Jupyter-notebook does not show my desktop folders - jupyter-notebook

when I launch jupyter notebook, I select desktop Folder, it says the folder is empty. I have many folders on desktop but jupyter notebook does not show any of them. Any idea how I can fix it?

I was experiencing the same issue as I could not access both desktop and documents on jupyter notebooks because on jupyter notebook it was showing that these folders are empty and I was very frustrated lol. It could be the folders are auto backed up on OneDrive, so on jupyter notebook, access them through onedrive i.e. onedrive>desktop or any other folders such as documents. I accessed them through onedrive. I hope it works for you too.

I was facing the same issue on windows 10; there are two Desktop folders!
one directly under / and another one under /OneDrive
The one you want is /OneDrive/Desktop

Hey Hey I was facing the same error, I tried downgrading upgrading re-installation but no results came out finally after two days efforts I found that Jupiter need to be started in a user directory by using(cmd)
cd C:\Users\Hamza Wahla
Then type
jupyter notebook
check this

Well I didn't find a way to make this default. But I am able to open the location whichever I want.
When you run "jupyter notebook" from your terminal. It was mentioning the serving location as "/Users/username/Downloads"
so to set another directory as working directory, just write
jupyter notebook --notebook-dir=/Users/username/Desktop

So this could happen because of few reasons:
OneDrive: As mentioned in other replies, folders are backed up on OneDrive and kept under the same folder for user.
The files are hidden in the user folder. Check the properties of the user folder and the hidden checkbox should be unchecked.

It happened with me, Jupiter Notebook was not able to recognize my documents, though i had files on my documents folder it was still showing empty, that's because my documents were saved in one drive, the solution is simple, open one drive in Jupiter and access documents and you'll find all your files there.


how to open the .ipynb file in readable format

I have got downloaded a file that got downloaded in a format .ipynb extension but its not in a readable format. Can anyone help me to figure out how to make it in a readable format? Attaching a screenshot of the file when I tried opening it in notepad.
how to open it in readable format
One of the easiest ways to just view a notebook file that is also 100% secure in case what you are being sent is sensitive: nbpreview.
When you go there it asks you to choose a local file. The file isn't uploaded anywhere. It remains in your browser's local cache so it is useful for sensitive stuff that cannot be public.
Similarly, you can upload it to the notebook{sharing}space which is billed as "the fastest way to share your notebooks". It would provide you with a link to view the notebook you have and can be private if you limit sharing the link.
If the notebook can be posted to Github (repository or gist) or online, you can point nbviewer at it and have it rendered nicely. In fact, although it is technically 'static', nbviewer can render some interactive Plotly plots and widget controls that enable playing back animations comprised of frames. This rendering form is also very nice for sharing with non-programmers as the GitHub cruft is not surrounding the content.
You can use Jupyter running in your browser and backed by a free Jupyter community-run service to view the notebook file as an active notebook, on what is equivalent to a temporary remote machine.
Go to Try Jupyter and select either 'JupyterLab' or 'Jupyter Notebook' from the offerings presented. I'd suggest JupyterLab as the steps outline below are made easier as you have the file navigation pane on the left.
After your session spins up in your browser, if you chose JupyterLab, drag your file from your local machine into the file navigation pane on the left side. It will get a gray dashed line around it when you have dragged it to the right place. Drop it in and let it upload. Now double click on it to open it.
If you don't want to drag-and-drop or you chose Jupyter notebooks (classic notebook interface) make a text file and paste in the content you showed. (It's json format as that is the underlying .ipynb format presently.) Save that file with an .ipynb extension. You should then be able to open it the Jupyter Dashboard. (Note the following in the rest of this section was written before the 'Try Jupyter' offerings were switched to using the exerpimental JupyterLite and so your mileage may vary. If you drag-and-drop into JupyterLite, it actually is in your machine; however, it is in a virtual system in your browser that your local file system cannot access directly. To get what this section was specifically written for now, go here and click on the launch binder badge to trigger a session on a true remote machine served by MyBinder.) You used to click on the logo in the upper left to get to the dashboard but it will now take you to JupyterLab and you can double click to open your notebook file. If you really need the classic dashboard, change the end of the URL to change /lab to /tree.
Note because the environment backing your notebook hasn't been set up to handle everything, you'll be out of luck for now trying to run it. You'd have to add your pokemon.csv and install anything else besides pandas. There are ways to use the MyBinder system to handle that as well; however, probably best learned about later this stage.
The MyBinder session is temporary and unique to you. It will close after 10 minutes of inactivity and no longer be accessible. You can always open another session later and redo the steps. Or learn about other options eventually.
Nbpreview and a lot of the related tools mentioned here are also covered in Sharing R code in Jupyter notebooks.
(These following suggestions mostly assume the notebook is already online, usually at Github. You can still use a local notebook by uploading it to the session as I suggest above. They do though provide additional ways to learn about using MyBinder to serve active notebooks in your browser.)
How to save code file on GitHub and run on Jupyter notebook?
Run a Jupyter notebook directly online (without downloading it locally)
You need Jupyter Notebook in your machine. That is one option. Otherwise, you can upload the file into GitHub and open the .ipynb file from there.

how can i share a Jupyter Notebook?

I am using Julia but didn't really like the IDE (more of a notebook guy). So I used for the first time Jupyter (lab and notebooks).
I started Jupyter from Anaconda and made my notebook. The thing is I want to share it. Like other people can access a link and get to run my code.
I don't really know how GitHub works, but I somehow managed to upload the notebook there. I saw this thing called "Binder" that could run my code on another computer. But I try to put my Github link there and just get an error.
Can someone that used Jupyter can explain it to me?
Ah, I almost forgot, when I google Jupyter Notebook and start one with Julia I can use this Binder Thing. But when I do it on my own I can't.
Here I put the screenshot I made on the Demo of Jupyter+binder so you can see it says to send a binder link
While there are many options, the best and the easiest way is through Jupyter's menu:
File -> Download as -> HTML
You end up with a HTML containing all code cells and all results (including pictures) which is perhaps the best for viewing by others.
Github can be used to natively publish a *.ipynb and show it to users as a static HTML, however I find it not very stables (rendering keeps failing from time to time) and hence I opt for generating the HTML file yourself and use eg. Github pages for hosting it.
Another interesting option is to share just the *.ipynb file and recommend people Open Source https://nteract.io/ as the viewer.
Yet another option that is sometimes use is to host a JupyterHub on an AWS EC2 instance (a single t2.micro is free for one year within the AWS free tier) and give my collaborators logins and passwords (this though requires quite a bit of configuration work).

RStudio hangs for a specific project. What file needs to be changed?

I have a project that I've been working on for several months without a problem. Yesterday I tried to profile a bit of code using the raster package that was taking a very long time to run. I left it running overnight and found RStudio unresponsive in the morning. Now when I open that project, I can't do anything except to force quit RStudio. Other projects appear to work fine.
I suspect something bad is stored in the file(s) that remembers where I was. Is there one or more that I can delete and regain control of the project. Candidates in the project folder would seem to be one or more items in the .Rproj.user directory.
I found a tip on the RStudio website. In a terminal, navigate to the project directory and rename .Rproj.user to something different. I used this command - mv .Rproj.user .Rproj.user_old. This keeps the user-specific information around in case you want to go back to it.

Iexpress.exe Unable to open report file even when ran as administrator

I'm creating a Iexpress package, and no matter what on the final step it pops up the message "Unable to open report file" and stops. I am searching Iexpress.exe and right clicking, then choosing "Run As Administrator" to start it. The problem persists.
I had this error running as my account (domain admin) not specifically telling it to run as administrator, removed spaces then re-ran working fine under Windows 10 1809 you shouldn't need to change to a different application to create .EXE files using IEXPRESS this is working fine under Window 10.
The way to fix this problem:
Go to the folder where your files you want to be in the package are
Go to the top bar (Where it says where you are on your drive), and type iexpress
Do the creation as normal, but the names you give the installer shouldn't have any spaces.
I did it this way without admin permissions.
I ended up moving on to Inno Setup Compiler. Turns out Iexpress isn't supported anymore. I recommend Inno to anyone making their own programs.
This happens when SourceFilesX or TargetName paths in the directive (i.e. the files you've added from the wizard) contain spaces. And while the issue with the TargetName can be fixed with adding double quotes the only workaround I've found about the source files is to put them in a folder path that not contains spaces.

Aptana won't start because workspace has change location

I'm on Mac OS X, and I just installed a secondary drive, onto which I placed my user's home directory.
Now, when I launch Aptana/Titanium Studio, it says that specified workspace cannot be created because directory is either invalid or read-only.
What I guess that it's looking after the old file path.
In what file can I change to the new workspace location?
Found a workaround.
I simply added a symbolic link into my users’ folder:
myusername -> /Volumes/Second/Home/
VoilĂ !
I had the same issue. I tried to change workspace to a read only location and then couldn't restart.
I searched the usual suspects for a pref file but can't find it. I suspect it's stored somewhere deep in the Eclipse framework files.
I solved it by executing
./AptanaStudio3 -data ~Home
~/Applications/Aptana Studio 3/AptanaStudio3.app/Contents/MacOS/
to reset Workspace to ~Home
Hope this helps a future seeker
Is Aptana/Titanium Studio closing after the workspace message or you can get to the preference menu? If so you can change the workspace location by going to
Aptana/Titanium Studio > Preferences > General > Startup and Shutdown > Workspaces
Then when you next start the application you will be asked for you workspace location and you can browse to the new location.
You should be able to change it using the config.ini file located at /Application/Titanium Studio/configuration/config.ini.
I have not had reason to do this for Titanium, but I have done in the past for Eclipse and as Titanium/Aptana are basically Eclipse spin offs this should work for them as well.
Just in case anyone faced the same problem and the answer didn't work. My problem was trivial. There was no free space on my HD! (only 2MB). If so, free some space and re-launch Aptana.
(I am wondering why the message was that vague. Why not to say "Free some space" and "free" me from wasting my time!)
I know this is old but I ended up here after copying my Aptana Studio 3 data to a new computer, and placing my Workspace in a different location, which gives the same error that the Workspace can't be opened.
If you installed into the default location (on Windows) and want to tell Aptana where you've moved your Workspace, the file where you can set the path is:
%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Roaming\Appcelerator\Aptana Studio\configuration\.settings\org.eclipse.ui.ide.prefs
