SAP GUI script for information window - sap-gui

I need to get this window to click on the continue button if it pops out when no data is changed and continue with the next cell

You need to use something like this...
Note: you need to change this "wnd[1]/usr/tblSAPLV14ATCTRL_D0102" with the script you recorded.
If Not session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/tblSAPLV14ATCTRL_D0102", False) Is Nothing Then
End If


how do you make something happen if a button is pressed in applescript

I am trying to make an app in applescript where if you try to turn the volume down the volume is set to 16. I am still a beginner and i was wondering if there is a 'if buttonpress' sort of command. Thanks!
Assuming I'm understanding you, this is the basic idea:
set button_returned to button returned of (display dialog "hi")
if button_returned is "OK" then
#do something
end if
You put up a dialog, then check for the name of the button clicked, and if the name matches whichever button you're checking for, then "do something".

Missing workflow path when using ForEach activity

I am using the WorkflowStudio 2012 .NET4 from Microsoft
When I add "ForEach<>" activity drop "If" activity inside DClick on the "If" "Drop activity here"
Then the workflow path (in the top of the window) disappear and I see only the "If" there
I then can't get back to the main workflow
This append only with the ForEach<> activity
#Isacc along the top of the workflow designer do you see the sequence path it will look something like the following.
You should be able to alter the display by clicking back through the items.

Download file from firefox using autoit

I try to download file using Autoit from Firefox 28.0.
I try to download a exe file,popup flashed but autoit window info tool cannot recognize the save button.
how can i automate this.
My scripts looks like
Local $hWnd=WinActivate("[CLASS:MozillaDialogClass]")
ControlClick($hWnd,"&Save File","")
how can i automate this......
Right now both of your ControlClick attempts are incorrect. The correct syntax is ControlClick(Window title or handle, *window* text, control *id*, ...). Look at the helpfile and examples for it to see what you're not doing right currently.
The firefox download dialog is a little tricky, googling gives a lot of results for people who have tried to do the same thing and struggled.
The easiest method is to click the window at the coordinates of the button. ControlClick can be used for this (simply leave the control id blank). The AutoIt window info tool should give ControlClick coords when you try and select where the button is.
That method does assume that the button is always in the same place, which is not necessarily the case. Alternatives are to use ControlSend to send the Alt+S combination (or whatever it is for that button).
And finally, it's worth mentioning the IUIAutomation framework which has shown to be very reliable for automating windows that aren't using standard winapi controls.
The simplest way to do is as follows on mozilla:
Use the following code on autoit.au3 file
ControlFocus ( "MozillaDialogClass", "", "" )
Execute the same file in selenium using:
Use the below code to download a file in Firefox using AutoIt.
WinWait("[TITLE:Opening ; CLASS:MozillaDialogClass]","", 10)
If WinExists("[TITLE:Opening ; CLASS:MozillaDialogClass]") Then
; Perform keyboard ALT key + s key to select Save File Radio button using keyboard shortcut.
ControlFocus ( "[TITLE:Opening ; CLASS:MozillaDialogClass]","", "" )
; Wait for 2 seconds
; Press Keyboard ENTER button.

How to Right click of File in Windows Explorer by AutoIt

I wish to simulate a right click on a file. This is done by opening a Windows Explorer window and then right clicking on it.
The main issue is finding the location of the file in Windows Explorer. I am currently using Autoit v3.3.8.1.
My code 's first line:
RunWait (EXPLORER.EXE /n,/e,/select,<filepath>)
The next step is the problem. Finding the coordinates of the file.
After that, right clicking at that coordinates (it seems to me at this time) is not a problem....
Some background:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Software Languages: C#, Autoit (for scripting)
The Autoit script is called by a code similar to that below:
Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo.FileName = "AutoItScript.exe";
p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
The code is compiled into a console class file which is run at startup. The autoit script runs as the explorer window opens up.
It seems as though you are taking the wrong approach to the problem, so I'll answer what you are asking and what you should be asking.
First up though, that line of code is not valid, and is not what you want either. You want to automate the explorer window, and RunWait waits for the program to finish. Furthermore you want those items to be strings, that code would never work.
Finding the item in explorer
The explorer window is just a listview, and so you can use normal listview messages to find the coordinates of an item. This is done most simply by AutoIt's GUIListView library:
Local $filepath = "D:\test.txt"
Local $iPid = Run("explorer.exe /n,/e,/select," & $filepath)
Local $hList = ControlGetHandle("[CLASS:CabinetWClass]", "", "[CLASS:SysListView32; INSTANCE:1]")
Local $aClient = WinGetPos($hList)
Local $aPos = _GUICtrlListView_GetItemPosition($hList, _GUICtrlListView_GetSelectedIndices($hList))
MouseClick("Right", $aClient[0] + $aPos[0] + 4, $aClient[1] + $aPos[1] + 4)
As has already been mentioned, sending the menu key is definitely a better way than having to move the mouse.
Executing a subitem directly
This is how it should be done. Ideally you should never need an explorer window open at all, and everything can be automated in the background. This should always be what you aim to achieve, as AutoIt is more than capable in most cases. It all depends on what item you want to click. If it is one of the first few items for opening the file in various programs, then it is as simple as either:
Using ShellExecute, setting the verb parameter to whatever it is you want to do.
Checking the registry to find the exact command line used by the program. For this you will need to look under HKCR\.ext where ext is the file extension, the default value will be the name of another key in HKCR which has the actions and icon associated with the filetype. This is pretty well documented online, so google it.
If the action is not one of the program actions (so is built into explorer) then it is a little more complex. Usually the best way will be to look at task manager when you start the program and see what it runs. Other things can be found online, for example (un)zipping. Actions like copy, delete, rename, create shortcut, send to... They can all be done directly from AutoIt with the various File* functions.
With more information, it would be possible to give you more specific help.
First, you might want to look at the Microsoft Active Accessibility SDK. In particular look at this interface...
You can use this to walk the items in the control and find the one with the file name you are looking for and its screen location.
From there, maybe try something like this for simulating the right click.
How can I use automation to right-click with a mouse in Windows 7?
Once you have done the right click, use accessibility again to find the right option on the context menu.
Maybe there's an easier way, you should be able to cobble something together like this if you don't find one. Good luck!
Suppose I have a file named test.txt on D drive. It needs to right click for opening Context Menu. To do this, the following code should work:
Local $filepath = "D:\test.txt"
Local $iPid = Run("explorer.exe /n,/e,/select," & $filepath)

How to view Session Variables in Visual Studio 2008 Debugger?

Usually using Visual Studio's debugger is a breeze. Scanning through Locals quickly shows the values of variables, etc. However, I'm at a loss how to find out the values contained in session state variables? Can anyone give me a hand?
Let's say I put a breakpoint right after:
Session["first_name"] = "Rob Roy";
How do I view the value contained in Session["first_name"] from locals?
It's pretty simple to inspect the session during debug. Just put a breakpoint in your code and just highlight your Session code (eg. highlight: Session["first_name"]) then right click and select QuickWatch....
This will setup up a watch on your Session for the value you had defined. You can also inspect other Session elements by adjusting the Expression field in the QuickWatch window and clicking the Reevaluate button.
In VS you can just put 'Session["first_name"]' in the Immediate Window and execute while the code is running. That will return the value that it holds.
If you can't find it go to: View > Other Windows > Command Window, or press Ctrl+W, A
It will look like this:
I know its a bit of a late reply but for anyone else who is interested, I hope this helps!
Isn't it HttpContext.Current.Session("..."), I ask as I haven't used ASP.NET for a long time.
