Does firebase realtime database unity package supports Universal Windows platform build? - firebase

I am using firebase realtime database, to send my score to server. It worked like charm for Android and iOS. However when i created build for universal windows platform, its not allowing me to crate build. So i removed firebase from my project and created build. Apart from score management, everything worked fine. So i am just surprised, does firebase supports universal windows platform build.
You can use firebase realtime database in unity editor.
So it might be possible.


Is there anyway to use firebase storage for flutter desktop?

I am trying to build a cross platform app. I have used firebase for database. Anyway to use firebase storage for flutter desktop ?(Windows)
There is currently no support for running Flutter apps that use Firebase Realtime Database for Windows. Only macOS is supported according to the table on
Also see:
Flutterfire cli not showing windows and linux as an option for platform to support

Cordova Firebase Remote Config Plugin vs. Web SDK

Firebase recently announced remote config for their web SDKs. In an app built with Cordova or Ionic, is there any feature that would justify using the cordova plugin for remote config instead of using the firebase sdk?
For example, I think that in the case of firebase analytics, it's better to use the cordova plugin because it's able to detect events such as app open and app close and I think the web sdk will not be able to track these events.

Security Config File Firebase

Is it safe to keep the firebase config file (with the APIkey)when deploying my mobile app (front-end react native) to the google play store and app store?
How can I make it safer?
As Doug commented, the google-services.json (or google-services.plist file for iOS) does not contain any secret credentials. It merely contains the configuration data that your app needs to find its Firebase project on the servers. So sharing it with other developers on your app is not only safe, it's required for them to build an app that communicates with the same Firebase project.
You may want to consider keeping it out of version control though, and instead only deploy it onto your build server. The reason for this is not as much that that data is secret, but more that each developer should typically set up their own Firebase project for their development work. That way they won't be stepping onto each other's toes during feature development work.
Also see:
Is it safe to expose Firebase apiKey to the public?
Should I add the google-services.json (from Firebase) to my repository?

How to communicate with Firebase database form Android Things using a service account

I have an Android client and an Android Things server application sharing a Firebase database. How can I communicate from the Android Things application with the Firebase database using a service account? Following the instructions below results in a Gradle error.
Gradle error
Error:(56, 0) Version: 5.8.0 is lower than the minimum version (9.0.0) required for google-services plugin.
You've got several things going wrong here.
First, you don't need a service account to deal with Firebase services from within an Android Things app. You deal with Firebase just like you would a normal Android app as a client of the Firebase service. There is literally almost no difference in how you interface with Firebase from this perspective.
Second, don't use firebase-admin in an Android app. That's for server-side code. Use the normal Firebase client SDKs for Android.
Also bear in mind that Android Things Developer Preview 0.6.1 has Play Services 11.6.x on it, and it doesn't self-update like normal Android devices. This means you have to use the 11.6.0 Firebase and Play SDKs in your Thing app. If you try to use newer versions, the client will fail because the client SDK versions aren't matched by an equal or better Play Services APK on the device.

Upgardation of Firebase Old version to New Version

I have created a Firebase account few months ago which is in Old version to develop an android app.
Later for some reason, i want to change the account for that application again which is allowing us to create newer version and this is not supported by the existing developed application.
Is it possible to create a firebase account in older version now? Or is there any method to upgrade the codes which will support newer version?
It is no longer possible to create accounts in the legacy Firebase console (on It will also soon be impossible to create new projects in the legacy Firebase console.
It is possible to upgrade your existing project to the new Firebase console ( and to upgrade your code to the new Firebase SDKs. Both are covered in the migration guides for iOS, web and Android.
