Qt changed image opacity in stylesheet - qt

I need to changed opacity of button's image or background image for single image in stylesheet or other way.
I want set the button three state through single image, like that
image:url("xxx.png") 70%
image:url("xxx.png") 100%
image:url("xxx.png") 40%
I have checked image style which Qt support, it seems that i can't achieve it.
I know i can changed image in other software such that Photoshop,but I want to implement it with single image, it is easier and fewer resource required.
It doesn't must do it in stylesheet, maybe some other way like that palette which i don't know it's work mechanism.
Do you have any idea?


Figma element background color solid not transparent

My Figma element has transparent background but I want to get it solid, simple as that, and I can't find the correct way how to do it.
Which thing in the settings I should check?
To do what you want:
make sure the element fill is 100%, when you are selecting the element layer itself, it's here:
make sure the frame itself has no grid active, so you can click the minus icon behind the grid section if it's active, like here:
I needed to remove layout grid for the whole page and colors became normal. I think that is so user could see the background grid so he could make the best possible design and then you delete it when you stop developing and your work is finished
Go to the fill section of the items settings and make sure the percentage next to the color is 100% or whatever opacity you want.

Is it possible to customize a slider via css in Codename One?

My app features a progress bar which background and thumb Image need to be changed. I found that the thumb image could be changed via a constant in the designer but which I could not find in the #Constants paragraph of the page on CSS selectors.
I tried to change the slider UIID to the one I created in the css file like this
MyStyle {
background-image: url(pics/whatever.png);
cn1-background-type: cn1-image-scaled-fit;
cn1-source-dpi: 320;
but only the image appears I can't see the progress indicator (eg mySlider.setProgress(50)).
Can it be done and if so how ?
Please note : I read mission 2 of CN1 bootcamp about CSS styling but could not find slider styling.
EDIT September 18th 2017
Following Shai's advice, I set the MyTheme and MyThemeFull with different background images. Indeed MyTheme is always drawn completely in the background and MyThemeFull is drawn bit after bit while the progress is increasing. So when the progress reaches 100% MyThemeFull background image is shown completely.
The cursor (thumb) image can be set via Slider.setThumbImage().
Any help or links to resource material appreciated ;-)
Slider has two UIID's: Slider & SliderFull. Which are drawn one on top of the other to produce the slider effect.
If you change the UIID they become MyStyle & MyStyleFull and you need to customize both.

Cystoscape, trying to display images instead of nodes

I'm trying to display images instead of nodes using Cytoscape.js to create a network diagram, but I haven't had any success yet. I started with the Images and breadthfirst example (https://gist.github.com/maxkfranz/aedff159b0df05ccfaa5), but there are a couple key things I would like to change.
For starters, I'd like to display an image only instead of a node. The above example displays a circle node with an image inside it. Is there any way to make the node completely transparent, and just let the image show through? I just want to see my vector icon images. When I delete all style properties for my node selector except width and height, I still see a circle constraining my image. I just want to see my image.
Next, I'd like to use something on the element data to decide what image to use instead of the #nodeId mechanism in the example above.
'background-image': 'https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7272/7633179468_3e19e45a0c_b.jpg'
Using a unique selector for each id is not very scalable or easy to modify. I'd prefer a declarative approach where a property on the data element determines which image to display. I tried using the "classes" property on an element, and I added a "shape-database" value to it. Here is how the class is defined...
.shape-database {
width: 95px;
height: 95px;
/*background: url('images/network-icons.jpg') 0px -95px;*/
background: url('images/database-5-med.png');
I then tested that the "shape-database" class was working by adding a simple div to the page, and the class is working properly on a normal div. The cyto node I added the classes property to does not display the background image. It's as if the class was not applied to the node, or else the node is blocking the image somehow. This is with the exact same code I was using above, with all the node selector css properties removed except width and height, and the #order-db css selector removed. I just see a grey circle for the node.
When the classes property on the element didn't work, I even tried the following to no avail...
Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong? A link to an example displaying just images instead of nodes would help as well.
Displaying an image instead of a node:
The key here was in hiding the node background and border completely, so that the background image alone shows through. The key to accomplishing that is through "background-opacity" and "border-opacity" (or "border-width") on the style objects. I added an image property (value is an img src) to the data object for each element that I wanted to swap out with an image, as well as the following style.
selector: 'node[image]',
style: {
'background-image': 'data(image)', // specify some image
'background-opacity': 0, // do not show the bg colour
'border-width': 0, // no border that would increase node size
'background-clip': 'none' // let image go beyond node shape (also better performance)
This also satisfied my requirement to use the element data to designate which elements are to be replaced with images and which images to use, instead of hard-coding a unique style and image for each element id.
I never got the classes data property to have any effect whatsoever on the background-image of a node. Perhaps there's a bug there.
Hopefully, this will help someone in the future because it was not obvious to me that background-opacity etc. made the entire node invisible. From the documentation, it sounded like it affected the node's background. Knowing that I was altering the background image for the node caused me quite a bit of confusion around nodes and backgrounds. I'm still quite fuzzy on all the layers and how they interact, but the above works and is better in my opinion than the image example given on the cytoscape site.

cn1 - replace background image

I have a button on which I set the background image using css, and then sometimes need to change it dynamically in the code. But if I change it, I see both images, one on top of the other.
Here's my css:
cn1-derive: Label;
background-image: url(images/play-video.png);
cn1-source-dpi: 180;
cn1-background-type: cn1-image-scaled-fit;
And my code:
The previous background image doesn't get replaced by the new one. Any ideas on how to solve this?
The original background image wasn't actually being set from the css - there was a css style that was unused, and the image was being set from the code, twice. The first time I had made it the Label's icon, and the second time its background image. Unfortunately, this was a case of me having trouble reading my own code!
Since you use transparent images you need to set the bgTransparency of the style to transparent (0) in the CSS (not sure how you do it there).

html background with image & color

Hi i was going through a website where they used a very unique (according to me) background. they are mixing a color with an image and using it as background. the image is like
Then they are mixing some yellow color in it & it become like this
When i went through the code they were using something like this
background: #f6b93c url(bg1.png);
but it did not work for me!
Please help me out?
That is nothing but a short hand syntax
background: #f6b93c url(bg1.png);
So the above code simply means
background-color: #f6b93c;
background-image: url(bg1.png);
For more info on background short hand syntax
a png image with transparency and bg color will do the trick,
Otherwise if it is a jpeg,
the color will fill the rest of the part(for eg:in a div), the image wont cover.
what was happening with this background: #f6b93c url(bg1.png);
fill the color #f6b93c then on the top of that place the image, so it was a %0%(for eg.) transparent image, this will end up with a mixer of both
with latest CSS3 technology, it is possible to create texured background. Check this out: http://lea.verou.me/css3patterns/#
but it still limited on so many aspect. And browser support is also not so ready.
your best bet is using small texture image and make repeat to that background. you could get some nice ready to use texture image here:
The image bg1.png does not seem to be in baseurl. You should try relative url. eg. if you have image inside 'images' folder, "images/bg1.png" should work.
