Mismatch in count even with FieldValue.increment - firebase

My use case is that I want to keep aggregating my firebase user count in the database for quick and easy access. For that, I have a cloud function listening on user.onCreate and it simply increments a field in a document using the atomic FieldValue.increment.
Here is the code:
exports.createProfile = functions.auth.user().onCreate(async user => {
return Promise.all([
function() {
count: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment(1)
Issue: the count in the database becomes more than the number of authenticated users shown in the Authentication tab of Firebase. I regularly reset it to the correct number and then it slowly increases again.
I have read about the write throttling on a document, but that should instead result in lower count if at all. But why is that the count in the database always overshoots the actual count?

Without seeing your code, the only thing I can imagine is that your function isn't idempotent. It's possible that functions may be invoked more than once per triggering event. This would be an explanation why your count exceeds the expectation.
Read more about Cloud Functions idempotency in the documentation and also this video.


Firestore FirebaseError: [code=resource-exhausted]: Quota exceeded. Using maximum backoff delay to prevent overloading the backend

So I'm using Firestore as a backend for my ReactJS app and I'm using writeBatch method to add quite a number of data (up to about 1200 objects). This is my code:
export async function batchAddProduct(data) {
const batches = [];
data.forEach((datum, i) => {
if (i % 500 === 0) {
const productRef = doc(collection(db, "product"));
const batch = batches[batches.length - 1];
batch.set(productRef, datum);
return await Promise.all(batches.map((batch) => batch.commit()))
.then(() => {
return { data: true, error: null };
.catch((err) => {
return { data: null, error: err };
This works however only for the first time. When I apply this function, it adds all the documents to Firestore and on my usage page, it says that I have done a write up to 1.2K which I think is correct since I'm adding that amount of data. However, after that, I deleted them, because I wanted to give them another try, so on my usage page, it shows that I have also done deletion up to 1.2K. Now, if I try to upload/add data again using the same function and the same amount of data, it throws me 2 errors as such:
Firestore (9.15.0): FirebaseError: [code=resource-exhausted]: Quota exceeded.
Firestore (9.15.0): Using maximum backoff delay to prevent overloading the backend.
I have also waited for about 12 hours, to see if it would reset. Is there a hard limit for the maximum amount of data for a day (24h)?
Another thing I have tried is splicing the data, where I loop the function multiple times with only a maximum of 500 objects at a time. But this still throws me the same error.
Is there a hard limit for a maximum amount of data for a day (24h)?
Yes. If you're using the Spark Plan, you can perform up to 20,000 writes per day. If you reach the quota, the writes will start to fail.
Please remember, that Firebase quotas are reset daily at midnight (Pacific time). According to your timezone, it may also differ. If you're located in the EU, it may actually be in the middle of the day. So if you reach the daily limitation, you need to wait until the "next" day, or you can update to the Blaze Plan.
One thing that you should take into consideration would be to not keep your Firebase console open, as it is considered another Firestore client that reads data. So you'll be billed for the reads that are coming from the console.

How to limit size of an array in Firestore on a write?

Does anyone know how to limit an array so new items get pushed in and old ones are discarded in the same write?
I'm guessing this isn't possible but it sure would be handy.
// * Store notification
// Users collection
const usersCollection = db.collection('users').doc(uid).collection('notifications').doc();
// Write this notification to the database as well
await usersCollection.update({
count: admin.firestore.FieldValue.increment,
notifications: admin.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion({
'symbol': symbol,
'companyname': companyname,
'change': priceDifference,
'changeDirection': directionOperatorHandler,
'updatedPrice': symbolLatestPrice,
'timestamp': currentTimestamp,
Written in Typescript
Alternatively, I was thinking of running a scheduled cloud function every week to go through and trim down the arrays based on the timestamp.
The reason I'm using an array to store my notifications is because I'm expecting a lot of writes.
There is no simple configuration for this. Your code should implement your requirements by:
Reading the document
Modifying the array in memory
Checking that the size is within limits
Writing the document back

Firebase function document.create and user.create triggers firing multiple times

I'm trying to keep track of the number of documents in collections and the number of users in my Firebase project. I set up some .create triggers to update a stats document using increment, but sometimes the .create functions trigger multiple times for a single creation event. This happens with both Firestore documents and new users. Any ideas?
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
const firestore = require('#google-cloud/firestore')
const db = admin.firestore()
/* for counting documents created */
exports.countDoc = functions.firestore
.onCreate((change, context) => {
const docId = context.params.docId
'docsCreated': firestore.FieldValue.increment(1)
return true;
/* for counting users created */
exports.countUsers = functions.auth.user().onCreate((user) => {
'usersCreated': firestore.FieldValue.increment(1)
return true;
There is some advice on how to achieve your functions' idempotency.
There are FieldValue.arrayUnion() & FieldValue.arrayRemove() functions which safely remove and add elements to an array, without duplicates or errors if the element being deleted is nonexistent.
You can make array fields in your documents called 'users' and 'docs' and add there data with FieldValue.arrayUnion() by triggered functions. With that approach you can retrieve the actual sizes on the client side by getting users & docs fields and calling .size() on it.
You should expect that a background trigger could possibly be executed multiple times per event. This should be very rare, but not impossible. It's part of the guarantee that Cloud Functions gives you for "at-least-once execution". Since the internal infrastructure is entirely asynchronous with respect to the execution of your code on a dedicated server instance, that infrastructure might not receive the signal that your function finished successfully. In that case, it triggers the function again in order to ensure delivery.
It's recommended that you write your function to be idempotent in order to handle this situation, if it's important for your app. This is not always a very simple thing to implement correctly, and could also add a lot of weight to your code. There are also many ways to do this for different sorts of scenarios. But the choice is yours.
Read more about it in the documentation for execution guarantees.

How to update the same document with a read from the same collection in an onUpdate function

I'm trying to update the same document which triggered an onUpdate cloud function, with a read value from the same collection.
This is in a kind of chat app made in Flutter, where the previous response to an inquiry is replicated to the document now being updated, for easier showing in the app.
The code does work, however when a user quickly responds to two separate inquiries, they both read the same latest response thus setting the same previousResponse. This must be down to the asynchronous nature of flutter and/or the cloud function, but I can't figure out where to await or if there's a better way to make the function, so it is never triggering the onUpdate for the same user, until a previous trigger is finished.
Last part also sound a bit like a bad idea.
So far I tried sticking the read/update in a transaction, however that only seems to work for the single function call, and not when they're asynchronous.
Also figured I could fix it, by reading the previous response in a transaction on the client, however firebase doesn't allow reading from a collection in a transaction, when not using the server API.
async function setPreviousResponseToInquiry(
senderUid: string,
recipientUid: string,
inquiryId: string) {
return admin.firestore().collection('/inquiries')
.where('recipientUid', '==', recipientUid)
.where('senderUid', '==', senderUid)
.where('responded', '==', true)
.orderBy('modified', 'desc')
.get().then(snapshot => {
if (!snapshot.empty &&
snapshot.docs.length >= 2) {
return admin.firestore()
.get().then(snap => {
return snap.ref.update({
previousResponse: snapshot.docs[1].data().response
I see three possible solutions:
Use a transaction on the server, which ensures that the update you write must be based on the version of the data you read. If the value you write depends on the data that trigger the Cloud Function, you may need to re-read that data as part of the transaction.
Don't use Cloud Functions, but run all updates from the client. This allows you to use transactions to prevent the race condition.
If it's no possible to use a transaction, you may have to include a custom version number in both the upstream data (the data that triggers the write), and the fanned out data that you're updating. You can then use security rules to ensure that the downstream data can only be written if its version matches the current upstream data.
I'd consider/try them in the above order, as they gradually get more involved.

How to make idempotent aggregation in Cloud Functions?

I'm working on a Firebase Cloud Function that updates some aggregate information on some documents in my DB. It's a very simple function and is simply adding 1 to a total # of documents count. Much like the example function found in the Firestore documentation.
I just noticed that when creating a single new document, the function was invoked twice. See below screenshot and note the logged document ID (iDup09btyVNr5fHl6vif) is repeated twice:
After a bit of digging around I found this SO post that says the following:
Delivery of function invocations is not currently guaranteed. As the Cloud Firestore and Cloud Functions integration improves, we plan to guarantee "at least once" delivery. However, this may not always be the case during beta. This may also result in multiple invocations for a single event, so for the highest quality functions ensure that the functions are written to be idempotent.
(From Firestore documentation: Limitations and guarantees)
Which leads me to a problem with their documentation. Cloud Functions as mentioned above are meant to be idempotent (In other words, data they alter should be the same whether the function runs once or runs multiple times). However the example function I linked to earlier (to my eyes) is not idempotent:
exports.aggregateRatings = firestore
.onWrite(event => {
// Get value of the newly added rating
var ratingVal = event.data.get('rating');
// Get a reference to the restaurant
var restRef = db.collection('restaurants').document(event.params.restId);
// Update aggregations in a transaction
return db.transaction(transaction => {
return transaction.get(restRef).then(restDoc => {
// Compute new number of ratings
var newNumRatings = restDoc.data('numRatings') + 1;
// Compute new average rating
var oldRatingTotal = restDoc.data('avgRating') * restDoc.data('numRatings');
var newAvgRating = (oldRatingTotal + ratingVal) / newNumRatings;
// Update restaurant info
return transaction.update(restRef, {
avgRating: newAvgRating,
numRatings: newNumRatings
If the function runs once, the aggregate data is increased as if one rating is added, but if it runs again on the same rating it will increase the aggregate data as if there were two ratings added.
Unless I'm misunderstanding the concept of idempotence, this seems to be a problem.
Does anyone have any ideas of how to increase / decrease aggregate data in Cloud Firestore via Cloud Functions in a way that is idempotent?
(And of course doesn't involve querying every single document the aggregate data is regarding)
Bonus points: Does anyone know if functions will still need to be idempotent after Cloud Firestore is out of beta?
The Cloud Functions documentation gives some guidance on how to make retryable background functions idempotent. The bullet point you're most likely to be interested in here is:
Impose a transactional check outside the function, independent of the code. For example, persist state somewhere recording that a given event ID has already been processed.
The event parameter passed to your function has an eventId property on it that is unique, but will be the same when an even it retried. You should use this value to determine if an action taken by an event has already occurred, so you know to skip the action the second time, if necessary.
As for how exactly to check if an event ID has already been processed by your function, there's a lot of ways to do it, and that's up to you.
You can always opt out of making your function idempotent if you think it's simply not worthwhile, or it's OK to possibly have incorrect counts in some (probably rare) cases.
