If we don't add NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription for saving images to Photo library, would it be rejected from App Store review - plist

I am trying to save photos to PhotoLibrary from my app. While saving I am checking whether user has given permission to do so, otherwise I am asking the user to go to settings and turn the permission on. If the permission has been given only, I am saving the photos. For this I am using PHPhotLibray requestAuthorization() method and so NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key in my info.plist.
Because of these checks that I do in my app, there is no chance of crash even if I don't add NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription key in info.plist. But my concern is whether it will be rejected from the App Store review.Can anyone help me with this scenario?


How do I manually sync a Mesibo profile with latest changes from server if that user published its data with LAZY mode?

I made a page where users can update their names and status just like WhatsApp & Telegram.
These changes are published using LAZY mode since I don't want to update every user using the app right away. I just want to fetch it manually when necessary (for example when the user open the chat view with that user). (https://mesibo.com/documentation/api/real-time-api/profiles/#profile-publishing-mode)
The problem is: how can I fetch the updated profile of other users?
Whenever I get the profiles with Mesibo.getProfile("address") the data is still not updated.
since I don't want to update every user using the app right away.
Even if you use real-time mode, updates don't go to every user but only those users who have subscribed to it.
In lazy mode, it may be updated along with other profiles or when the message is received from the users. Before that, getProfile may not return the latest profile.
If you are starting with mesibo, recommend using real-time mode and optimizing later using the lazy mode

Problem with reading user data of an app developped with Firestore

I have been introduced to Firebase a few days ago. Since then I have been trying to discover more features and usage of Firebase, in particular, the usage of the Firestore/Realtime Database.
However, as I am reading into more details, I start to think of some questions. I hope someone that is familiar with Firebase can help me answer them
As for User authentication, I understand that I can use Firebase Authentication where I won't see their real password. However, technically, everything that user stores in my Firestore would be visible to me since I am the owner of the Firebase.
For example, if I were to develop a note/chat app, in which the user can access their notes/chat on the iOS app and also Android. That means all their notes data would be saved in my database. If it happens to contain some private data, then I would be able to read it?
Even if I set security rules, that would be only facing client-side, whereas, for me, the owner of the entire firebase data, I could see the whole thing. Surely, as a customer, you won't want to use an app knowing that I can see everything you write
I am not sure if what I said is true or not. If true, is there a possible solution?
Both of your statements are correct. This happens in most of the apps-websites, the admin or some core developers have full access to the data. That's why privacy policy and GDPR exist. You must specify what data you collect and for what reason. If you intend to use your user data for any other reason you must inform them. Be aware that if you disclose any user information without his permission you can be held liable.

Flutter: offline local storage syncing with online e.g. firebase

Is this a common/reasonable Use case?
An app allows a user to save favorites locally so that the user doesn't need to signup.
Then the user afterwards desires to share their favorites.
Therefore favorites data needs to be synced from local to remote. The usual local storage for flutter is sqflite, and firebase/store is the remote. However, this seems cumbersome, as sql to nosql conversion is necessary.
I thought that this would be a general issue for UX etc, but I can't find any discussion of this issue? Maybe forcing the user to create an account is the most general solution?
It's a common understanding that if you don't have user account then you can't have any user data associated with your name. You don't have to force the user to have an account or lock them out.
When they favourite something just show a dialog telling them "If you don't have an account your favourites are stored on the device only. If you want your favourites to be available everywhere please create an account" then show options for "Create account" or "No, Thanks"
Create account: Goes to account creation page
No, Thanks: Adds the device to the favourites list and lets the user continue to do what your app does.
There's no problem to solve here from what I'm seeing. If you don't have an account you don't get account functionality. If you track users without them entering anything it's also a little bit illegal and creepy so no need to push the limits on how you can track the same user.
Another way to think of it is to make signup so easy they don't mind and also guarantee that it's worth it. Won't be used for spam or information selling. Take what's app as an example, even though you need to mobile number to send the messages, it's just used as a unique identifier and has nothing to do with the device's number.
Ask for their phone number or email or just any email, you'll most likely get fake info.
And what does your analytics say? Are you getting requests from users saying they lost all their information on a different device? How many people are using your favourite functionality?
I may have come to the party a little late here but here's my 2 cents worth.
The Sql to NoSql conversion is not cumbersome. In fact, there is a reasonable use case for this. I have the same requirement for an app that I am about to build.
Anyway, to store data in RDMDB or NoSQLDB you will need a data model to ensure consistency in your app. If the user has been using the app offline, and they later choose to go online, you can allow them to create the Remote Account, then check if they have local favorites. If they do, you will HAVE to ask them if they'd like to import them into the remote storage. If they choose to do so, you will then have to read their favorites from the local storage and store them in a List<Model> then map() that back to the online storage.
NoSqlDB can accept the json type data, so your model should include the conversion fromMap() and toJson() for this purpose (and others).
When I have come around to doing this, I will share my code (if I remember to come back here).

Google in app purchases google play store on firebase : )

I am a young female developer, but currently i am building a project for a big client in our company,
I have a question, actually one of you can probablly lead me in the right direction:
I have a firebase account and an app with in app purchases - the thing is in app purchases will actually contain videos which i would like to store on firebase servers and download uppon purchase! Can someone lead me in the right direction on how to implement this the easiest way?
Ps., I know i am a rookie but i really do not want to look like an idiot on next months meeting ; )
Warm regards, Lana
Theres honestly no easy way to achieve protecting a file/folder for a specific group of users with firebase cloud storage. You can do checks by changing the folders metadata or using custom tokens, but then you need a server for that etc...
If you wish to remain in a firebase only environment, the easiest way would probably be to have the protected videos hosted in a protected folder from all clients. When the user purchases a video, then send a request a CloudFunction along the lines of..
userClaimsToHaveBoughtAccessToVideo(userId, sku, token, videoId){
// 1. use the googlePlay billing API to verify that the user did indeed purchase the item
// 2. if they did, then store that in read-only node of the database like: /purchasedVideos/userId/videoID/
Then if a user wants to download a video, create a function along the lines of...
userWantsToDownloadAVideo(userId, videoId){
// check the database to see if the user has the video
// if they do, copy the video file to a folder like /userId/videos/...
Then the video will appear in a personal folder for which the security rules are easy to setup.
When the user downloaded the video to their device send a call to a function along the lines of..
userDownloadedVideo(userId, videoId){
// delete video from the user's folder, to save space
Another option would be to host the videos on a different platform entirely, one that has an API and allows it's files to be password protected. (then simply store the access password after verifying IAP in the database, read only for the user), so they can use the other API to download the videos. For security you might want to have a daily job which regenerates the password every day and updates the database..

React Native + Firebase - Saving data in Database

I have a question about storing data in the database.
I'm working on some screens within an app: the login screen (where the user can access your account), the signup screen (where the user can create a new account), the screen where the user provides information (such 'Mothers name and height'), and the profile screen (where information provided by the user is displayed).
My question is: how can I save this information provided by the user in Firebase Database?
I'm having no problems in login screen and signup screen, however I have no idea how I can save in Firebase Database the information provided by the user in the screen where the user provides information.
Can any of you guys help me with this? I know I can create a user with name, email and password using firebase auth, however I have no idea how I can save in Firebase Database the information provided by the user. And I know I can add a node but I don't know how. I read some articles but none of them talk about creating a node in Firebase.
Thanks in advance!
*The screen where the user provides information comes after the user creates an account on the signup screen.
*If you want to see what I'm trying to do, please look at the project in GitHub: https://github.com/JoaoVRodrigues01/React-Native-Codec-App
The best approach is in fact store all data in your firebase database. If you store only on local storage the user can delete it and lost all data that supposed to be available, or also can't share data between different users.
Remember that to write/read your database node, the user must have the correctly permissions, either be logged or your database allows anonymous access.
You can use react-native-firebase (https://invertase.io/react-native-firebase/#/) if you need to persist your data, so use it locally when user is offline, for instance.
Hope it helps.
