2 numbers in R not equal despite being the same, fails in left_join - r

I have a strange problem, when trying to do a left_join from dplyr between two data frames say table_a and table_b which have the column C in common I get lots of NAs except for when the values are zero in both even though the values in the rows match more often.
One thing I did notice was that the C column in table_b on which I would like to match, has values 0 as 0.0 whereas in the table_a, 0 is displayed as simply 0.
A sample is here
head(table_a) gives
likelihood_ols LR_statistic_ols decision_ols C
1 -1.51591 0.20246 0 -10
2 -1.51591 0.07724 0 -9
3 -1.51591 0.00918 0 -8
4 -1.51591 0.00924 0 -7
5 -1.51591 0.08834 0 -6
6 -1.51591 0.25694 0 -5
and the other one is here
quantile C pctile
1 2.96406 0.0 90
2 4.12252 0.0 95
3 6.90776 0.0 99
4 2.78129 -1.8 90
5 3.92385 -1.8 95
6 6.77284 -1.8 99
Now, there are definitely overlaps between the C columns but only the zeroes are found, which is confusing.
When I subset the unique values in the C columns according to
a <- sort(unique(table_a$C)) and b <- sort(unique(table_b$C)) I get the following confusing output:
> a[2]
[1] -9
> b[56]
[1] -9
> a[2]==b[56]
What is going on here? I am reading in the values using read.csv and the csvs are generated once on CentOS and once RedHat/Fedora if that plays a role at all. I have tried forcing them to be tibbles or first as characters then numerics and also checked all of R's classes and also checked the types discussed here but to no avail and they all match.
What else could make them different and how do I tell R that they are so I can run my merge function?

Just because two floating point numbers print out the same doesn't mean they are identical.
A simple enough solution is to round, e.g.:
table_a$new_a_likelihood_ols <- signif(table_a$likelihood_ols, 6)


Reverse cumsum with breaks with non-sequential numbers

Looking to fill a matrix with a reverse cumsum. There are multiple breaks that must be maintained.
I have provided a sample matrix for what I want to accomplish. The first column is the data, the second column is what I want. You will see that column 2 is updated to reflect the number of items that are left. When there are 0's the previous number must be carried through.
update <- matrix(c(rep(0,4),rep(1,2),2,rep(0,2),1,3,
rep(10,4), 9,8,6, rep(6,2), 5, 2),ncol=2)
I have tried multiple ways to create a sequence, loop using numerous packages (i.e. zoo). What is difficult is that the numbers in column 1 can be between 0,1,..,X but less than column 2.
Any help or tips would be appreciated
EDIT: Column 2 starts with a given value which can represent any starting value (i.e. inventory at the beginning of a month). Column 1 would then represent "purchases" made which; thus, column 2 should reflect the total number of remaining items available.
The following will report the purchase and inventory balance as described:
starting_inventory <- 100
df <- data.frame(purchases=c(rep(0,4),rep(1,2),2,rep(0,2),1,3))
df$cum_purchases <- cumsum(df$purchases)
df$remaining_inventory <- starting_inventory - df$cum_purchases
purchases cum_purchases remaining_inventory
1 0 0 100
2 0 0 100
3 0 0 100
4 0 0 100
5 1 1 99
6 1 2 98
7 2 4 96
8 0 4 96
9 0 4 96
10 1 5 95
11 3 8 92

Creating sublists from one bigger list

I am writing my Thesis in R and I would like, if possible, some help in a problem that I have.
I have a table, which is called tkalp, with 2 columns and 3001 rows and after a 'subset' command that I wrote this table contains now 1084 rows and called kp. Some values of kp are:
As you can see some values from the column V1 are continuously with step = 2 and some are not.
So my difficulty is:
1. I would like to 'break' this big list/table into smaller lists/tables that contain only continuous numbers. For this difficulty, I tried to implement it with these commands but it didn't go as planned:
for (n in 1:nrow(kp)) {
kp1 <- subset(kp, kp[n+1,1] - kp[n,1])==2)
2. After completing this task I would like to keep only the sublists that contain more than 10 rows.
Any idea or help is more than welcome! Thank you very much
I have uploaded a picture of my table and I have separated the numbers that I want to be contained in different tables. And I would like to do that for all the original table.
blue is one smaller table than the original
black another
yellow another
red another
And after I create all those smaller tables I would like to keep only the tables that contain more than 10 numbers. For example I don't want to keep the yellow table since it contains only 4 numbers.
Thank you again
What about
df <- data.frame(V1=c(1,3,5,10,12,14, 20, 22), V2=runif(8))
df$diff <- c(2,diff(df$V1))
df$numSubset <- cumsum(df$diff != 2) + 1
iter <- seq(max(df$numSubset))
purrr::map(iter, function(i) filter(df, numSubset == i))
listOfSubsets <- purrr::map(iter, function(i) dplyr::filter(df, numSubset == i))
Then you loop through the list and select only those you want. Btw purrr also provides a means to filter the list you get without looping. Check the documentation of purrr.
With base R
# > kp
# V1 V2 diffV1 group
# 1 8628 0.74304325 -2 1
# 2 8626 0.84658101 -2 1
# 3 8624 0.74540089 -2 1
# 4 8622 0.83551473 -2 1
# 5 8620 0.63605222 -2 1
# 6 8618 0.92702915 -2 1
# 7 8576 0.81978587 -42 2
# 8 8574 0.01661538 -2 2
# 9 8572 0.52313859 -2 2
# 10 8570 0.39997951 -2 2
# 11 8568 0.61444445 -2 2
# 12 8566 0.23570017 -2 2
# 13 78 0.58397923 -8488 3
# 14 76 0.03634809 -2 3

R if then else loop

I have the following output and would like to insert a column if net.results$net output equal to 0 if the output if <0.5 and 1 if >0.5 but <1.0. Basically rounding up or down.
How do I go about doing in this in a loop ? Can I insert this column using data.frame below , just in between the predicted and the test set columns ?
Assume I don't know the number of rows that net.results$net.result has.
Thank you for your help.
predicted col Test set col
net.results.net.result diabTest.class
4 0.2900909633 0
7 0.2900909633 1
10 0.4912509122 1
12 0.4912509122 1
19 0.2900909633 0
21 0.2900909633 0
23 0.4912509122 1
26 0.2900909633 1
27 0.4912509122 1
33 0.2900909633 0
As the commenters have pointed out. This will not work for some situations, but based on the appearance of the data, this should produce the output desired.
df$rounded <- round(df$net.results.net.result,0)
Here are a few test values to see what the function does for different numbers. Read the round help page for more info.
[1] 0
round(0.51, 0)
[1] 1
You can help everyone by supplying a reproducible example, doing research, and explaining approaches that you've tried.

How to perform a repeated G.test in R?

I downloaded the R package RVAideMemoire in order to use the G.test.
> head(bio)
Date Trt Treated Control Dead DeadinC AliveinC
1 23Ap citol 1 3 1 0 13
2 23Ap cital 1 5 3 1 6
3 23Ap gerol 0 3 0 0 9
4 23Ap mix 0 5 0 0 8
5 23Ap cital 0 5 1 0 13
6 23Ap cella 0 5 0 1 4
So, I make subsets of the data to look at each treatment, because the G.test result will need to be pooled for each one.
datamix<-subset(bio, Trt=="mix")
Date Trt Treated Control Dead DeadinC AliveinC
4 23Ap mix 0 5 0 0 8
8 23Ap mix 0 5 1 0 8
10 23Ap mix 0 2 3 0 5
20 23Ap mix 0 0 0 0 18
25 23Ap mix 0 2 1 0 15
28 23Ap mix 0 1 0 0 12
So for the G.test(x) to work if x is a matrix, it must be constructed as 2 columns containing numbers, with 1 row per population. If I use the apply() function I can run the G,test on each row if my data set contains only two columns of numbers. I want to look only at the treated and control for example, but I'm not sure how to omit columns so the G.test can ignore the headers, and other columns. I've tried using the following but I get an error:
apply(datamix, 1, G.test)
Error in match.fun(FUN) : object 'G.test' not found
I have also thought about trying to use something like this rather than creating subsets.
by(bio, Trt, rowG.test)
The G.test spits out this, when you compare two numbers.
G-test for given probabilities
data: counts
G = 0.6796, df = 1, p-value = 0.4097
My other question is, is there someway to add all the df and G values that I get for each row (once I'm able to get all these numbers) for each treatment? Is there also some way to have R report the G, df and p-values in a table to be summed rather than like above for each row?
Any help is hugely appreciated.
You're really close. This seems to work (hard to tell with such a small sample though).
So first, the indices argument to by(...) (the second argument) is not evaluated in the context of bio, so you have to specify bio$Trt instead of just Trt.
Second, this will pass all the columns of bio, for each unique value of bio$Trt, to the function specified in the third argument. You need to extract only the two columns you want (columns 3 and 4).
Third, and this is a bit subtle, passing x[,3:4] to G.test(...) causes it to fail with an unintelligible error. Looking at the code, G.test(...) requires a matrix as it's first argument, whereas x[,3:4] in the code above is a data.frame. So you need to convert with as.matrix(...).

Altering a large distance matrix to be just three columns

I have a large data frame/.csv that is a matrix with 42 columns and 110,357,407. It was derived from the x and y coordinates for two datasets of points, one with 41 and another with 110,357,407 and the values of the rows represent the distances between these two sets of points (the distance of each point on list 1 to every single point on list 2). The first column is a list of points (from 1 to 110,357,407). An excerpt from the matrix is below.
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7
1 38517.05 38717.8 38840.16 38961.37 39281.06 88551.03 88422.62
2 38514.05 38714.79 38837.15 38958.34 39278 88545.48 88417.09
3 38511.05 38711.79 38834.14 38955.3 39274.94 88539.92 88411.56
4 38508.05 38708.78 38831.13 38952.27 39271.88 88534.37 88406.03
5 38505.06 38705.78 38828.12 38949.24 39268.83 88528.82 88400.5
6 38502.07 38702.78 38825.12 38946.21 39265.78 88523.27 88394.97
7 38499.08 38699.78 38822.12 38943.18 39262.73 88517.72 88389.44
8 38496.09 38696.79 38819.12 38940.15 39259.68 88512.17 88383.91
9 38493.1 38693.8 38816.12 38937.13 39256.63 88506.62 88378.38
10 38490.12 38690.8 38813.12 38934.11 39253.58 88501.07 88372.85
11 38487.14 38687.81 38810.13 38931.09 39250.54 88495.52 88367.33
12 38484.16 38684.83 38807.14 38928.07 39247.5 88489.98 88361.8
13 38481.18 38681.84 38804.15 38925.06 39244.46 88484.43 88356.28
14 38478.21 38678.86 38801.16 38922.04 39241.43 88478.88 88350.75
15 38475.23 38675.88 38798.17 38919.03 39238.39 88473.34 88345.23
16 38472.26 38672.9 38795.19 38916.03 39235.36 88467.8 88339.71
My issue is that I would like to change this matrix into just 3 columns, the first column would be similar to the first column of the matrix with the 110,357,407 rows, the second would be the 41 data points (each matched up with a distance each of the first points to all of the others) and the third would be the distance between those points. So it would look something like this
Back Pres Dist
1 1 3486
2 1 3456
3 1 3483
4 1 3456
5 1 3429
6 1 3438
7 1 3422
8 1 3427
9 1 3428
(After the distances between the back and all of the first value of pres are complete, pres will change to 2 and will eventually work its way up to 41)
I realize that this will output a hugely ridiculous number of rows, but this is the format that I need to run some processes that are outside of R.
I tried using this code
cols.Output <- data.frame(col = rep(colnames(output3), each = nrow(output3)),
row = rep(rownames(output3), ncol(output3)),
value = as.vector(output3))
But there won’t be the same number of rows for each column, so I received an error (and I don’t think it would have really worked with my pres column needs). I tried experimenting with some of the rbind.fill and cbind.fill functions (the one in plyr and ones that others have come up with in the forum). I also looked into some of the melting and reshaping but I was very confused about the functions and couldn’t figure out how to implement them appropriately (or if they even are appropriate for what I need). I would really appreciate any help on this as I’ve been struggling with it for a long time.
Edit: Just to be a little more clear about what I need. Take these two smaller data sets
back <- 1 dataset with 5 sets of x, y points
pres <- 1 dataset with 3 sets of x, y points
Calculating distances between these two data frames generates the initial matrix:
Back 1 2 3
1 3427 3444 3451
2 3432 3486 3476
3 3486 3479 3486
4 3449 3438 3484
5 3483 3486 3486
And my desired output would look like this:
Back Pres Dist
1 1 3427
2 1 3432
3 1 3486
4 1 3449
5 1 3483
1 2 3444
2 2 3486
3 2 3479
4 2 3438
5 2 3486
1 3 3451
2 3 3476
3 3 3486
4 3 3484
5 3 3486
Yes, it looks this is the kind of problem generally solved with some combination of melt and cast in the reshape2 package. That said, with 100+ million rows, I'm not sure that that's the most efficient way to go in this case.
You could do it all manually as follows. I'll assume your data frame is called df, and the distances are in columns 2 to 42. See if this works.
d <- unlist(df[-1]) # put all the distances into a vector
newdf <- cbind(expand.grid(back=seq_len(nrow(df)), pres=seq_len(ncol(df) - 1)), d)
This will probably die unless you have tons of memory. The same holds for any simple solution though, since you have > 4.2 billion elements in the vector of distances. You can work on subsets of the full dataset at a time to get around this problem.
Here's how to use melt on a small example:
a <- matrix(rnorm(9), nrow = 3)
a[, 1] <- 1:3 ## Pretending these are one set of points
rownames(a) <- a[, 1] ## We'll put them as rownames instead of a column
melt(a[, -1]) ## And omit that column when melting
If you have memory issues, you could write a for loop and do it in pieces, writing each to a file when they're completed.
