java fx vbox IndexOutOfBoundsException - javafx

Hey guys ım a newbie in java fx. My code changes
labels design with the output of the rand func(1-16).
Initially my code works without an error but I want my design
auto-resizing responsive page, so I put my 16 label in a Vbox
and it is now a responsive page. Problem starst here. I do not
figure it out how to access a vbox by code. My code cant access
labels and it give errors. When I put my labels out of vbox code
is working again. I am wondering that the using vbox is okey ?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
int myrand = rand.nextInt(15)+1;
System.out.println(myrand + "blue");
root.getChildrenUnmodifiable().get(myrand).setStyle("-fx-background-color: blue");
However; the code points this line without any error sign on the row numbers.
root.getChildrenUnmodifiable().get(myrand).setStyle("-fx-background-color: blue");
Here is the full error log
Exception in thread "Timer-0" java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 10, Size: 2
at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(
at java.util.ArrayList.get(
at com.sun.javafx.collections.ObservableListWrapper.get(
at com.sun.javafx.collections.VetoableListDecorator.get(
at javafx.collections.FXCollections$UnmodifiableObservableListImpl.get(
at javafxapp.Lighproject$
at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(
As you see it work with 1 loop and give the error. And this is my Hierarchy
gluon scene builder
Eror belongs top Vbox.

Try using int myrand = rand.nextInt(root.getChildren().size());.
This is happening because your myrand variable is bigger than how many nodes are in the root group.


Unknown variable floor_tex on Gamemaker 8.1. How to fix it?

I have a very trouble with Gamemaker 8.1.
So recently, I've followed this video tutorial which shows creating a game 3D on its game engine.
I tried to test my game, but an error message shows
What caused that error? Here is the code so I hope you can fix it as well.
direction -= (display_mouse_get_x() -(display_get_width()/2))/5
zto -= (display_mouse_get_y() -(display_get_height()/2))/2
xto = lengthdir_x(100,direction)+x
yto = lengthdir_y(100,direction)+y
Also, the version of Gamemaker is 8.1.141 (r11549)
-Sajad Sadiq Abd Amhamad
In the video, the author creates two Background resources around 0:25, called floor_tex and roof_tex (mistyped as root_tex in your code). You'd want to either name your resources accordingly or adjust your code to match the names in your project.

Julia gui display an image gtk.jl

How can I display an image using Gtk with Julia?
In my GUI, I have a button set up so when I click the button, my program will show the image in the GUI? I haven't found any documentation about it on the official Gtk.jl Docs.
this should do the trick!
using Gtk
win = GtkWindow("My First Gtk.jl Program", 400, 200)
a = GtkImage("path_to_image_file")
Note that I am not sure if it can render in the same window as the button you mentioned since I get the following error when I have a button and then push the image:
(<unknown>:69811): Gtk-WARNING **: 15:34:18.724: Attempting to add a widget with type GtkImage to a GtkWindow, but as a GtkBin subclass a GtkWindow can only contain one widget at a time; it already contains a widget of type GtkButton
This uses ImageView to do the image display, which gives you control of aspect ratio, zoom, pan, contrast-settings, and movie-player widgets "for free":
using Gtk, ImageView, TestImages
b = GtkButton("Click Me")
frame, c = ImageView.frame_canvas(:auto)
bx = GtkBox(:v)
push!(bx, frame)
push!(bx, b)
win = GtkWindow("My First Gtk.jl Program", 400, 200)
push!(win, bx)
img = testimage("lighthouse")
imshow(c, img)
with result
The dictionary that imshow returns allows you to interact programmatically with what's on the screen.
If you want to learn more, see the documentation at ImageView and GtkReactive.
That said, the suggestion to try Makie may be a very good one.

Tile map isn’t loaded with some images

I made a tilemap. and used it on cocos2d-js.
Just added
this._map = new cc.TMXTiledMap(res.tilemap);
this.addChild(this._map, 0, 1);
in Layer.
But When I use this image,,
this error occured.
[.WebGLRenderingContext]RENDER WARNING: texture bound to texture
unit 0 is not renderable. It maybe non-power-of-2 and have incompatible
texture filtering or is not 'texture complete'
But When I used other image, it works.
I changed tilemap many times with that images, but same result.
I don't know what is diffrent that images.
Please help me.
Have you tried I believe I encountered this error once:
Have you tried adding all the image files in your resources.js file?

Using PyQt and Qt4, is this the proper way to get a throbber in a QTabWidget tab?

I have some code creating a QTabWidget from Python using PyQt4. I want to get a 'throbber' animated gif in the tab. The /only way/ I have found how to do this is the following convoluted method.
tabBar = self.tabReports.tabBar()
lbl = QtGui.QLabel(self.tabReports)
movie = QtGui.QMovie(os.path.join(self.basedir, "images\\throbber.gif"))
QtCore.QObject.connect(movie, QtCore.SIGNAL("frameChanged(int)"), lambda i: movie.jumpToFrame(i))
log.debug("valid = %s"%(movie.isValid()))
tabBar.setTabButton(idxtab, QtGui.QTabBar.LeftSide, lbl)
The debugging call always returns true, but the throbber sometimes works, sometimes is blank, and sometimes has a large ugly delay between frames. In particular, I can't help but think connecting the frameChanged signal from the movie to a function that simply calls jumpToFrame on the same movie is not correct.
Even more distressing, if I simply drop the lambda (That is, make the line say QtCore.QObject.connect(movie, QtCore.SIGNAL("frameChanged(int)"), movie.jumpToFrame) it never renders even the first frame.
So, what am I doing wrong?
PS: I realize .tabBar() is a protected member, but I assumed (apparently correctly) that PyQt unprotects protected members :). I'm new to Qt, and i'd rather not subclass QTabWidget if I can help it.
I believe the problem with the code I initially posted was that the QMovie didn't have a parent, and thus scoping issues allowed the underlying C++ issue to be destroyed. It is also possible I had had threading issues - threading.thread and QThread do not play nice together. The working code I have now is below - no messing with signals nor slots needed.
def animateTab(self, tab_widget, enable):
tw = tab_widget
tabBar = tw.tabBar()
if enable:
lbl = QtGui.QLabel(tw)
movie = QtGui.QMovie("images\\throbber.gif"), parent=lbl)
movie.setScaledSize(QtCore.QSize(16, 16))
lbl = QtGui.QLabel(tw)
lbl.setMinimumSize(QtCore.QSize(16, 16))
tabBar.setTabButton(tab_section.index, QtGui.QTabBar.LeftSide, lbl)
I faced the same problem and this posting helped to make it work:
For me this seems to make the difference: QMovie("image.gif", QByteArray(), self)

QTableWidget: How can I get tighter lines with less vertical spacing padding?

The QTableWdiget is fabulous for simple grid displays. Changing colors, fonts, etc is straightforward.
However, I did not manage to give the grid a 'tighter' look with less vertical whitespace. I see that the Qt documentation talks (eg here) about
around widgets, but when I set these I only get changes around the entire grid widget rather than inside.
How can I set this (with a style sheet, or hard-coded options) directly to make the QTableWidget display tighter?
The code getting 'h' might be unsound. It was just an example. Copy & paste the following rather rudimentary code. Change the value in "setDefaultSectionSize()", recompile, and run. You should see the difference. Setting this to 10 or 50 yields visible results. In the code above, it is possible QFontMetrics or QFont is messing something up.
You can use whatever you want to get the height, but font size makes the most sense.
#include <QtGui>
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
QApplication app( argc, argv );
QDialog* my_dialog = new QDialog();
QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout();
QTableWidget* my_table_widget = new QTableWidget( my_dialog );
my_table_widget->setRowCount( 10 );
my_table_widget->setColumnCount( 10 );
my_table_widget->verticalHeader()->setDefaultSectionSize( 15 );
layout->addWidget( my_table_widget );
my_dialog->setLayout( layout );
my_dialog->resize( 500, 200 );
return app.exec();
EDIT: I don't know how to format a block of code here... forgive me. :)
Edit 2: I fixed that, and the following simple file
helps along.
SOURCES += tighterTable.cpp # if that is the filename
Thanks a big fat bunch for this. BTW: Editing as code is just indenting by four spaces, and/or hitting the button with the little '101010' in the formatting row.
What you're looking for has a very silly solution IMHO, but it works. You need to set the headers' defaultSectionSize() members. Accessed via verticalHeader() & horizontalHeader(). I never really set the column width's w/ this b/c most of my projects involve me adding rows, not columns, and I just call resizeColumnsToContents or do a manual resizing. However, the rows is irksome. I generally get the height of the font using QFontMetrics, and add 2. Any subsequent row added should have this height, and viola: tighter look.
Hope that helps.
Untested code:
QFontMetrics fm( my_font );
int h = fm.height() + 2;
my_table->verticalHeader()->setDefaultSectionSize( h );
QTableWidget is a convenience model and view. Typically, QAbstractItemModel's data() method provides a SizeHintRole that is used to tell the view what size each cell should be.
Since you're using QTableWidget, I don't think there's anything that you can do to change the size hint being returned by its internal model. Even the Qt style sheet documentation mentions nothing in that area.
QTableWidget -> verticalHeader -> setMinimumSectionSize() is the right way, and it can be set in ui.
I tried all the answers here without success. What worked for me though was setting both the following.
