Progress 4GL In-line functions / Multi-line statement - openedge

I am Writing/Editing a LinqToProgress query engine. So far simple functions within progress is simple to replicate, such as "A" >= "B" or Lookup(A, B) > 1, simple one liners that give boolean conditions. However to implement more advance function or custom functions I will need to be able to write multiline statements that can be plugged into conditions, meaning the inline function should be able to give a boolean result when you use DISP ( myFunc ) in the ABL ScratchPad (Using Eclipse) or similar programs.
I need to convert the code between the //Start Here and //End Here to an inline boolean result.
DEF VAR LIST AS CHAR NO-UNDO INIT "one,two,three,four".
DEF VAR LIST2 AS CHAR NO-UNDO INIT "one,three,five".
// Start Here
// End Here
Currently the code throws an error.
White space after colon ends statement. I tried looking for solutions on multiline statements/inline functions but so far found nothing.
Everything written needs to be contained within the Disp function.
I can't use previously created functions.

You should introduce a method or function that contains your code block. The ABL does not support statements and blocks as an expression.


Can we use user input to assign variables in Julia?

function g(n)
if ans==a
return 1
return n
This is my code but the readline function only takes strings and i want it to take an expression which i can use in my function. What i want is to assign an expression (a) for variable ans.
You could try something like this:
julia> function check(x)
ans = readline()
println("val == $x :", val==x)
julia> check(5)
val == 5 :true
Your functions should not reference global variables (like ans in your example) - if you need to get the value of ans - pass it as parameter.
Parsing the expression is unsafe - a user might want for an example use this functionality to delete your data. Use with care! In some scenarios you might want for an example to use regular expressions to validate user's input.

Can a pure function change input arguments?

Is a function that changes the values of an input argument still a pure function?
My example (Kotlin):
data class Klicker(
var id: Long = 0,
var value: Int = 0
fun Klicker.increment() = this.value++
fun Klicker.decrement() = this.value--
fun Klicker.reset() {
this.value = 0
Wikipedia says a pure function has these two requirements:
The function always evaluates the same result value given the same argument value(s). The function result value cannot depend on any hidden information or state that may change while program execution proceeds or between different executions of the program, nor can it depend on any external input from I/O devices.
Evaluation of the result does not cause any semantically observable side effect or output, such as mutation of mutable objects or output to I/O devices.
From my understanding, all functions from my example comply with the first requirement.
My uncertainty starts with the second requirement. With the change of the input argument, I mutate an object (rule violation), but this object is not outside of the function scope, so maybe no rule violation?
Also, does a pure function always need to return a completely new value?
I presume, this function is considert 100% pure:
fun pureIncrement(klicker: Klicker): Klicker {
return klicker.copy(value = klicker.value++)
Be gentle, this is my first Stackoverflow question.
The increment and decrement functions fulfill neither of the requirements for a pure function. Their return value depends on the state of the Klicker class, which may change while program execution proceeds, so the first requirement is not fulfilled. The evaluation of the result mutates the mutable Klicker instance, so the second requirement is also not fulfilled. It doesn't matter in which scope the mutable data is; a pure function must not mutate any data at all.
The reset function violates only the second requirement.
The pureIncrement function can be made pure if you change it to:
fun pureIncrement(klicker: Klicker): Klicker {
return klicker.copy(value = klicker.value + 1)

XQuery: declare a function returning nothing

declare variable $testseq as item()* := ();
declare function local:insertseq($target as item()*, $position as xs:integer?, $inserts as item()*)
as item()* (:might be great if we have a keyword to represent nothing:)
fn:insert-before($target, 1, $inserts) (:change the global sequence:)
() (:simulate returning nothing, empty sequence:)
element test
attribute haha {"&"},
local:insertseq($testseq, 1, ('a', 'b')),
I need to collect something into a global sequence while the script running. At the end of the script I release the sequence. The function insertseq must return nothing. It is possible with XQuery? Or are there other tricks to do it?
Error from BaseX:
$ basex test.xqy
Stopped at /Users/jack/Documents/SHK/XSD2OWL/Workspace/xqy/test.xqy, 7/4:
[XPTY0004] Item expected, sequence found: ("a", "b").
The answer on the title of your original question would actually be:
declare function local:f() as empty-sequence() {
As you probably want to solve a specific problem, you could think about creating a new question with another title and a corresponding problem description (including a tiny example with the expected input and output).
In functional languages, such as XQuery, variables cannot be reassigned once they have been defined (see Referential Transparency). As a consequence, you’ll need to use recursive functions to repeatedly add values to a sequence. fn:fold-left can be used as well: it feels challenging when being used for the first time, but once you understand what it does, you don’t want to miss is.

gcl_memcpy auto detection of pointer types

I have a trivial kernel running on OS X that returns a single int. The essential bits are:
cl_int d;
cl_int* dptr = &d;
void* dev_d = gcl_malloc(sizeof(cl_int),NULL,CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY);
// ... stuff to setup dispatch queue
dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
// ... running the kernel stuff
gcl_memcpy((void*)&d, dev_d, sizeof(cl_int)); // this gives d==0
gcl_memcpy((void*)dptr, dev_d, sizeof(cl_int)); // this gives correct d
Question is, what is the difference between &d and dptr? I've always thought of them as essentially interchangeable, but gcl_memcpy seems to be making a distinction. Any ideas? I can obviously just use the dptr solution, but I'm still curious what's happening.
I don't think this has to do with the gcl_memcpy call specifically. I think it has to do with your GCD call.
When you call dispatch_sync, your block gets a copy of the variables you use in it. In fact, in similar situations, I get a warning from my compiler about using &d in the block, since it's probably a common mistake.
So in your main function you have a variable d at Address1 with value 0 and a variable dptr at Address2 with value Address1. In your dispatch block you have a variable d at Address3 with value 0 and a variable dptr at Address4 with value Address1. So when you write to &d within your dispatch block, you are putting the value in Address3 which you won't see outside of your dispatch block. When you write to dptr in your dispatch block, you are putting the value in Address1, which is what you expect.
Or to put it another way, your call to dispatch_queue is like calling a function defined like
void myfunction(cl_int d, cl_int* dptr).
If you're skeptical of my answer, I suggest you try this with a simple assignment instead of the gcl_malloc call.

idl: pass keyword dynamically to isa function to test structure read by read_csv

I am using IDL 8.4. I want to use isa() function to determine input type read by read_csv(). I want to use /number, /integer, /float and /string as some field I want to make sure float, other to be integer and other I don't care. I can do like this, but it is not very readable to human eye.
str = read_csv(filename, header=inheader)
; TODO check header
if not isa(str.(0), /integer) then stop
if not isa(str.(1), /number) then stop
if not isa(str.(2), /float) then stop
I am hoping I can do something like
expected_header = ['id', 'x', 'val']
expected_type = ['/integer', '/number', '/float']
str = read_csv(filename, header=inheader)
if not array_equal(strlowcase(inheader), expected_header) then stop
for i=0l,n_elements(expected_type) do
if not isa(str.(i), expected_type[i]) then stop
the above doesn't work, as '/integer' is taken literally and I guess isa() is looking for named structure. How can you do something similar?
Ideally I want to pick expected type based on header read from file, so that script still works as long as header specifies expected field.
my tentative solution is to write a wrapper for ISA(). Not very pretty, but does what I wanted... if there is cleaner solution , please let me know.
Also, read_csv is defined to return only one of long, long64, double and string, so I could write function to test with this limitation. but I just wanted to make it to work in general so that I can reuse them for other similar cases.
function isa_generic,var,typ
; calls isa() with keyword
; if 'n', test /number
; if 'i', test /integer
; if 'f', test /float
; if 's', test /string
if typ eq 'n' then return, isa(var, /number)
if typ eq 'i' then then return, isa(var, /integer)
if typ eq 'f' then then return, isa(var, /float)
if typ eq 's' then then return, isa(var, /string)
print, 'unexpected typename: ', typ
IDL has some limited reflection abilities, which will do exactly what you want:
expected_types = ['integer', 'number', 'float']
expected_header = ['id', 'x', 'val']
str = read_csv(filename, header=inheader)
if ~array_equal(strlowcase(inheader), expected_header) then stop
foreach type, expected_types, index do begin
if ~isa(str.(index), _extra=create_struct(type, 1)) then stop
It's debatable if this is really "easier to read" in your case, since there are only three cases to test. If there were 500 cases, it would be a lot cleaner than writing 500 slightly different lines.
This snipped used some rather esoteric IDL features, so let me explain what's happening a bit:
expected_types is just a list of (string) keyword names in the order they should be used.
The foreach part iterates over expected_types, putting the keyword string into the type variable and the iteration count into index.
This is equivalent to using for index = 0, n_elements(expected_types) - 1 do and then using expected_types[index] instead of type, but the foreach loop is easier to read IMHO. Reference here.
_extra is a special keyword that can pass a structure as if it were a set of keywords. Each of the structure's tags is interpreted as a keyword. Reference here.
The create_struct function takes one or more pairs of (string) tag names and (any type) values, then returns a structure with those tag names and values. Reference here.
Finally, I replaced not (bitwise not) with ~ (logical not). This step, like foreach vs for, is not necessary in this instance, but can avoid headache when debugging some types of code, where the distinction matters.
Reflective abilities like these can do an awful lot, and come in super handy. They're work-horses in other languages, but IDL programmers don't seem to use them as much. Here's a quick list of common reflective features I use in IDL, with links to the documentation for each:
create_struct - Create a structure from (string) tag names and values.
n_tags - Get the number of tags in a structure.
_extra, _strict_extra, and _ref_extra - Pass keywords by structure or reference.
call_function - Call a function by its (string) name.
call_procedure - Call a procedure by its (string) name.
call_method - Call a method (of an object) by its (string) name.
execute - Run complete IDL commands stored in a string.
Note: Be very careful using the execute function. It will blindly execute any IDL statement you (or a user, file, web form, etc.) feed it. Never ever feed untrusted or web user input to the IDL execute function.
You can't access the keywords quite like that, but there is a typename parameter to ISA that might be useful. This is untested, but should work:
expected_header = ['id', 'x', 'val']
expected_type = ['int', 'long', 'float']
str = read_cv(filename, header=inheader)
if not array_equal(strlowcase(inheader), expected_header) then stop
for i = 0L, n_elemented(expected_type) - 1L do begin
if not isa(str.(i), expected_type[i]) then stop
