Simple arithmetic on values retreived using OIDs - math

I am new to SNMP and Nagios, and would like to do some basic arithmetic on values retrieved using OIDs.
I need to monitor the used memory (RAM) on the servers on the University's network. They seem to be using UCD-SNMP-MIB. So far I have encountered memTotalReal.0 and memAvailReal.0, and no direct way to retrieve the used memory. Is there any specific reason for this?
Expected command for basic subtraction:
$USER1$/check_snmp -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -o memTotalReal.0-memAvailReal.0
What is the easiest way to retrieve the used memory? Do I need to resort to subtraction by possibly writing another script?

There is no simple way to do it. So you need to calculate it like this:
(Used – buffers – cached) / Total * 100 = % memory used
Used = total - available
In terms of OIDs you'll need to use the following:
memTotalOID = '.'
memRealAvailOID = '.'
memRealBuffersOID = '.'
memRealCachedOID = '.'


Rf_allocVector only allocates and does not zero out memory

Original motivation behind this is that I have a dynamically sized array of floats that I want to pass to R through Rcpp without either incurring the cost of a zeroing out nor the cost of a deep copy.
Originally I had thought that there might be some way to take heap allocated array, make it aware to R's gc system and then wrap it with other data to create a "Rcpp::NumericVector" but it seems like that that's not possible - or doable with my current knowledge.
However and correct me if I'm wrong it looks like simply constructing a NumericVector with a size N and then using it as an N sized allocation will call R.h's Rf_allocVector and that itself does not either zero out the allocated array - I tested it on a small C program that gets dyn.loaded into R and it looks like garbage values. I also took a peek at the assembly and there doesn't seem to be any zeroing out.
Can anyone confirm this or offer any alternate solution?
Welcome to StackOverflow.
You marked this rcpp but that is a function from the C API of R -- whereas the Rcpp API offers you its constructors which do in fact set the memory tp zero:
> Rcpp::cppFunction("NumericVector goodVec(int n) { return NumericVector(n); }")
> sum(goodVec(1e7))
[1] 0
This creates a dynamically allocated vector using R's memory functions. The vector is indistinguishable from R's own. And it has the memory set to zero
as we use R_Calloc, which is documented in Writing R Extension to setting the memory to zero. (We may also use memcpy() explicitly, you can check the sources.)
So in short, you just have yourself confused over what the C API of R, as well as Rcpp offer, and what is easiest to use when. Keep reading documentation, running and writing examples, and studying existing code. It's all out there!

Using large hash tables in R

I'm trying to use package hash, which I understand is the most commonly adopted implementation (other than directly using environments).
If I try to create and store hashes larger than ~20MB, I start getting protect(): protection stack overflow errors.
pryr::object_size(hash::hash(1:120000, 1:120000)) # * (see end of post)
#> 21.5 MB
h <- hash::hash(1:120000, 1:120000)
#> Error: protect(): protection stack overflow
If I run the h <- ... command once, the error only appears once. If I run it twice, I get an infinite loop of errors appearing in the console, freezing Rstudio and forcing me to restart it from the Task Manager.
From multiple other SO questions, I understand this means I'm creating more pointers than R can protect. This makes sense to me, since hashes are actually just environments (which themselves are just hash tables), so I assume R needs to keep track of each value in the hash table as a separate pointer.
The common solution I've seen for the protect() error is to use rstudio.exe --max-ppsize=500000 (which I assume propagates that option to R itself), but it doesn't help in this case, the error remains. This is somewhat surprising, since the hash in the example above is only 120,000 keys/pointers long, much smaller than the given ppsize of 500,000.
So, how can I use large hashes in R? I'm assuming changing to pure environments won't help, since hash is really just a wrapper around environments.
* For the record, the given hash::hash() call above will create hashes with non-syntactic names, but that's irrelevant: my real case has simple character keys and integer values and shows the same behavior)
This is a bug in RStudio, not a limitation in R. The bug happens when it tries to examine the h object for display in the environment pane. The bug is on their issue list as .

Cheat sheet for caffe / pycaffe?

Does anyone know whether there is a cheat sheet for all important pycaffe commands?
I was so far using caffe only via Matlab interface and terminal + bash scripts.
I wanted to shift towards using ipython and work through the ipython notebook examples. However I find it hard to get an overview of all the functions that are inside the caffe module for python. (I'm also quite new to python).
The pycaffe tests and this file are the main gateway to the python coding interface.
First of all, you would like to choose whether to use Caffe with CPU or GPU. It is sufficient to call caffe.set_mode_cpu() or caffe.set_mode_gpu(), respectively.
The main class that the pycaffe interface exposes is the Net. It has two constructors:
net = caffe.Net('/path/prototxt/descriptor/file', caffe.TRAIN)
which simply create a Net (in this case using the Data Layer specified for training), or
net = caffe.Net('/path/prototxt/descriptor/file', '/path/caffemodel/weights/file', caffe.TEST)
which creates a Net and automatically loads the weights as saved in the provided caffemodel file - in this case using the Data Layer specified for testing.
A Net object has several attributes and methods. They can be found here. I will cite just the ones I use more often.
You can access the network blobs by means of Net.blobs. E.g.
data = net.blobs['data'].data
net.blobs['data'].data[...] = my_image
fc7_activations = net.blobs['fc7'].data
You can access the parameters (weights) too, in a similar way. E.g.
nice_edge_detectors = net.params['conv1'].data
higher_level_filter = net.params['fc7'].data
Ok, now it's time to actually feed the net with some data. So, you will use backward() and forward() methods. So, if you want to classify a single image
net.blobs['data'].data[...] = my_image
net.forward() # equivalent to net.forward_all()
softmax_probabilities = net.blobs['prob'].data
The backward() method is equivalent, if one is interested in computing gradients.
You can save the net weights to subsequently reuse them. It's just a matter of'/path/to/new/caffemodel/file')
The other core component exposed by pycaffe is the Solver. There are several types of solver, but I'm going to use only SGDSolver for the sake of clarity. It is needed in order to train a caffe model.
You can instantiate the solver with
solver = caffe.SGDSolver('/path/to/solver/prototxt/file')
The Solver will encapsulate the network you are training and, if present, the network used for testing. Note that they are usually the same network, only with a different Data Layer. The networks are accessible with
training_net =
test_net = solver.test_nets[0] # more than one test net is supported
Then, you can perform a solver iteration, that is, a forward/backward pass with weight update, typing just
or run the solver until the last iteration, with
Other features
Note that pycaffe allows you to do more stuff, such as specifying the network architecture through a Python class or creating a new Layer type.
These features are less often used, but they are pretty easy to understand by reading the test cases.
Please note that the answer by Flavio Ferrara has a litte problem which may cause you waste a lot of time:
net.blobs['data'].data[...] = my_image
The code above is noneffective if your first layer is a Data type layer, because when net.forward() is called, it will begin from the first layer, and then your inserted data my_image will be covered. So it will show no error but give you totally irrelevant output. The correct way is to assign the start and end layer, for example:
net.forward(start='conv1', end='fc')
Here is a Github repository of Face Verification Experiment on LFW Dataset, using pycaffe and some matlab code. I guess it could help a lot, especially the file.
Besides, here are some short example code of using pycaffe for image classification:

What is the right way to duplicate an OpenCL kernel?

It seems that I can duplicate a kernel by get the program object and kernel name from the kernel. And then I can create a new one.
Is this the right way? It doesn't looks so good, though.
EDIT: To answer properly the question: Yes it is the correct way, there is no other way in CL 2.0 or earlier versions.
The compilation (and therefore, slow step) of the CL code creation is in the "program" creation (clProgramBuild + clProgramLink).
When you create a kernel. You are just creating a object that packs:
An entry point to a function in the program code
Parameters for input + output to that function
Some memory to remember all the above data between calls
It is an simple task that should be almost for free.
That is why it is preferred to have multiple kernel with different input parameters. Rather than one single kernel, and changing the parameters every loop.

R error allocMatrix

HI all,
I was trying to load a certain amount of Affymetrix CEL files, with the standard BioConductor command (R 2.8.1 on 64 bit linux, 72 GB of RAM)
But I keep getting this message:
Error in read.affybatch(filenames = l$filenames, phenoData = l$phenoData, :
allocMatrix: too many elements specified
What's the general meaning of this allocMatrix error? Is there some way to increase its maximum size?
Thank you
The problem is that all the core functions use INTs instead of LONGs for generating R objects. For example, your error message comes from array.c in /src/main
if ((double)nr * (double)nc > INT_MAX)
error(_("too many elements specified"));
where nr and nc are integers generated before, standing for the number of rows and columns of your matrix:
nr = asInteger(snr);
nc = asInteger(snc);
So, to cut it short, everything in the source code should be changed to LONG, possibly not only in array.c but in most core functions, and that would require some rewriting. Sorry for not being more helpful, but i guess this is the only solution. Alternatively, you may wait for R 3.x next year, and hopefully they will implement this...
If you're trying to work on huge affymetrix datasets, you might have better luck using packages from aroma.affymetrix.
Also, bioconductor is a (particularly) fast moving project and you'll typically be asked to upgrade to the latest version of R in order to get any continued "support" (help on the BioC mailing list). I see that Thrawn also mentions having a similar problem with R 2.10, but you still might think about upgrading anyway.
I bumped into this thread by chance. No, the aroma.* framework is not limited by the allocMatrix() limitation of ints and longs, because it does not address data using the regular address space alone - instead it subsets also via the file system. It never hold and never loads the complete data set into memory at any time. Basically the file system sets the limit, not the RAM nor the address space of you OS.
(author of aroma.*)
