How do I turn off text overwriting when using gnatmake/GPS for ada? - ada

Okay so I somehow changed the settings in GPS where it is overwriting my text when I type. I've tried so much stuff to try to fix it and I'm tired. Googling doesn't seem to help. Do any of yall know how to fix it? I can't stand coding when the text goes over the other text.
ive tried all the F commands and ctrl I and stuff that it might be.

It was the insert key on the keyboard. dang im dumb.


How do i autocomplete using Tabnine

I have downloaded tabnine, which helps the developer to not write mistaken words like for example: "helpo" instead of "hello".
But i dont know which button autocomplete the guessed word in every moment. ( The guessed word is on grey). I tried ctrl+enter, alt+enter, which were the most logical, but i am lost.
Someone knows which are the correct keys?
It's the 'Tab' button. Can be a bit confusing initially.

How do I dismiss an autocomplete suggestion in Atom?

When I'm writing Docstrings in Python3, I'm ending all of my sentences with periods and I see an autocomplete suggestion like this:
In this case it wants to replace the string "wager." with "wagerself."
If I press Enter or Tab the string replaces. I've messed around with all the logical buttons (Including adding an extra space which doesn't work), and nothing will allow me on my merry way to a newline.
This problem occurs both with and without the autocomplete-python package installed.
I do want to use auto-complete when I type a dot after an object, just not in the comments.
Is there a way to either:
Dismiss the autocomplete suggestion as they come up.
-- or --
Change the autocomplete to be aware of the context, i.e. not autocomplete dots when I'm in a string/comment.
From experimenting with different key combos, ctrl + enter will ignore the suggestion and allow you to go to the next line without altering what you've typed.
I haven't found any documentation around this, so I'm not sure if there's a similar key combo for tab or not. I couldn't find anything myself beyond alt + tabing to lose focus, which causes the suggestion to go away, then alt + tabing back to hit tab, which obviously isn't ideal.
I'm using Atom 1.44.0 on Windows and have found that shift + enter works to dismiss an autocomplete suggestion. No luck with tab on this platform though.
I use atom extensively, and have found that a quick left-right cursor move will leave the typed text in place and will NOT reactivate the suggestion list, unless more characters are typed. You can then type and move on to the next line.
I was actually searching myself for a way to exclude "then" from the autocomplete action, because I have text in other locations that has it as a commented "Then". I was hoping to find a way to exclude that word completely, but thought to share my work-around for that little bit, instead.
I am having the same problem where my text is getting replaced with cached words where if I wanted to type “manage” but if I have used “management “ before, I will get the text what I don’t want if I press enter. I went into preferences and followed the same steps mentioned in the below article and once the preferences are changed, I don’t see the word suggestions anymore. I felt so relieved.

JavaFX - Nodes Whiting Out

Hi I have quite an unusual query. I have made a small JavaFX program and am very proud of the results. However I recently noticed a bug I can't seem to rap my head around. I can't recreate it either and do not have a screen shot of it unfortunately. However you can see a screenshot of the general program below in the state that triggered the problems.
I was running my program like normal and gave it quite a large load to handle (a lot of gradients as seen below). Then what happened was that in any TextField I typed in all edited text became a completely white rectangle and if I tried to update the image preview to the right it also turned white. If I let the program be in this white state for about ten seconds everything would load back in and behave like normal until I went to edit anything again.
It happened with any StyleSheet I loaded and as mentioned I cannot seem to recreate it. So my question is this. Is this a known error that can occur if you configure your scene in the wrong way (or something similar) or have I just managed to screw things up in general? The source code is quite long and I have absolutely no Idea where the problem may lie so I won't post any if you don't feel like a specific part may be interesting.
I am also aware that this type of general question is not really liked here so sorry about that. If you can suggest another more suitable forum I would be more than happy to move my question there.
//Thanks for any help.
EDIT: I finally managed to get a screen shot of the bug. I am not having high hopes that anyone is going to answer this though...

How to force a monospaced font to render in Facebook?

I made a program that generates ASCII art from an image. I want users to be able to copy and paste that ASCII art to their wall and have it display properly.
Facebook doesn't use a monospace font.
Does anyone have any ideas on a workaround?
𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝙼𝚊𝚝𝚑 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚘𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚗 𝚚𝚊𝚣.𝚠𝚝𝚏
But it must be done one line at a time unfortunately. But it is unicode so you can prepare it first in a text editor and copy/paste into facebook.
Basically the question is: can you post a formatted text on the wall? The answer is no, sorry. Facebook currently doesn't support any html, markdown-like syntax, or html entities in their wall posts, only plain text.
have you tried the following html tags (they may get filtered, but may not)
<pre> my code </pre>
<tt> my code </tt>
I get that this is a 9 year old question, but I was looking for something similar, saw in the comments, and went digging.
Found this:
It's a single-file script (js) that appears to accomplish the same thing:
𝙳𝚘𝚐𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎
𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚕 𝚆𝚘𝚆 𝚂𝚒𝚏𝚎
I'd imagine you could (as I plan to) use it as a base to convert something faster than one line at a time. Hope it helps someone!
monospace: Try a backtick ``before and after your text.`
italic: _italic_
bold: *bold*

Can freetextbox display links that were not explicitly added?

I would like to display links that are pasted in as links rather than text but freetextbox does not seem to do this. For instance, if somebody pastes in it looks like a link but shows up only as text. Do I need to convert this myself or is there a setting in the editor to take care of this?
It depends. In most cases, you need to convert it yourself. Sometimes when you copy a link you are actually getting a link and not just the text. But yes, you'll have to get your hands dirty here.
