Suppose I have a function with a kink. I want to derive a kink point, which in this case is 0.314. I tried optim but it does not work.
Here is an example. In general, I want to derive c. Of course, I could use brute force, but it is slow.
# function with a kink
f <- function(x, c){
(x >= 0 & x < c) * 0 + (x >= c & x <=1) * (sin(3*(x-c))) +
(x < 0 | x > 1) * 100
# plot
x_vec <- seq(0, 1, .01)
plot(x_vec, f(x_vec, c = pi/10), "l")
# does not work
optim(.4, f, c = pi/10)
This function has no unique minimum.
Here, a trick is to transform this function a little bit, so that its kink becomes a unique minimum.
g <- function (x, c) f(x, c) - x
x_vec <- seq(0, 1, 0.01)
plot(x_vec, g(x_vec, c = pi/10), type = "l")
# now works
optim(0.4, g, c = pi/10, method = "BFGS")
#[1] 0.3140978
#[1] -0.3140978
#function gradient
# 34 5
#[1] 0
In mathematics, if we want to find something, we have to first define it precisely. So what is a "kink" exactly? In this example, you refer to the parameter c = pi / 10. But what is it in general? Without a clear definition, there is no algorithm/function to get it.
I use RStudio for university. And I got this task where I need help:
Response times of people were measured. The following density function was found:
f (x) = 0.62 * (1 / x)
only positive reaction times between 1 and 5 seconds were measured.
In which interval [c, 5] do the top 30 percent of the response times fall? Calculate c!
Normally I would integrate in this way:
integrand_2 <- function(x) {0.62 * (1/x)}
integrate(integrand, lower = , upper = 5)
But as you can see, I have the problem that the lower limit is unknown. How can I find this unknown lower limit (c)?
Are you looking for this?
f <- function(z) integrate(function(x) 0.62 / x, z, 5)$value - 0.3
res <- uniroot(f, c(1, 5))$root
then we have
> res
[1] 3.081973
> integrate(function(x) 0.62 / x, res, 5)$value
[1] 0.2999982
Here is a way, but not with the result in ThomasIsCoding's answer.
pdf <- function(x) {
cdf <- function(x){
integrate(pdf, lower = 1, upper = x)$value
u <- uniroot(function(x) cdf(x) - 0.7, c(1, 5))
#[1] 3.092671
1 - cdf(u$root)
#[1] 0.2999982
But if the correct normalizing constant 1/log(5) is used instead of the rounded value 0.62, the result becomes closer.
pdf <- function(x) {
# Same cdf
u <- uniroot(function(x) cdf(x) - 0.7, c(1, 5))
#[1] 3.085178
1 - cdf(u$root)
#[1] 0.2999982
I want to maximize the following function subject to the given constraints.
-p1log(p1) - p3log(p3) - p5log(p5)
subject to p1 + p3 + p5 = 1
and p1 + 3p3 + 5p5 = 3.5
p1 , p3 and p5 all lie between 0 and 1 [They are probabilities].
My question is how do I solve this in R? From what I saw, constrOptim() is one of the functions commonly used to solve these type of problems. However I could not figure it out.
Any help is appreciated.
Package Rsolnp uses Lagrange multipliers to solve non-linear problems with equality constraints. Here is how it would be setup. eps is meant not to have the logarithms produce NaN values.
f <-function(X) {
x <- X[1]
y <- X[2]
z <- X[3]
res <- -x*log(x) - y*log(y) - z*log(z)
eq_f <- function(X){
x <- X[1]
y <- X[2]
z <- X[3]
x + y + z,
x + 3*y + 5*z
eps <- .Machine$double.eps*10^2
X0 <- c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
sol <- solnp(
pars = X0,
fun = f,
eqfun = eq_f,
eqB = c(1, 3.5),
LB = rep(eps, 3),
UB = rep(1, 3)
#Iter: 1 fn: -1.0512 Pars: 0.21624 0.31752 0.46624
#Iter: 2 fn: -1.0512 Pars: 0.21624 0.31752 0.46624
#solnp--> Completed in 2 iterations
#[1] 0
#[1] 0.2162396 0.3175208 0.4662396
#[1] 0.000000 -1.051173 -1.051173
The last value of sol$values is the function value at the optimal parameters.
We can check that the constraints are met.
#[1] 1
sum(sol$pars*c(1, 3, 5))
#[1] 3.5
I've found polynomial coefficients from my data:
R <- c(0.256,0.512,0.768,1.024,1.28,1.437,1.594,1.72,1.846,1.972,2.098,2.4029)
Ic <- c(1.78,1.71,1.57,1.44,1.25,1.02,0.87,0.68,0.54,0.38,0.26,0.17)
NN <- 3
ft <- lm(Ic ~ poly(R, NN, raw = TRUE))
pc <- coef(ft)
So I can create a polynomial function:
f1 <- function(x) pc[1] + pc[2] * x + pc[3] * x ^ 2 + pc[4] * x ^ 3
And for example, take a derivative:
g1 <- Deriv(f1)
How to create a universal function so that it doesn't have to be rewritten for every new polynomial degree NN?
My original answer may not be what you really want, as it was numerical rather symbolic. Here is the symbolic solution.
## use `"x"` as variable name
## taking polynomial coefficient vector `pc`
## can return a string, or an expression by further parsing (mandatory for `D`)
f <- function (pc, expr = TRUE) {
stringexpr <- paste("x", seq_along(pc) - 1, sep = " ^ ")
stringexpr <- paste(stringexpr, pc, sep = " * ")
stringexpr <- paste(stringexpr, collapse = " + ")
if (expr) return(parse(text = stringexpr))
else return(stringexpr)
## an example cubic polynomial with coefficients 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4
cubic <- f(pc = 1:4 / 10, TRUE)
## using R base's `D` (requiring expression)
dcubic <- D(cubic, name = "x")
# 0.2 + 2 * x * 0.3 + 3 * x^2 * 0.4
## using `Deriv::Deriv`
dcubic <- Deriv(cubic, x = "x", nderiv = 1L)
# expression(0.2 + x * (0.6 + 1.2 * x))
Deriv(f(1:4 / 10, FALSE), x = "x", nderiv = 1L) ## use string, get string
# [1] "0.2 + x * (0.6 + 1.2 * x)"
Of course, Deriv makes higher order derivatives easier to get. We can simply set nderiv. For D however, we have to use recursion (see examples of ?D).
Deriv(cubic, x = "x", nderiv = 2L)
# expression(0.6 + 2.4 * x)
Deriv(cubic, x = "x", nderiv = 3L)
# expression(2.4)
Deriv(cubic, x = "x", nderiv = 4L)
# expression(0)
If we use expression, we will be able to evaluate the result later. For example,
eval(cubic, envir = list(x = 1:4)) ## cubic polynomial
# [1] 1.0 4.9 14.2 31.3
eval(dcubic, envir = list(x = 1:4)) ## its first derivative
# [1] 2.0 6.2 12.8 21.8
The above implies that we can wrap up an expression for a function. Using a function has several advantages, one being that we are able to plot it using curve or plot.function.
fun <- function(x, expr) eval.parent(expr, n = 0L)
Note, the success of fun requires expr to be an expression in terms of symbol x. If expr was defined in terms of y for example, we need to define fun with function (y, expr). Now let's use curve to plot cubic and dcubic, on a range 0 < x < 5:
curve(fun(x, cubic), from = 0, to = 5) ## colour "black"
curve(fun(x, dcubic), add = TRUE, col = 2) ## colour "red"
The most convenient way, is of course to define a single function FUN rather than doing f + fun combination. In this way, we also don't need to worry about the consistency on the variable name used by f and fun.
FUN <- function (x, pc, nderiv = 0L) {
## check missing arguments
if (missing(x) || missing(pc)) stop ("arguments missing with no default!")
## expression of polynomial
stringexpr <- paste("x", seq_along(pc) - 1, sep = " ^ ")
stringexpr <- paste(stringexpr, pc, sep = " * ")
stringexpr <- paste(stringexpr, collapse = " + ")
expr <- parse(text = stringexpr)
## taking derivatives
dexpr <- Deriv::Deriv(expr, x = "x", nderiv = nderiv)
## evaluation
val <- eval.parent(dexpr, n = 0L)
## note, if we take to many derivatives so that `dexpr` becomes constant
## `val` is free of `x` so it will only be of length 1
## we need to repeat this constant to match `length(x)`
if (length(val) == 1L) val <-, length(x))
## now we return
Suppose we want to evaluate a cubic polynomial with coefficients pc <- c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) and its derivatives on x <- seq(0, 1, 0.2), we can simply do:
FUN(x, pc)
# [1] 0.1000 0.1552 0.2536 0.4144 0.6568 1.0000
FUN(x, pc, nderiv = 1L)
# [1] 0.200 0.368 0.632 0.992 1.448 2.000
FUN(x, pc, nderiv = 2L)
# [1] 0.60 1.08 1.56 2.04 2.52 3.00
FUN(x, pc, nderiv = 3L)
# [1] 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
FUN(x, pc, nderiv = 4L)
# [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0
Now plotting is also easy:
curve(FUN(x, pc), from = 0, to = 5)
curve(FUN(x, pc, 1), from = 0, to = 5, add = TRUE, col = 2)
curve(FUN(x, pc, 2), from = 0, to = 5, add = TRUE, col = 3)
curve(FUN(x, pc, 3), from = 0, to = 5, add = TRUE, col = 4)
Since my final solution with symbolic derivatives eventually goes too long, I use a separate session for numerical calculations. We can do this as for polynomials, derivatives are explicitly known so we can code them. Note, there will be no use of R expression here; everything is done directly by using functions.
So we first generate polynomial basis from degree 0 to degree p - n, then multiply coefficient and factorial multiplier. It is more convenient to use outer than poly here.
## use `outer`
g <- function (x, pc, nderiv = 0L) {
## check missing aruments
if (missing(x) || missing(pc)) stop ("arguments missing with no default!")
## polynomial order p
p <- length(pc) - 1L
## number of derivatives
n <- nderiv
## earlier return?
if (n > p) return(, length(x)))
## polynomial basis from degree 0 to degree `(p - n)`
X <- outer(x, 0:(p - n), FUN = "^")
## initial coefficients
## the additional `+ 1L` is because R vector starts from index 1 not 0
beta <- pc[n:p + 1L]
## factorial multiplier
beta <- beta * factorial(n:p) / factorial(0:(p - n))
## matrix vector multiplication
drop(X %*% beta)
We still use the example x and pc defined in the symbolic solution:
x <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.2)
pc <- 1:4 / 10
g(x, pc, 0)
# [1] 0.1000 0.1552 0.2536 0.4144 0.6568 1.0000
g(x, pc, 1)
# [1] 0.200 0.368 0.632 0.992 1.448 2.000
g(x, pc, 2)
# [1] 0.60 1.08 1.56 2.04 2.52 3.00
g(x, pc, 3)
# [1] 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
g(x, pc, 4)
# [1] 0 0 0 0 0 0
The result is consistent with what we have with FUN in the the symbolic solution.
Similarly, we can plot g using curve:
curve(g(x, pc), from = 0, to = 5)
curve(g(x, pc, 1), from = 0, to = 5, col = 2, add = TRUE)
curve(g(x, pc, 2), from = 0, to = 5, col = 3, add = TRUE)
curve(g(x, pc, 3), from = 0, to = 5, col = 4, add = TRUE)
Now after quite much effort in demonstrating how we can work out this question ourselves, consider using R package polynom. As a small package, it aims at implementing construction, derivatives, integration, arithmetic and roots-finding of univariate polynomials. This package is written completely with R language, without any compiled code.
## install.packages("polynom")
We still consider the cubic polynomial example used before.
pc <- 1:4 / 10
## step 1: making a "polynomial" object as preparation
pcpoly <- polynomial(pc)
#0.1 + 0.2*x + 0.3*x^2 + 0.4*x^3
## step 2: compute derivative
expr <- deriv(pcpoly)
## step 3: convert to function
g1 <- as.function(expr)
#function (x)
# w <- 0
# w <- 1.2 + x * w
# w <- 0.6 + x * w
# w <- 0.2 + x * w
# w
#<environment: 0x9f4867c>
Note, by step-by-step construction, the resulting function has all parameters inside. It only requires a single argument for x value. In contrast, functions in the other two answers will take coefficients and derivative order as mandatory arguments, too. We can call this function
g1(seq(0, 1, 0.2))
# [1] 0.200 0.368 0.632 0.992 1.448 2.000
To produce the same graph we see in other two answers, we get other derivatives as well:
g0 <- as.function(pcpoly) ## original polynomial
## second derivative
expr <- deriv(expr)
g2 <- as.function(expr)
#function (x)
# w <- 0
# w <- 2.4 + x * w
# w <- 0.6 + x * w
# w
#<environment: 0x9f07c68>
## third derivative
expr <- deriv(expr)
g3 <- as.function(expr)
#function (x)
# w <- 0
# w <- 2.4 + x * w
# w
#<environment: 0x9efd740>
Perhaps you have already noticed that I did not specify nderiv, but recursively take 1 derivative at a time. This may be a disadvantage of this package. It does not facilitate higher order derivatives.
Now we can make a plot
## As mentioned, `g0` to `g3` are parameter-free
curve(g0(x), from = 0, to = 5)
curve(g1(x), add = TRUE, col = 2)
curve(g2(x), add = TRUE, col = 3)
curve(g3(x), add = TRUE, col = 4)