Xamarin Forms: Pasted test contains + symbol instead of white space - xamarin.forms

Last year I asked a question about copy the entry value in xamarin forms.
When I test it now the white spaces in the text are filled by a + symbol. Also when pasting the emojis it is not working properly.
I am using Xamarin.Plugins.Clipboard NuGet package for copy the text to the clipboard. When copy text to clipboard I am using the following code:
When long press in the device it shows the paste option. I am using that option for pasting the copied text.
Please suggest a solution for avoiding the + symbol? Also for emoji copy paste.
Thanks in advance.

Problem should need to WebUtility.UrlDecode(String) the text :
Converts a string that has been encoded for transmission in a URL into a decoded string.
If characters such as blanks and punctuation are passed in an HTTP stream, they might be misinterpreted at the receiving end. URL encoding converts characters that are not allowed in a URL into equivalent hexadecimal escape sequences. The UrlEncode method creates a URL-encoded string.
URL decoding replaces hexadecimal escape sequences with corresponding ASCII character equivalents. For example, when embedded in a block of URL-encoded text, the escape sequences %3c and %3e are decoded into the characters < and >.
Sample as follow:
using System.Net;
Console.WriteLine("Encode:" + WebUtility.UrlEncode("😂"));
// out ==> %F0%9F%98%82
Console.WriteLine("Decode:" + WebUtility.UrlDecode("%F0%9F%98%82"));
// out ==> 😂
Console.WriteLine("Encode:" + WebUtility.UrlEncode("this is a text message"));
// out ==> this+is+a+text+message
Console.WriteLine("Decode:" + WebUtility.UrlDecode("this+is+a+text+message"));
// out ==> this is a text message
Not directly CrossClipboard.Current.SetText(message);
Try with CrossClipboard.Current.SetText( WebUtility.UrlDecode(message));


What do these characters mean?(ANSI Code)

It's the code I'm printing with node:
const m = `[38;5;1;48;5;16m TEST`
It changes the text color.
As you can see `` is a special char I don't understand(It's not being shown by the browser). How does it work?
Is there any alternative for ESC?
As #puucee already mentions they are terminal control characters. I find it surprising that it says ESC[ in the code as that won't be escaped in normal node. I suspect that maybe your IDE is converting the "true" escape character to ESC. Node does not support octal escapes (such as \033), but hexadecimal escapes. That is, you string should usually be like this:
console.log('\x1b[38;5;1;48;5;16m TEST \x1b[0m')
These are terminal control characters. They are often used e.g. for coloring the output. Some are non-printable. Backticks ` in your javascript example are called template literals.

How to avoid implicit mailto link in Restructured Text?

I'm new to Restructured Text and am trying to write a document that refers to a project with an "at" sign in the name, something like "Foo#BAR". When I convert the .rst file into HTML using the docutils "rst2html" tool, this is converted into a "mailto" link. If I use double backticks for verbatim rendering, it is turned into monospace text. How can I get it to be rendered in the normal text font, and not converted into a link?
You can use character escaping to include an # within a word. In reStructuredText the escape character is \, so try using Foo\#BAR in your document.

Why are the spaces (%20) in my URL interpreted as '_' signs?

I am using IE version 8 in my web application.
I am sending string which consist of blank space character which i have encoded as "%20". When I send this string to a specific URL,it interprets "%20" as underscore sign instead of Blank space. can anybody tell me what might have gone wrong?
there cant be just a space in computer code, which is why it has an underscore () instead of a blank spaces. The unicode symbol of an underscore or a "" is represented by "%20"

HttpUtility.HtmlDecode cannot decode ASCII greater than 127

I have a list of character that display fine in WebBrowser in the form of encoded characters such as €  ...
But when posting these characters onto server to I realized that HttpUtility.HtmlDecode cannot convert them to characters as browser did, they all become space.
text = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode("€");
I expect it to return € but it return space instead. The same thing happen for some other characters as well.
Does anyone know how to fix this or any workaround?
This is commonly result of using literal values and mixing UTF-8 and ASCII. In UTF-8 euro sign is encoded as 3 bytes so there is no ASCII counterpart for it.
Your code is illegal if you are using UTF-8 since it only supports the first 128 characters and the rest are encoded is multiple bytes. You need to use the Unicode syntax:
// !!! NOT HtmlDecode!!!
text = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode("%E2%82%AC");
OK, I have left the code as it was but added the comment that it does not work. It does not work because it is not an encoding which is of concern for HTML - it is not an HTML. This is of concern for the URL and as such you need to use UrlDecode instead.
ASCII is 7-Bit; there are no characters 128 through 255. The MSDN article you linked is following the long tradition of pretending ASCII is 8-Bit; the article actually shows code page 437.
I'm not sure why you're not simply writing € (compatibility?), but € or € should do, too.
You typically want to do something like:
string html = "€"
string trash = WebUtility.HtmlDecode(html);
//Convert from default encoding to UTF8
byte[] bytes = Encoding.Default.GetBytes(trash);
string proper = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);

Multiple Base64 encoded parameters that appear as 1 in a URL query string

I need to pass 2 parameters in a query string but would like them to appear as a single parameter to the user. At a low level, how can I concatinate these two values and then later separate them? Both values are Base64 encoded.
where both abc and xyz are separate Base64 encoded strings.
why don't you just do something like this
temp = base64_encode("var1=abc&var2=yxz")
and then call
Later you can decode the whole string and split the vars.
(sry for pseudo code :P)
Edit: a small quote from wikipedia
The current version of PEM (specified in RFC 1421) uses a 64-character alphabet consisting of upper- and lower-case Roman alphabet characters (A–Z, a–z), the numerals (0–9), and the "+" and "/" symbols. The "=" symbol is also used as a special suffix code. The original specification, RFC 989, additionally used the "*" symbol to delimit encoded but unencrypted data within the output stream.
You should either use some separator or store the length of the first item.
First of all, I would be curious as to why you can't just pass two parameters. But with that as a given, just choose any character that's a valid character in a URL query string, but won't show up in your base64 encoding, such as ~
