaries of each proportion.
In my example below the desired proportion for the first element is allowed to fall anywhere between 0.3 and 0.9. And for the last element, the desired proportion is allowed to fall between 0.05 and 0.7.
mymins <- c(0.3, 0.1, 0, 0.2, 0.05)
mymaxs <- c(0.9, 1, 1, 1, 0.7)
Let's assume that mymins are always 'legitimate' (i.e., their sum is never larger than 1).
How could I find a set of 5 proportions such that they all sum to 1 but lie within the boundaries?
Here is what I tried:
n = 5
mydif <- mymaxs - mymins # possible range for each proportion
myorder <- rank(mydif) # order those differences from smallest to largest
mytarget <- sum(mydif) # sum up the 5 ranges
x <- sort(runif(n))[myorder] # generate 5 random values an sort them in the order of mydif
x2 <- mymins + x / sum(x) * mytarget # rescale random values to sum up to mytarget and add them to mymins
x3 <- x2/sum(x2) # rescale x2 to sum up to 1
As you can see, I am not very far - because after rescaling some values are outside of their allowed boundaries.
I should probably also mention that I need this operation to be fast - because I am using it in an optimization loop.
I also tried to find a solution using optim, however the problem is that it always finds the same solution - and I need to generate a DIFFERENT solutions every time I find the proporotion:
myfun <- function(x) {
x <- round(x, 4)
abovemins <- x - mymins
n_belowmins <- sum(abovemins < 0)
if (n_belowmins > 0) return(100000)
belowmax <- x - mymaxs
n_abovemax <- sum(belowmax > 0)
if (n_abovemax > 0) return(100000)
mydist <- abs(sum(x) - 1)
myopt <- optim(par = mymins + 0.01, fn = myfun)
sum(round(myopt$par, 4))
Thank you very much for your suggestions!
Perhaps its better to think of this in a different way. Your samples actually need to sum to 0.35 (which is 1 - sum(mymins)), then be added on to the minimum values
constrained_sample <- function(mymins, mymaxs)
sizes <- mymaxs - mymins
samp <- (runif(5) * sizes)
samp/sum(samp) * (1 - sum(mymins)) + mymins
It works like this:
constrained_sample(mymins, mymaxs)
#> [1] 0.31728333 0.17839397 0.07196067 0.29146744 0.14089459
We can test this works by running the following loop, which will print a message to the console if any of the criteria aren't met:
for(i in 1:1000)
test <- constrained_sample(mymins, mymaxs)
if(!all(test > mymins) | !all(test < mymaxs) | abs(sum(test) - 1) > 1e6) cat("failure")
This throws no errors, since the criteria are always met. However, as #GregorThomas points out, the bounds aren't realistic in this case. We can see a range of solutions constrained by your conditions using a boxplot:
samp <- constrained_sample(mymins, mymaxs)
for(i in 1:999) samp <- rbind(samp, constrained_sample(mymins, mymaxs))
df <- data.frame(val = c(samp[,1], samp[,2], samp[,3], samp[,4], samp[,5]),
index = factor(rep(1:5, each = 1000)))
ggplot(df, aes(x = index, y = val)) + geom_boxplot()
Because you need 5 random numbers to sum to 1, you really only have 4 independent numbers and one dependent number.
mymins <- c(0.3, 0.1, 0, 0.2, 0.05)
mymaxs <- c(0.9, 1, 1, 1, 0.7)
iter <- 1000
while(iter > 0 &&
(1 - sum(x <- runif(4, mymins[-5], mymaxs[-5]))) < mymins[5] ||
(1 - sum(x)) > mymaxs[5]
) iter <- iter - 1
if (iter < 1) {
# failed
stop("unable to find something within 1000 iterations")
} else {
x <- c(x, 1-sum(x))
# [1] 1
all(mymins <= x & x <= mymaxs)
# [1] TRUE
# [1] 0.37732330 0.21618036 0.07225311 0.24250359 0.09173965
The reason I use iter there is to make sure you don't take an "infinite" amount of time to find something. If your mymins and mymaxs combination make this mathematically infeasible (as your first example was), then you don't need to spin forever. If it is mathematically improbable to find it in a reasonable amount of time, you need to weigh how long you want to do this.
One reason this takes so long is that we are iteratively pulling entropy. If you expect this to go for a long time, then it is generally better to pre-calculate as much as you think you'll need (overall) and run things as a matrix.
n <- 10000
m <- matrix(runif(prod(n, length(mymins)-1)), nrow = n)
m <- t(t(m) * (mymaxs[-5] - mymins[-5]) + mymins[-5])
remainders <- (1 - rowSums(m))
ind <- mymins[5] <= remainders & remainders <= mymaxs[5]
# ind
# 9981 19
m <- cbind(m[ind,,drop=FALSE], remainders[ind])
# [1] 19
# [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
# [1,] 0.3405821 0.1306152 0.05931363 0.2199362 0.24955282
# [2,] 0.3601376 0.1367465 0.20235704 0.2477507 0.05300821
# [3,] 0.4469526 0.1279795 0.02265618 0.2881733 0.11423845
# [4,] 0.5450527 0.1029903 0.07503371 0.2052423 0.07168103
# [5,] 0.3161519 0.1469783 0.15290720 0.3268470 0.05711557
# [6,] 0.4782448 0.1185735 0.01664063 0.2178225 0.16871845
mymins[1] <= m[,1] & m[,1] <= mymaxs[1],
mymins[2] <= m[,2] & m[,2] <= mymaxs[2],
mymins[3] <= m[,3] & m[,3] <= mymaxs[3],
mymins[4] <= m[,4] & m[,4] <= mymaxs[4],
mymins[5] <= m[,5] & m[,5] <= mymaxs[5]
# [1] TRUE
This time it took 10000 attempts to make 19 valid combinations. It might take more or fewer attempts based on randomness, so ymmv with regards to how much you need to pre-generate.
If your example bounds are realistic, we can refine them quite a bit, narrowing the range of possibilities. For the current version of the question with:
mymins = c(0.3, 0.1, 0, 0.2, 0.05)
mymaxs = c(0.9, 1, 1, 1, 0.7)
What's the max for x[1]? Well, if x[2:5] take on minimum values, they will add up to 0.1 + 0 + 0.2 + 0.05 = 0.35, so based on the other mins only we know that max value for x[1] is 1 - 0.35 = 0.65. The 0.9 in mymaxs is way too high.
We can calculate the actual max values taking the minimum of the max values based on the minimums and the mymaxs vector:
new_max = pmin(mymaxs, 1 - (sum(mymins) - mymins))
# [1] 0.65 0.45 0.35 0.55 0.40
We can similarly revise the min bounds, though in this case even the revised max bounds new_max are high enough that it would have any impact on the minimums.
new_min = pmax(mymins, 1 - (sum(new_max) - new_max))
# [1] 0.30 0.10 0.00 0.20 0.05
With these adjustments, we should be able to see easily if any solutions are possible (all(new_min < new_max)). And then generating random numbers as in r2evans's answer should go much quicker using the new bounds.

R solver optimization

I am new to R solver and I want to have a simple example in R for the below problem:
I have four columns which I calculate the individual sums as the illustrated sample example below:
The problem I want to solve in R:
Find the optimal lines that satisfies, simultaneously, the below statements:
For the first two columns (a, b) the individual summations to be more close to 0
The sums of (c, d) to be more close to 5
I do not have restrictions of which package solver to use. It could be helpful to have an example of R code for this!
For the same solution I would like to apply some rules:
I want the sum(c) > sum(d) AND sum(d) < (static number, like 5)
Also, if I want the sums to fall into a range of numbers and not just static numbers, how the solution could it be written?
Using M defined reproducibly in the Note at the end we find the b which minimizes the following objective where b is a 0/1 vector:
sum((b %*% M - c(0, 0, 5, 5))^2)
1) CVXR Using the CVXR package we get a solution c(1, 0, 0, 1, 1) which means choose rows 1, 4 and 5.
n <- nrow(M)
b <- Variable(n, boolean = TRUE)
pred <- t(b) %*% M
y <- c(0, 0, 5, 5)
objective <- Minimize(sum((t(y) - pred)^2))
problem <- Problem(objective)
soln <- solve(problem)
bval <- soln$getValue(b)
## [1] 1 0 0 1 1
2) Brute Force Alternately since there are only 5 rows there are only 2^5 possible solutions so we can try them all and pick the one which minimizes the objective. First we compute a matrix solns with 2^5 columns such that each column is one possible solution. Then we compute the objective function for each column and take the one which minimizes it.
n <- nrow(M)
inverse.which <- function(ix, n) replace(integer(n), ix, 1)
L <- lapply(0:n, function(i) apply(combn(n, i), 2, inverse.which, n))
solns <-, L)
pred <- t(t(solns) %*% M)
obj <- colSums((pred - c(0, 0, 5, 5))^2)
solns[, which.min(obj)]
## [1] 1 0 0 1 1
M <- matrix(c(.38, -.25, .78, .83, -.65,
.24, -.35, .44, -.88, .15,
3, 5, 13, -15, 18,
18, -7, 23, -19, 7), 5)

Cut integer into equally sized integers and assign to vector

Lets assume the integer x. I want to split this quantity in n mostly equal chunks and save the values in a vector. E.g. if x = 10 and n = 4 then the resulting vector would be:
and if n = 3:
Note: The order of the resulting vector does not matter
While this will create a (probably unnecessary) large object when x is large, it is still pretty quick:
x <- 10
n <- 4
tabulate(cut(1:x, n))
#[1] 3 2 2 3
On a decent modern machine dividing 10M records into 100K groups, it takes only 5 seconds:
x <- 1e7
n <- 1e5
system.time(tabulate(cut(1:x, n)))
# user system elapsed
# 5.07 0.06 5.13
Here are some solutions.
1) lpSolve Solve this integer linear program. It should be fast even for large x (but not if n is also large). I also tried it for x = 10,000 and n = 3 and it returned the solution immediately.
For example, for n = 4 and x = 10 it corresponds to
min x4 - x1 such that 0 <= x1 <= x2 <= x3 <= x4 and
x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 10 and
x1, x2, x3, x4 are all integer
The R code is:
x <- 10
n <- 4
D <- diag(n)
mat <- (col(D) - row(D) == 1) - D
mat[n, ] <- 1
obj <- replace(numeric(n), c(1, n), c(-1, 1))
dir <- replace(rep(">=", n), n, "=")
rhs <- replace(numeric(n), n, x)
result <- lp("min", obj, mat, dir, rhs, = TRUE)
## [1] 2 2 3 3
and if we repeat the above with n = 3 we get:
## [1] 3 3 4
2) lpSolveAPI The lpSolveAPI package's interface to lpSolve supports a sparse matrix specification which may reduce storage if n is large although it may still be slow if n is sufficiently large. Rewriting (1) using this package we have:
x <- 10
n <- 4
mod <- make.lp(n, n)
set.type(mod, 1:n, "integer")
set.objfn(mod, c(-1, 1), c(1, n))
for(i in 2:n) add.constraint(mod, c(-1, 1), ">=", 0, c(i-1, i))
add.constraint(mod, rep(1, n), "=", x)
## [1] 2 2 3 3
3) Greedy Heuristic This alternative uses no packages. It starts with a candidate solution having n-1 values of x/n rounded down and one remaining value. On each iteration it tries to improve the current solution by subtracting one from the largest values and adding 1 to the same number of smallest values. It stops when it can make no further improvement in the objective, diff(range(soln)).
Note that for x <- 1e7 and n <- 1e5 it is quite an easy to solve since n divides evenly into x. In particular system.time(tabulate(cut(...))) reports 18 sec on my machine and for the same problem the code below takes 0.06 seconds as it gets the answer after 1 iteration.
For x <- 1e7 and n <- 1e5-1 system.time(tabulate(cut(...))) reports 16 seconds on my machine and for the same problem the code below takes 4 seconds finishing after 100 iterations.
In the example below, taken from the question, 10/4 rounded down is 2 so it starts out with c(2, 2, 2, 4). On the first iteration it gets c(2, 2, 3, 3). On the second iteration it cannot get any improvement and so returns the answer.
x <- 10
n <- 4
a <- x %/% n
soln <- replace(rep(a, n), n, x - (n-1)*a)
obj <- diff(range(soln))
iter <- 0
while(TRUE) {
iter <- iter + 1
soln_new <- soln
mx <- which(soln == max(soln))
ix <- seq_along(mx)
soln_new[ix] <- soln_new[ix] + 1
soln_new[mx] <- soln_new[mx] - 1
soln_new <- sort(soln_new)
obj_new <- diff(range(soln_new))
if (obj_new >= obj) break
soln <- soln_new
obj <- obj_new
## [1] 2
## [1] 2 2 3 3

How to skip a step and increase the number of iterations in a for loop in R

We have a big for loop in R for simulating various data where for some iterations the data generate in such a way that a quantity comes 0 inside the loop, which is not desirable and we should skip that step of data generation. But at the same time we also need to increase the number of iterations by one step because of such skip, otherwise we will have fewer observations than required.
For example, while running the following code, we get z=0 in iteration 1, 8 and 9.
n <- 10
z <- NULL
for(i in 1:n){
a <- rbinom(1,1,0.5)
b <- rbinom(1,1,0.5)
z[i] <- a+b
[1] 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 0 0 1
We desire to skip these steps so that we do not have any z=0 but we also want a vector z of length 10. It may be done in many ways. But what I particularly want to see is how we can stop the iteration and skip the current step when z=0 is encountered and go to the next step, ultimately obtaining 10 observations for z.
Normally we do this via a while loop, as the number of iterations required is unknown beforehand.
n <- 10L
z <- integer(n)
m <- 1L; i <- 0L
while (m <= n) {
z_i <- sum(rbinom(2L, 1, 0.5))
if (z_i > 0L) {z[m] <- z_i; m <- m + 1L}
i <- i + 1L
# [1] 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
# [1] 14
So we sample 14 times, 4 of which are 0 and the rest 10 are retained.
More efficient vectorized method
n <- 10L
z <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.5) + rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
m <- length(z <- z[z > 0L]) ## filtered samples
p <- m / n ## estimated success probability
k <- round(1.5 * (n - m) / p) ## further number of samples to ensure successful (n - m) non-zero samples
z_more <- rbinom(k, 1, 0.5) + rbinom(k, 1, 0.5)
z <- c(z, z_more[which(z_more > 0)[seq_len(n - m)]])
Some probability theory of geometric distribution has been used here. Initially we sample n samples, m of which are retained. So the estimated probability of success in accepting samples is p <- m/n. According to theory of Geometric distribution, on average, we need at least 1/p samples to observe a success. Therefore, we should at least sample (n-m)/p more times to expect (n-m) success. The 1.5 is just an inflation factor. By sampling 1.5 times more samples we hopefully can ensure (n-m) success.
According to Law of large numbers, the estimate of p is more precise when n is large. Therefore, this approach is stable for large n.
If you feel that 1.5 is not large enough, use 2 or 3. But my feeling is that it is sufficient.
