Alfresco Thumbnail creation not works - alfresco

I do not see Thumbnail for the image type ( png ) in the Document Library.
I see properly the Thumbnail of PDF and DOC
Other error when i try to change Alfresco Icon:
Unsupported transformation: transformer.ImageMagick image/png to image/png
imagemagick version: 7.0.5-2
Configuration in global properties:
### External executable locations ###
Please, help

I think that the Imagemagick inside the Alfresco-community release has a bug.
Imagemagick version: 7.0.5-2
I installed last version with all flags during installation wizard ( NOT for associate files to ImageMagick )
Config in global properties:

My issue was that alfresco-pdf-renderer was not working in linux (only for txt, ftl,html mimetypes). It was working for other mimetypes. Also, it was working in windows for all mime types:
I resolve it on my linux envt by:
Changing the owner of 'alfresco-pdf-renderer' file from ec2-user to root
sudo chown root:root alfresco-pdf-renderer
Share admin console properties set at http://hostname:8080/alfresco/s/enterprise/admin/admin-transformations:
Imagemagick was already enabled and working fine in my case. Also if above solution does not work, you can try out this -


Upgraded Drush 8 to 9 Site Alias Not Working

I moved from using Docksal to Acquia ADS (Lando) which automatically upgraded my Drush from 8 to 9. My local site works fine but I can't get Drush 9 to "see" my Drupal 8 site. The aliases seem to have been created and added to the drush/sites folder and running drush site:alias does show them. However running drush status shows my Drupal root as /app. My Drupal root is /app/docroot. My alias files do have this as their root (for local). I'm not sure why Drush doesn't use the alias files it knows about. I've tried:
drush #self(or #local) list and I get some commands and this statement at the end:
[NOTE] Drupal root not found. Pass --root or a #siteAlias in order to see Drupal-specific commands.
Doing drush #local(or #self) cr returns:
In BootstrapHook.php line 32: Bootstrap failed. Run your command
with -vvv for more information.
With -vvv:
Exception trace: at
Drush\Boot\BootstrapHook->initialize() at
Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\CommandProcessor->initializeHook() at
Consolidation\AnnotatedCommand\AnnotatedCommand->initialize() at
Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at
Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at
Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at
Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at
Drush\Runtime\Runtime->doRun() at
Drush\Runtime\Runtime->run() at /app/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php:72
require() at /app/vendor/drush/drush/drush:4
drush status:
PHP binary : /usr/local/bin/php
PHP config :
PHP OS : Linux
Drush script : /app/vendor/drush/drush/drush
Drush version : 10.2.2 <-- Had 9.0.0 but currently trying 10, same issue
Drush temp : /tmp
Drush configs : /root/.drush/drush.yml
Drupal root : /app
root: /app/docroot
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
Figured it out. No matter how many ways you try to tell Drush where to look to find your Drupal root, none of it will matter until you edit your composer.json file. Turns out the key to making Drush 9+ work is changing the name in composer.
My composer.json file name went from:
"name": "drupal/drupal",
"name": "drupal-composer/drupal-project",
I don't think this feature was documented anywhere so I'm posting it here in response to my own question in case this helps anyone else.
I realize that this is an older question, however with Drupal 8 recently reaching end of life, and the high probability of many people (like myself) scrambling to upgrade now that clients have realized the risks of using EOL software, I want to take a moment to explain why #r00t's answer works.
r00t is correct that changing the "name" value in composer.json fixed the issue, however, the value that is set is not limited to drupal-composer/drupal-project. This seems to stem from the package webflo/drupal-finder and the way it works.
webflow/drupal-finder is a requirement of drush/drush, so it's going to be included even if you haven't added it manually. It's also a requirement of a couple of others that you may or may not have installed, like palantirnet/drupal-rector (which as a side note, is really helpful for this upgrade).
Within the code for drupal-finder is a method that looks for the install path of Drupal core based on a few items within your composer.json file.
Here is the code from DrupalFinder::isValidRoot()
foreach ($json['extra']['installer-paths'] as $install_path => $items) {
if (in_array('type:drupal-core', $items) ||
in_array('drupal/core', $items) ||
in_array('drupal/drupal', $items)) {
$this->composerRoot = $path;
// #todo: Remove this magic and detect the major version instead.
if (($install_path == 'core') || ((isset($json['name'])) && ($json['name'] == 'drupal/drupal'))) {
$install_path = '';
} elseif (substr($install_path, -5) == '/core') {
$install_path = substr($install_path, 0, -5);
Which is telling drupal-finder that if the "name" value is drupal/drupal then the install path of the site is at the base of the project, however if it is not drupal/drupal then use a value from extra.installer-paths to find the site install.
I'm still not aware if this is documented anywhere on either webflo/drupal-finder or in drush/drush, but understanding why it was an issue helped me out tremendously.
If your site's docroot lives next to your vendor folder, change the name in composer.json to anything that isn't drupal/drupal. If your vendor folder lives inside your docroot, drupal/drupal will work for you.

Application icon doesn't work with Snap packaging

My desktop file is:
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Mind map application
Comment=Mind map application
My snapcraft.yaml is:
name: heimer
version: '1.1.0'
summary: Heimer is a simple cross-platform mind map tool.
description: |
Heimer is a simple cross-platform mind map creation tool.
Emphasis on easy diagram creation, simplicity, and speed.
grade: stable
confinement: strict
icon: ../../../data/icons/heimer.png
command: desktop-launch heimer
desktop: usr/share/applications/heimer.desktop
plugs: [home, x11, wayland]
source: ../../../
plugin: cmake
- qtbase5-dev
- qttools5-dev
- qttools5-dev-tools
- libqt5xml5
after: [desktop-qt5]
CMake installs the application icon to:
# Install icons
install(FILES data/icons/heimer.png DESTINATION share/pixmaps)
install(FILES data/icons/heimer.png DESTINATION share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps)
Desktop file is installed to:
# Install .desktop files
install(FILES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/heimer.desktop DESTINATION share/applications)
I don't understand what the problem is. After installing the snap my application always shows the default system icon in the launcher (Ubuntu 18.04). No warning or anything when creating the package or when running it.
Note: This same setup works for Debian packaging. My Debian package uses exactly the same install locations and the icon works just fine in that case.
Currently, Snapcraft does no processing regarding the desktop entries' icons (thus the system can't find the icons as the icons specified in the desktop entries aren't in the icon search directories) and the packager have to manually patch the Icon value to $SNAP/path/to/the/icon.{png,svg} to the .desktop files specified by the apps._app_name_.desktop keys.
Here’s the
GNU Sed script I've been using for this purpose:
Utility script for patching:
Location in-recipe that calls the utility script:
I've filed a proposal to improve this situation at: Proposal: The apps.<app-name>.icon Key - snapcraft -
Following these steps the icon appears in the desktop (Snap apps)
Go to var/lib/snapd/desktop/application
Copy the .desktop (vlc_vlc.desktop)
Paste it in Desktop
right click and chose allow lunching

Open files in PHPStorm with Vagrant+Symfony application

I know you can open files from Symfony profiler or exception file links using this in project/app/config.yml :
ide: "phpstorm://open?file=%%f&line=%%l"
More info:
However as I'm using vagrant, the file path of the server doesn't match my host.
I have created a PHP web application server in PHPStorm with the propper path mappings, but still doesn't work.
Any ideas?
When running your app in a container or in a virtual machine, you can tell Symfony to map files from the guest to the host by changing their prefix. This map should be specified at the end of the URL template, using & and > as guest-to-host separators:
// /path/to/guest/.../file will be opened
// as /path/to/host/.../file on the host
// as /path/to/host/.../file on the host
Symfony FrameworkBundle Configuration - IDE
The answer given by Jeffry no longer works unfortunately :(. When In configure that with my paths the profiler throws:
You have requested a non-existent parameter "f:".
I have configured the path according to this line in the SF docs: This map should be specified at the end of the URL template, which results in this:
However, it does open PHPStorm, but phpstorm does not open the file, so i'm a bit stuck here now.
This solves the issue with the file not opening in PhpStorm from a Vagrant:

Flex Localization: Could not find compiled resource bundle

I tried every solution i found in the internet.
Im using flex 4.5, This is what im doing:
created directory locale/en_US in my src directory
add file to that directory with some mappings.
add -locale en_US -source-path=./locale/{locale} -allow-source-path-overlap=true to the compile args.
checked in the framework that the en_US locale directory appear.
add metadata:
starting the app gives me the exception:
Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'resources' for locale 'en_US'.
This is some of the main solutions i tried:
uncheck "Remove unused RSLs" from the build path.
add the directory as a source path.
using the argument -include-resource-bundles and give my directory here (with using the argument -resource-bundle-list to get all bundles).
Any idea what else can i do?
Here is my structure for a mobile app (Android and iOS):
In src/locale I have 3 subdirs: de_DE, en_US, ru_RU
And in compiler options: -locale=ru_RU,en_US,de_DE -source-path=locale/{locale}
For another mobile app I have:
In src/locale 4 subdirs: en_US, hr_HR, sr_RS, sl_SI.
I had to add the latter 3 dirs with copylocale command.
And in compiler options: -locale hr_HR sr_RS sl_SI en_US -allow-source-path-overlap=true
Both apps work well for me with the latest Apache Flex SDK.
Here is the contents of a src/locale/hr_HR/ file:
# file for locale hr_HR
navbar.tables=Stolovi za igranje:
navbar.full_long=Su puni
navbar.full_short=Su puni
OK i found a solution here:
im really not sure why it should be that difficult.
anyway, if someone ever need a help with that. after you successfully compile the file using ant (like described in the link), if you want to load it dynamcally like i needed just use (for example):
resourceManager.localeChain = ["en_US", "es_ES"];
worked well for me, no need to add anything to the compiler args for that solution.
Try using the fully qualified directory path name. If you're using ant you can use ${basedir}/src/locale/{locale}

Flex, zend production error

I've got my flex, php & zend project working fine on localhost but when I try to move it to production I get the following error:
Class "testService" does not exist: Plugin by name 'testService' was not found in the registry; used
: /home/myNewFolder/services/
#0 /home/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Amf/Server.php(550): Zend_Amf_Server->_dispatch('paged', Array,
#1 /home/ZendFramework/library/Zend/Amf/Server.php(626): Zend_Amf_Server-
#2 /home/myNewFolder/gateway.php(69): Zend_Amf_Server->handle()
#3 {main}
I've got my amf_config file as follows:
webroot =/home/myNewFolder
zend_path =/home/ZendFramework/library
amf.production = false
my .swf & services folder are located in "myNewFolder", which is located under the root of my directory.
I am using Zend version 1.9.4, Flex SDK 4.1. My localhost is windows & production host is Linux
two potential problems, the home on the server is not the path you think. Print home to screen to see what is there. Second, always, always use small letters. Too many problems arise when you write myApp, MyApp or Myapp. just write myapp, and do not worry again
Edit: wait a second, your services path is wrong. I assume it is under New Folder. Your amf directories should change to amf.directories[]=./services
Remember that Unix is case sensitive, and Windows doesn't so check the case, your file should be named testService.php, or TestService.php.
