simplecov-rcov is throwing a Encoding::UndefinedConversionError - rspec-rails

I have the following setup
gem 'simplecov', require: false
gem 'simplecov-rcov', require: false
SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter
SimpleCov.start 'rails'
In the specs I have tests for views.
After the tests are run and rcov tries to save the rcov_result I receive the following error:
/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.1/gems/simplecov-rcov-0.2.3/lib/simplecov-rcov.rb:52:in `write': "\xE2" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError)
Is there a way to solve this?

Update the simplecov and simplecov-rcov gems to the latest versions and place the following code in your test/spec-helpers:
class SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter
def write_file(template, output_filename, binding)
rcov_result = template.result( binding ) output_filename, 'wb' ) do |file_result|
file_result.write rcov_result
More information here on files modes: File opening mode in Ruby


How to use rules_webtesting?

I want to use I am using Bazel 5.2.0.
The whole project can be found here.
My WORKSPACE.bazel file looks like this:
load("#bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "io_bazel_rules_webtesting",
sha256 = "3ef3bb22852546693c94e9b0b02c2570e74abab6f800fd58e0cbe79492e49c1b",
urls = [
load("#io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web:repositories.bzl", "web_test_repositories")
My BUILD.bazel file looks like this:
load("#io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web:py.bzl", "py_web_test_suite")
name = "browser_test",
srcs = [""],
browsers = [
local = True,
deps = ["#io_bazel_rules_webtesting//testing/web"],
) looks like this:
import unittest
from testing.web import webtest
class BrowserTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.driver = webtest.new_webdriver_session()
def tearDown(self):
self.driver = None
# Your tests here
if __name__ == "__main__":
When I try to do a bazel build //... I get (under Ubuntu 20.04 and macOS):
INFO: Invocation ID: 74c03efd-9caa-4174-9fda-42f7ff37e38b
ERROR: error loading package '': Every .bzl file must have a corresponding package, but '#io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web:repositories.bzl' does not have one. Please create a BUILD file in the same or any parent directory. Note that this BUILD file does not need to do anything except exist.
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.038s
INFO: 0 processes.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully (0 packages loaded)
The error message does not make sense to me, since there is a BUILD file in
I also tried a different version of Bazel - but with the same result.
Any ideas on how to get this working?
You need to add a strip_prefix = "rules_webtesting-581b1557e382f93419da6a03b91a45c2ac9a9ec8" in your http_archive call.
For debugging, you can look in the folder where Bazel extracts it: bazel-out/../../../external/io_bazel_rules_webtesting. #io_bazel_rules_webtesting//web translates to bazel-out/../../../external/io_bazel_rules_webtesting/web, so if that folder doesn't exist things won't work.

A module requiring 'fs' does not work inside storybook, but does work in-browser

I've got a basic create-react-app setup. A part of the CRA application is a lexer and a parser generated by antlr4ts.
In-browser, everything runs fine.
However, Storybook (installed via npx sb init) refuses to build, throwing:
ERROR in ./node_modules/antlr4ts/misc/InterpreterDataReader.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'fs' in '/home/rijndael/projects/antlr-truth-table-generator/node_modules/antlr4ts/misc'
# ./node_modules/antlr4ts/misc/InterpreterDataReader.js 16:11-24
# ./node_modules/antlr4ts/misc/index.js
# ./src/antlr/index.ts
# ./src/store/slices/tables/index.ts
# ./src/components/TruthTable/index.tsx
# ./src/components/TruthTable/stories/index.stories.tsx
# ./src sync ^\.(?:(?:^|\/|(?:(?:(?!(?:^|\/)\.).)*?)\/)stories\/(?!\.)(?=.)[^/]*?\.stories\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx))$
# ./.storybook/generated-stories-entry.js
# multi ./node_modules/#storybook/core/dist/server/common/polyfills.js ./node_modules/#storybook/core/dist/server/preview/globals.js ./.storybook/storybook-init-framework-entry.js ./.storybook/preview.js-generated-config-entry.js ./.storybook/generated-stories-entry.js ./node_modules/webpack-hot-middleware/client.js?reload=true&quiet=false&noInfo=undefined
Indeed, a module I'm requiring has import { Interval } from "antlr4ts/misc";.
However, antlr4ts/misc/index.js doesn't seem to require InterpreterDataReader. Perhaps one of its children does, however why it's then not listed in the require stack trace?
Inside InterpreterDataReader.js we indeed do have a const fs = require("fs");. However, it's no less weird, as everything does run when built by react-scripts.
How do I make it run inside Storybook as well?
Why does it run when built by react-scripts, but not inside Storybook?
module.exports = {
"stories": [
"addons": [
I fixed it by importing directly import { Interval } from "antlr4ts/misc/Interval";, thus omitting the giant require block in antlr4ts/misc/index.js. However, I'm no less interested in why it runs inside the browser, but not in Storybook.

cocoapods dylib dependency use_frameworks

I have built a dynamic library (to add ICU support in this case) which i need to add as a dependency to a pod. For that I created a pod with the following podspec (I removed things like authors, license, ... to keep it short) do |s| = 'unicode'
s.version = '57.0'
s.source = { :git => "", :tag => "#{s.version}" }
s.requires_arc = false
s.platform = :ios, '8.0'
s.default_subspecs = 'all'
s.subspec 'all' do |ss|
ss.header_mappings_dir = 'icu4c/include'
ss.source_files = 'icu4c/include/**/*.h'
ss.public_header_files = 'icu4c/include/**/*.h'
ss.vendored_libraries = 'Frameworks/lib*.dylib'
Here i have a second pod where i need to link these libraries too do |s| = 'sqlite3'
s.version = '3.14.2'
s.summary = 'SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine'
s.documentation_url = ''
s.homepage = ''
s.authors = { 'Clemens Gruber' => '' }
v = s.version.to_s.split('.')
archive_name = "sqlite-amalgamation-"+v[0]+v[1].rjust(2, '0')+v[2].rjust(2, '0')+"00"
#s.source = { :http => "{}/#{archive_name}.zip" }
s.source = { :git => "", :tag => "#{s.version}" }
s.requires_arc = false
s.platform = :ios, '8.0'
s.default_subspecs = 'common'
s.subspec 'common' do |ss|
ss.source_files = "#{archive_name}/sqlite*.{h,c}"
ss.osx.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'OTHER_CFLAGS' => '$(inherited) -DHAVE_USLEEP=1' }
# Disable OS X / AFP locking code on mobile platforms (iOS, tvOS, watchOS)
sqlite_xcconfig_ios = { 'OTHER_CFLAGS' => '$(inherited) -DHAVE_USLEEP=1 -DSQLITE_ENABLE_LOCKING_STYLE=0' }
ss.ios.pod_target_xcconfig = sqlite_xcconfig_ios
ss.tvos.pod_target_xcconfig = sqlite_xcconfig_ios
ss.watchos.pod_target_xcconfig = sqlite_xcconfig_ios
# enable support for icu - International Components for Unicode
s.subspec 'icu' do |ss|
ss.dependency 'sqlite3/common'
ss.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'OTHER_CFLAGS' => '$(inherited) -DSQLITE_ENABLE_ICU=1' }
ss.dependency 'unicode', '57.0'
ss.libraries = 'icucore', 'icudata.57.1', 'icui18n.57.1', 'icuio.57.1', 'icule.57.1', 'iculx.57.1', 'icutu.57.1', 'icuuc.57.1'
And with these i am able to compile it. Cocoapods is copying these libraries on build time into the folder ../Frameworks/ rather than to do while on run time. Instead it fails because it says that it doesn't find the library in ../lib.
dyld: Library not loaded: ../lib/libicudata.57.1.dylib
Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/9663CB3A-6ACD-487E-A92D-48F8AFE5260C/
Reason: image not found
I have to use use_frameworks! because i am using some Swift frameworks too.
So i am doing something wrong... the question is, can i link a dylib from one pod to another pod? and if so... how?
Based on the disparity between "libs" and "Frameworks", this looks like an issue with either runpath search paths (the running app is not looking for the library from Frameworks), or with the install name of the library not matching the location where it's placed relative to where it is dynamically loaded from.
Make sure that in the app that bundles the dynamic library you have the following paths included in your "Runpath Search Path": #executable_path/../Frameworks, #loader_path/../Frameworks
Make sure that the "Dynamic Library Install Name" name of the library being loaded is set to the equivalent of #rpath/$(EXECUTABLE_PATH) (i.e. in your case it should be "#rpath/libicudata.57.1.dylib"). You can set it during build time using the -install_name compiler (linker?) flag, or with install_name_tool, like so: install_name_tool -id "#rpath/libicudata.57.1.dylib" libicudata.57.1.dylib . Hopefully doesn't come to this though.

mruby-require error: NoMethodError: undefined method 'puts' for main

I managed to compile the mruby code adding the mrubygem - mruby-require from
However when I try to call the require './' I get an error. Below is my code:
def test(a, b)
print "Inside the include->test(..)"
return a+b
require 'inc.rb'
def helloworld(var1)
print 'hello world ' + var1 + ". Test number = " + test(4, 5)
When I execute test1.rb I get this error from mruby:
NoMethodError: undefined method 'puts' for main
After some analysis I found out the 'puts' is not working with mruby. Infact after adding mruby-require gem, no ruby code gets execute. Do I need to add any dependency with mruby-require?
Can someone help me please?
Update: Pasting the content of build_config.rb as requested. I have removed the lines which are commented.
build_config.rb do |conf|
if ENV['VisualStudioVersion'] || ENV['VSINSTALLDIR']
toolchain :visualcpp
toolchain :gcc
# adding the mruby-require library
conf.gem 'mrbgems/mruby-require'
conf.gembox 'default'
end'host-debug') do |conf|
if ENV['VisualStudioVersion'] || ENV['VSINSTALLDIR']
toolchain :visualcpp
toolchain :gcc
conf.gembox 'default' = %w(ENABLE_DEBUG)
conf.gem :core => "mruby-bin-debugger"
The following quote is from its
When mruby-require is being used, additional mrbgems that appear after mruby-require in build_config.rb must be required to be used.
This is from your build_config.rb:
conf.gem 'mrbgems/mruby-require'
conf.gembox 'default'
The default gembox contains mruby-print. So either require mruby-print or preferably swap the lines to make it a built-in gem (the default behavior without mruby-require).

Compass/Sinatra Loading Modules

I'm trying to load the CSS3 and reset modules within my SCSS files, but I'm getting an error when trying to import any Compass-specific module.
Sinatra App:
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'sass'
require 'compass'
configure do
set :scss, {:style => :compact, :debug_info => false}
Compass.add_project_configuration(File.join(Sinatra::Application.root, 'config', 'compass.rb'))
get '/css/:name.css' do
content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8'
scss(:"stylesheets/#{params[:name]}" )
#import "compass/reset";
#import "compass/css3";
Error Message:
Sass::SyntaxError at /css/style.css
File to import not found or unreadable: compass/reset. Load path: /Users/work/repos/mysite
Is there a gem I can install to automatically pull these modules, or do I have to move the Compass files into my Sinatra application?
After a correct configuration in your compass.rb, usually is enough to add something like:
get '/stylesheets/:name.css' do
content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8'
sass params[:name].to_sym, Compass.sass_engine_options
to your routes. Sinatra Integration, Sample project, or something you may consider useful: Better Compass integration for Sinatra (extracted from BigBand)
In a modular Modular App I use something like:
module Assets
# #Sass/Compass Handler
class Stylesheets < Sinatra::Base
register CompassInitializer
get '/stylesheets/:name.css' do
content_type 'text/css', :charset => 'utf-8'
sass params[:name].to_sym, Compass.sass_engine_options
and I have in my lib folder a file compass_plugin.rb
module CompassInitializer
def self.registered(app)
require 'sass/plugin/rack'
Compass.configuration do |config|
config.project_path = Padrino.root
config.sass_dir = "app/stylesheets"
config.project_type = :stand_alone
config.http_path = "/"
config.css_dir = "public/stylesheets"
config.images_dir = "public/images"
config.javascripts_dir = "public/javascripts"
config.output_style = :compressed
app.use Sass::Plugin::Rack
which is shamelessly stolen from Padrino framework
I think you should just:
$ gem install compass
$ compass create
