I have a raw query which I would like to convert into doctrine ORM. It's basically a query which contains sub query to calculate total count.
SELECT Count(*) AS total_count
FROM content_item_languages
WHERE default_content_item_id IN (SELECT id AS default_content_item_id
FROM content_item
WHERE content_type = 1
AND is_translated = 0
AND modified_on >=
AND is_active = 1)
AND language_id = '$language') AS t
I have written below doctrine ORM but still I am getting error
$em = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$totalPostSubselect = $em->addSelect('c.id AS defaultContentItemId')
->from('AppBundle\Entity\ContentItem\ContentItem', 'c')
->andWhere('c.contentType = 1')
->andWhere('c.isTranslated = 0')
->andWhere('c.modifiedOn >= :timeperiod')
->andWhere('c.isActive = :status')
->setParameter('status', 1)
->setParameter('timeperiod', $timePeriodStart)->getDQL();
$em = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$defaultSubSelect = $em->addSelect(['*'])
->from('AppBundle\Entity\ContentItem\ContentItemLanguages', 'cl')
->andWhere("cl.defaultContentItemId IN ($totalPostSubselect)")
->andWhere('cl.languageId = :language')
->setParameter('subSelect', $totalPostSubselect)
->setParameter('language', $language)->getDQL();
$em = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$mainQuerySelect = $em->addSelect(["count(*) as total_count"])
->from("(".$defaultSubSelect.")", 'AS t')->getQuery();
return $mainQuerySelect->getResult();
Here is the error I got
[Doctrine\ORM\Query\QueryException] [Syntax Error] line 0, col 13: Error: Expected Literal, got '*'
SELECT count(*) as total_count FROM (SELECT * FROM
AppBundle\Entity\ContentItem\ContentItemLanguages cl
cl.defaultContentItemId IN (SELECT c.id AS defaultContentItemId
FROM AppBundle\Entity\ContentItem\ContentItem c WHERE
c.contentType = 1 AND
c.isTranslated = 0 AND
c.modifiedOn >= :timeperiod AND c.isActive = :status))
AND cl.languageId = :language) AS t
can anyone suggest, in exactly where I am doing wrong ?
In doctrine query language you can't SELECT *, instead you have to deal with objects. For your example something like:
$mainQuerySelect = $em->addSelect("count(t.id) as total_count")
->from("(".$defaultSubSelect.")", 'AS t')->getQuery();
I am trying (without success) to translate this SQL query inside a Doctrine2 querybuilder. How should I do to include the subselect inside a Where with Querybuilder ?
SQL query I am trying to implement with querybuilder :
SELECT * FROM `message` A
WHERE A.id =
(SELECT B.id FROM `message` B
WHERE (A.user_id = B.user_id AND A.receiver_id = B.receiver_id) OR (A.user_id = B.receiver_id AND A.receiver_id = B.user_id)
ORDER BY creationdate DESC
So far, I tried something like this in Message repository but I guess I am far away from the good way to do it :
public function getConversations()
$qb = $this
->Where('A.id IN
(SELECT B.id FROM Message B
WHERE (A.user_id = B.user_id AND A.receiver_id = B.receiver_id) OR (A.user_id = B.receiver_id AND A.receiver_id = B.user_id)
ORDER BY creationdate DESC
return $qb
This trigger error message:
Error: Class 'Message' is not defined.
For people interested I finally found a solution. I did the query like this (if someone has another solution I am very interested):
public function getConversations()
$rawSql = "SELECT * FROM `message` A
WHERE A.id =
(SELECT B.id FROM `message` B
WHERE (A.user_id = B.user_id AND A.receiver_id = B.receiver_id) OR (A.user_id = B.receiver_id AND A.receiver_id = B.user_id)
ORDER BY creationdate DESC
$stmt = $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->prepare($rawSql);
return $stmt->fetchAll();
I realized this sql which works without problems
SELECT meeting.name, meeting.date, community.name, participation.isPresent, participation.user_id
FROM meeting
INNER JOIN community
ON meeting.community_id = community.id
AND community.is_active = 1
LEFT join participation
ON meeting.id = participation.meeting_id
AND participation.user_id = 1078
WHERE meeting.date >= CURRENT_DATE()
ORDER BY meeting.date DESC
I'm trying to reproduce it with the doctrine query builder but I never got the right result. The user id part doesn't seem to be part of the leftJoin function but is applied to the request globally, which is not what I want.
public function getNextMeetings()
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('m')
->select('m.name AS meeting, m.date, c.name AS community, p.isPresent', 'IDENTITY(p.user) AS user')
->innerJoin('m.community', 'c')
->where('c.isActive = true')
->leftJoin('m.participations', 'p')
//->leftJoin('p.user', 'u')
//->where('u.id = 1078 OR u.id IS NULL')
//->where('IDENTITY(p.user) = 1078')
->andWhere('m.date >= CURRENT_DATE()')
->orderBy('m.date', 'DESC');
return $qb->getQuery()->execute();
My comments are what I tried to fix this issue.
Check Working with QueryBuilder: High level API methods
More precisely, the definition od leftJoin() function:
public function leftJoin($join, $alias, $conditionType = null, $condition = null, $indexBy = null);
You can place a condition on the joined Entity by:
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr;
->leftJoin('m.participations', 'p', Expr\Join::WITH, 'p.user = :userId')
->setParameter('userId', 1078)
Note you do not need a condition for "meeting.id = participation.meeting_id", as this is autoapplied by the relation m.participations to the join constructed.
I have a query that perform normally with MySQL :
FROM td_user u
JOIN td_ranking ranking ON ranking.user_id = u.id
SELECT x.user_id,
MAX(x.id) AS default_id
FROM td_ranking x
GROUP BY x.user_id
) y
ON y.user_id = ranking.user_id
AND y.default_id = ranking.id
I try to transform it in DQL for run it in Symfony :
$query = $this->_em->createQuery('
SELECT u.*,ranking.*
FROM UserBundle:User u
JOIN UserBundle:Ranking ranking
WITH ranking.user_id = u.id
SELECT x.user_id, MAX(x.id) AS default_id
FROM UserBundle:Ranking x
GROUP BY x.user_id
) y
ON y.user_id = ranking.user_id
AND y.default_id = ranking.id'
$results = $query->getResult();
I have this error :
[Semantical Error] line 0, col 113 near '(SELECT x.user_id,': Error: Class '(' is not defined.
Do you have any idea please ? Thanks!
Use native query
$rsm = new ResultSetMapping();
$sql = "
FROM td_user u
JOIN td_ranking ranking ON ranking.user_id = u.id
SELECT x.user_id,
MAX(x.id) AS default_id
FROM td_ranking x
GROUP BY x.user_id
) y
ON y.user_id = ranking.user_id
AND y.default_id = ranking.id
$result = $this->getEntityManager()->createNativeQuery($sql, $rsm)->getResult();
the goal of this query is to show records from table orders that don't have any shipments created yet. Here is how it should be done in SQL:
FROM orders
LEFT JOIN orders_shipments shipments ON orders.trx_id = shipments.trx_id
WHERE shipments.shipment_id IS NULL
AND orders.purchase_date IS NOT NULL
AND orders.fulfillment_channel = 'MFN';
The following query shows 0 results. Vs the following:
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('orders');
$qb->select('orders, shipments')
->leftjoin('orders.shipments', 'shipments')
->Where('shipments.id IS NULL')
->ANDWhere('orders.purchaseDate IS NOT NULL')
->ANDWhere('orders.fulfillmentChannel = :a')->setParameter('a', 'MFN');;
$results = $qb->getQuery()
return $results;
Does show results. Why is that and how to fix it?
Not sure why but I had to use GROUP and HAVING to get it to work:
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('orders');
$qb->select('orders, shipments')
->leftjoin('orders.shipments', 'shipments')
->Where('shipments.id IS NULL')
->ANDWhere('orders.purchaseDate IS NOT NULL')
->ANDWhere('orders.fulfillmentChannel = :a')->setParameter('a', 'MFN')
->having('count(shipments) = 0');
$results = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
I want to produce a DQL for following MySQL query:
SELECT * FROM `folders` AS `t` WHERE `t`.`Library` = #myLib AND AND `t`.`Id` NOT IN (
SELECT DISTINCT(`f`.`Id`) FROM `folders` AS `f` JOIN `folders` AS `ff` ON (`f`.`Position` LIKE CONCAT(`ff`.`Position`, '%')) WHERE `ff`.`Active` = 1 AND `ff`.`Library` = #myLib AND `f`.`Library` = #myLib
ORDER BY `t`.`Position` ASC
The query works fine in mySQL and returns correct records.
To generate DQL I've tried both below options:
$query = $em->createQuery("SELECT F FROM MyBundle:Folders T WHERE T.Library = :libid AND T.id NOT IN (
SELECT DISTINCT(F.id) FROM MyBundle:Folders F JOIN MyBundle:Folders FF WITH F.Position LIKE CONCAT(FF.Position, '%') AND F.Library = :libid AND FF.Library = :libid AND FF.Active = true
) ORDER BY T.Position ASC")
->setParameter('libid', $library);
$result = $query->getResult();
$q1 = $this->createQueryBuilder('F')
$q1->join('\MyBundle\Entity\Folders', 'FF', 'WITH', $q1->expr()->like('F.Position', $q1->expr()->literal('CONCAT(FF.Position, \'%\')')))
->where('FF.Active = true')
->andWhere("FF.Library = '$library'")
->andWhere("F.Library = '$library'");
$q2 = $this->createQueryBuilder('T');
$q2->where('T.Library = :libid')
->andWhere($q2->expr()->notIn('T.id', $q1->getDQL()))
->setParameter('libid', $library)
->orderBy('T.Position', 'ASC');
$result = $q2->getQuery()->getResult();
In my perspective it seems OK but I don't know why in both ways it produce following exception:
ContextErrorException: Warning: Illegal offset type in
/var/www/Symfony/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Query/SqlWalker.php line 601
Any help will be appreciated.
It seems no one has an answer for this. I found a temporary solution as below (I call it temporary because I'm changing my unique query to two separate queries and it seems the issue is in core of doctrine).
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('F')
$qb->join('\MyBundle\Entity\Folders', 'FF', 'WITH', 'F.Position LIKE CONCAT(FF.Position, \'%\')')
->where('FF.Active = true')
->andWhere("FF.Library = :library")
->andWhere("F.Library = :library")
->setParameter('library', $library);
$included_folders = $qb->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('F')
->where('F.Active = false')
->andWhere('F.Library = :library')
->setParameter('library', $library)
->orderBy('F.Position', 'ASC');
if (!empty($included_folders)) {
if (count($included_folders) > 1)
foreach ($included_folders as $index => $value)
if (is_array($value))
$included_folders[$index] = !empty($value['id']) ? $value['id'] : $value[1];
$query->andWhere($query->expr()->notIn('F.id', $included_folders));
else {
$query->andWhere('F.id != :folder ')
->setParameter('folder', $included_folders[0]);
$result = $query->getQuery()->getResult();
As you see instead of getting the dql from my first query and putting it inside my second dql in notIn section which will lead to the warning message, I execute the first query and get the results then put the results inside notIn if amount of returned values are more than one, otherwise it should be in regular !=. This solved my problem for now, but as you see amount of transactions are now increased
If anyone has a better solution or any fix for the warning I will be thankful.
I've encountered the same error and it seems that this has been fixed in latest trunk of Doctrine/ORM.
Using "2.5.*#dev" as version in your composer.json for doctrine/orm should fix this bug and will let you do what you want in a single query.