How to fix Kubernetes Ingress Controller cutting off nodes from cluster - nginx

I'm having some trouble installing an Ingress Controller in my on-prem cluster (created with Kubespray, running MetalLB to create LoadBalancer.).
I tried using nginx, traefik and kong but all got the same results.
I'm installing my the nginx helm chart using the following values.yaml:
kind: DaemonSet
nodeSelector: ""
tag: 0.23.0
create: true
With command:
helm install --name nginx stable/nginx-ingress --values values.yaml --namespace ingress-nginx
When I deploy the ingress controller in the cluster, a service is created (e.g. nginx-ingress-controller for nginx). This service is of the type LoadBalancer and gets an external IP.
When this external IP is assigned, the node that's linked to this external IP is lost (status Not Ready). However, when I check this node, it's still running, it's just cut off from the other
nodes, it can't even ping them (No route found). When I remove the service (not the rest of the nginx helm chart), everything works and the Ingress works. I also tried installing nginx/traefik/kong without a LoadBalancer using NodePorts or External IPs on the service, but I get the same result.
Does anyone recognize this behaviour?
Why does the ingress still work, even when I remove the nginx-ingress-controller service?

After a long search, we finally found a working solution for this problem.
As mentioned by #A_Suh, the pool of IPs that metallb uses, should contain IPs that are currently not used by one of the nodes in the cluster. By adding a new IP range that's also configured in the DHCP server, metallb can use ARP to link one of the IPs to one of the nodes.
For example in my 5 node cluster (kube11-15): When metallb gets the range and allocates for my nginx-ingress-controller, is linked to kube12. On ARP requests for, all 5 nodes respond with kube12 and trafic will be routed to this node.


Kubernetes Ingress nginx on Minikube fails

minikube v1.13.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 with Kubernetes v1.19.0 on Docker 19.03.8. Using helm/helmfile ("v3.3.4"). The Ubuntu VM is on VM-Workstation running on Win10, networking set as NAT, everything in my home wifi network.
I am trying to use ingress-backend stable/nginx-ingress 1.36.0 . I do have the nginx-ingress-1.36.0.tgz in the ingress/charts folder, and I have ingress/enabled minikube addons enable ingress.
Before I had enabled ingress on minikube, everything will get deployed successfully (no errors) but the service/LB stayed pending:
ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP
ingress-controller-nginx-ingress-controller LoadBalancer <pending> 80:30050/TCP,443:32294/TCP
After I enabled ingress on minikube, I now get this connection refused error:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "ingress-service" with kind Ingress:
Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://ingress-nginx-controller-admission.kube-system.svc:443/extensions/v1beta1/ingresses?timeout=30s":
dial tcp connect: connection refused
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "ingress-service" with kind Ingress:
Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://ingress-nginx-controller-admission.kube-system.svc:443/extensions/v1beta1/ingresses?timeout=30s":
dial tcp connect: connection refused
I don't know what is this IP - looks like pvt IP. It is not my minikube IP, or my VM IP or my laptop IP, I cant ping it.
But it all still deploys fine- but the Load Balancer still shows pending.
I had missed one of the Steps based on documentation
kubectl apply -f
I stopped/deleted minkube and redid everything, now the error is gone, but the loadbalancer is still <pending>
By default all solutions like minikube does not provide you LoadBalancer. Cloud solutions like EKS, Google Cloud, Azure do it for you automatically by spinning in the background separate LB. Thats why you see Pending status.
use MetalLB on minikube
MetalLB hooks into your Kubernetes cluster, and provides a network load-balancer implementation. In short, it allows you to create Kubernetes services of type LoadBalancer in clusters that don’t run on a cloud provider, and thus cannot simply hook into paid products to provide load-balancers.
kubectl apply -f
namespace/metallb-system created
podsecuritypolicy.policy/speaker created
serviceaccount/controller created
serviceaccount/speaker created created created created created created created
use minikube tunnel
Services of type LoadBalancer can be exposed via the minikube tunnel
command. It must be run in a separate terminal window to keep the
LoadBalancer running. Ctrl-C in the terminal can be used to terminate
the process at which time the network routes will be cleaned up.
minikube tunnel runs as a process, creating a network route on the host to the service CIDR of the cluster using the cluster’s IP
address as a gateway. The tunnel command exposes the external IP
directly to any program running on the host operating system.

What is the best way to organize a .net core app with nginx reverse proxy inside a kubernetes cluster?

I want to deploy a .NET Core app with NGINX reverse proxy on Azure Kubernetes Service. What is the best way to organize the pods and containers?
Two single-container pods, one pod for nginx and one pod for the app (.net-core/kestrel), so each one can scale independently of the other
One multi-container pod, this single pod with two containers (one for nginx and one for the app)
One single-container pod, a single container running both the nginx and the .net app
I would choose the 1st option, but I don't know if it is the right choice, would be great to know the the pros and cons of each option.
If I choose the 1st option, is it best to set affinity to put nginx pod in the same node that the app pod? Or anti-affinity so they deploy on different nodes? Or no affinity/anti-affinity at all?
The best practice for inbound traffic in Kubernetes is to use the Ingress resource. This requires a bit of extra setup in AKS because there's no built-in ingress controller. You definitely don't want to do #2 because it's not flexible, and #3 is not possible to my knowledge.
The Kubernetes Ingress resource is a configuration file that manages reverse proxy rules for inbound cluster traffic. This allows you to surface multiple services as if they were a combined API.
To set up ingress, start by creating a public IP address in your auto-generated MC resource group:
az network public-ip create `
-g MC_rg-name_cluster-name_centralus `
-n cluster-name-ingress-ip `
-l centralus `
--allocation-method static `
--dns-name cluster-name-ingress
Now create an ingress controller. This is required to actually handle the inbound traffic from your public IP. It sits and listens to the Kubernetes API Ingress updates, and auto-generates an nginx.conf file.
# Note: you'll have to install Helm and its service account prior to running this. See my GitHub link below for more information
helm install stable/nginx-ingress `
--name nginx-ingress `
--namespace default `
--set controller.service.loadBalancerIP=ip.from.above.result `
--set controller.scope.enabled=true `
--set controller.scope.namespace="default" `
--set controller.replicaCount=3
kubectl get service nginx-ingress-controller -n default -w
Once that's provisioned, make sure to use this annotation on your Ingress resource: nginx
If you'd like more information on how to set this up, please see this GitHub readme I put together this week. I've also included TLS termination with cert-manager, also installed with Helm.

Kubernetes - How to access nginx load balancing from outside the cluster using a NodePort service

I have a Kubernetes cluster with a master node and two other nodes:
sudo kubectl get nodes
kubernetes-master Ready master 4h v1.10.2
kubernetes-node1 Ready <none> 4h v1.10.2
kubernetes-node2 Ready <none> 34m v1.10.2
Each of them is running on a VirtualBox Ubuntu VM, accessible from the guest computer:
kubernetes-master (
kubernetes-node1 (
kubernetes-node2 (
I deployed an nginx server with two replicas, having one pod per kubernetes-node-x:
sudo kubectl get pods -o wide
nginx-deployment-64ff85b579-5k5zh 1/1 Running 0 8s kubernetes-node1
nginx-deployment-64ff85b579-b9zcz 1/1 Running 0 8s kubernetes-node2
Next I expose a service for the nginx-deployment as a NodePort to access it from outside the cluster:
sudo kubectl expose deployment/nginx-deployment --type=NodePort
sudo kubectl get services
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 4h
nginx-deployment NodePort <none> 80:32446/TCP 2m
sudo kubectl describe service nginx-deployment
Name: nginx-deployment
Namespace: default
Labels: app=nginx
Annotations: <none>
Selector: app=nginx
Type: NodePort
Port: <unset> 80/TCP
TargetPort: 80/TCP
NodePort: <unset> 32446/TCP
Session Affinity: None
External Traffic Policy: Cluster
Events: <none>
I can access each pod in a node directly using their node IP
But, I thought that K8s provided some kind of external cluster ip that balanced the requests to the nodes from the outside. What is that IP??
But, I thought that K8s provided some kind of external cluster ip that balanced the requests to the nodes from the outside. What is that IP??
Cluster IP is internal to Cluster. Not exposed to outside, it is for intercommunication across the cluster.
Indeed, you have LoadBanacer type of service that can do such a trick that you need, only it is dependent on cloud providers or minikube/docker edge to work properly.
I can access each pod in a node directly using their node IP
Actually you don't access them individually that way. NodePort does a bit different trick, since it is essentially loadbalancing requests from outside on ANY exposed node IP. In a nutshell, if you hit any of node's IPs with exposed NodePort, kube-proxy will make sure that required service gets it and then service is doing round-robin through active pods, so although you hit specific node IP, you don't necessarily get pod running on that specific node. More details on that you can find here:, as author there said, not technically most accurate representation, but attempt to show on logical level what is happening with NodePort exposure:
As a sidenote, in order to do this on bare metal and do ssl or such, you need to provision ingress of your own. Say, place one nginx on specific node and then reference all appropriate services you want exposed (mind fqdn for service) as upstream(s) that can run on multiple nodes with as many nginx of their own as desired - you don't need to handle exact details of that since k8s runs the show. That way you have one node point (ingress nginx) with known IP address that is handling incoming traffic and redirecting it to services inside k8s that can run across any node(s). I suck with ascii art but will give it a try:
(outside) -> ingress (nginx) +--> my-service FQDN (running accross nodes):
[node-0] | [node-1]: my-service-pod-01 with nginx-01
| [node 2]: my-service-pod-02 with nginx-02
| ...
+--> my-second-service FQDN
| [node-1]: my-second-service-pod with apache?
In above sketch you have nginx ingress on node-0 (known IP) that takes external traffic and then handles my-service (running on two pods on two nodes) and my-second-service (single pod) as upstreams. You only need to expose FQDN on services for this to work without worrying about details of IPs of specific nodes. More info you can find in documentation:
Also way better than my ansi-art is this representation from same link as in previous point that illustrate idea behind ingress:
Updated for comments
Why isn't the service load balancing the used pods from the service?
This can happen for several reasons. Depending on how your Liveness and Readiness Probes are configured, maybe service still don't see pod as out of service. Due to this async nature in distributed system such as k8s we experience temporary lost of requests when pods get removed during, for example rolling updates and similar. Secondly, depending on how your kube-proxy was configured, there are options where you can limit it. By official documentation ( using --nodeport-addresses you can change node-proxy behavior. Turns out that round-robin was old kube-proxy behavior, apparently new one should be random. Finally, to exclude connection and session issues from browser, did you try this from anonymous session as well? Do you have dns cached locally maybe?
Something else, I killed the pod from node1, and when calling to node1 it didn't use the pod from node 2.
This is a bit strange. Might be related to above mentioned probes thoug. According to official documentation this should not be the case. We had NodePort behaving inline with official documentation mentined above: and each Node will proxy that port (the same port number on every Node) into your Service. But if that is your case then probably LB or Ingress, maybe even ClusterIP with external address (see below) can do the trick for you.
if the service is internal (ClusterIP) ... does it load balance to any of the pods in the nodes
Most definitely yes. One more thing, you can use this behavior to also expose 'load balanced' behavior in 'standard' port range as opposed to 30k+ from NodePort. Here is excerpt of service manifest we use for ingress controller.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
namespace: ns-my-namespace
name: svc-nginx-ingress-example
name: nginx-ingress-example
role: frontend-example
application: nginx-example
name: nginx-ingress-example
role: frontend-example
application: nginx-example
- protocol: TCP
name: http-port
port: 80
targetPort: 80
- protocol: TCP
name: ssl-port
port: 443
targetPort: 443
Note that in the above example imaginary that is exposed with externalIPs represents ip address of one of our worker nodes. Pods running in svc-nginx-ingress-example service doesn't need to be on this node at all but they still get the traffic routed to them (and loadbalanced across the pods as well) when that ip is hit on specified port.

Kubernetes service external ip pending

I am trying to deploy nginx on kubernetes, kubernetes version is v1.5.2,
I have deployed nginx with 3 replica, YAML file is below,
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: deployment-example
replicas: 3
revisionHistoryLimit: 2
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.10
- containerPort: 80
and now I want to expose its port 80 on port 30062 of node, for that I created a service below,
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: nginx-ils-service
- name: http
port: 80
nodePort: 30062
app: nginx
type: LoadBalancer
this service is working good as it should be, but it is showing as pending not only on kubernetes dashboard also on terminal.
It looks like you are using a custom Kubernetes Cluster (using minikube, kubeadm or the like). In this case, there is no LoadBalancer integrated (unlike AWS or Google Cloud). With this default setup, you can only use NodePort or an Ingress Controller.
With the Ingress Controller you can setup a domain name which maps to your pod; you don't need to give your Service the LoadBalancer type if you use an Ingress Controller.
If you are using Minikube, there is a magic command!
$ minikube tunnel
Hopefully someone can save a few minutes with this.
Reference link
If you are not using GCE or EKS (you used kubeadm) you can add an externalIPs spec to your service YAML. You can use the IP associated with your node's primary interface such as eth0. You can then access the service externally, using the external IP of the node.
type: LoadBalancer
I created a single node k8s cluster using kubeadm. When i tried PortForward and kubectl proxy, it showed external IP as pending.
$ kubectl get svc -n argocd argocd-server
argocd-server LoadBalancer <pending> 80:30047/TCP,443:31307/TCP 110s
In my case I've patched the service like this:
kubectl patch svc <svc-name> -n <namespace> -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer", "externalIPs":[""]}}'
After this, it started serving over the public IP
$ kubectl get svc argo-ui -n argo
argo-ui LoadBalancer 80:30981/TCP 7m50s
To access a service on minikube, you need to run the following command:
minikube service [-n NAMESPACE] [--url] NAME
More information here : Minikube GitHub
When using Minikube, you can get the IP and port through which you
can access the service by running:
minikube service [service name]
minikube service kubia-http
If it is your private k8s cluster, MetalLB would be a better fit. Below are the steps.
Step 1: Install MetalLB in your cluster
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
# On first install only
kubectl create secret generic -n metallb-system memberlist --from-literal=secretkey="$(openssl rand -base64 128)"
Step 2: Configure it by using a configmap
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
namespace: metallb-system
name: config
config: |
- name: default
protocol: layer2
- #Update this with your Nodes IP range
Step 3: Create your service to get an external IP (would be a private IP though).
Before MetalLB installation:
After MetalLB installation:
If running on minikube, don't forget to mention namespace if you are not using default.
minikube service << service_name >> --url --namespace=<< namespace_name >>
Following #Javier's answer. I have decided to go with "patching up the external IP" for my load balancer.
$ kubectl patch service my-loadbalancer-service-name \
-n lb-service-namespace \
-p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer", "externalIPs":[""]}}'
This will replace that 'pending' with a new patched up IP address you can use for your cluster.
For more on this. Please see karthik's post on LoadBalancer support with Minikube for Kubernetes
Not the cleanest way to do it. I needed a temporary solution. Hope this helps somebody.
If you are using minikube then run commands below from terminal,
$ minikube ip
$ // then
$ curl
or simply
$ curl http://$(minikube ip):31245
In case someone is using MicroK8s: You need a network load balancer.
MicroK8s comes with metallb, you can enable it like this:
microk8s enable metallb
<pending> should turn into an actual IP address then.
A general way to expose an application running on a set of Pods as a network service is called service in Kubernetes. There are four types of service in Kubernetes.
The Service is only reachable from within the cluster.
You'll be able to communicate the Service from outside the cluster using NodeIP:NodePort.default node port range is 30000-32767, and this range can be changed by define --service-node-port-range in the time of cluster creation.
Exposes the Service externally using a cloud provider's load balancer.
Maps the Service to the contents of the externalName field (e.g., by returning a CNAME record with its value. No proxying of any kind is set up.
Only the LoadBalancer gives value for the External-IP Colum. and it only works if the Kubernetes cluster is able to assign an IP address for that particular service. you can use metalLB load balancer for provision IPs to your load balancer services.
I hope your doubt may go away.
You can patch the IP of Node where pods are hosted ( Private IP of Node ) , this is the easy workaround .
Taking reference with above posts , Following worked for me :
kubectl patch service my-loadbalancer-service-name \
-n lb-service-namespace \
-p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer", "externalIPs":[" Private IP of Physical Server - Node - where deployment is done "]}}'
Adding a solution for those who encountered this error while running on amazon-eks.
First of all run:
kubectl describe svc <service-name>
And then review the events field in the example output below:
Name: some-service
Namespace: default
Labels: <none>
Selector: app=some
Type: LoadBalancer
Port: <unset> 80/TCP
TargetPort: 5000/TCP
NodePort: <unset> 31022/TCP
Endpoints: <none>
Session Affinity: None
External Traffic Policy: Cluster
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal EnsuringLoadBalancer 68s service-controller Ensuring load balancer
Warning SyncLoadBalancerFailed 67s service-controller Error syncing load balancer: failed to ensure load balancer: could not find any suitable subnets for creating the ELB
Review the error message:
Failed to ensure load balancer: could not find any suitable subnets for creating the ELB
In my case, the reason that no suitable subnets were provided for creating the ELB were:
1: The EKS cluster was deployed on the wrong subnets group - internal subnets instead of public facing.
(*) By default, services of type LoadBalancer create public-facing load balancers if no "true" annotation was provided).
2: The Subnets weren't tagged according to the requirements mentioned here.
Tagging VPC with:
Value: shared
Tagging public subnets with:
Value: 1
If you are using a bare metal you need the NodePort type
LoadBalancer works by default in other cloud providers like Digital Ocean, Aws, etc
k edit service ingress-nginx-controller
type: NodePort
using the public IP
Use NodePort:
$ kubectl run user-login --replicas=2 --labels="run=user-login" --image=kingslayerr/teamproject:version2 --port=5000
$ kubectl expose deployment user-login --type=NodePort --name=user-login-service
$ kubectl describe services user-login-service
(Note down the port)
$ kubectl cluster-info
(IP-> Get The IP where master is running)
Your service is accessible at (IP):(port)
The LoadBalancer ServiceType will only work if the underlying infrastructure supports the automatic creation of Load Balancers and have the respective support in Kubernetes, as is the case with the Google Cloud Platform and AWS. If no such feature is configured, the LoadBalancer IP address field is not populated and still in pending status , and the Service will work the same way as a NodePort type Service
minikube tunnel
The below solution works in my case.
First of all, try this command:
minikube tunnel
If it's not working for you. follow the below:
I restart minikube container.
docker minikube stop
docker minikube start
After that re-run kubernetes
minikube dashboard
After finish execute :
minikube tunnel
I have the same problem.
Windows 10 Desktop + Docker Desktop 4.7.1 (77678) + Minikube v1.25.2
Following the official docs on my side, I resolve with:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> kubectl expose deployment sito-php --type=LoadBalancer --port=8080 --name=servizio-php
service/servizio-php exposed
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> minikube tunnel
* Tunnel successfully started
* NOTE: Please do not close this terminal as this process must stay alive for the tunnel to be accessible ...
* Starting tunnel for service servizio-php.
PS E:\docker\apache-php> kubectl get service
kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 33h
servizio-php LoadBalancer 8080:30270/TCP 4m39s
The open browser on
same issue:
os>kubectl get svc right-sabertooth-wordpress
right-sabertooth-wordpress LoadBalancer "pending" 80:30454/TCP,443:30427/TCP
os>minikube service list
| default | kubernetes | No node port |
| default | right-sabertooth-mariadb | No node port |
| default | right-sabertooth-wordpress | |
| | | |
| kube-system | kube-dns | No node port |
| kube-system | tiller-deploy | No node port |
It is, however,accesible via that
There are three types of exposing your service
When we use a loadbalancer we basically ask our cloud provider to give us a dns which can be accessed online
Note not a domain name but a dns.
So loadbalancer type does not work in our local minikube env.
Those who are using minikube and trying to access the service of kind NodePort or LoadBalancer.
We don’t get the external IP to access the service on the local
system. So a good option is to use minikube IP
Use the below command to get the minikube IP once your service is exposed.
minikube service service-name --url
Now use that URL to serve your purpose.
Check kube-controller logs. I was able to solve this issue by setting the clusterID tags to the ec2 instance I deployed the cluster on.
If you are not on a supported cloud (aws, azure, gcloud etc..) you can't use LoadBalancer without MetalLB
but it's in beta yet..
Delete existing service and create a same new service solved my problems. My problems is that the loading balancing IP I defines is used so that external endpoint is pending. When I changed a new load balancing IP it still couldn't work.
Finally, delete existing service and create a new one solved my problem.
For your use case best option is to use NordPort service instead of loadbalancer type because loadbalancer is not available.
I was getting this error on the Docker-desktop. I just exit and turn it on again(Docker-desktop). It took few seconds, then It worked fine.
Deleting all older services and creating new resolved my issue. IP was bound to older service. just try "$kubectl get svc" and then delete all svc's one by one "$kubectl delete svc 'svc name' "
May be the subnet in which you are deploying your service, have not enough ip's
If you are trying to do this in your on-prem cloud, you need an L4LB service to create the LB instances.
Otherwise you end up with the endless "pending" message you described. It is visible in a video here:
You can use open source tools to solve this problem, the video provides some guidance on how the automation process should work.

kubernetes: a service is not accessible outside host

I am following the guide at to create a kubernetes cluster. Once the cluster is up, i can create pods and services using kubectl. Basically, do the following
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --port=80
kubectl expose deployment/nginx
I see a pod and service running
# kubectl get services
kubernetes <none> 443/TCP 2d
nginx <none> 80/TCP 2d
When I try to access the service from the machine where the pod is running, I get back the nginx helloworld page. But if i try it another machine in the kubernetes cluster, i get a timeout.
I thought all the services are accessible anywhere in the cluster. Why could it not be working that way?
Yes, services should be accessible anywhere in the cluster. Is your "another machine" listed in the output of kubectl get nodes? Is the node Ready? Maybe the machine wasn't configured correctly.
If you want to get the servicer anywherer in the cluster, You must use the network plug-in,such as Flannel,OpenVSwitch.
found out my error by comparing it with another installation where it worked. This installation was missing an iptables rule that forced everything going to the containers onto the flannel interface. So the traffic was reaching the target host on eth0 making it discard the packet. I donot know why the proxy didnt add that rule. Once i manually added it, it worked.
