How can I connect LabVIEW to MySQL MariaDB - odbc

We've just transitioned to using XAMPP which uses the open source fork of MySQL, MariaDB.
I've always used MySQL and the corresponding ODBC connector.
Do I need to change my code to work with MariaDB and if so do NI recommend an ODBC for MariaDB?

There is almost no difference between (same versions of) MariaDB and MySQL. You should even be able to reuse the same connectors.
However, you might want to use MariaDB's own connectors, at least for new systems.
For the same reason, there should be no changes necessary for your LabVIEW code.


ORACLE Golden Gate Classic Installation location relative to Source DB

From reading the docs, which are not to the point imho, when wanting to extract from a Source Oracle DB:
do you need to install OGG Classic on the same Server of the Source Oracle DB always for the Extract?
or, can we move with a script the archived log files to another machine?
or can the extract work out that the Oracle Source DB is on another server via tnsnames, ldap, oranames, etc?
That is not clear to me from the docs.
Looking at this from licensing cost issues on big db server. Sure, we can shareplex to another machine.
Picture provided:
All three scenarios are supported. Migrating log files from one machine to another is referred to as Downstream Capture and using GoldenGate on one machine to capture from the DBMS over the network is referred to as Remote Capture.
In addition, with Oracle GoldenGate 19.1 for Oracle, you can capture across operating systems. This means you can run GoldenGate on a Linux machine to capture data from your AIX DBMS environment.

Is there a way to connect ODBC datasource in Knexjs

I have my windows 10 pc with ODBC datasource as my_odbc
This will connect to my remote informix server.
So for I am using this odbc for my local as well as php website development.
I want to use Adonis Js which uses knex.
How to give database connection properties, as to that of mysql, pg, mssql etc.
using odbc data source.
my connection is "DSN=my_odbc;UID=vijayan;PWD=vijayan;"
But you can write your own ODBC client. There was some initial work done for it, but nowadays all new dialects should be added as separate npm modules like described in
(I'm not going to copy-paste that boilerplate code here, because it is more probable that knex changes and that linked document changes in compared to knex github getting offline)
Initial work that was done for the support is found here:

How to test Cassandra Database using Robotframework

I need to connect to Cassandra Database and Query from there.
I want to know, is there any exist database library for Cassandra in Robot Framework.
Short answer: no, there isn't such.
One of the active (and good) Cassandra drivers for Python is from a company called DataStax, here is its repo - Have in mind it has some peculiarities getting installed and running in the various OSes.
But as it does not (regretfully) adhere to Python Database API, so you cannot just install it and straight ahead use by RF's DatabaseLibrary.
You could/should create your own library wrapping the driver calls (which shouldn't be that hard...).

Visio reverse engineering

I am new with Visio. Is it possible to generate an empty database from a database scheme? I am trying to generate a SQLite database from a Visio database scheme. I have tried to use reverse engineering with different SQLite drivers but could never see any tables to select in the reverse engineer wizard......
BTW, Is there any other tools that could build a SQLite database easier? I tried SQLite Manager, SQLite2009 pro enterprise manager. Either of them seems to be very user friendly. Also tried OsenXP Suite which did not work at all either...
Hope this could help
there is an answer here
seems you have to install ODBC driver
I've also tried using MySQL database, and need ODBC to connect to VISIO. The steps are here
Maybe the step is same because using ODBC
Unfortunately, I found error, if the table name is longer than 16 characters, then the visio will error.

Is there a way to connect to an ASA database with Powerbuilder without deploying the ODBC or OLEDB drivers?

What I want is a Powerbuilder application that runs on Windows that runs from a CD (or some other external disk) that can read from an ASA database whose file is located on the same disk. But I want to do so without deploying the ODBC or OLEDB drivers. That is, I do not want to have to copy the driver files to the client's hard disk or add any registry entries. Is this possible?
In the Powerbuilder and ASA documentation they mention something about "embedded database connections" and supposedly you can specify the executable for the database server in the connection string. But that was no help.
When you attempt to connect to a database and "ODBC" is specified for the DBMS property of the transaction object, PowerBuilder is going to want to start loading drivers and looking to an ODBC datasource for the driver's info.
The only thing I can think to try, is to create all the registry entries at run time and point them to the driver files and the .db file on the CD. You might be able to make things easier with a file based datasource on the CD already, but you'll still need to create registry entries to setup the driver details. Then you can remove all those entries when you disconnect/close the application. I don't think you can do this completely without registry entries.
You do have to deploy the ODBC driver, that's how PB talks to SQL Anywhere. You dont have to create a DNS entry though, you can usr a DNSless connection.
Since you aren't getting much feedback I thought I'd offer this. I've done this with MS Access, but MS Access is much easier to connect to and most Windows PC's are able to connect via File based DSN.
You definitely want to avoid ODBC if at all possible look for File based DSN in ASA, but because it is more of a full database engine I doubt it is possible without ODBC and setting up ODBC via Registry Entries is possible but no fun at all especially if your clients are running different versions of Windows.
Here is the connect string I used for something similar but MS Access. I choose Access for this exact reason, it was for a RPG program and I wanted a database but didn't want to mess with ODBC.
"Connectstring='Driver={Microsoft Access Driver
(*.mdb)};UID=abc;PWD=123; Dbq=C:\Program Files\Mafia Manager\mm.mdb;
