Give auto-suggest for drop-down on my DynamoDB hash key - amazon-dynamodb

My use-case is that I want to be able to provide the user an auto-suggest feature in drop-down box where user starts typing first few characters and he should be shown suggestions.
The problem is that the field I want the suggestions on is also the hash key for my DynamoDB table. And queries on hash key have to specify the full value of hash key and not with prefix.
Can anyone suggest a good DynamoDB pattern for this use-case?

10,000 entries with, say, 20 characters = 200K. This is totally feasible to keep in memory and would be very fast to access.
Compare this with performing a database query every time the user types a character in the drop-down box and you'll be making maybe 10 database calls as they type. Then, multiply by the number of concurrent users and you could conceivably be hitting hundreds of database accesses per second. The DynamoDB table would need to be provisioned with a high Read Capacity to support this.
It would be much more sensible to keep it in memory, or use Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) – Fully managed in-memory cache for DynamoDB or Amazon ElastiCache table.


DynamoDB Modeling Multiple Query Elements

Background: I have a relational db background and have never built anything for DynamoDB that wasn't just used for fast writes with very few reads. I am trying to learn DynamoDB patterns by migrating one of my help desk apps from MySQL to DynamoDB.
The application is a fairly simple one from a data storage perspective. A user submits a request and that request generates 1 or more tickets.
Setup: I have screens where people see initial requests and that request's tickets and search views that allow support to query on a bunch of attributes of a ticket (last name of user, status of ticket, use case of ticket, phone number of user, dept of user). This design in a SQL db is pretty straightforward but in Dynamo, I'm really being thrown for a loop on how to structure primary/sort keys and secondary indexes (if necessary).
I created one collection for requests and one collection for tickets. The individual requests have an array of ticket ids that belong to it. The ticket item has an attribute that stores the request id so that I can search that way. But what I am hung up on, is how do I incorporate searching on a ticket/request's attributes without having to do a full scan?
I read about composite keys and perhaps creating a composite sort key similar to: ## so that I can search on each of those fields directly without having to know the primary key (ticket id).
Question: How do you design dynamo collections/tables that require querying a lot of different attribute values without relying on a primary key?
This is typically something that DynamoDB is not good at, not to say it definitely cannot be done. The strength and speed for DynamoDB comes from having well known access patterns and designing your schema for these patterns. In general if you don't know what your users will search for, or there are many different possible queries, it's better to look at something like RDS or a native SQL DB. That being said a possible direction to solve this could be to create multiple lists for each of the fields and duplicate the data. This could all be done in the same table.

Can we avoid scan in dynamodb

I am new the noSQL data modelling so please excuse me if my question is trivial. One advise I found in dynamodb is always supply 'PartitionId' while querying otherwise, it will scan the whole table. But there could be cases where we need listing our items, for instance in case of ecom website, where we need to list our products on list page (with pagination).
How should we perform this listing by avoiding scan or using is efficiently?
Basically, there are three ways of reading data from DynamoDB:
GetItem – Retrieves a single item from a table. This is the most efficient way to read a single item, because it provides direct access to the physical location of the item.
Query – Retrieves all of the items that have a specific partition key. Within those items, you can apply a condition to the sort key and retrieve only a subset of the data. Query provides quick, efficient access to the partitions where the data is stored.
Scan – Retrieves all of the items in the specified table. (This operation should not be used with large tables, because it can consume large amounts of system resources.
And that's it. As you see, you should always prefer GetItem (BatchGetItem) to Query, and Query — to Scan.
You could use queries if you add a sort key to your data. I.e. you can use category as a hash key and product name as a sort key, so that the page showing items for a particular category could use querying by that category and product name. But that design is fragile, as you may need other keys for other pages, for example, you may need a vendor + price query if the user looks for a particular mobile phones. Indexes can help here, but they come with their own tradeofs and limitations.
Moreover, filtering by arbitrary expressions is applied after the query / scan operation completes but before you get the results, so you're charged for the whole query / scan. It's literally like filtering the data yourself in the application and not on the database side.
I would say that DynamoDB just is not intended for many kinds of workloads. Probably, it's not suited for your case too. Think of it as of a rich key-value (key to object) store, and not a "classic" RDBMS where indexes come at a lower cost and with less limitations and who provide developers rich querying capabilities.
There is a good article describing potential issues with DynamoDB, take a look. It contains an awesome decision tree that guides you through the DynamoDB argumentation. I'm pasting it here, but please note, that the original author is Forrest Brazeal.
Another article worth reading.
Finally, check out this short answer on SO about DynamoDB usecases and issues.
P.S. There is nothing criminal in doing scans (and I actually do them by schedule once per day in one of my projects), but that's an exceptional case and I regret about the decision to use DynamoDB in that case. It's not efficient in terms of speed, money, support and "dirtiness". I had to increase the capacity before the job and reduce it after, but that's another story…

DynamoDB table structure

We are looking to use AWS DynamoDB for storing application logs. Logs from multiple components in our system would be stored here. We are expecting a lot of writes and only minimal number of reads.
The client that we use for writing into DynamoDB generates a UUID for the partition key, but using this makes it difficult to actually search.
Most prominent search cases are,
Search based on Component / Date / Date time
Search based on JobId / File name
Search based on Log Level
From what I have read so far, using a UUID for the partition key is not suitable for our case. I am currently thinking about using either / for our partition key and ISO 8601 timestamp as our sort key. Does this sound reasonable / widely used setting for such an use case ?
If not kindly suggest alternatives that can be used.
Using UUID as partition key will efficiently distribute the data amongst internal partitions so you will have ability to utilize all of the provisioned capacity.
Using sortable (ISO format) timestamp as range/sort key will store the data in order so it will be possible to retrieve it in order.
However for retrieving logs by anything other than timestamp, you may have to create indexes (GSI) which are charged separately.
Hope your logs are precious enough to store in DynamoDB instead of CloudWatch ;)
In general DynamoDB seems like a bad solution for storing logs:
It is more expensive than CloudWatch
It has poor querying capabilities, unless you start utilising global secondary indexes which will double or triple your expenses
Unless you use random UUID for hash key, you are risking creating hot partitions/keys in your db (For example, using component ID as a primary or global secondary key, might result in throttling if some component writes much more often than others)
But assuming you already know these drawbacks and you still want to use DynamoDB, here is what I would recommend:
Use JobId or Component name as hash key (one as primary, one as GSI)
Use timestamp as a sort key
If you need to search by log level often, then you can create another local sort key, or you can combine level and timestamp into single sort key. If you only care about searching for ERROR level logs most of the time, then it might be better to create a sparse GSI for that.
Create a new table each day(let's call it "hot table"), and only store that day's logs in that table. This table will have high write throughput. Once the day finishes, significantly reduce its write throughput (maybe to 0) and only leave some read capacity. This way you will reduce risk of running into 10 GB limit per hash key that Dynamo DB has.
This approach also has an advantage in terms of log retention. It is very easy and cheap to remove log older than X days this way. By keeping old table capacity very low you will also avoid very high costs. For more complicated ad-hoc analysis, use EMR

Retrieving Random Single Items in Dynamo

We are trying to get our heads wrapped around a design question, which is not really easy in any DB. We have 100,000 random items, (could be a lot more), (we are talking a truly random key, we'll use UUIDs,) and we want to hand them out one at a time. Order is not important. We are thinking that we'll create a dynamo table of the items, then delete them out of that table as they are assigned. We can do a conditional delete to make sure that we have not already given the item away. But, when trying to find an item in the first place, if we do a scan or a query with a limit of 1, will it always hit the same first available record? I'm wondering what the ramifications are. Dynamo will shard on the UUID. We are worried about everyhone trying to hit on the same record all the time. First one would of course get delete, then they could all hit on the second one, etc.
We could set up a memcache/redis instance in elastic cache, and keep a list of the available UUDS in there. We can do a random select of items from this using redis SPOP, which gets a random item and deletes it. We might have a problem where we could get out of sync between the two, but for the most part this would work.
Any thoughts on how to do this without the cache would be great. If dynamo does scans starting at different points, that would be dandy.
I have the same situation with you that have a set of million of UUID as key in DynamoDB and I need to random select some of them in a API call. For the performance issue and easy implementation. I did use Redis as you said.
add the UUID to a Set in Redis
when the call comes, SPOP a UUID from the set
with that UUID, del in DynamoDB
The performance of Scan operation is bad, should try to avoid it as best as you can.

Maximum records can be stored at Riak database

Can anyone give an example of maximum record limit in Riak database with specific hardware details? please help me in this case.I'm going to build a CDR information system. Will it be suitable to select Riak as my database?
Riak uses the 2^160 SHA-1 hash value to identify the partitions to store data in. Data is then stored in the identified partitions based on the bucket and key name. The size of the hash space is therefore not related to the amount of data that can be stored. Two different objects that happen to hash to the same value will therefore not overwrite each other.
When working with Riak, it is important to model your data correctly and consider how it needs to be retrieved and queried during the design process. Ideally you should try to ensure that the vast majority of your queries can be done through direct key access. It is often recommended to de-normalise your data and use natural keys. For CDRs this may mean creating an object holding all CDRs for a subscriber per day. These objects can be named based on the subscriber id and date, making it easy to retrieve data directly by key. It is also often more efficient to retrieve a few larger objects than many small ones and perform filtering in the application rather than try to just get the exact data that is needed. I have described this approach in greater detail here.
The limit to the number of records (or key/value pairs) you can store in Riak is governed only by the size of the hash space: 2^160. According to WolframAlpha, this is the number:
In other words, go nuts. :)
