Data in a dataset are shifted irregularly in R - r

I am trying to simulate an experiment in a mathematical model. Resulting dataset contains data from the experiment - output data (out_exp) which are a result of input data (inp_exp) - and data from the simulation of the experiment- output data (out_sim) which are a result of input data (inp_sim).
When I merge all data to a dataframe, an irregular shift among simulated and experiment datasets can be found. In order to be able to compare and evaluate the out_exp and out_sim, both inp_exp and inp_sim has to start from the same date. It means I need to shift data from simulation (inp_sim and out_sim) together according to input data (ie. inp_exp[i] == inp_sim[i]). A problem is that the shift between input data is not regular (see data below).
Does any one have an idea how to do it? Thank you in advance.
Original data:
inp_exp <- c(0,0,5,1,2,3,4,0,0,0,1,4,8,1,2,0,0,0,0,1,5,8,9,9,1,0,0,0)
inp_sim <- c(0,0,0,5,1,2,3,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,4,8,1,2,0,1,5,8,9,9,1,0,0)
out_exp <- c(0,0,0,1,4,5,1,0,0,0,0,1,2,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,2,4,5,8,2,0,0,0)
out_sim <- c(0,0,0,0,0,1,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,1,0,0,0,1,5,6,4,1,0)
D <- seq(as.Date("2018/10/2"), by = "day", length.out = length(inp_exp))
df <- data.frame(D, inp_exp, inp_sim, out_exp, out_sim)
Expected result:
inp_exp <- c(0,0,5,1,2,3,4,0,0,0,1,4,8,1,2,0,0,0,0,1,5,8,9,9,1,0,0,0)
inp_sim <- c(0,0,5,1,2,3,4,0,0,0,1,4,8,1,2,0,0,0,0,1,5,8,9,9,1,0,0,0)
out_exp <- c(0,0,0,1,4,5,1,0,0,0,0,1,2,4,1,0,0,0,0,0,2,4,5,8,2,0,0,0)
out_sim <- c(0,0,0,0,1,2,1,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,5,6,4,1,0,0)
D <- seq(as.Date("2018/10/2"), by = "day", length.out = length(inp_exp))
df <- data.frame(D, inp_exp, inp_sim, out_exp, out_sim)


Unnest a ts class

My data has multiple customers data with different start and end dates along with their sales data.So I did simple exponential smoothing.
I applied the following code to apply ses
z <- read.zoo(data_set,FUN = function(x) as.Date(x) + seq_along(x) / 10^10 , index = "Date", split = "customer_id")
L <- lapply(as.list(z), function(x) ts(na.omit(x),frequency = 52))
HW <- lapply(L, ses)
Now my output class is list with uneven lengths.Can someone help me how to unnest or unlist the output in to a data frame and get the fitted values,actuals,residuals along with their dates,sales and customer_id.
Note : the reson I post my input data rather than data of HW is,the HW data is too large.
Can someone help me in R.
I would use tidyverse package to handle this problem.
map(HW, ~ .x %>% %>% # convert each element of the list to data.frame
rownames_to_column) %>% # add row names as columns within each element
bind_rows(.id = "customer_id") # bind all elements and add customer ID
I am not sure how to relate dates and actual sales to your output (HW). If you explain it I might provide solution to that part of the problem too.
Firstly took all the unique customer_id into a variable called 'k'
k <- unique(data_set$customer_id)
Created a empty data frame
b <- data.frame()
extracted all the fitted values using a for loop and stored in 'a'.Using the rbind function attached all the fitted values to data frame 'b'
for(key in k){
print(a <-[[key]]$model$fitted))))
b <- rbind(b,a)
Finally using column bind function attached the input data set with data frame 'b'
data_set_final <- cbind(data_set,b)

Calculating log returns over columns of a data frame + store the results in a new data frame

My data frame contains 22 columns: "DATE", "INDEX" and S1, S2, S3 ... S20. There are over 4322 rows. I want to calculate log returns and store the results in a data frame. That should give me 4321 rows.
I run this code, but I am sure there is a much more elegant way to do the calculation in a short way.
# count the sum of rows in order to make the following formula work appropriately - (n-1)
n <- nrow(df)
# calculating the log returns (natural logarithm), of INDEX and S1-20
LogRet_INDEX <- log(df$INDEX[2:n])-log(df$INDEX[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S1 <- log(df$S1[2:n])-log(df$S1[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S2 <- log(df$S2[2:n])-log(df$S2[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S3 <- log(df$S3[2:n])-log(df$S3[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S4 <- log(df$S4[2:n])-log(df$S4[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S5 <- log(df$S5[2:n])-log(df$S5[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S6 <- log(df$S6[2:n])-log(df$S6[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S7 <- log(df$S7[2:n])-log(df$S7[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S8 <- log(df$S8[2:n])-log(df$S7[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S9 <- log(df$S9[2:n])-log(df$S8[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S10 <- log(df$S10[2:n])-log(df$S10[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S11 <- log(df$S11[2:n])-log(df$S11[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S12 <- log(df$S12[2:n])-log(df$S12[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S13 <- log(df$S13[2:n])-log(df$S13[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S14 <- log(df$S14[2:n])-log(df$S14[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S15 <- log(df$S15[2:n])-log(df$S15[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S16 <- log(df$S16[2:n])-log(df$S16[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S17 <- log(df$S17[2:n])-log(df$S17[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S18 <- log(df$S18[2:n])-log(df$S18[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S19 <- log(df$S19[2:n])-log(df$S19[1:(n-1)])
LogRet_S20 <- log(df$S20[2:n])-log(df$S20[1:(n-1)])
# adding the results from the previous calculation (log returns) to a data frame
LogRet_df <- data.frame(LogRet_INDEX, LogRet_S1, LogRet_S2, LogRet_S3, LogRet_S4, LogRet_S5, LogRet_S6, LogRet_S7, LogRet_S8, LogRet_S9, LogRet_S10, LogRet_S11, LogRet_S12, LogRet_S13, LogRet_S14, LogRet_S15, LogRet_S16, LogRet_S17, LogRet_S18, LogRet_S19, LogRet_S20)
Is there a possibility to make this code shorter? Maybe some kind of loop or using a for argument? Since I am quite new to R, I try to improve my knowledge.
Any kind of help is highly appreciated!
You can use sapply to apply a function to each column of the data.frame.
What the code below does, is 1) take columns 2 to 22 from the data frame called df. 2) for each of this columns, calculate logarithm of the respective column and then calculate the difference between two neighboring rows. 3) when done, convert it to data.frame called df2
df2 <-[2:22], function(x) diff(log(x))))

splitting data frames in R

In spite of reading multiple answers on how to split data frame, I am unable to work out the logic.
df <- data.frame(x = round(rnorm(200)+5), y = round(rnorm(200)) + 10)
spliter <- sample(nrow(df),100)
keepData <- df[spliter,]
leaveData <- df[!spliter,]
I get the keepData part okay but the leaveData object returns 0 obs where as I was expecting the balance 100 observations in the leaveData object.
Guidance on the logic will be much appreciated.

Transfer of columns from one data frame to another under conditional statement

I have this code which was mostly written by one of the members here that exports all the graphs I need from my data set under the condition that the trendline coefficient is positive (increasing trendline).
lung <- read.csv("LAC.csv")
attach(lung) #data
age <- lung$Age
mirna <- data.frame(lung)
stuff <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 500, nrow = 40))
pdf("test.pdf") # exports to pdf all the graphs
lapply(colnames(mirna)[-1],function(col){ #function for plotting
form <- formula(paste(col, "age", sep = "~"))
fit <- lm(form, mirna)
stuff_want <- stuff
if (coef(fit)[2] >0) { #plotting with condition
plot(form, df, xlab = "Age", main= "miRNA expression with increasing age")
abline(fit, col = 4)
This gives me a pdf file which I was hoping to use later to check which of the miRNA in the dataset are required and isolate the columns manually. However, I severely underestimated the number of mirRNA that meet the condition and now face a new conundrum on how to export the data from a column with and increasing trendline into a separate data frame which I would later save as a .csv file and use for further analysis.
Please keep in mind my knowledge of R is very limited although I am spending days in Rhelp and books. My idea was to create a separate data frame (stuff_want) to which the columns that satisfy the condition (coef(lm()) > 0) will be transferred. My initial thought was to use append() function and under the if condition write append(stuff_want, mirna, after = length(mirna)) followed by write.csv() function. The output of this is just NA filled .csv file.
Anyone able to explain to me why this is not working?
All the best,
So here is one way (similar to #agstudy's comment), using the same made up data as in my previous answer
# make up some data
x <- seq(1,10,len=100)
set.seed(1) # for reproducible example
df <- data.frame(x,y1=1+2*x+rnorm(100),
# you start here...
result <- sapply(colnames(df)[-1],function(col){
form <- formula(paste(col,"x",sep="~"))
fit <- lm(form,df)
if(coef(fit)[2] > 0) TRUE else FALSE
cols <- names(result)[result]
# [1] "y1" "y3"
This creates a named vector, result which elements have the same names as your response variables, and values = TRUE if that variable has positive slope, FALSE otherwise. Then
cols <- names(result)[result]
is a vector of the variable names with slope > 0. Finally, to extract the actual data, you would use:
stuff_want <- stuff[,cols]

Calculate statistics (e.g. average) across cells of identical data-frames

I am having a list of identically sorted dataframes. More specific these are the imputed dataframes which I get after doing Multiple imputations with the AmeliaII package. Now I want to create a new dataframe that is identical in structure, but contains the mean values of the cells calculated across the dataframes.
The way I achieve this at the moment is the following:
## do the Amelia run ------------------------------------------------------------
a.out <- amelia(merged, m=5, ts="Year", cs ="GEO",polytime=1)
## Calculate the output statistics ----------------------------------------------
left.side <- a.out$imputations[[1]][,1:2]
a.out.ncol <- ncol(a.out$imputations[[1]])
a <- a.out$imputations[[1]][,3:a.out.ncol]
b <- a.out$imputations[[2]][,3:a.out.ncol]
c <- a.out$imputations[[3]][,3:a.out.ncol]
d <- a.out$imputations[[4]][,3:a.out.ncol]
e <- a.out$imputations[[5]][,3:a.out.ncol]
# Calculate the Mean of the matrices
mean.right <- apply(abind(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,along=3),c(1,2),mean)
# recombine factors with values
mean <- cbind(left.side,mean.right)
I suppose that there is a much better way of doing this by using apply, plyr or the like, but as a R Newbie I am really a bit lost here. Do you have any suggestions how to go about this?
Here's an alternate approach using Reduce and plyr::llply
dfr1 <- data.frame(a = c(1,2.5,3), b = c(9.0,9,9), c = letters[1:3])
dfr2 <- data.frame(a = c(5,2,5), b = c(6,5,4), c = letters[1:3])
tst = list(dfr1, dfr2)
tst2 = llply(tst, function(df) df[,sapply(df, is.numeric)]) # strip out non-numeric cols
ans = Reduce("+", tst2)/length(tst2)
EDIT. You can simplify your code considerably and accomplish what you want in 5 lines of R code. Here is an example using the Amelia package.
# carry out imputations
a.out = amelia(x = africa, cs = "country", ts = "year", logs = "gdp_pc")
# extract numeric columns from each element of a.out$impuations
tst2 = llply(a.out$imputations, function(df) df[,sapply(df, is.numeric)])
# sum them up and divide by length to get mean
mean.right = Reduce("+", tst2)/length(tst2)
# compute fixed columns and cbind with mean.right
left.side = a.out$imputations[[1]][1:2]
mean0 = cbind(left.side,mean.right)
If I understand your question correctly, then this should get you a long way:
#set up some data:
dfr1<-data.frame(a=c(1,2.5,3), b=c(9.0,9,9))
dfr2<-data.frame(a=c(5,2,5), b=c(6,5,4))
tst<-list(dfr1, dfr2)
#since all variables are numerical, use a threedimensional array
tst2<-array(, lapply(tst, unlist)), dim=c(nrow(tst[[1]]), ncol(tst[[1]]), length(tst)))
#To see where you're at:
#rowMeans for a threedimensional array and dims=2 does the mean over the last dimension
result<-data.frame(rowMeans(tst2, dims=2))
#display the full result
After many attempts, I've found a reasonably fast way to calculate cells' means across multiple data frames.
# First create an empty data frame for storing the average imputed values. This
# data frame will have the same dimensions of the original one
imp.df <- df
# Then create an array with the first two dimensions of the original data frame and
# the third dimension given by the number of imputations
a <- array(NA, dim=c(nrow(imp.df), ncol(imp.df), length(a.out$imputations)))
# Then copy each imputation in each "slice" of the array
for (z in 1:length(a.out$imputations)) {
a[,,z] <- as.matrix(a.out$imputations[[z]])
# Finally, for each cell, replace the actual value with the mean across all
# "slices" in the array
for (i in 1:dim(a)[1]) {
for (j in 1:dim(a)[2]) {
imp.df[i, j] <- mean(as.numeric(a[i, j,]))
