mruby-require error: NoMethodError: undefined method 'puts' for main - mruby

I managed to compile the mruby code adding the mrubygem - mruby-require from
However when I try to call the require './' I get an error. Below is my code:
def test(a, b)
print "Inside the include->test(..)"
return a+b
require 'inc.rb'
def helloworld(var1)
print 'hello world ' + var1 + ". Test number = " + test(4, 5)
When I execute test1.rb I get this error from mruby:
NoMethodError: undefined method 'puts' for main
After some analysis I found out the 'puts' is not working with mruby. Infact after adding mruby-require gem, no ruby code gets execute. Do I need to add any dependency with mruby-require?
Can someone help me please?
Update: Pasting the content of build_config.rb as requested. I have removed the lines which are commented.
build_config.rb do |conf|
if ENV['VisualStudioVersion'] || ENV['VSINSTALLDIR']
toolchain :visualcpp
toolchain :gcc
# adding the mruby-require library
conf.gem 'mrbgems/mruby-require'
conf.gembox 'default'
end'host-debug') do |conf|
if ENV['VisualStudioVersion'] || ENV['VSINSTALLDIR']
toolchain :visualcpp
toolchain :gcc
conf.gembox 'default' = %w(ENABLE_DEBUG)
conf.gem :core => "mruby-bin-debugger"

The following quote is from its
When mruby-require is being used, additional mrbgems that appear after mruby-require in build_config.rb must be required to be used.
This is from your build_config.rb:
conf.gem 'mrbgems/mruby-require'
conf.gembox 'default'
The default gembox contains mruby-print. So either require mruby-print or preferably swap the lines to make it a built-in gem (the default behavior without mruby-require).


Saxon xquery validation fails - help needed to understand behavior

Whilst i am using Saxon java api to execute the following xQuery, i am unable to understand why the following execution / validation fails ? (Interestingly , when i replace and clause with or in the if statement, the query validation is successful but am unable to understand this behaviour )
In oxygen xml validator, when i open the xQuery, i get NullPointerException-null exception and the validation fails.
And in java , i get the following area
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.markDependencies(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
I am looking up for some experts to help me understand why the following fails.
Following is the xQuery,
declare function local:method($input as element(input)) as element(output)
for $i in 1 to count($input/*:foo)
for $j in 1 to count($input/*:bar)
if((data($input/*:foo[$i]/*:itemB[1]/*:rangeQualifier)="A") and (data($input/*:foo[$i]/*:serviceId/*:type)="B") ) then
declare variable $input as element(input) external;
Saxon Verion
implementation 'net.sf.saxon:Saxon-HE:10.2'
implementation 'net.sf.saxon:saxon-xqj:'
Sample Snippet that i tried
Processor saxon = new Processor(false);
// compile the query
XQueryCompiler compiler = saxon.newXQueryCompiler();
XQueryExecutable exec;
ClassLoader classLoader = MessageProcessor.class.getClassLoader();
exec = compiler.compile(new File(classLoader.getResource("Xquery.xqy").getFile()));
Source src = new StreamSource(new StringReader(Files.readString( Paths.get(ClassLoader.getSystemResource(inputfile.xml").toURI()))));
XdmNode doc =;
// instantiate the query, bind the input and evaluate
XQueryEvaluator query = exec.load();
query.setExternalVariable(new QName("input"),"input")).asNode());
XdmValue result = query.evaluate();
Irrespective of the java code when i open the xquery in Oxygen XML editor (that uses Saxon-PE XQuery engine) , i get the following validation error.
It is indeed a Saxon optimisation bug. The problem occurs when Saxon attempts to rewrite
for $j in 1 to count($input/bar)
return if ($input/foo[$i]/data = 'A' and $input/baz[$i]/type = 'B')
then <result/>
else ()
if ($input/foo[$i]/data = 'A' and $input/baz[$i]/type = 'B')
then for $j in 1 to count($input/bar)
return <result/>
else ()
and you can work around the problem by doing this rewrite "by hand". The purpose of the rewrite is to prevent the unnecessary repeated evaluation of the "if" condition, which is the same each time round the loop.
The reason it's dependent on the "and" condition is that Saxon considers each term of the "and" as a separate candidate for promoting outside the loop, and when it finds that all these terms can be promoted, it reconstitutes the "and" expression from its parts, and the bug occurs during this reconstitution.
It seems like an optimizer bug in Saxon, I reduced your code to
declare function local:test($input as element(input)) as element(output)
for $i in 1 to count($input/foo)
for $j in 1 to count($input/bar)
return if ($input/foo[$i]/data = 'A' and $input/baz[$i]/type = 'B')
then <result/>
else ()
declare variable $input as element(input) external := <input>
and Saxon HE 10.2 from the command line crashes with
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.markDependencies(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.gatherInfo(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.parser.LoopLifter.process(
at net.sf.saxon.query.XQueryFunction.optimize(
at net.sf.saxon.query.XQueryFunctionLibrary.optimizeGlobalFunctions(
at net.sf.saxon.query.QueryModule.optimizeGlobalFunctions(
at net.sf.saxon.expr.instruct.Executable.fixupQueryModules(
at net.sf.saxon.query.XQueryParser.makeXQueryExpression(
at net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext.compileQuery(
at net.sf.saxon.query.StaticQueryContext.compileQuery(
at net.sf.saxon.s9api.XQueryCompiler.compile(
at net.sf.saxon.Query.compileQuery(
at net.sf.saxon.Query.doQuery(
at net.sf.saxon.Query.main(
I think on the command line you can turn off optimization with -opt:0, then the above code doesn't crash.
You might want to raise your bug as an issue on or wait until someone from Saxonica picks it up here.
If I use
for $foo at $i in $input/foo
for $bar at $j in $input/bar
Saxon doesn't crash, so perhaps that is a way to rewrite your query as a workaround, although, without data, I am not quite sure I have captured the meaning of your code and that rewrite does the same as your original attempt.
I reproduced it with Martin's test case (thank you, Martin):

simplecov-rcov is throwing a Encoding::UndefinedConversionError

I have the following setup
gem 'simplecov', require: false
gem 'simplecov-rcov', require: false
SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter
SimpleCov.start 'rails'
In the specs I have tests for views.
After the tests are run and rcov tries to save the rcov_result I receive the following error:
/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.1/gems/simplecov-rcov-0.2.3/lib/simplecov-rcov.rb:52:in `write': "\xE2" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 (Encoding::UndefinedConversionError)
Is there a way to solve this?
Update the simplecov and simplecov-rcov gems to the latest versions and place the following code in your test/spec-helpers:
class SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter
def write_file(template, output_filename, binding)
rcov_result = template.result( binding ) output_filename, 'wb' ) do |file_result|
file_result.write rcov_result
More information here on files modes: File opening mode in Ruby

Pkg.installed("anInvalidPackage") , should return nothing or throw an error?

refer to this paragraph:
installed(pkg) → Void | VersionNumber
If pkg is installed, return the installed version number, otherwise return nothing.
from JuliaDoc
Pkg.installed("anInvalidPackage") function should return nothing but it throws an error:
julia> VERSION
julia> Pkg.installed("anInvalidPackage")
ERROR: anInvalidPackage is not a package (not registered or installed)
in installed(::String) at .\pkg\entry.jl:123
in (::Base.Pkg.Dir.##2#3{Array{Any,1},Base.Pkg.Entry.#installed,Tuple{String}})
() at .\pkg\dir.jl:31
in cd(::Base.Pkg.Dir.##2#3{Array{Any,1},Base.Pkg.Entry.#installed,Tuple{String}
}, ::String) at .\file.jl:48
in #cd#1 at .\pkg\dir.jl:31
in installed(::String) at .\pkg\pkg.jl:129
EDIT : issue
If we tale a look at the source code for the Pkg module in base it should give use some clues:
function installed(pkg::AbstractString)
avail = Read.available(pkg)
if Read.isinstalled(pkg)
res = typemin(VersionNumber)
### some libgit2 stuff ###
isempty(avail) && throw(PkgError("$pkg is not a package (not registered or installed)"))
return nothing # registered but not installed
From the last two lines we can see that Julia is going to throw an error if the package is not registered or installed. However if the package is registered but not installed then no error will be thrown and nothing is returned.
var = Pkg.installed("AMD") # returns nothing for me as I don't have AMD installed
# but it is a registered package
altvar = Pkg.installed("this_is_not_the_name_of_any_package")
# will throw an error
I agree the docs should probably make this more clear...

How to create a file by registerMultiTask (gruntjs)

I want gruntjs to create a file on each build that contains some PHP code to define a version number.
the following code fragments are in my grunt.initConfig:
1st some meta
meta: {
versionfile: '<?php \n' +
'define(\'VERSION\', \'<%="yyyymmddhhii") =%>\'); \n' +
2nd the configuration
versionfile: {
'lib/define-version.php': '<%= meta.versionfile %>'
and then the multitask definition
grunt.registerMultiTask('versionfile', 'create version file.', function() {
when I run the job the following error comes up and the file is not written:
Running "versionfile:lib/define-version.php" (versionfile) task
Warning: An error occurred while processing a template (Unexpected token )). Use --force to continue.
I am thankful for every hint on what exactly this error means.
Maybe there is another way to write a file containing the php-code?
I found the error. The correct configuration has a = too much.
Instead of
'define(\'VERSION\', \'<%="yyyymmddhhii") =%>\'); \n' +
it must be
'define(\'VERSION\', \'<%="yyyymmddhhMM") %>\'); \n' +
(ignore the ii>MM, that's just another error ;)

Boost-build/BJam language - checking the value of a flag

I need to edit a .jam file used by boost-build for a specific kind of projects. The official manual on BJAM language says:
One of the toolsets that cares about DEF files is msvc. The following line should be added to it. flags DEF_FILE
Since the DEF_FILE variable is not used by the action, we need to modify it to be: actions link bind DEF_FILE { $(.LD) ....
/DEF:$(DEF_FILE) .... } Note the bind DEF_FILE part. It tells bjam to
translate the internal target name in DEF_FILE to a corresponding
filename in the link
So apparently just printing DEF_FILE with ECHO wouldn't work. How can it be expanded to a string variable or something that can actually be checked?
What I need to do is to print an error message and abort the build in case the flag is not set. I tried:
if ! $(DEF_FILE)
errors.user-error "file not found" ;
but this "if" is always true
I also tried putting "if ! $_DEF_FILE {...}" inside the "actions" contained but apparently it is ignored.
I am not sure I understand the global task you have. However, if you wanted to add checking for non-empty DEF_FILE -- expanding on the documentation bit you quote, you need to add the check in function.
If you have a command line pattern (specified with 'actions') its content is what is passed to OS for execution. But, you can also have a function with the same name, that will be called before generating the actions. For example, here's what current codebase have:
rule link.dll ( targets + : sources * : properties * )
DEPENDS $(<) : [ on $(<) return $(DEF_FILE) ] ;
if <embed-manifest>on in $(properties)
msvc.manifest.dll $(targets) : $(sources) : $(properties) ;
You can modify this code to additionally:
if ! [ on $(<) return $(DEF_FILE) ] {
ECHO "error" ;
