I want to assign a static address to Ubuntu using the command below:
ifconfig eth0 netmask
But it says,
SIOCSIFADDR: No such device
eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
SIOCSIFNETMASK: No such device
How will I fix it?
Just delete the rule files with this command :
sudo mv /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.old
Should solve the problem.
I have configured static IP address in /etc/network/interfaces file as below
# The loopback interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
# Wired or wireless interfaces
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
hwaddress ether 01:06:92:85:00:12
But, when i try to do rmmod of the driver e1000 and then
insmod again. the eth0 network interface would be loaded but, the ip address is not assigned until i explicitly do ifconfig eth0 or ifup eth0.
I have tried adding a script in /etc/network/if-up.d/loadeth.sh
which has
if [ "$IFACE" = eth0 ]; then
echo "eth0 up" >> /var/log/oak_pci.log
but, no luck the IP address is getting assigned.
My aim is that whenever i insmod the ethernet device driver i want to get the network interface(eth0) assigned with static IP address i have assigned in the interfaces file
Could anybody let me know what am i missing here
what am i missing here
The files in /etc/network/ are parsed when when ifup or ifdown commands are executed. (I think also when ifplugd picks them up).
insmod loads a module into the running kernel.
You are missing the knowledge, that there is just no connection between insmod-ing a kernel driver and reading any files from /etc/network directory.
My aim is that whenever i insmod the ethernet device driver i want to get the network interface(eth0) assigned with static IP address i have assigned in the interfaces file
You may setup udev rule to run a custom script upon insmod-ing a kernel driver or when interface comes up.
After going through man page of udev i understood how to create udev rules and with a dummy test specified in this link https://www.tecmint.com/udev-for-device-detection-management-in-linux/ i was able to invoke the udev rules when insmod-ing and rmmod-ing a driver.
So, Here's what i did to automatically set the ip address for the ethernet network interface once driver is loaded or insmoded
I create a udev rules file named 80-net_auto_up.rules in the ethernet pcie driver recipe (it is an out of tree kernel module. Hence, custom recipe)
i added SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/sbin/ifup eth0"
and edited ethernet pcie driver recipe .bb file and added below lines
SRC_URI = "all source files of ethernet pcie driver
file://80-net_auto_up.rules \
FILES_${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/*"
do_install_append() {
install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d
install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/80-net_auto_up.rules ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/
and now it works. when i reset the ethernet device manually.
The device is getting detected and Static IP address configured in the /etc/network/interfaces is set
on Ubuntu 16.04, I tried to set static IP in order to communicate with a local device.
I changed /etc/network/interfaces
auto eno1
iface eno1 inet static
netmask 255.2555.255.0
After, I run the following command:
sudo ifdown eno1 && sudo ifup eno1
I got error:
ifdown: interface eth0 not configured Error: ??? prefix is expectd rather than ...
The error caused by two typos:
1. "2555" should be "255"
2. "getway" should be "gateway"
After I fixed these two errors, my static IP address changed to
Recently we brought raspberry pi 3b.Beginning we used to access the internet using an ethernet cable and it used to connect properly but now raspberry pi is not able to reach the gateway itself and it's taking its default IP address i.e 169.xxx.xxx.xx.
what would be the issue?we tried to reinstalling the operating system again the same issue .it worked for one day after that same problem.so please help me to solve the issue.
Finally, I am able to figure it out after trial and error method. I have missed "auto eth0" before the iface statement i.e
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Assuming that you have a windows computer available, open cmd and run the following command:
note down the values that display. Now on your pi, enter the command
sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
This will open the network interfaces file. Look for the line similar to 'inet eth0 inet manual' Then remove this line and everything to do with the eth0 interface, since we are going to start over.
in the interfaces file, add the following section:
auto eth0
inet eth0 inet static
address xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
gateway xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Replace the x in address with the first 3 groups of the value taken from the windows system. For example, if the ip address on the windows system was, enter 192.168.0.xxx
The last group of xxx for address should be something unique to everything else on your network.
'gateway' should be whatever the gateway value in windows was (assuming these machines are on the same network)
[Ctrl]+[x], Save changes
reboot via
sudo reboot
once the system has rebooted
ifconfig eth0
should list the new settings. Test them by pinging the below address (google)
sudo ping
I've set up my BeagleBoneBlack with Debian Jessi. As default config it worked with a dhcp ip:
But I need to configure the system to use a static ip. Therefore I did in /etc/network/interfaces:
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
But after a reboot, still the old IP is set. If I do
the new IP is set. But after another reboot, the old one is back again.
Which setting will I have to change to?
I'm not using an additional SD card; Just the eMMC.
Thank you!
Finally I found the solution.
An Intel Connection Manager was installed by default. I overwrites my definition.
After removing it, it works fine:
apt-get purge connman
Settings in /etc/network/interfaces seems to have no effect on my BeagleBone Black Version C. I want to set my beaglebone black's ethernet IP address to a static IP as I have done with all my other internet-of-things devices running Debian. I edited /etc/network/interfaces as I have before, but I do not see any changes via ifconfig. This is after a restart of networking AND a restart of the beaglebone. I have googled somewhat, and posted to the beaglebone forums after searching them, and I still do not have a solution. I noticed a commented line in interfaces suggesting that the settings are set via an init script, but this is where I get a little lost. I have moderate knowledge of Debian, but I have not peeled back enough layers apparently. I am connecting my beaglebone black via ethernet connector. WIFI is a beast I will tackle later.
I set my router to reserve a specific IP based on MAC ID, but I would like to know what I am missing here.
iface usb0 inet static
iface eth0 inet static
You are missing the auto line
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
(Just for diagnosis) - Also remove the gateway line from it
and after you get the connection run this command to add the gateway
root prompt :) #
route add default gateway
i was playing around a lot with networking on it so i got the answer. Hope this resolve your issue do post.
Do the configurations in wicd. Run "wicd-client" which opens GUI to make the configuration. Apparently wicd configurations overwrite what you do in /etc/network/interfaces
Another alternative to setting the ipaddress to be static on boot. Even without a ethernet jack plugged in, which was my issue.
Caution: this is hacky, and there probably better streamlined approach
Edit the /opt/scripts/boot/autoconfigure_usb0.sh script
line 92 and 139 set the usb0 default ipaddress
/sbin/ifconfig usb0 ${deb_usb_address} netmask ${deb_usb_netmask} || true
insert the following line after it, in both places
/sbin/ifconfig usb0 ${deb_usb_address} netmask ${deb_usb_netmask} || true
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask || true
then it will boot up with that as the static IP address even if you don't have anything plugged it.