Troubleshoot WebForms download file problem -

In my webpage, I have a download button will write excel to response and it work previously. But I got a problem today that browser on client (tested IE and Chrome) cannot download exported excel from webforms suddenly without changing code and software install.
When I test in Chrome, console show that Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.
I used the notepad to open the downloaded excel and the content become the my web html page.
I tried to login server and use the browser in server, the file can be download normally with correct content.
I have tried to copy the web folder to another server and iis setup, it show same behavior that the downloaded excel become html content of my page on client browser but work in server browser.
May I have any idea how to troubleshoot on this case please?

Are you facing this issue on a domain/managed network? If yes, are you the administrator of the network? If that's not the case, please give these suggestions a try:
If you’re using an antivirus or firewall software, make sure Chrome
is trusted or allowed by these programs. You can also try
temporarily disabling your antivirus or firewall to see if this
resolves the issue.
Just to make sure we eliminate malware from the
scenario, please follow the steps from this help article.
Try resetting the Chrome browser to see if that helps.
Also, creating a new user profile on your Chrome can be helpful.
If the issue persists, download and run Chrome Canary. It is the
cutting edge developer version of Chrome that can be installed
alongside Stable Chrome. It's possible the problem won't exist on a
future version.
refrence article


404 error - File or directory not found. This is happening with certain pages when using Chrome Web Browser

I've been hired into a company that uses ASP.NET for all of their external and internal sites. I'm not too familiar with ASP.NET.
I'm currently working on a external site that runs perfectly in Internet Explorer.
When using the site on chrome, I have certain pages that give me the 404 - File or directory not found.
What can I do to help prevent this error code from showing up when using this site the chrome?
From your description, I understand that your site is a legacy site that is compatible with the IE browser but it is not working properly with modern browsers.
The 404 error information generally informs us that something is not found but if the site works fine in the IE browser then it could be possible that the issue is something else. In that case, this is too little information to predict the cause of the issue.
You may need to provide detailed information about which exact piece of code has the issue. Which version of the Asp.Net project and which kind of project(Web application, web API, etc.) it is. You may need to modify your code or project to make it work with modern browsers including Google Chrome.
At present, if you don't want to make any changes in your code then you could try to use the IE mode in the MS Edge browser to load your legacy site.
You could configure the IE mode manually or using the group policy.
To quickly check it, Launch the Edge browser. Paste edge://settings/defaultBrowser in the address bar and press the Enter key. Add your page to the Internet Explorer mode pages. Visit your site, it should load properly in the IE mode in the Edge browser.

Forcing PDF to be displayed in Browser, not to Download

Good day.
So, here is my issue.
I'm currently using sharepoint 2010 for web applications, I am supposed to display pdf as part of a web page. Currently, the browser tends to download the pdf file instead of displaying it.
Content-disposition is already set to inline.
I've also used iframe, and src is pointing to custom httpHandler.
I've already added "application/pdf" MIME type in the list of AllowedInlineDownloadedMimeTypes as per the advice in this link
However, the application still failed to display it, and it prompts the user to download the file instead.
I'm using mozilla firefox v12 and ie8 to test the application, they both exhibit the same behavior.
What else is missing? Thank you.
It's important to remember that not all browsers, especially older ones like Internet Explorer 8, have the ability to render PDF content inline. In these older browsers, this was generally accomplished through plug-ins like Adobe Reader or Foxit being installed on the client machine.
Basically, if you are using an older browser, your users will likely need one of these (or a similar) plug-in installed. Otherwise when the browser encounters a PDF file, it will serve it to the user, as it doesn't really know how to deal with it.
There is also a chance that this could be a permissions / settings issue similar to the one addressed in this related question. You may want to review over some of the discussions within that thread as well as this Sharepoint 2010 one, which details a a setting called "Browser File Handling" and how it's default value of "strict" can affect how PDFs and other files are accessed.
He came across the solution while looking at the "Web Application General Settings". There is a setting called Browser File Handling and by default it is set to strict.

WebResource.axd not loaded when using latest Google Chrome Browser

I'm having a strange issue:
I can't login at, when I try to click the login button (the blue button that says Connexion), nothing happens at all.
So I opened up the developer tools in Chrome (f12) and saw the following JavaScript error every time I click the button: Uncaught ReferenceError: WebForm_PostBackOptions
I then found out that this function should be in WebResource.axd, I then went to the Resources tab in the developers tool and found out that this 'file' is not there and it is not loaded in the HTML source.
I tried a lot of different things without any success and finally tried another browser and it works fine in any other browsers. That same page was working perfectly previously in Chrome on the same computer in the past.
So then I tried to click the small gear in the Chrome developer tools and went to the overrides section and changed the UserAgent to something else and refreshed the page and it works perfectly with any other UserAgent string. The correct UserAgent when not overridden for my browser is Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.57 Safari/537.36
So right now I really don't know what to do next:
Is this issue related to the latest version of Chrome? I have not found any information on release dates for chrome.
It could also be a DotNetNuke problem but I doubt it since nothing there changed before and after the problem
It could also be related (I renamed App_Browsers to App_Browsers2 and still no luck.
Any help would be appreciated.
A data file which addresses this issue is available to download from the following url.
.NET users will need to perform the following steps.
Download the above data file.
Replace the file in the App_Data folder of the web site with the data file downloaded, renaming the downloaded data file to
Restart the application pool servicing the web site to apply the new data file.
Some configurations may place the file in a location other than App_Data. The web sites current location can be found in the file found in either the web site’s root folder or the App_Data folder. See the following page for more details.
Please use contact us if you have any issues deploying this data file.
We are having this problem on all our DNN6 sites at work (we can't update to DNN7 since we are stuck on SQL Server 2005 and Windows 2003 boxes). DNN support ticket response was:
"This is a known issue with the Google Chrome update to version 29, the browser is having many issues with ASP.Net pages. The current workaround is to use a different web browser until Google can release a new update."
but I know big sites like redbox and are working fine, so it's definitely not a global problem.
Our servers are patched by our infrastructure folks, and they are usually up to date (patched regularly), so not sure what specifically is the issue.
I have personal sites on DNN6 (3essentials hosting), that are working fine. So its definitely not all DNN6/7 sites that are having problems. Maybe its DNN6 sites that are running on Windows 2003 boxes?????
It looks like someone has found the culprit at google. It is related to 51degrees that reports a version 0 for Chrome 29 user-agent string.
More details at
I tried to update the premium data (it is a professional edition installation) but I only get the same version that was aready there dating from 2013-08-15 and having 109 properties.
Then I tried renaming the App_Data/ to add a .old at then end, but the system redownloads that file (same one looks like) to that directory.
So I went away and commented out the fiftyone configuration in the web.config file which instantly made the site work again for Chrome 29.
Let's hope there could be an update on a beter solution for this, but I think the culprit is finally found at least.
On a DNN 7.1.0 site, that uses the Popup feature in DNN (login window opens in a modal popup) the login functionality appears to work fine.
I would recommend you try the Popup option, and if that doesn't work, look at upgrading to the latest release of DNN.
update: I tested the same 7.1.0 site using /login instead of the login popup and it also still works fine, so I would encourage you to look at upgrading your DNN instance.

What can be preventing this cdn file from loading on my webpage?

I wish I had a more generic way of asking this question but I really can't figure out what could be going on.
Using dev-channel Chrome 26 (and IE 10) I'm hitting a simple html site in my public dropbox here
In my browser Handlebars.js (from never loads and I get an error. Heck, according to the Network tab it never even tries to load it. Yet click through the source and the script file - it is definitely a live link. Why handlebars? Additionally, running the same exact site with a local server loads just fine.
I'm at a loss here what could possibly have this effect. You'd think the issue would be running the server in dropbox but it seems to be the actual browser misbehaving. And why on earth does it not make any request at all?
My repo by the way is on github on the preformance-tuning branch
It looks like Chrome is throwing an insecure content warning on your scripts. Most likely because you are trying to access content hosted over HTTP while your site is being served from dropbox using ssl. Most likely a Chrome security setting silently block scripts it considers "insecure"

Flex file upload issue io error #2038 over HTTPS

Hi i have a flex file upload application over https it works fine on all IE browsers.
Recently a client with IE9 reported a complaint that she's not able to upload files.
I can see the error generated is IO Error #2038.
The adobe documentation says 2038 is File I/O Error.This error occurs when an application can't get file size, creation date or modification data using the FileReference API.
Can some one help me point out what could be the issue here.
All i can think of is browser issues like, browser cache, some new configuration in IE9 am unaware of or permission on the client directory.
Help will be much appreciated.
I suggest you to use Charles debugging proxy, which is must have tool for all Flash/Flex developers, and see the difference in IE8 and IE9. Maybe the problem is in some HTTP headers or something else.
I have a similar issue. Later I found out that upload feature doesn't work for latest version of flash player over https. Then I tried sending the upload requests via http instead of https. Now its working fine. Try this, it may help in your case aswell.
