Julia: Piping standing input to process from string - julia

In my Julia code, I want to call various external commands that get data from standard input and produce output on standard output. I'd like to store data in strings and have them read and written to these processes. For definiteness, let's say the process is tr [a-z] [A-Z]. My wrapper would be
function toupper(string)
fn, fh = mktemp()
print(fh, string)
result = pipeline(fn, `tr [a-z] [A-Z]`) |> readstring
(this is Julia 0.6 syntax; replace readstring by io->read(io,String))
I would like a cleaner way of doing this; ideally, a command printer(string) that creates a stream producing the contents of the string, such that the command above would be coded as
toupper(string) = pipeline(printer(string), `tr [a-z] [A-Z]`) |> readstring
(Indeed, there will be lots of commands like the above, and I'd like, for efficiency reasons, to avoid creating and deleting all these temporary files)

OK, I found it: printer(string) could just be coded as IOBuffer(string).


Optimized way to write a series strings to a text file without quotations

I am new to Julia so sorry if this question is obvious.
I am trying to use Julia to help me run a series of finite element models, which use a text input file to give instructions to the finite element solver. Basically, I would like to use Julia to read in the base input file, edit some parameters on some lines of the file and then write it as a new file. I am getting hung up on a couple things though.
Currently, I am reading in the file like this
mdl = "fullmodelSVTV"; #name of input file
A = readlines(mdl*".inp")
This read each line from the file in as a separate string in a vector which I like because it makes it easier to edit the sections I want but it also makes things more difficult when I try to write to a new file.
I am writing the file like this.
io = open("name.inp","w")
When I try to write to a new file the output ends up look like this
Output from code
which is ["string at index 1","string at index 2","string at index 3"...].
What I would like to do is output this the exact same way is it is read in with string at each index of the vector on its own line. I would also like to remove the brackets and quotation marks from the file, as they might interfere with the finite element solver.
I think I have found a way to concatenate all of the strings at each index and separated them with a new line like shown below.
for i in 1:length(A)
conc = conc*"\n"*lines[i]
The issue with this is that it takes a long time to do given the size of the input files I am working with and I feel like there has to achieve my goal.
I also cannot find a way to remove the brackets or quotation marks when writing the file.
So, I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for a better way to write these text files in terms of both concatenating all of the strings from the vector when outputting as well as outputting without the brackets and quotation marks.
Thanks, any advice is appreciated.
The issue with print(io,A) is that it is printing a representation of the vector, but in fact you want to print each element of the vector. To do so, you can simply print each line in a loop:
open("name.inp", "w") do io
for line in A
println(io, line)
This avoids the overhead of string concatenation.

How to process latex commands in R?

I work with knitr() and I wish to transform inline Latex commands like "\label" and "\ref", depending on the output target (Latex or HTML).
In order to do that, I need to (programmatically) generate valid R strings that correctly represent the backslash: for example "\label" should become "\\label". The goal would be to replace all backslashes in a text fragment with double-backslashes.
but it seems that I cannot even read these strings, let alone process them: if I define:
okstr <- function(str) "do something"
then when I call
I directly get an error "unrecognized escape sequence"
(of course, as \l is faultly)
So my question is : does anybody know a way to read strings (in R), without using the escaping mechanism ?
Yes, I know I could do it manually, but that's the point: I need to do it programmatically.
There are many questions that are close to this one, and I have spent some time browsing, but I have found none that yields a workable solution for this.
Best regards.
Inside R code, you need to adhere to R’s syntactic conventions. And since \ in strings is used as an escape character, it needs to form a valid escape sequence (and \l isn’t a valid escape sequence in R).
There is simply no way around this.
But if you are reading the string from elsewhere, e.g. using readLines, scan or any of the other file reading functions, you are already getting the correct string, and no handling is necessary.
Alternatively, if you absolutely want to write LaTeX-like commands in literal strings inside R, just use a different character for \; for instance, +. Just make sure that your function correctly handles it everywhere, and that you keep a way of getting a literal + back. Here’s a suggestion:
okstr("+label{1 ++ 2}")
The implementation of okstr then needs to replace single + by \, and double ++ by + (making the above result in \label{1 + 2}). But consider in which order this needs to happen, and how you’d like to treat more complex cases; for instance, what should the following yield: okstr("1 +++label")?

R customize error message when string contains unrecognized escape

I would like to give a more informative error message when users of my R functions supply a string with an unrecognized escape
my_string <- "sql\sql"
# Error: '\s' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting ""sql\s"
Something like this would be ideal.
my_string <- "sql\sql"
# Error: my_string contains an unrecognized escape. Try sql\\sql with double backslashes instead.
I have tried an if statement that looks for single backslashes
if (stringr::str_detect("sql\sql", "\")) stop("my error message")
but I get the same error.
Almost all of my users are Windows users running R 3.3 and up.
Code execution in R happens in two phases. First, R takes the raw string you enter and parses that into commands that can be run; then, R actually runs those commands. The parsing step makes sure what you've written actually makes sense as code. If it doesn't make any sense, then R can't even turn it into anything it can attempt to run.
The error message you are getting about the unrecognized escape sequence is happening at the parsing stage. That means R isn't really even attempting to execute the command, it just straight up can't understand what you are saying. There is no way to catch in error like this in code because there's no user code that's running at that point.
So if you are counting on your users writing code like my_string <- "something", then they need to write valid code. They can't change how strings are encoded or what the assignment operator looks like or how variables can be named. They also can't type !my_string! <=== %something% because R can't parse that either. R can't parse my_string <- "sql\sql" but it can parse my_string <- "sql\\sql" (slashes much be escaped in string literals). If they are not savy users, you might want to consider providing an alternative interface that can sanitize user input before trying to run it as code. Maybe make a shiny front end or have users pass arguments to your scripts via command line parameters.
If you're capturing your user input correctly, for a string input of\, R will store that in my_string as \\.
[1] "\\"
[1] "sql\\sql"
That means internally in R:
my_string <- "sql\\sql"
To check the input, you need to escape each escape, because you're looking for \\
stringr::str_detect(my_string, "\\\\")
Which returns TRUE if the input string is sql\sql. So the full line is:
if (stringr::str_detect("sql\\sql", "\\\\")) stop("my error message")

julia to regex match lines in a file like grep

I would like to see a code snippet of julia that will read a file and return lines (string type) that match a regular expression.
I welcome multiple techniques, but output should be equivalent to the following:
$> grep -E ^AB[AJ].*TO' 'webster-unabridged-dictionary-1913.txt'
I'm using GNU grep 3.1 here, and the first line of each entry in the file is the all caps word on its own.
You could also use the filter function to do this in one line.
filter(line -> ismatch(r"^AB[AJ].*TO",line),readlines(open("webster-unabridged-dictionary-1913.txt")))
filter applies a function returning a Boolean to an array, and only returns those elements of the array which are true. The function in this case is an anonymous function line -> ismatch(r"^AB[AJ].*TO",line)", which basically says to call each element of the array being filtered (each line, in this case) line.
I think this might not be the best solution for very large files as the entire file needs to be loaded into memory before filtering, but for this example it seems to be just as fast as the for loop using eachline. Another difference is that this solution returns the results as an array rather than printing each of them, which depending on what you want to do with the matches might be a good or bad thing.
My favored solution uses a simple loop and is very easy to understand.
julia> open("webster-unabridged-dictionary-1913.txt") do f
for i in eachline(f)
if ismatch(r"^AB[AJ].*TO", i) println(i) end
Lines with tab separations have the tabs preserved (no literal output of '\t')
my source file in this example has the dictionary words in all caps alone on one line above the definition; the complete line is returned.
the file I/O operation is wrapped in a do block syntax structure, which expresses an anonymous function more conveniently than lamba x -> f(x) syntax for multi-line functions. This is particularly expressive with the file open() command, defined with a try-finally-close operation when called with a function as an argument.
Julia docs: Strings/Regular Expressions
regex objects take the form r"<regex_literal_here>"
the regex itself is a string
based on perl PCRE library
matches become regex match objects
julia> reg = r"^AB[AJ].*TO";
julia> typeof(reg)
julia> test = match(reg, "ABJURATORY")
julia> typeof(test)
Just putting ; in front is Julia's way to using commandline commands so this works in Julia's REPL
;grep -E ^AB[AJ].*TO' 'webster-unabridged-dictionary-1913.txt'

How can I insert a column in numeric comma separated input?

Hi i have as text file below
i want to convert it like below
condition :
1)input file column 3 and column 1 should be be same for 326784 and 0326784 and like that so on
2)if it different like the above input file last case then it should be printed in last line
output should be
i am using solaris platform
please help me
I don't understand the logic of your computation, but some general advice: the unix tool awk can do such computations. It understands comma-separated files and you can get it to output other comma-separated files, manipulated by your logic (which you'll have to express in awk syntax).
This is, as I understand it, the unix way to do it.
The way I'd do it (being a non-expert on awk and just mentioning it for completeness ;) would be to write a little python script.
you want to
open an input and an output file
get each line from the input file
parse the integers
perform your logic
write integers to your output file
unchecked python-like code:
f_in = open("input", "r")
f_out = open("output", "w")
for line in f_in.readlines():
ints = [int(x) for x in line.split(",")]
f_out.write("%d, %d, %d\n" % (ints[0], ints[1], ints[0]+ints[1]))
Here, the logic is in the f_out.write(...) line (this example would output the first, the second and the sum of both input integers)
You can check if you have a Python interpreter at hand by simply typing python and seeing what happens. If you have, save your code into something.py and start it with "python something.py"
