How to find which TVs are currently using my app? - google-analytics

I am developing an app for Android TV is it possible to know, on which TV my app is running or what action is performed on it?
Thank you.

To review your app's supported devices:
Sign in to your Play Console.
Select an app.
On the left menu, click
Release management > Device catalog. If you haven't already, review
and accept the Terms of Service.
Select the All, Supported, or
Excluded tabs. If you want to download a list of devices as a CSV
file, near the right side of the page, click Download device list.
For more infos:
To track action performed on your app, you can use Fabric's Answers plug in.
Here is a sample code you'll need to add in your code to track events in Answers:
public void onKeyMetric() {
// TODO: Use your own string attributes to track common values over time
// TODO: Use your own number attributes to track median value over time
Answers.getInstance().logCustom(new CustomEvent("Video Played")
.putCustomAttribute("Category", "Comedy")
.putCustomAttribute("Length", 350));
For more infos:


Display only Team Drives in Drive Picker Widget

I am creating an application where I need to provide Drive Picker widget so that users can upload some files. Now I want to restrict users so that they can only select files from their "Team Drives" and not from anywhere else.
I've tried adding method in onPickerInit event.
Here's my function which is getting called in onPickerInit event,
function fetchFolder(widget, pickerBuilder) {
pickerBuilder.addView(new google.picker.DocsView()
This method restricts users to select only from particular Team Drive, however my question is how can I give dynamic option so that users can select from any of their Team Drives and not limited to one Team Drive. Also they should not be able to select from their own Google Drives.
It seems that this case requires low level Drive Picker tuning, so lets start from removing all settings that App Maker gives us out of the box:
Remove all features
Remove all views
Then add the following script to the onPickerInit event
// Enable Team Drives
// Let users to select files from any Team Drive
var multiTeamDrive = new google.picker.DocsView();
// This feature need to be set to force `setParent` work.
// Seems to be Drive Picker's bug
// Force users to upload files to a specific Team Drive
var uploadView = new google.picker.DocsUploadView();
uploadView.setParent('Fancy KEY from Team Drive folder URL')
.setLabel('Upload to Team Drive XXX');
I didn't find a way to hide the tab for the Personal Drive upload. It is strange that App Maker adds it by default and there is no option to remove it.
I also recommend to add server side validation for the files selected by users to ensure that they originate from Team Drive.
Similar/related answer:

Bosun: Save Information using post url and the get the same information and use it in template

We have a notification which will post data to an application using the application end point.
notification ABC{
post = savedetailsurl
body = {{.|json}}
useBody = true
So the end point will save all the details in mysql DB.
Now in our template we call another end point to get the details which we saved using the webhook in notification.
template ABC {
use the " getDetailsUrl" and use the details in forming the email
Now the problem is race condition. Sometimes the details are not saved yet in the backend (mysql), and getDetailsUrl is called. So we get the empty result.
Is there are way to solve the race condition.
Bosun's notification system is designed to be very basic. If you want something more advanced you will need to use a separate system to generate the notification details and/or handle the alert workflow. Some people have used pagerduty or other monitoring systems like Shinken to do more advanced notifications or alert management.
Your best bet is to skip the built in notifications and do everything in a external system. You can still use the to integrate with the various alert states (crit/warn/ack/close/etc) or you can change your alerts to use log = true to bypass all the built in states and create your own workflow.

Offline meteor application using ground:db

I am working with offline support of Meteor Application. I have researched about this support but all are giving one answer 'ground:db'. I looked into that solution its really nice effort by #raix. I started with that package, Its already working project so first task i have done that all collection i have grounded with following syntax
var Users = Meteor.users;
SmtGroundCollections.Users = Ground.Collection(Users);
After that i have tried with my offline application but still its showing loading and i am not getting my dom elements after that i have tried with that all waitOn subscription i have put on condition
/* my subscriptions */
After that i am able to see my dom and if i visited that page when i am online then after i am going offline i am able to see my data.
Now i am explaining my problems.
1) When i am calling my methods its not updating my ground collection if i am offline. I used below code for resume my methods
' editProfile' ,
' deleteProfile ' ,
Its working fine when i am coming from offline to online its syncing my data to server but i am not able to immediate effect.
2) If i want full application offline then i need to visit every page of my mobile application and then i can get that data in offline but its not possible so i want one centralise thing where i will press button and i can grounded my all data which i want offline.
So can anyone help me to solve above problem
Thanks in advance

Google analytics user explorer get user report

How do I get user report from user explorer, using GA API. Didn't manage to find any information about it here For instance in user explorer (audiences section) you can see a list of records having ids like 11111111111.2222222222 and I want to get information about user activity on the website for record with id 11111111111.2222222222 using GA API
While the latest GA release notes says the client ids have been "surfaced" (i.e. made visible) it is (at least currently) not available as a dimension via the API. So if you want to use it you'd have to add the client id as a custom dimension to your reports yourself. Off the top of my hat this should look something like this:
ga(function() {
var trackers = ga.getAll();
trackers.forEach(function(tracker) {
Put before the pageview this would write the client id to your custom dimension with the index 1 (which you need to create in advance via the interface in properties->custom definitions). Should also work with multiple trackers on the same page.
This will of course not help you with data that's already been collected.

How to get the desired format for a Windows phone 8 push notification sent from

I followed this tutorial:
It works, but the toast that appears on the phone screen contains all of this:
Received Toast 4:05 PM:
wp:Text1: Please
wp:Text2: Help!
wp.Param: /Page2.xaml?
NavigatedFrom=Toast Notification
I would like for the toast to only contain text1 and text2. In this instance I only want "Please Help!" to appear. I've looked at everything on MSDN and everywhere else on google and there is nothing on it.
You should see what you want if the demo app isn't running when the toast arrives: an alert with "Please Help!" will show at the top of the screen.
If the app is running then the app's ShellToastNotificationReceived event fires instead of the toast appearing on the phone. This lets the app decide what to show. The demo code parses the received data and explicitly adds each key and value to a string and shows it in a MessageBox. This is purely for demonstration. A real app would never do that.
Typically a real app would find the interesting information and display it in-line rather than in a MessageBox, but the details will depend on the app.
If you want to display the contents of wp:Text1 and wp:Text2 in a TextBlock you can create the string something like:
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
message.AppendFormat("{0} {1}",e.Collection["wp:Text1"],e.Collection["wp:Text2"]);
MyTextBlock.Text = message;
In production you'd probably want to verify that wp:Text1 and wp:Text2 existed, etc.
