How to count agents and save the number to a variable - count

I would like to count the number of agents that exits the Sink and save that number continuously to my variable "Loads" while i run the simulation.
Anylogic suggets the following.. but i can't seem to get it right.
long count() - returns the number of agents exited via this Sink block.
hope some of you can help me out

It should be easy... you don't even need a variable since sink.count() has the information you need always.
But if you insist in creating one, You can also create a variable called counter of type int and on the sink action just use counter++;


MS Project: How to set daily actual work for a task using a JavaScript Add-In?

I want to synchronize data for actual work from a web-based application of my company with MS Project. I am currently developing an Add-In with JavaScript in order to achieve this:
The red circle in my screenshot shows the data that I want to set programmatically. However, I have no idea how to achieve this.
I understand that I can get Task GUIDs and then set task fields using the task GUID and the field ID. This way I can save the cumulative actual work, but not per day like in my screenshot.
The API Docs on the MS Office Website are rather hard to read and navigate. Any help would be apprechiated!
Let's first separate the language from the operation.
Operationally, based on your circle, you want to set work for a task to happen on individual days? This is done using timeScaleData, see . When I did something similar (in VBA), I had to (1) get an array of time scale values, then (2) walk/iterate through that array and set work to those days:
set timeScaleValsArry = myTask.Assignments(1).TimeScaleData(startDay, endDay, pjAssignmentTimeScaledWork, daily)
for a = 1 to timeScaleValsArry.Count
timeScaleValsArry[a].value = hoursToWorkThatDay
Breaking down the elements above:
myTask is the task (of type task) I want to manipulate.
Assignments is an array representing each resource assigned to the task; for my purposes, I only ever had 1 resource assigned, hence the index of (1).
TimeScaleData is the function that returns the the array starting on the day startDay (whatever you want that to be), endDay, pjAssignmentTimeScaledWork which tells this function what data we want to work with (being work, but there are alternates ), and daily which is the frequency you want to work with (for instance you can go down to minutes, or up to years).
Then the returned array timeScaleValsArry is walked, and inside the loop the daily assignment for each value is manipulated. You'd need to customize this part to meet your needs; alternatively, you don't even need to loop if you always had three days: just hard code the array indices.
As far as language, clearly this is do-able in VBA. Doing this in C# as a VSTO addin has very similar syntax. I'd presume for JavaScript (what are you using, ScriptLab?) would also have similar syntax.

Game Maker Studio Score, My Score resets when going to the next room

I'm having a problem regarding the scores in my game, My game is about answering questions using jumbled letters and when the player gets one correct answer, the game should add +1 to the game score and move to the next level (which is in the next room) and will generate another question, and keeping your last score which is 1. My problem is, the score just keeps on resetting to a value of 0 when moved into the next room. I want it to continuously add +1 even when I go to the next rooms. Thankyou in advance.
There are many solutions.
1) Set your score controller object as persistent
This is the best, as you don't need to do anything else, and in fact, it's a good rule to have one object as a persistent controller.
2) You can save your score to the file and load it each time this object (that stores the variable) is being created
This requires save\load manipulation, and in some cases (e.g you don't want to have ANY persistent objects) can be better, but I highly doubt.
You are not giving enough details about how are you storing the score value.
That may be cause by many issue in the way you are making the game, so im going to try to give all solutions to all possible scenarios:
1) Storing Score in Object Variable
This way may have two different sub scenarios:
a) Going to Next Room after Right answer
b) Restart the same room
This completly reset the variable on the object because the object is destroyed and then created again initilizing again the variables it hold when the room is created.
For this the solution is simply: set persistent true, you can do it from the form object properties (the interface that pop up when you open a object) or using gml on the create event of the object:
object: CREATE event
persistent = true;
This will make the object even if is repeated on the room created to no to create it again, so the event CREATE will no be never repeated again.
2) Storing the Score in variable of the room using Room Creation Event
In this scenario happeng the same that above, its just a local variable the room but exists only for the room and will only exists during the room until its restarted or leaved.
In this case the best is to transform this variable to a global instance in the following way:
global.points = 0;
And this is the best way to store score for you game.
Just remember no to put it in a create event of a not persistent object or it will be reseted to ZERO everything that object is created.
In that case you can check if the variable exists and then if not initializing it:
if (variable_global_exists("points") == true) {
global.points = 0;
Now if you want to save it you need to use file functions which is another question.

Spotfire: How to filter 'old' data from data functions running on a data link that appends 'new' data

My situation is this. I have a data-link that continually appends new snapshot data to a table, and upon the arrival of a new snapshot, it runs an R data function (script) which does some calculations with results that append to an output table. The R calculations are quite expensive and the input data is large, and more importantly, the snapshots are independent of each other, so there is no need to re-process previously received snapshots every time a new snapshot arrives.
I can't make a data function that takes it's own results as input (i.e. to filter by previously processed dates), and my other idea also throws up cyclic dependencies (creating a second data function to generate a second table with previously processed dates).
Has anyone experienced this issue, and could you please give me some ideas on safe ways to address it? I'm new to Spotfire (and dash-boarding generally).
I had the same situation - I got around this with a few steps:
Added a new filtering scheme just for data processing
Adding a calculated column to my output table which was just "X",
that I could filter out ie. filter out the entire output table
Added a relationship between my input table and output on a key column which excluded any filtered out columns
In my data function input parameters, selected to filter the input data by the data processing filtering scheme.
This meant every time my function runs it only runs off the unprocessed data.
I am current appending the data so that it adds on update not
replaces. This works fine when I open the file everyday and save it
however is not working with the scheduled updates in the web player-
it doesn't add a data function add rows action each time - still
looking for a way around this.... possibly an iron python script will
do the trick..

Retain value/state of a variable for a particular id of a spout in storm

I have defined a single bolt that calculates certain threshold. The bolt is receiving data for several values of a field. Is it possible that I can retain the value/state of a variable for a particular value of field.
Suppose I have two set of tuple inputs s$tuple$input:
s$id = "21343254545454354343" s$id="45645465645456561234"
s$tuple$input = ["ABC",2] s$tuple$input= ["CDE",5]
Is it possible to retain the value of a variable like counter=5 for "ABC" and counter=9 for "CDE" and update them only when a tuple for corresponding id is received.
I haven't played with Storm and R but hopefully the ideas will be similar to Java.
You have a few options for storing state:
In worker memory (per bolt)
External store (not within Storm)
What you choose depends on your requirements but lets assume you're just trying to count words and don't really care if a worker dies. For this, the implementation is simple. Just create a private variable in your bolt and keep track.
For example, lets say you have a counts variable:
Map<String, Integer> counts = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
Then, in your bolt's execute method you just check if you've gotten the word before and if so increment the count:
Integer count = counts.get(word);
if (count == null)
count = 0;
counts.put(word, count);
You also want to consider how tuples flow to the workers. You probably don't want to use shuffle grouping anymore. Instead you want to do a field grouping by ID so that tuples with the same ID go to the same bolt.
Going forward you probably want something more durable (so if you lost a worker then you don't lose all your counts) so you'd probably store your counts in something like HBase.

create control-M job on the fly

Is it possible to dynamically create control-M jobs.
Here's what I want to do:
I want to create two jobs. First one I call a discovery job, the second one I call a template job.
The discovery job runs against some database and comes back with an array of parameters. I then want to start the template job for each element in the returned array passing in that element as a parameter. So if the discovery job returned [a1,a2,a3] I want to start the template job 3 times, first one with parameter a1, second with parameter a2 and third one with parameter a3.
Only when each of the template jobs finish successfully should the discovery job show as completed successfully. If one of the template job instances fails I should be able to manually retry that one instance and when it succeeds the Discovery job should become successful.
Is this possible ? And if so, how should this be done ?
Between the various components of Control-M this is possible.
The originating job will have an On/Do tab - this can perform subsequent actions based on the output of the first job. This can be set to work in various ways but it basically works on the principle of "do x if y happens". The 'y' can be job status (ok or not) exit code (0 or not) or text string in standard output (e.g. "system wants you to run 3 more jobs"). The 'x' can be a whole list of things too - demand in a job, add a specific condition, set variables.
You should check out the Auto Edit variables (I think they've changed the name of these in the latest versions) but these are your user defined variables (use the ctmvar utility to define/alter these). The variables can be defined for a specific job only or across your whole system.
If you don't get the degree of control you want then the next step would be to use the ctmcreate utility - this allows full on-the-fly job definition.
You can do it and the way I found that worked was to loop through a create script which then plugs in your variable name from your look-up. You can then do the same for the job number by using a counter to generate a job name such as adhoc0001, adhoc0002, etc. What I have done is to create n number of adhoc jobs as required by the query, order them into a new group and then once the group is complete send the downstream conditions on. If one fails then you can re-run it as normal. I use ctmcreate -input_file . Which works a treat.
