Unable to push Repo from "react-native-firebase-starter" template - firebase

I cloned this repo to start my own project
I have made some modifications and got it setup for Firebase, however I cannot push or rename the Repository.
I ran npm run rename and renamed the directory. GitHub still seems to think I am trying to push the orginal repository as my own.
When I try to push I get:
Authentication failed. You may not have permission to access the repository or the repository may have been archived...
How can I keep this template/starter and push a copy of it as my own repository?
I have tried removing all of the inessential files from the Repo and pushing that way. I get the following error:
I expected to be able to use the starter as a starter to get a project up and running... Maybe I am missing something super obvious.

I don't see a .git folder within the root of the react-native-firebase-starter template, perhaps this is causing issues with pushing this template since git needs to know where to point to upstream.
Maybe you could try initializing the template to your personal git repository and seeing if this resolves your authentication issue:
Create a new repository on GitHub. To avoid errors, do not initialize the new repository with README, license, or gitignore files.
Initialize the local directory containing the template as a Git repository:
git init
Add the files in your new local repository. This stages them for the first commit:
git add .
Commit the files that you've staged in your local repository:
git commit -m "Initial commit"
At the top of your GitHub repository ,created in step 1, copy the remote repository URL.
Add the URL for the remote repository where your local repository will be pushed:
git remote add origin <remote_repository_url>
Push the changes in your local repository to your upstream repository contained in GitHub:
git push -u origin master
You should now be able to push this starter template into your own GitHub repository and use it as your own project.
As for the npm run rename command: this is a custom npm run script created by the author of this starter template and it simply runs the rename.js file contained within the .bin directory of the template's root directory. All this command does is recursively rename the files contained within this template project to the new name specified by your input, so I don't think this is causing the issue. I suspect once your project has been initialized properly with git the authentication issue will disappear as it will now point upstream to your personal repository.
Hopefully that helps!


Serve RMarkdown outputs without version controlling them

We frequently use RMarkdown based packages to create websites with R (bookdown, blogdown, distill...) and use github-pages to serve the html files via the url username.github.io/repo.
In this approach, the ouput (i.e. html / css) files are also version controlled, and are frequently included in commits by mistake (git commit -a). This is annoying since these files clutter the commit and often lead to fictitious files conflicts.
Ideally, the outputfiles would not be version controlled at all, since the binary files (images) additionally bloat the repo. So I'm looking for a solution where:
Git ignores the output files completely but provides an alternative (but comparable1) method to gh-pages to serve them
Git ignores the output files temporally and committing / pushing them to gh-pages is done in a separate, explicit command
1: The method should be command line based and provide a nice URL to access the website
You could have .html, .css etc. ignored in the main and all other branches but the branch, for example, the gh-page branch, where your github-page is built from.
Git does not support different .ignore files in different branches so you would have to set up a bash script that replaces the ignore file each time you checkout a new branch. See here for how to do that: https://gist.github.com/wizioo/c89847c7894ede628071
Maybe not the elegant solution you were hoping for but it should work.
If you have a python installation on your computer, you can use GitHub Pages Import, a tool designed specifically for this purpose.
You need a python installation since it has to be installed with pip, but once it's installed it integrates beautifully with into an R / RMarkdown workflow.
Once it's installed (pip install ghp-import), you can run ghp-import docs (assuming docs is where your RMarkdown outputs are stored).
There are a bunch of practical options that you can use, including -p to additionally push the changes to your remote after the commit.
You need to tell Git to ignore the folder the book gets built into.
So, for example, by default bookdown puts all the built files in a folder called "_book"
Just add the following line to the .gitignore file in your project.
Then you can work on your book and build it and push changes without worrying about the site being updated.
To update the site, you want to create a gh-pages branch that is only used for the hosted content. Do that with these commands from in your book folder:
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git rm -rf .
# create a hidden file .nojekyll
touch .nojekyll
git add .nojekyll
git commit -m"Initial commit"
git push origin gh-pages
Make sure (once you put your book content in that branch) that GitHub is set to use that branch for hosting, rather than the folder you were using before.
Then, you can switch back to your main branch with the following command:
git checkout master
Next, you will clone your gh-pages branch into your main project:
git clone -b gh-pages https://github.com/yourprojecturl.git book-output
Then, when you have a version of the built book (in the _book folder) ready to use as your live site, use the following commands to copy the content into the book-output folder and push that to the gh-pages branch where the live site is:
cd book-output
git rm -rf *
cp -r ../_book/* ./
git add --all *
git commit -m"Update the book"
git push -q origin gh-pages
You can continue to use this last set of commands whenever you have a version in _book that you're ready to push live.

Capistrano deployment with Symfony 2 and Vagrant

So I have a cap file linked to my github and setup to deploy my project to my server. When I run
bundle exec cap prod deploy it all works without a hitch.
I can see my code being cloned from my repo, a new release folder is created and symlinked to the current folder. However any changes I've made to my code aren't reflected.
The repo being cloned is a fork of the original repo which I created when I began working on the project. I haven't made any changes to code base except adding a single line to a twig file.
I have updated the deploy.rb so that it pulls from my forked repo instead of the original one and can see the code change in my latest commit. However the change is not reflected on the site.
Any ideas why this might be happening?
Two possibilities come to mind other than using the incorrect URL to the forked git repository -
I occasionally try to deploy a new copy of my own site, but I have not yet pushed the latest code from my development server (and the local repo) to the live repo on Github, but it is from Github that the code is being fetched from during deployment.
As a final step, Capistrano changes the location that the 'current' symlink points to the newly deployed directory in the 'releases' directory. Your webserver (apache or Nginx must be set to use the 'current' symlink) as part of the base directory (it will probably be ..../current/web/, and then auto-load app.php from that directory, unless there a subdirectory/file exists, for .CSS/JS/images/etc). If the webserver config refers to the 'release' directory, and not the symlink, it will only be a specific, older, deployment.

How can I clone / create a copy of my local meteor app?

How can I create a copy of my entire local meteor application? I was expecting a command like "meteor clone myapp" but couldn't find any documentation and simply copying the folder doesn't work.
You could use git to clone the whole thing.
If you aren't familiar with git see this reference. http://gitref.org/creating/
In windows, you can copy and paste the entire project directory and go into .meteor/local directory and delete everything in that directory except the db directory. Then start the meteor server on the new project directory, with everything deleted in the .meteor/local directory, meteor will rebuild the project without altering the logic of your application.

What causes a fatal: not a git repository error?

I am working on webpage, and I need version tracking, so I'm uploading it to github.
Here is the underlying set up.
Now that I have the base CMS ready to go, I need to get the base code uploaded before I start making changes.
lloydm#lloydm-E6320:~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code$ pwd
lloydm#lloydm-E6320:~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code$ git status
# On branch master
# Untracked files:
# (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
# wordpress/
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
lloydm#lloydm-E6320:~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code$ ls
app.yaml cron.yaml php.ini wordpress
lloydm#lloydm-E6320:~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code$ git add .
fatal: Not a git repository: wordpress/wp-content/plugins/../.git/modules/appengine-wordpress-plugin
I've never used github before, so I was just following the github website stuff. I have zero idea what this error means or how to prevent it. I can't find anything that I think is related to it.
You need to set up your git repo correctly.
I think you followed this section "Installing WordPress on your development environment" from the link you provided https://developers.google.com/appengine/articles/wordpress
So what you did was download WordPress into your folder which you set up to be a .git repository. However, the WordPress project builder you downloaded itself contains a .git repository.
Check if you have a /workpress/.git file. It likely contains something like :
gitdir: ../.git/modules/wordpress
If you do, then that explains the error I think.
As for setting it up correctly, there are many tutorials available.
One way is to use Git for theme deployment, rather than having it manage your entire WordPress installation --> http://culttt.com/2013/04/08/how-to-deploy-wordpress-themes-with-git/
Another way is to add wordpress as a submodule http://www.efeqdev.com/website-development/this-is-how-we-version-control-and-deploy-our-wordpress-websites-with-git/
or Just make a ~/Downloads/rtt/rtt-code/wordpress/myWebpage directory and set up a git repo in it. http://www.whistlenet.com/git-for-wordpress/
I think you just need to go into the wordpress folder and then run the git status command. As the directory(rtt-code) is not a git directory but contains within it the git repo, that is wordpress, you are getting this error.
Inside the wordpress folder, all your git commands would work perfectly well...

Failed to Create Snapshot in Xcode 4

Does Xcode 4 have a problem with creating a snapshot for a project with git submodules?
fatal: Path 'path/to/project/vendor/facebook-ios-sdk/src' is in submodule 'path/to/project'
Now, this error message is also wrong, if it refers to git submodule. The 'path/to/project' is not a git submodule.
I tried to delete the snapshot, and try to create it again. This is successful.
I try to create a new snapshot (while an existing snapshot is there). This is failed.
I had the same problem today with Xcode 4.2 (4D199) after changing the folder structure of my project. I fixed it by taking the following steps:
Make sure all files and folders in your project are added or ignored in the repository
Choose "Organizer" in the "Window" menu
Choose "Projects" in the organizer
Choose your project in the sidebar
Delete all snapshots of the project
WARNING: Export snapshots before you delete them, if you want to use them later!
had the same issue. moving the project folder to another location worked for me (there was a * in a folder name further up the directory chain where the project was located in (like this /***myprojects/iphoneprojects/wontsnapshoproject), as soon as renamed the folder with the * it worked (/myprojects/iphoneprojects/wontsnapshoproject).
