Optimizing strucchange with Rcpp - r

I'm trying to speed up the breakpoints.formula function in the strucchange package (source). It has a bottleneck in the extend.RSS.table.
Here's my attempt at rewiring the for(i in my.index) loop inside it using Rcpp:
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix fillMyRSStable(NumericMatrix myRSStable, List & RSStriang, IntegerVector & myIndex, int m, float h) {
NumericMatrix myRSStableCPY = clone(myRSStable);
CharacterVector indexI(1), indexj(1);
int n = myIndex.size();
CharacterVector nms = rownames(myRSStableCPY);
for(int myIndexI = 0; myIndexI < n; ++myIndexI) {
int i = myIndex[myIndexI];
IntegerVector potIndex = seq((m - 1)*h, i - h);
int np = potIndex.size();
NumericVector breakRSS(np);
for(int pin = 0; pin < np; ++pin) {
int j = potIndex[pin];
NumericVector RSStriangI = as<NumericVector>(RSStriang[j]);
indexj[0] = j;
IntegerVector matchedIdxJ = match(indexj, nms);
breakRSS[pin] = myRSStableCPY(matchedIdxJ[0] - 1, 1) + RSStriangI[i - j - 1];
// end sapply
int opt = which_min(breakRSS);
indexI[0] = i;
IntegerVector matchedIdxI = match(indexI, nms);
myRSStableCPY(matchedIdxI[0] - 1, 2) = potIndex[opt];
myRSStableCPY(matchedIdxI[0] - 1, 3) = breakRSS[opt];
return myRSStableCPY;
This code is a bit faster than R but not nearly as fast as I would have thought. Any glaring inefficiencies in the code below that someone can spot? Any general (or specific) advice would be helpful.
Edit Code for profiling:
pr <- profvis(microbenchmark(Grossarl.bp <- breakpoints(fraction ~ 1, data = Grossarl, h = 0.1)))
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(pr, "profile.html")
Link to my Rcpp version: https://github.com/s-Nick-s/strucchange


Rcpp: how to combine the R function and Rcpp function together to make a package

Suppose I have the following c++ code in a file named test.cpp
#include <Rcpp.h>
Rcpp::NumericMatrix MyAbar (const Rcpp::NumericMatrix & x, int T){
unsigned int outrows = x.nrow(), i = 0, j = 0;
double d;
Rcpp::NumericMatrix out(outrows,outrows);
// Rcpp::LogicalVector comp;
for (i = 0; i < outrows - 1; i++){
Rcpp::NumericVector v1 = x.row(i);
Rcpp::NumericVector ans(outrows);
for (j = i + 1; j < outrows ; j ++){
d = mean(Rcpp::runif( T ) < x(i,j));
return out;
I know with the following command, I can have my own package
Rcpp.package.skeleton("test",cpp_files = "~/Desktop/test.cpp")
However, what if I want to combine the following R function which call the Rcpp-function into the package
random = function(A, T){
if (!is.matrix(A)){
A = Reduce("+",A)/T
# global constant and threshold
n = nrow(A)
B_0 = 3
w = min(sqrt(n),sqrt(T * log(n)))
q = B_0 * log(n) / (sqrt(n) * w)
A2 = MyAbar(A)
diag(A2) <- NA
K = A2 <= rowQuantiles(A2, probs=q, na.rm =TRUE)
diag(K) = FALSE
P = K %*% A * ( 1/(rowSums(K) + 1e-10))
return( (P + t(P))*0.5 )
How can i make it?
So you are asking how to make an R package? There are many good tutorials.
To a first approximation:
copy your file into, say, file R/random.R
deal with a help file for your function, either manually by writing man/random.Rd or by learning package roxygen2
make sure you know what NAMESPACE is for and that DESCRIPTION is right

How to make R code with an array to be more efficient?

I have a following R code which is not efficient. I would like to make this efficient using Rcpp. Particularly, I am not used to dealing with array in Rcpp. Any help would be appreciated.
myfunc <- function(n=1600,
p = 3,
time = runif(n,min=0.05,max=4),
qi21 = rnorm(n),
s0c = rnorm(n),
zc_min_ecox_multi = array(rnorm(n*n*p),dim=c(n,n,p)),
qi11 = rnorm(p),
iIc_mat = matrix(rnorm(p*p),p,p)){
for (j in 1:n){
qi2<- sum(qi21*ind) /s0c[locu]
for (i in 1:n){
qi1<- qi11%*%iIc_mat%*%matrix(zc_min_ecox_multi[i,j,],p,1)
qi[i,j]<- -(qi1+qi2)/m
Computing time is about 7.35 secs. I need to call this function over and over again, maybe 20 times.
user system elapsed
7.34 0.00 7.35
First thing to do would be to profile your code: profvis::profvis({myfunc()}).
What you can do is precompute qi11 %*% iIc_mat once.
You get (with minor improvements):
precomp <- qi11 %*% iIc_mat
for (j in 1:n) {
u <- time[j]
qi2 <- sum(qi21[u <= time]) / s0c[time == u]
for (i in 1:n) {
qi1 <- precomp %*% zc_min_ecox_multi[i, j, ]
qi[i, j] <- -(qi1 + qi2) / m
that is twice as fast (8 sec -> 4 sec).
Vectorizing the i loop then seems straightforward:
q1_all_i <- tcrossprod(precomp, zc_min_ecox_multi[, j, ])
qi[, j] <- -(q1_all_i + qi2) / m
(12 times as fast now)
And if you want to try it in Rcpp, you will first need a function to multiply the matrices...
// [[Rcpp::plugins("cpp11")]]
Rcpp::NumericMatrix mult(const Rcpp::NumericMatrix& lhs,
const Rcpp::NumericMatrix& rhs)
if (lhs.ncol() != rhs.nrow())
Rcpp::stop ("Incompatible matrices");
Rcpp::NumericMatrix out(lhs.nrow(),rhs.ncol());
Rcpp::NumericVector rowvec, colvec;
for (int i = 0; i < lhs.nrow(); ++i)
rowvec = lhs(i,Rcpp::_);
for (int j = 0; j < rhs.ncol(); ++j)
colvec = rhs(Rcpp::_,j);
out(i, j) = std::inner_product(rowvec.begin(), rowvec.end(),
colvec.begin(), 0.);
return out;
Then port your function...
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericMatrix myfunc_rcpp( int n, int m, int p,
const Rcpp::NumericVector& time,
const Rcpp::NumericVector& qi21,
const Rcpp::NumericVector& s0c,
const Rcpp::NumericVector& zc_min_ecox_multi,
const Rcpp::NumericMatrix& qi11,
const Rcpp::NumericMatrix& iIc_mat)
Rcpp::NumericMatrix qi(n, n);
Rcpp::NumericMatrix outermat = mult(qi11, iIc_mat);
for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
double qi2 = 0;
for(int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
if(time[j] <= time[k]) qi2 += qi21[k];
qi2 /= s0c[j];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
Rcpp::NumericMatrix tmpmat(p, 1);
for(int z = 0; z < p; ++z)
tmpmat(z, 0) = zc_min_ecox_multi[i + n*j + z*n*n];
Rcpp::NumericMatrix qi1 = mult(outermat, tmpmat);
qi(i,j) -= (qi1(0,0) + qi2)/m;
return qi;
Then in R:
my_rcpp_func <- function(n=1600,
p = 3,
time = runif(n,min=0.05,max=4),
qi21 = rnorm(n),
s0c = rnorm(n),
zc_min_ecox_multi = array(rnorm(n*n*p),dim=c(n,n,p)),
qi11 = rnorm(p),
iIc_mat = matrix(rnorm(p*p),p,p))
myfunc_rcpp(n, m, p, time, qi21, s0c, as.vector(zc_min_ecox_multi),
matrix(qi11,1,p), iIc_mat)
This is certainly faster, and gives the same results as your own function, but it's no quicker than the in-R optimizations suggested by F Privé. Maybe optimizing the C++ code could get things even faster, but ultimately you are multiplying 2 reasonably large matrices together over 2.5 million times, so it's never going to be all that fast. R is optimized pretty well for this kind of calculation after all...

Allocate Rcpp List of n NumericMatrix

Is there a way to allocate an Rcpp List of length n, where each element of the List will be filled with a NumericMatrix, but the size of each NumericMatrix can change?
I have an idea for doing this using std::list and push_back(), but the size of the list may be quite large and I want to avoid the overhead of creating an extra copy of the list when I return from the function.
The below R code gives an idea of what I hope to do:
myvec = function(n) {
x = vector("list", n)
for (i in seq_len(n)) {
nc = sample(1:3, 1)
nr = sample(1:3, 1)
x[[i]] = matrix(rbinom(nc * nr, size = 1, prob = 0.5),
nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
This could result in something like:
> myvec(2)
[1,] 0
[2,] 1
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 0 1 0
[2,] 0 1 1
Update: based on the comments of #Dirk and #Ralf, I created functions based on Rcpp::List and std::list with a wrap at the end. Speed comparisons don't seem to favor one version over the other, but perhaps there's an inefficiency I'm not aware of.
src = '
#include <Rcpp.h>
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List myvec(int n) {
Rcpp::RNGScope rngScope;
Rcpp::List x(n);
// Rcpp::IntegerVector choices = {1, 2 ,3};
Rcpp::IntegerVector choices = Rcpp::seq_len(50);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int nc = Rcpp::sample(choices, 1).at(0);
int nr = Rcpp::sample(choices, 1).at(0);
Rcpp::NumericVector entries = Rcpp::rbinom(nc * nr, 1, 0.5);
x(i) = Rcpp::NumericMatrix(nc, nr, entries.begin());
return x;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List myvec2(int n) {
Rcpp::RNGScope scope;
std::list< Rcpp::NumericMatrix > x;
// Rcpp::IntegerVector choices = {1, 2 ,3};
Rcpp::IntegerVector choices = Rcpp::seq_len(50);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int nc = Rcpp::sample(choices, 1).at(0);
int nr = Rcpp::sample(choices, 1).at(0);
Rcpp::NumericVector entries = Rcpp::rbinom(nc * nr, 1, 0.5);
x.push_back( Rcpp::NumericMatrix(nc, nr, entries.begin()));
return Rcpp::wrap(x);
sourceCpp(code = src)
Resulting benchmarks on my computer are:
> library(microbenchmark)
> rcpp_list = function() {
+ set.seed(10);myvec(105)
+ }
> std_list = function() {
+ set.seed(10);myvec2(105)
+ }
> microbenchmark(rcpp_list(), std_list(), times = 1000)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq
rcpp_list() 1.8901 1.92535 2.205286 1.96640 2.22380
std_list() 1.9164 1.95570 2.224941 2.00555 2.32315
max neval cld
7.1569 1000 a
7.1194 1000 a
The fundamental issue that Rcpp objects are R objects governed my R's memory management where resizing is expensive: full copies.
So when I have tasks similar to yours where sizes may change, or are unknown, I often work with different data structures -- the STL gives us plenty -- and only convert to R(cpp) at the return step at the end.
The devil in the detail here (as always). Profile, experiment, ...
Edit: And in the narrower sense of "can we return a List of NumericMatrix objects with varying sizes" the answer is of course we can because that is what List objects do. You can also insert other types.
As Dirk said, it is of course possible to create a list with matrices of different size. To make it a bit more concrete, here a translation of your R function:
#include <Rcpp.h>
// [[Rcpp::plugins(cpp11)]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List myvec(int n) {
Rcpp::List x(n);
Rcpp::IntegerVector choices = {1, 2 ,3};
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
int nc = Rcpp::sample(choices, 1).at(0);
int nr = Rcpp::sample(choices, 1).at(0);
Rcpp::NumericVector entries = Rcpp::rbinom(nc * nr, 1, 0.5);
x(i) = Rcpp::NumericMatrix(nc, nr, entries.begin());
return x;
The main difference to the R code are the explicitly named vectors choices and entries, which are only implicit in the R code.

Unexpected behaviour in Rcpp

Please note that this error was taken from a bigger context, which I cannot obviously report here entirely.
I have the following functions in the file fun.cpp
#include <RcppArmadilloExtensions/sample.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
arma::vec colMeans(arma::mat data){
int n_0 = data.n_rows;
arma::vec xbar(data.n_cols);
for(int i = 0; i < data.n_rows; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < data.n_cols; j++){
xbar[j] += data(i,j) /n_0;
return xbar;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List PosteriorNIW(arma::mat data, arma::vec mu0, double lambda0,
double df0, arma::mat V){
// Compute posterior
int n = data.n_rows;
arma::vec xbar = colMeans(data);
double lambdan = lambda0 + n;
arma::vec mun = (lambda0 * mu0 + n * xbar) / lambdan;
arma::mat S;
S.zeros(data.n_cols, data.n_cols);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
S += (arma::conv_to<arma::vec>::from(data.row(i)) - xbar) * arma::trans(arma::conv_to<arma::vec>::from(data.row(i)) - xbar);
arma::mat Vn = V + S + ((lambda0*n)/(lambda0 + n)) * (xbar - mu0) * arma::trans(xbar - mu0);
return List::create(_["mun"] = mun,
_["Vn"] = Vn,
_["lambdan"] = lambdan);
Calling now:
library(Rcpp); library(RcppArmadillo)
mu0 <- c(3,3)
V0 <- matrix(c(2.5,0.0,0.0,2.5), nrow = 2)
data <- cbind(rep(5,15),rep(0,15))
PosteriorNIW(data, mu0, 1, 1, V0)
gives the expected result.
[1,] 4.8750
[2,] 0.1875
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 6.250 -5.6250
[2,] -5.625 10.9375
[1] 16
Now if I add to the file fun.cpp the following functions (again, these are taken from a bigger context so don't bother trying to understand but just paste them) strange things happens:
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix myFun(arma::mat t_dish, arma::cube data){
int l = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < data.n_rows; j++){
NumericMatrix Dk(l, 2);
return Dk;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
int myFun2(arma::cube n_cust){
arma::mat temp = n_cust.subcube(arma::span(0), arma::span(), arma::span());
int i;
for(i = 0; i < n_cust.n_cols; i++){
arma::rowvec temp2 = temp.row(i);
return i + 1;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
arma::vec myFun3(arma::mat k_tables){
arma::vec temp(k_tables.n_cols * k_tables.n_rows);
int l = 0;
arma::vec temp2(l);
arma::vec tmp3 = sort(temp2);
return tmp3;
double myFun4(arma::vec x, double nu, arma::vec mu, arma::mat Sigma){
arma::vec product = (arma::trans(x - mu) * arma::inv(Sigma) * (x - mu));
double num = pow(1 + (1 / nu) * product[0], - ( nu + 2 ) / 2);
double den = pow(sqrt(M_PI * nu),2) * sqrt(arma::det(Sigma));
return num / den;
bool myFun5(NumericVector X, double z) {
return std::find(X.begin(), X.end(), z)!=X.end();
calling PosteriorNIW(data, mu0, 1, 1, V0) repeatedly starts giving different results every time. Note that there is no randomness in the functions and that obviously those functions have got no impact as they are not called in the original function.
I have tried on a different machine to make sure it was not a problem of my compiler but the error keeps happening.
I know that removing those function (even just one of them) fixes the problem but clearly this is not a feasible solution when I am working with more functions.
I would like to know if other users are able to replicate this behavior and if yes if there is a fix for it.
Thank you in advance
The version of R is 3.3.2 and Rtools is 3.4. Both Rcpp and RcppArmadillo are up-to-date
You're not zeroing xbar in your colMeans function. If I do do that:
arma::vec colMeans(arma::mat data){
int n_0 = data.n_rows;
arma::vec xbar;
for(int i = 0; i < data.n_rows; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < data.n_cols; j++){
xbar[j] += data(i,j) /n_0;
return xbar;
I get this everytime:
> PosteriorNIW(data, mu0, 1, 1.1, V0)
[1,] 4.8750
[2,] 0.1875
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 6.250 -5.6250
[2,] -5.625 10.9375
[1] 16
Even when I do add your extra block of code.
I don't know if these vectors are documented to be initialised to zero by their constructor (in which case this might be a bug there) or not, in which case its your bug!

RcppArmadillo on several cpu cores

I have the following RccpArmadillo function that runs fine if I execute it on one cpu core. But if I use several cores, then R will crash. All the other Rcpp functions I created so far run fine on several cores (with foreach), only RccpArmadillo seems to be problematic. Any ideas how to fix that?
cppFunction('double augmentedDickeyFullerCpp(NumericVector a, NumericVector b, double gamma, double mu, int lags) {
if (gamma < 0) {
return 0;
int n = a.size()-1;
int lags2 = lags + 1;
// first rows, then columns
NumericMatrix x(n-lags2,lags2);
NumericMatrix zdifflag(n-lags2+1,lags2);
NumericVector diff(n);
NumericVector zdiff(n-lags2+1);
NumericVector residuals(n+1);
residuals[0] = a[0] - gamma * b[0] - mu;
// residuals a is y and b is x
for(int i = 1; i < n+1; i++) {
residuals[i] = a[i] - gamma * b[i] - mu;
diff[i-1] = residuals[i] - residuals[i-1];
for(int i = 0; i < n-lags2+1; i++) {
zdifflag[0,i] = residuals[i+lags2-1];
for(int j = 0; j < n-lags2+1; j++) {
for(int i = 0; i < lags2; i++) {
x(j,i) = diff[j+lags2-1-i];
if (i > 0) {
zdifflag(j,i) = x(j,i);
zdiff[j] = x(j,0);
int length = zdifflag.nrow(), k = zdifflag.ncol();
arma::mat X(zdifflag.begin(), length, k, false); // reuses memory and avoids extra copy
arma::colvec y(zdiff.begin(), zdiff.size(), false);
arma::colvec coef = arma::solve(X, y); // fit model y ~ X
arma::colvec res = y - X*coef; // residuals
// std.errors of coefficients
//arma::colvec res = y - X*coef[0];
// sqrt(sum(residuals^2)/(length - k))
double s2 = std::inner_product(res.begin(), res.end(), res.begin(), 0.0)/(length - k);
arma::colvec std_err = arma::sqrt(s2 * arma::diagvec(arma::pinv(arma::trans(X)*X)));
return coef[0]/std_err[0];
}',depends = "RcppArmadillo", includes="#include <RcppArmadillo.h>")
I generally recommend putting the code into a small package, and having each parallel worker load the package. That is known to work, both in serial and parallel, whereas relying on cppFunction() for an ad-hoc function may be too fragile for parallel execution.
