Visual studio 2017 add extension to real top bar - visual-studio-extensions

How do I add my extension to the "real" VS? Currently I have followed this guide
VS 2017 Extension guide
The guide only shows you how to add the extension to the top menu when running VS in an "experimental instance". How can I add the extension to not only the experimental instance but also the normal VS?

The "experimental instance" is for debug mode.
For your local vs extension:
To add extension to real vs, double click the extensionName.vsix file and the extension will be added to your VS automatically.(Your vs producct should meet the extension's prerequisites)
PS: You can find the xx.vsix in ProjectDir/bin/Debug or Release folder.
If you publish your extension to VS
We can find this extension within vs by go Tools menu=>Extensions and Updates=>Online to find it using search window, and click download to install it.


Create a VS 2017 extension to add new code file

I hope someone can point me in the right direction. I have two separate piece of code that functions outside of Visual Studio.
The last step performed by the second piece of code currently creates a new c# source file. I would like to combine both pieces of code into a single VSIX extension.
Unfortunately I have never worked with VS Extensions and I am a bit lost. I have worked through various VSIX examples, but none of these create files.
Can anyone perhaps point me to a working example of how to add new source files to a project via an extension?
I have seen some examples, but they all refer to old Add-In style plugins and not VSIX.
Create a VS 2017 extension to add new code file
As we know the Visual Studio Extensions is:
Extensions are add-ons that allow you to customize and enhance your
experience in Visual Studio by adding new features or integrating
existing tools. An extension can range in all levels of complexity,
but its main purpose is to increase your productivity and cater to
your workflow.
So, the Visual Studio extension is service for Visual Studio IDE to customize and enhance your experience in Visual Studio, rather than serving a specific project.
What I suspect the Project and item templates should be helps.
Hope this helps.

JetBrains Toolbox recent project not updated

I'm using the JetBrains Toolbox App. I do not see that the recent projects tab is updated.
I open PyCharm everyday but it only shows project opened 1 week ago! But if I open PyCharm, it can show recent projects correctly.
How can I solve this problem? Where does Toolbox search for recent projects?
I was having the same problem as well.
The recent projects for IntelliJ are stored under:
mac: ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea2018.3/options/recentProjects.xml
linux: ~/.IntelliJIdea2018.3/config/options/recentProjects.xml
The recent projects for CLion they are stored under:
mac: ~/Library/Preferences/CLion2018.3/options/recentProjectDirectories.xml
linux: ~/.CLion2018.3/config/options/recentProjectDirectories.xml
After looking at the xml in the recentProjects.xml file, I noticed that only one of the projects from the xml list options was actually shown in the Toolbox App project tab. The reason in my case was because I had set a custom path variable in the IntelliJ settings under Appearance & Behavior -> Path Variable to point to my desktop directory.
The xml for the one project that actually appeared in the Toolbox App was listed as <option value="$USER_HOME$/path/to/project" />. All my other recently opened projects that were not showing up in the Toolbox projects tab were listed as <option value="$desktop$/path/to/file" />.
After removing the desktop variable in IntelliJ's Path Variable settings window all my recent projects showed up in the Toolbox App.
So not sure if you have added any path variables but if you have that is probably what is causing the problem. Either way I would recommend looking at the recentProjects.xml or recentProjectDirectories.xml file. Not sure which one PyCharm uses.

Solution explorer menu in Visual Studio 2015 is missing jspm packages and config.js

I'm following an aurelia tutorial with Visual Studio 2015 and ASP.NET core where I installed NPM and run JSPM init, but after successfully creating all the files I can't find the jspm packages or config.js file in my Solution explorer.
UPDATE 1 The hidden folders and files are now showing up, but I have to right click on the main directory and chose the option to add to existing item. As you can see from the image I have a lot of files and folders, how can I speed up the process? Is there a way to just add all files to the project at the same time instead of manually?
Note: The config.js and jspm packages are on my physical directory so I know they exist, but how can I make them show up on my solution explorer menu?
I opened cmd prompt and entered: jspm init + npm install jspm --save-dev and selected yes on everything except on the configuration file part I entered: wwwroot and enter yes on everything, then selected babel.
Please let me know what I should do to make the files show up on the solution explorer or at least point me in the right direction. Thank you.
Originally VS projects did not automatically include new files that were added to the Project directory manually outside of Visual Studio.
However, I find that with VS2015 Update 3 and a new AspNet Core project they do "automagically" show up.
Not sure if maybe you're on a slightly older build, etc. but you could try the older approach as follows:
Select the Project in the Project Explorer (you currently have a solution-level item selected in that screenshot) and then you will see a new icon appear in the row of icons across the top of the Solution Explorer. This is the "Show All Files" icon/button.
Clicking it will show items that are in the physical directory but are not part of the VS Project. You should be able to right-click the file an choose include in project (or at least you used to be able to do this in older projects, etc. as stated).

Can't find web application template in Visual Studio 2015 Community

I have installed Visual Studio Community 2015 (DreamSpark program) on my Windows 10 N 64 bit machine.
But when I want to create a new web project, I can't see anything related to this.
So I launched the setup and watched if the "Web development tools" was checked or not and it was.
I unchecked it, then clicked next so VS Setup uninstalled these tools.
Then I re-launched the setup and checked it to install the "Web development tools" but it does not solve my problem.
I tried uninstalling, clearing all caches, install VS 2015 with another ISO re-downloaded in case that a file was corrupted or whatever, but I still have got this issue.
I tried to install manually Web Application templates using devenv /installVSTemplates -> does not work neither.
I tried to follow this article :
in order to remove all components related to VS left after a classic uninstallation but the setup encounters a fatal error..
I really need to work for my studies and I don't know what to do to make it work. I tried everything I've found on the web, tried to clean with CCleaner + manually delete cache folder ect..
But I still can't create a new web project because it just does not appear.
In Nugget Package Manager (inside VS), I can see that the ASP.NET package is installed (forgot the exact name but, this is the package related to what I am looking for) and I can't uninstall it to try a re-installation.
I'm trying to solve my probleme since 2 weeks ago but I still have got this issue.
Sorry for english mistakes.
Best regards,
Just to double check
Go to control panel "Add / remove programs" -> "Visual 2015" -> "Modify" , check that "Web developer tools" checked.
After reinstalling everything should reappear.
If you have already done this try..
(1) Please make sure that it is the latest windows 10 run windows update
(2) Run the command line:
Please check this folder in your system:
You will find projecttemplate and itemtemplate, and you will also find projecttemplatecache and itemtemplatecache which are related to this templates issue, maybe you could remove them, and then run the following commands and see whether it can help you create the item/project templates.
devenv /installvstemplates.
devenv /ResetSettings.
Hopefully this fixes the issues
You can download this tutorial at
Please also make sure that you are trying to add this item under a directory which can hold this type of file.
Go to Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE. Rename ProjectTemplatesCache folder and restart Visual Studio

VS 2012 RTM Intellisense Broken

This seems to be happening on a project-by-project basis. Currently I am working on an ASP.NET 4.5 Web Application Project. Intellisense was fine one day but not the next. I am using a custom project template but that should make no difference. I tried editing the text editor settings so that Auto list members and Parameter information are both checked. I tried to reset your Visual Studio settings (Tools --> Import and export settings --> Reset all settings) and I also tried the solution in the accepted answer here:
Intellisense not working
Has anyone got any insight or suggestions? Pending any answers, I've submitted a Connect bug report:
You may be able to refresh Intellisense cache with Ctrl + Shift + R (on standard shortcut keys)
I've had the same issue on VS2010 and fixed it another method described at How to turn IntelliSense on in Visual Studio 2010?
From the link:
Delete the files in this folder: %AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ReflectedSchemas (the 10.0 folder may be a different number for VS2012)
If nothing else works, you type this in the Visual Studio Command Prompt (this is in your Start menu) and hit enter: devenv /resetuserdata
This last option is documented here on MSDN, with the following disclaimer:
Disclaimer: you will lose all your environment settings and
customizations if you use this switch. It is for this reason that this
switch is not officially supported and Microsoft does not advertise
this switch to the public (you won't see this switch if you type
devenv.exe /? in the command prompt). You should only use this switch
as the last resort if you are experiencing an environment problem, and
make sure you back up your environment settings by exporting them
before using this switch.
