I am trying to get my code to calculate the distance between turning point locations on the two graphs I have plotted.
The code needs to compare the location of the first turning point on graph 1 to the location of the first turning point on graph 2. This step is then repeated on the remaining turning points.
The reason I am doing this is as I am trying to measure graph similarity after simplification. I will attach the code as well as the data files if anyone has anything to add.
This should do the job. Calculates the distance between 2 points in the cartesian space
np.sqrt(pow((pointA.x - pointB.x), 2) + pow(pointA.y - pointB.y, 2))
I have the coordinates of a bunch of car crashes and I reasoned that the place where they are the densest is where crashes are the most likely to occur. The solution I found when looking into this problem is to use point density, which is simply the number of points within a given radius divided by the area of a circle with that radius. I have two problems with this method:
1) Changing the size of the radius can significantly change your answer. For example, if all points are between 1 and 2 miles of point P, then P will be the most dense if r > 2 and P will be the least dense if r < 1.
2) If you want to find the point with the second highest density, then the result will always be a point immediately next to the point of the highest density.
What is a better method to find density?
P.S. I apologize if this is a duplicate of someone else's question. Whenever I searched for something related to this problem, things about point density always came up.
I have lat/lng data of multirotor UAV flights. There are alot of datapoints (~13k per flight) and I wish to find line segments from the data. They give me flight speed and direction. I know that most of the flights are guided missons meaning a point is given to fly to. However the exact points are unknown to me.
Here is a graph of a single flight lat/lng shifted to near (0,0) so they are visible on the same time-series graph.
I attempted to generate similar data, but there are several constraints and it may take more time to solve than working on the segmenting.
The graphs start and end nearly always at the same point.
Horisontal lines mean the UAV is stationary. These segments are expected.
Beginning and and end are always stationary for takeoff and landing.
There is some level of noise in the lines for the gps accuracy tho seemingly not that much.
Alot of data points.
The number of segments is unknown.
The noise I could calculate given the segments and least squares method to the line. Currently I'm thinking of sampling the data (to decimate it a little) and constructing lines. Merging the lines with smaller angle than x (dependant on the noise) and finding the intersection points of the lines left.
Another thought is to try and look at this problem in the frequency domain. The corners should be quite high frequency. Maybe I could make a custom filter kernel that would enable me to use a window function and win in efficency.
EDIT: Rewrote the question for more clarity and less rambling.
I am trying to solve a programming interview question that requires one to find the maximum number of points that lie on the same straight straight line in a 2D plane. I have looked up the solutions on the web. All of them discuss a O(N^2) solution using hashing such as the one at this link: Here
I understand the part where common gradient is used to check for co-linear points since that is a common mathematical technique. However, the solution points out that one must beware of vertical lines and overlapping points. I am not sure how these points can cause problems? Can't I just store the gradient of vertical lines as infinity (a large number)?
Three distinct points are collinear if
x_1*(y_2-y_3)+x_2*(y_3-y_1)+x_3*(y_1-y_2) = 0
No need to check for slopes or anything else. You need need to eliminate duplicate points from the set before the search begins though.
So pick a pair of points, and find all other points that are collinear and store them in a list of lines. For the remainder points do the same and then compare which lines have the most points.
The first time around you have n-2 tests. The second time around you have n-4 tests because there is no point on revisiting the first two points. Next time n-6 etc, for a total of n/2 tests. At worst case this results in (n/2)*(n/2-1) operations which is O(n^2) complexity.
PS. Who ever decided the canonical answer is using slopes knows very little about planar geometry. People invented homogeneous coordinates for points and lines in a plane for the exact reason of having to represent vertical lines and other degenerate situations.
I am trying to do flight planning in 3D space, but I actually want to figure out doing it in 2D space first. I have:
an object with a known current position and known current velocity vector
a desired point in space
a desired velocity vector
a desired time
I want to plan a route for the object to take to reach the desired point at the desired time travelling at the desired vector, and taking into account the objects starting vector.
I'm at a bit of a loss on how to achieve this. Any help appreciated.
As noted by eigenchris in a comment, this problem has many possible solutions, so I will propose a method that gives sensible results and allows for flexible customization, depending on the desired properties of your path.
It's easier to split the problem into two parts, first find a path in 2D and then compute the distance along it and solve the problem of matching the velocity and acceleration to the distance as a 1D (plus time) problem.
For the path, Cubic Bézier curves seem ideally suited to the problem. A cubic Bézier curve is defined by 4 control points P0, P1, P2 and P3.
P0 and P3 are the start and end points of the curve. P1 and P2 are control points that are used for specifying the tangent of the curve at the start and end points (defined by the lines P0-P1 and P2-P3 respectively). If you fly along the curve, those are the directions you are moving at the start and end points.
Here is an interactive demo to get a feel for how the positioning of the control points influences the curve (the cubic Bézier is the blue curve on the right with 4 control points).
To define a flight path using a Bézier curve:
Set P0 to the start point of your flight path
Set P3 to the end point
Set P1 to a point in the direction of the starting velocity vector from P0
Set P2 to a point in the opposite direction to the ending velocity vector from P3
Note that the distances from P0 to P1 and from P2 to P3 do not represent the magnitude of the starting and ending velocities. Rather, they specify the tightness of the turn at the start and end of the curve to align the curve with the start and end tangents. Pull the control points in close for a tight turn, push them further out for a wider turn. However if you want to you can make the turn wider the larger the desired velocity vector is, to be more physically realistic.
If you don't want to be turning the whole time, you can segment the path into several Bézier curves, or a Bézier curve then a straight line then a Bézier curve, and make the tangents match up where the different segments meet. For example you might want to take a curved path at the start of the flight path, then follow a straight line for most of the way, the follow a curved path at the end to line up with the desired final direction vector. This gives you total control over your flight path.
The solution generalizes easily to 3 dimensions.
Now that you have a path, you need to figure out how to accelerate and decelerate along the curve to arrive at the destination at the right time and the right speed. First, calculate the distance along the curve:
Arc Length of Bézier Curves
If you know the start time, the end time and the start and end speeds (magnitude of start and end velocity vectors), you can work out how far along the curve you would have flown between the start and end times, assuming you linearly accelerate from the starting speed to the ending speed over the course of the journey (distance is the area under the line):
Since this area will most likely be different to the computed distance along the Bézier Curve, you need to create a segmented function that has the desired area under the line between the start and end times. The image shows two such functions to handle the cases where the distance traveled is greater than desired, and the area is decreased by slowing down then travelling at constant speed then speeding up, and vice versa. The examples show instantaneous changes in acceleration, but not in speed. You can choose any function you like as long as the start and end speeds at the start and end times match the desired values and the area under the function is equal to the distance along the path.
Hi all this is a very simple question, but my mind is a bit empty and i can't seem to find any satisfactory results on the internet.
Given a collection of 2d points (x,y), how can I determine how tightly grouped they are together.
I guess an example would of helped.. I am trying to measure the "wobble" when aiming at a target, so I have every point the shooter aimed and I would like to see if they were steady or if they moved allot.
It depends on your definition of "tight grouping". One possibility is the sample variance, or the corresponding standard deviation. Crudely speaking, this gives you an "average" distance away from the centre point (which can be defined either as a known point, or as simply the average of your dataset).
For a group of 2D points, this can be defined as:
stddev = sqrt(var) = sqrt(1/N * SUM { (x - x0)^2 + (y - y0)^2 })
where (x0,y0) is the sample mean (i.e. the average of all your points).
This metric will be less sensitive to outliers than e.g. the bounding box metric.
One simple way to do this is to calculate the bounding box that contains all of the points and calculate the area from that, then divide the area value by the number of points to give you a points per area value. This could be enough depending on what you need it for but could be rather inacurate.