Is there a way to show grib2 or netcdf data on shapefiles using web interface? - netcdf

I want to show some weather data on a given shapefile. I was checking if it's possible using mapshaper or web mercator but didn't find a suitable procedure.
Any help is highly appreciated.


GTFS to graph conversion?

I aim to "translate" GTFS files (non realtime) into directed graphs. Is there any API / tool that can do that easily ? I would like to create a graph per route in my GTFS, and then store it into a file.
So far I made a few tests using Python and pygtfs, or R and gtfsr, but none seems to be able to make that conversion.
You can try peartree. Their websites says: "peartree is a library for converting GTFS feed schedules into a representative directed network graph."

R interactive graphs for data manipulation

I need your advice about a project I'm gonna start on data manipulation. We own some meteorological stations acquiring data every 10 minutes. Now, we use an old data validation software that I want to update.
Recently I managed to build a web app with shiny and ggplot2 packages so we can plot or download (whole or subseted) our previously validated data sets. Now I would like to build a new app so we can plot non validated data and interactively perform validation.
Let's say we have temperature data showing usual values for a single day but with a completely wrong value (120 degrees). Is it possible to just click on that point and remove from the data set?
Googleing I read about iplots and rggobi packages but I am not sure if they fit my wishes. Please, could you point me to some packages, readings or examples so I can start my project?
Thanks in advance
I would recommend d3 (a javascript library) for building dynamic plots. Here is an example for destroying symbols. You would just need to add an onclick action to make it interactive.
rCharts can be used to interface between R and javascript. Here is an example with d3.
The nice thing about rCharts is that it can interface with many javascript libraries.

Generating Coordinates for KML file

I need to create a KML file that will overlay buildings on a map. I have a lot of buildings so there will be a lot of coordinates to figure out. Is there a tool that can help out with this?
Presumably you already have the addresses of these buildings. To generate the coordinates of these automatically, you can put the addresses in a single file and write a few lines of code to iterate through calling something like the GeoNames web service
which will geocode them for you. While their basic service is free, they also have a premium service:

Read Information from garmin

I want to extract information such (longitude,latitude,location name) from garmin maps
and use the database of this info in my java web application.
but i dont know how to extract a region information such as a city from a garmin map as text or binary.
If anyone know about it help me please.
Garmin maps are copyrighted binary files. Extracting this data without a license to do so is illegal. Don't do it.
The information you seek may be available from the USGS site for free in an easy-to-use text format:
Alternatively, consider using one of google or yahoo's excellent geolocation APIs.

Geographical Data Visualization in a Web Application

I've got a request to implement a visualization service for geographical related data.
I have a list of Italian ZIP Codes (they are called CAP in Italian). I've already found a table which maps these ZIP codes to geographical coordinates (lat/long).
So, the data I have to visualize as map is structured the following way:
ZIPcode Latitude Longitude RequestCount
------- -------- --------- ------------
Is there an easy way (using a web service or implementing it myself using a component - preferably in .NET) for creating a map chart similar to the image i inserted below? It needn't to be that pretty and not necessarily geo-political.
I just need a indicator for every point which shows a smaller or bigger circle and next to it the value of RequestCount. I think this could be done either using the coordinates or, if there is some service which maps the Italian ZIP codes, using the ZIP code.
Thank you in advance!
alt text
GeoNames offers a data set and open source libraries for geo mapping
Take a look at .net Charting and Chart FX Maps (I've never used these before).
Use the Google Map API. You can't draw circle overlays, but you can draw polygons. Here's the API for drawing polygons. An 8-sided polygon already looks pretty circle like. You could experiment with more sides to see how that looks.
Here's the API reference for the Google GPolygon class:
I've used MapServer for many projects and it works well and is very flexible. Haven't tried the .NET bindings though:
I've used Fusion Maps for things like this. It is flash based with a javascript API. You can easily feed it either a static XML file to start, but I've also built various webservices to give it dynamic capabilities. There are many options to change the look and feel of the map as well.
take a look at Mapv - a library of geography visualization
enter image description here
