Offline meteor application using ground:db - meteor

I am working with offline support of Meteor Application. I have researched about this support but all are giving one answer 'ground:db'. I looked into that solution its really nice effort by #raix. I started with that package, Its already working project so first task i have done that all collection i have grounded with following syntax
var Users = Meteor.users;
SmtGroundCollections.Users = Ground.Collection(Users);
After that i have tried with my offline application but still its showing loading and i am not getting my dom elements after that i have tried with that all waitOn subscription i have put on condition
/* my subscriptions */
After that i am able to see my dom and if i visited that page when i am online then after i am going offline i am able to see my data.
Now i am explaining my problems.
1) When i am calling my methods its not updating my ground collection if i am offline. I used below code for resume my methods
' editProfile' ,
' deleteProfile ' ,
Its working fine when i am coming from offline to online its syncing my data to server but i am not able to immediate effect.
2) If i want full application offline then i need to visit every page of my mobile application and then i can get that data in offline but its not possible so i want one centralise thing where i will press button and i can grounded my all data which i want offline.
So can anyone help me to solve above problem
Thanks in advance


is firebase data base realtime does delete Id it's self if user not active for several days?

i have these 3 methods
one listening to internet status
listenToInternet() {
and one for manual get online when user open the app
'activity': "online",
and one for manual get offline when user close the app
ok now everything going fine as well ..
but i noticed if user didn't open his account on the app for 4-5 days so his Id .child(currentUser.uid!) disappear from data base without any order from user , and if he open the app again so his .child(currentUser.uid!)show again in data base
note : i also noticed there is strange id get instead that one who disappeared !
Is there something I missed or does it happen normal in data base ? or i should chick my code again ?
thanks in advance
To answer your question, No, it doesn't delete users on its own. I have multiple applications that are not active more than two years from now and the users are still there. Make sure you are authenticating the users and then saving those in your Database.
In addition to this, define security rules from the console so as to keep your data secure.

How to find which TVs are currently using my app?

I am developing an app for Android TV is it possible to know, on which TV my app is running or what action is performed on it?
Thank you.
To review your app's supported devices:
Sign in to your Play Console.
Select an app.
On the left menu, click
Release management > Device catalog. If you haven't already, review
and accept the Terms of Service.
Select the All, Supported, or
Excluded tabs. If you want to download a list of devices as a CSV
file, near the right side of the page, click Download device list.
For more infos:
To track action performed on your app, you can use Fabric's Answers plug in.
Here is a sample code you'll need to add in your code to track events in Answers:
public void onKeyMetric() {
// TODO: Use your own string attributes to track common values over time
// TODO: Use your own number attributes to track median value over time
Answers.getInstance().logCustom(new CustomEvent("Video Played")
.putCustomAttribute("Category", "Comedy")
.putCustomAttribute("Length", 350));
For more infos:

Got the "My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon." error message even a clean start from Google Assistant Simulator

I am still quite new to this topic, so sorry if I didn't provide enough information.
For the first time, I copoed everything from to learn about it, which works great.
After, I tried to create my own one, then at the end, I got this message "My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon." from[[PROJECT-ID]]/simulator/.
Therefore, I tried to delete everything and make a complete new start, including all the projects on and
I then copied the exact same thing from again, but this time, I still got "My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon." from[[PROJECT-ID]]/simulator/.
I tried to look at firebase log, no error indeed
I tried to use the web demo from the integration tab, everything works (which means the server side code or the connection have no problem) as expected, firebase also logged the request.
I tried to use a different browser (chrome -> firefox) still not working.
Here is the response code from the Google Assistant Simulator (its kinda nothing):
"audioResponse": "//NExAARqQ...",
"conversationToken": "GidzaW11bG...",
"response": "My test app isn't responding right now. Try again soon.",
"visualResponse": {
"visualElements": []
And here is the debug message (yes, its nothing in there, so I'm stuck):
"agentToAssistantDebug": {},
"assistantToAgentDebug": {}
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
In Actions Console..
Go to Develop -> Invocation
Set a display name (Eg: Hello World) and click Save
Go to Test and type "Talk to Hello World"
Fixed the issue for me.
Make sure your Actions on Google project has a name.
I spent almost 2 days scratching my head on this. Just go to Activity controls of the relevant google account (The account that you are using for the simulator) and turn on all those switches (You may leave out Youtube related stuff).
And.....Voila, it works!
Usually, these are turned off for non-personal accounts.
Faced the same issue when I tried to change the language of app to a locale.
Try the following,
Check if the welcome intent and fallback intents have responses and training phrases
All contexts are mapped
Disable and enable testing
At least in my case, I've added 'Suggestions' for an ending scene, like below:
You can see the error on the right side log of 'Test' page:
Fix is to remove 'Suggestions' in ending scene.
I had the exact same issue and after struggling for hours I found the stupid error on my side: In my Dialogflow Agent settings, I accidentally turned on the V2 API. So my firebase function kept complaining about null intent. Hope this help.

Meteor utilities:avatar data

I'd like to use the utilities:avatar package, but I'm having some major reservations.
The docs tell me that I should publish my user data, like this:
Meteor.publish("otherUserData", function() {
var data = Meteor.users.find({
}, {
fields : {
"services.twitter.profile_image_url_https" : true,
"" : true,
"" : true,
"services.github.username" : true,
"services.instagram.profile_picture" : true
return data;
If I understand Meteor's publish/subscribe mechanism correctly, this would push these fields for the entire user database to every client! Clearly, this is not a sustainable solution. Equally clearly, however, either I am doing something wrong, or I am understanding something wrong.
Also: This unscalable solution works fine in a browser, but no avatar icons are visible when the app is deployed to a mobile device, for some reason.
Any ideas?
Separate the issue of which fields to publish from which users you want to publish data on.
Presumably you want to show avatars for other users that the current user is interacting with. You need to decide what query to use in
Meteor.users.find(query,{fields: {...}});
so that you narrow down the list from all users to just pertinent ones.
In my app I end up using reywood:publish-composite to publish the users that are related to the current user via an intermediate collection.
The unscalability of utilities:avatar seems, as far as I can tell, to be a real issue, and there isn't much to be done about it except to remove utilities:avatar and rewrite the avatar URL-fetching code by hand.
As for the avatars not appearing on mobile devices, the answer was simply that we needed to grant permission to access remote URLs in mobile-config.js, like this:

How to show status of huge process to client(web)

Environment : ASP.NET, C#
I am writing a web program that will export 12 tables to another database. When the user click the "Export" button, the export process will get started. The thing is, I like to show some messages to client such as "preparing..., deleting old records..., exporting..., export completed."
But now, It is showing all status once 12 table are completed.
Please guide me how to do this.
Doing long processes like this is on a web page is probably not a good idea, you will need change the timeout settings on pages etc
Rather build a windows service that does all the work. You can then use the Page to initialte the process. The service could update some status that is read by the page. This way the page does very little work, ie initiate the process and poll for status updates. This can be done via simple jquery/ajax calls.
try this
put this on c#
and call ajavascript function per process
Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("1","alert('add to table now')");
Use a javascript timer to periodically load content from a status page or service.
The timer is fairly simple:
setTimeout('checkProcessStatus()', waitTime);
The update itself depends on your choice of tech - for instance if using MVC and jQuery:
function checkProcessStatus() {
//dynamically add the html from the status page to <div id="taskStatusPanel"
$('#taskStatusPanel').load('export/status/' + taskId);
//set timer to call this again
setTimeout('checkProcessStatus()', waitTime);
Then the ExportController.Status action would return a simple view that displayed the HTML for the current status.
