R: Merging data frames based on file name - r

My files (example as I have hundreds of these files):
I want to merge France with France_variables, Germany with Germany_variables etc. I know I can use rbind with the two files but I want to do this as a loop because I have lots of these to merge. I'm not sure how to do a string search and then rbind in a loop or if there is a better way of doing this.
I am new to R so any help would be much appreciated.

You can use something like this:
#Get Unique countries
country <- unique(gsub('\\..*$|_.*', '', list.files(path = ".", pattern = "csv")))
for (i in country) {
dat <- list.files(path = ".", pattern = i) %>% map(read_csv) %>% reduce(rbind)
assign( paste("df", i, sep = "_"), dat)
This will create dataframes like df_France, df_Germany , etc.

Play with the 'grepl', and see if you can get this to work......
# set the working directory (where files are saved)
file_names = list.files(getwd())
file_names = file_names[grepl(".TXT",file_names)]
# print file_names vector
# see the data structure
# run read.csv on all values of file_names
files = lapply(file_names, read.csv, header=F, stringsAsFactors = F)
files = do.call(rbind,files)
# run only on WY.TXT and NM.TXT
# set column names
names(files) = c("col1", "col2", "col3", "col4", "col5")
# finally...
write.table(files, "C:/your_path/mydata.txt", sep="\t")


Import multiple CSV files with Softball statistics and plot the progress [duplicate]

I have written the following function to combine 300 .csv files. My directory name is "specdata". I have done the following steps for execution,
x <- function(directory) {
dir <- directory
data_dir <- paste(getwd(),dir,sep = "/")
files <- list.files(data_dir,pattern = '\\.csv')
tables <- lapply(paste(data_dir,files,sep = "/"), read.csv, header = TRUE)
pollutantmean <- do.call(rbind , tables)
# Step 2: call the function
# Step 3: inspect results
Error in head(pollutantmean) : object 'pollutantmean' not found
What is my mistake? Can anyone please explain?
There's a lot of unnecessary code in your function. You can simplify it to:
load_data <- function(path) {
files <- dir(path, pattern = '\\.csv', full.names = TRUE)
tables <- lapply(files, read.csv)
do.call(rbind, tables)
pollutantmean <- load_data("specdata")
Be aware that do.call + rbind is relatively slow. You might find dplyr::bind_rows or data.table::rbindlist to be substantially faster.
To update Prof. Wickham's answer above with code from the more recent purrr library which he coauthored with Lionel Henry:
Tbl <-
list.files(pattern="*.csv") %>%
If the typecasting is being cheeky, you can force all the columns to be as characters with this.
Tbl <-
list.files(pattern="*.csv") %>%
map_df(~read_csv(., col_types = cols(.default = "c")))
If you are wanting to dip into subdirectories to construct your list of files to eventually bind, then be sure to include the path name, as well as register the files with their full names in your list. This will allow the binding work to go on outside of the current directory. (Thinking of the full pathnames as operating like passports to allow movement back across directory 'borders'.)
Tbl <-
list.files(path = "./subdirectory/",
full.names = T) %>%
map_df(~read_csv(., col_types = cols(.default = "c")))
As Prof. Wickham describes here (about halfway down):
map_df(x, f) is effectively the same as do.call("rbind", lapply(x, f)) but under the hood is much more efficient.
and a thank you to Jake Kaupp for introducing me to map_df() here.
This can be done very succinctly with dplyr and purrr from the tidyverse. Where x is a list of the names of your csv files you can simply use:
bind_rows(map(x, read.csv))
Mapping read.csv to x produces a list of dfs that bind_rows then neatly combines!
```{r echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE}
setwd("~/Data/R/BacklogReporting/data/PastDue/global/") ## where file are located
path = "~/Data/R/BacklogReporting/data/PastDue/global/"
out.file <- ""
file.names <- dir(path, pattern = ".csv")
for(i in 1:length(file.names)){
file <- read.csv(file.names[i], header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
out.file <- rbind(out.file, file)
write.csv(out.file, file = "~/Data/R/BacklogReporting/data/PastDue/global/global_stacked/past_due_global_stacked.csv", row.names = FALSE) ## directory to write stacked file to
past_due_global_stacked <- read.csv("C:/Users/E550143/Documents/Data/R/BacklogReporting/data/PastDue/global/global_stacked/past_due_global_stacked.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
files <- list.files(pattern = "\\.csv$") %>% t() %>% paste(collapse = ", ")
If your csv files are into an other directory, you could use something like this:
readFilesInDirectory <- function(directory, pattern){
files <- list.files(path = directory,pattern = pattern)
for (f in files){
file <- paste(directory,files, sep ="")
temp <- lapply(file, fread, sep=",")
data <- rbindlist( temp )
In your current function pollutantmean is available only in the scope of the function x. Modify your function to this
x <- function(directory) {
dir <- directory
data_dir <- paste(getwd(),dir,sep = "/")
files <- list.files(data_dir,pattern = '\\.csv')
tables <- lapply(paste(data_dir,files,sep = "/"), read.csv, header = TRUE)
assign('pollutantmean',do.call(rbind , tables))
assign should put result of do.call(rbind, tables) into variable called pollutantmean in global environment.

Read Multiple txt files in an order and combine them into one dataframe but label the origin of each row in the new generated dataframe in r

I have 6 txt files and I want to combine them into 1 dataframe. I know how to read them simultaneously and combine them in default way.
I learned to do this in this website:
txt_files_ls = list.files(path=mypath, pattern="*.txt")
txt_files_df <- lapply(txt_files_ls, function(x) {read.table(file = x, header = T, sep ="\t")})
# Combine them
combined_df <- do.call("rbind", lapply(txt_files_df, as.data.frame))
Now I want to do is set the read.table to read the txt files in a sequential manner as i defined, So that after combining them, I will be able to labeled the rows with the name of their original txt file name. Thank you
You can try this:
txt_files_ls = list.files(path=mypath, pattern="*.txt")
#The function for reading
read.data <- function(x)
y <- read.table(file = x, header = T, sep ="\t")
y$var <- x
#Read data
txt_files_df <- lapply(txt_files_ls,read.data)
# Combine them
combined_df <- do.call("rbind", lapply(txt_files_df, as.data.frame))
Where var contains the name of each file.

Add filename column to dataframe from multiple json imports

I've got multiple .json files which consist of dates. I would like to import all the .json files in R to create one dataframe and add a column that consist of the filenames.
[{"title":"Moral Machine","title_link":"http://moralmachine.mit.edu/"}]
[{"title":"De Monitor","title_link":"http://demonitor.ncrv.nl/"}]
Then I create a dataframe
test_path <- "data"
test_files <- list.files(test_path, pattern = "*.json")
test_files %>%
map_df(~fromJSON(file.path(test_path, .), flatten = TRUE))
Desired output:
title title_link file_name
1 Moral Machine http://moralmachine.mit.edu/ 2020-06-15.json
2 De Monitor http://demonitor.ncrv.nl/ 2020-06-16.json
Using rbindlist from data.table:
file_names <- list.files(path = test_path, pattern = '.*json')
data_list <- lapply(file_names, function(z){
dat <- myFunction(z) #your function to read and clean json files
dat$file_name <- z
combined_data <- rbindlist(l = data_list, use.names = T, fill = T)
Since I don't know the structure of your JSON file, I'm assuming you have a function named myFunction to read and clean up the data.
test_files_full <- list.files(test_path, pattern = "*.json",full.names=TRUE) # to get the full path string
test_files <- list.files(test_path, pattern = "*.json")
t(sapply(seq_along(test_files), function(x)
title title_link file_name
[1,] "Moral Machine" "http://moralmachine.mit.edu/" "2020-06-15.json"
[2,] "De Monitor" "http://demonitor.ncrv.nl/" "2020-06-16.json"

import multible CSV files and use file name as column [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Importing multiple .csv files into R and adding a new column with file name
(2 answers)
Closed 14 days ago.
I have numerous csv files in multiple directories that I want to read into a R tribble or data.table. I use "list.files()" with the recursive argument set to TRUE to create a list of file names and paths, then use "lapply()" to read in multiple csv files, and then "bind_rows()" stick them all together:
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
tbl <- lapply(filenames, read_csv) %>%
This approach works fine. However, I need to extract a substring from the each file name and add it as a column to the final table. I can get the substring I need with "str_extract()" like this:
sites <- str_extract(filenames, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}")
I am stuck however on how to add the extracted substring as a column as lapply() runs through read_csv() for each file.
I generally use the following approach, based on dplyr/tidyr:
data = tibble(File = files) %>%
extract(File, "Site", "([A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3})", remove = FALSE) %>%
mutate(Data = lapply(File, read_csv)) %>%
unnest(Data) %>%
tidyverse approach:
readr 2.0 (and beyond) now has built-in support for reading a list of files with the same columns into one output table in a single command. Just pass the filenames to be read in the same vector to the reading function. For example reading in csv files:
(files <- fs::dir_ls("D:/data", glob="*.csv"))
dat <- read_csv(files, id="path")
Alternatively using map_dfr with purrr:
Add the filename using the .id = "source" argument in purrr::map_dfr()
An example loading .csv files:
# specify the directory, then read a list of files
data_dir <- here("file/path")
data_list <- fs::dir_ls(data_dir, regexp = ".csv$")
# return a single data frame w/ purrr:map_dfr
my_data = data_list %>%
purrr::map_dfr(read_csv, .id = "source")
# Alternatively, rename source from the file path to the file name
my_data = data_list %>%
purrr::map_dfr(read_csv, .id = "source") %>%
dplyr::mutate(source = stringr::str_replace(source, "file/path", ""))
You could use purrr::map2 here, which works similarly to mapply
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
sites <- str_extract(filenames, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}") # same length as filenames
stopifnot(length(filenames)==length(sites)) # returns error if not the same length
ans <- map2(filenames, sites, ~read_csv(.x) %>% mutate(id = .y)) # .x is element in filenames, and .y is element in sites
The output of map2 is a list, similar to lapply
If you have a development version of purrr, you can use imap, which is a wrapper for map2 with an index
data.table approach:
If you name the list, then you can use this name to add to the data.table when binding the list together.
files <- list.files( whatever... )
#read the files from the list
l <- lapply( files, fread )
#names the list using the basename from `l`
# this also is the step to manipuly the filesnamaes to whatever you like
names(l) <- basename( l )
#bind the rows from the list togetgher, putting the filenames into the colum "id"
dt <- rbindlist( dt.list, idcol = "id" )
You just need to write your own function that reads the csv and adds the column you want, before combining them.
my_read_csv <- function(x) {
out <- read_csv(x)
site <- str_extract(x, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}")
cbind(Site=site, out)
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
tbl <- lapply(filenames, my_read_csv) %>% bind_rows()
You can build a filenames vector based on "sites" with the exact same length as tbl and then combine the two using cbind
### Get file names
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
sites <- str_extract(filenames, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}")
### Get length of each csv
file_lengths <- unlist(lapply(lapply(filenames, read_csv), nrow))
### Repeat sites using lengths
file_names <- rep(sites,file_lengths))
### Create table
tbl <- lapply(filenames, read_csv) %>%
### Combine file_names and tbl
tbl <- cbind(tbl, filename = file_names)

Read in multiple files and append file name to data frame [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Importing multiple .csv files into R and adding a new column with file name
(2 answers)
Closed 15 days ago.
I have numerous csv files in multiple directories that I want to read into a R tribble or data.table. I use "list.files()" with the recursive argument set to TRUE to create a list of file names and paths, then use "lapply()" to read in multiple csv files, and then "bind_rows()" stick them all together:
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
tbl <- lapply(filenames, read_csv) %>%
This approach works fine. However, I need to extract a substring from the each file name and add it as a column to the final table. I can get the substring I need with "str_extract()" like this:
sites <- str_extract(filenames, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}")
I am stuck however on how to add the extracted substring as a column as lapply() runs through read_csv() for each file.
I generally use the following approach, based on dplyr/tidyr:
data = tibble(File = files) %>%
extract(File, "Site", "([A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3})", remove = FALSE) %>%
mutate(Data = lapply(File, read_csv)) %>%
unnest(Data) %>%
tidyverse approach:
readr 2.0 (and beyond) now has built-in support for reading a list of files with the same columns into one output table in a single command. Just pass the filenames to be read in the same vector to the reading function. For example reading in csv files:
(files <- fs::dir_ls("D:/data", glob="*.csv"))
dat <- read_csv(files, id="path")
Alternatively using map_dfr with purrr:
Add the filename using the .id = "source" argument in purrr::map_dfr()
An example loading .csv files:
# specify the directory, then read a list of files
data_dir <- here("file/path")
data_list <- fs::dir_ls(data_dir, regexp = ".csv$")
# return a single data frame w/ purrr:map_dfr
my_data = data_list %>%
purrr::map_dfr(read_csv, .id = "source")
# Alternatively, rename source from the file path to the file name
my_data = data_list %>%
purrr::map_dfr(read_csv, .id = "source") %>%
dplyr::mutate(source = stringr::str_replace(source, "file/path", ""))
You could use purrr::map2 here, which works similarly to mapply
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
sites <- str_extract(filenames, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}") # same length as filenames
stopifnot(length(filenames)==length(sites)) # returns error if not the same length
ans <- map2(filenames, sites, ~read_csv(.x) %>% mutate(id = .y)) # .x is element in filenames, and .y is element in sites
The output of map2 is a list, similar to lapply
If you have a development version of purrr, you can use imap, which is a wrapper for map2 with an index
data.table approach:
If you name the list, then you can use this name to add to the data.table when binding the list together.
files <- list.files( whatever... )
#read the files from the list
l <- lapply( files, fread )
#names the list using the basename from `l`
# this also is the step to manipuly the filesnamaes to whatever you like
names(l) <- basename( l )
#bind the rows from the list togetgher, putting the filenames into the colum "id"
dt <- rbindlist( dt.list, idcol = "id" )
You just need to write your own function that reads the csv and adds the column you want, before combining them.
my_read_csv <- function(x) {
out <- read_csv(x)
site <- str_extract(x, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}")
cbind(Site=site, out)
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
tbl <- lapply(filenames, my_read_csv) %>% bind_rows()
You can build a filenames vector based on "sites" with the exact same length as tbl and then combine the two using cbind
### Get file names
filenames <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = fileptrn, recursive = TRUE)
sites <- str_extract(filenames, "[A-Z]{2}-[A-Za-z0-9]{3}")
### Get length of each csv
file_lengths <- unlist(lapply(lapply(filenames, read_csv), nrow))
### Repeat sites using lengths
file_names <- rep(sites,file_lengths))
### Create table
tbl <- lapply(filenames, read_csv) %>%
### Combine file_names and tbl
tbl <- cbind(tbl, filename = file_names)
