offline ovi map in desktop application - dictionary

I want to embed Ovi Maps in a desktop application in offline(but interactive) mode. GIven that these maps and their related map APIs are mainly targeted for mobile platforms, is this possible ? If so, can anyone point to any existing documentation on how to do this? Any pointers to existing examples would be a plus.
I considered using google Maps which can be integrated with desktop applications, but they cannot be used in offline mode.

Unfortunately, even if you can use Ovi Maps in your desktop application (using Nokia Qt C++ SQK with Location API, see you cannot use Ovi Maps in offline mode and there is currently no way to embed it (offline maps use is only possible on Nokia mobile devices that embed maps by default).

The latest branding of Ovi Maps has changed to Nokia Maps. The new - Nokia Maps Framework for Mobile HTML5 claims to have offline support. The API relies on the user using a browser which supports local storage, so provided your user base is using Google Chrome or Safari it would work on a desktop as well as various mobile platforms.
An example app can be found with the documentation
The offline claim can be found here


What is the TTS engine that here maps uses

I am developing an app using here maps. I am using voice guidance provided by them for maneuver data.
Packages used
Voice Catalog ,VoiceGuidanceOptions, VoicePackage
For more understanding, Can I know what TTS engine is used behind by here maps ?
Here uses text in form of compiled packages for voice guidance. There is no API in SDK to modify them.
For Android, Here uses the standard Android engine i.e android.speech.tts.TextToSpeech
And for IOS, AVSpeechSynthesizer from AVFoundation framework.
These are default frameworks which are available on all devices.
Hope this helps!

Possible to cross-platform develop Watch/Wearable applications?

since I am new in the world of developing apps for watches, and the fact that it exists for smartphones the following frameworks:
I wonder if there exists for watches apps similar frameworks? So that you code once but run overall.
Edit 1:
At this day (12.05.2015) regarding to the answer of a nativescript maintainer here. I will go with nativescript to start writing app for wearables.
Cordova/PhoneGap apps don't work directly on the wearable devices/watches. Cordova/PhoneGap is basically a javascript API which can run on WebKit/WebView on all the mobile OS's. But the Android Watch and Apple Watch doesn't support WebKit and so the apps developed with Cordova don't work directly on Watch devices. But if want to extend some of the features from the existing Cordova app to the wearable app, you need to create the extension app in native language and the extension should be able to communicate with the paired app on the mobile device. The extension on the Watch will have only UI and the bussiness logic etc runs on the Cordova app on the mobile. It is possible to establish communication between these apps which will drive the display on the watch devices.
I am not sure about the other frameworks you listed above on how much they support wearable devices.
As #kiran and #NRimer have mentioned, these cross platform frameworks are relying on the WebKit/WebView which is the almost universal layer supported on every mobile device. They dont run directly on the device, but device runs WebKit platform that runs these cross platform apps. So comparing the capabilities of the native app with cross platform app, native app is bigger, because it can have a hands on device hardware related features. The thing particular to the smart watches is that they mostly rely on other smart phone device, and it uses it's communication protocols, that are hardware specific, and WebKit doesnt have its hands on it.
It depends on what you're looking to do with the framework. Watch apps build off data provided by their containing app. For example if you want to provide custom notifications on the watch, the app (or server for remote notifications) constructs them. When your watch app needs information, it makes a request to the containing app. Lets say you have a group of apps that you want to provide the same notifications or functions on each of their watch apps, you could make a framework that handles these functions for the containing app. As for the watch portion, think of it as more of a display of information provided. Unfortunately i dont think there's a way to generate frameworks for watch apps yet. If you're looking to have a lot of code within the watch app this might be more difficult but for simple display of information you should be alright.

Windows Phone 8.1 Store Map

I want to use Bing Map into my Windows Phone 8.1 store app. I know the WP8.1 SDK's MapControl API, which is used for map.
Is that a Bing map or Nokia map or HERE map, any official document about that?
If it is Nokia Map and not Bing Map, How to use Bing maps.
There is Windows 8.1 SDK available, and not for Windows Phone 8.1.
Any workarounds?
The built in maps in WP 7/8/8.1 is a Bing Maps control that is built into the WP SDK. This is also the case for WP10/Win10. Google maps has no map controls for Windows Phone.
You should target WP8.1 and not WP8 as that's the version most WP users are on. The WP8.1 maps control is also more inline with the WP10/Win10 map controls, so it will make it easier for you to upgrade your app in the future. You can find documentation here:

Nokia map with smartface

I can use Nokia map with Smartface? Does Smartface support just Google map?
Smartface App Studio uses native map components. I mean that;
*For Android -> Google Maps
*For iOS -> iOS Map
You can also use webviews to display Nokia maps or maps from any other providers. Even though the experience would not be as good as native, it would be fine.

Accessing phone contacts within Flex for mobile

I would like to create an app for Blackberry, iPhone and Android using Adobe Flex. But I need to access the phone's contacts and I can't seem to find a way to achieve this.
This information is not exposed via AIR for Mobile APIs.
You can't access them on all platforms; and the ones where you can require complicated work arounds.
The next version of AIR should address this. I expect we'll find out more at Adobe Max in October.
