Converting csv to Rdata - r

I am a novice in R STUDIO and I am trying to convert a CSV file into an Rdata (.rds) format. Can someone help me out regarding this?
I have searched online and so far the answers I have found does not match what I need.


How to convert a csv file to an R.Data file

I have a csv file I generated in Python. I now need to convert it to an R.Data file for further downstream analyses, but I have no idea how to accomplish this.
Someone else asked this question a few years back but it has no solutions. Would really appreciate some input.
Previously asked question:
Converting csv to Rdata
This is a classic situation of but why?, but if you must accomplish this then it is as easy as:
data <- read.csv("my_file.csv")
save(data, file = "my.file.RData")

Is there a way to read a .hyper file in R?

I've a lot of .hyper files to work with. Most of the time I work with them using Python (using tableauhyperio lib), but I need to read them in R and I could not find a way to do it. Does anyone know some way to read hyper files in R?
Right now I'm reading the data in python and exporting them as csv to read in R the csv files...

Exporting csv using excel into R

I hope someone can help me solve the problem I am currently facing with excel. I have been trying to export a csv file I wrote in Excel Ver 16 into R studio but it keeps giving the "incomplete final line found by readTableHeader on 'Book1.csv'" error. I have included the screen shot of the error and the files I had used for this. This doesnt seem to happen for the other data set I downloaded directly from Kaggle called "adult-test.csv" though.
I have tried everything from reinstalling R, R studio, Excel, I even resorted to using Google Sheets and it still doesn't work. If anyone knows what I am doing wrong please do help!
Image of my R studio code
Picture of the csv file I am failing to read
Hard to guess here.
Sometimes Excel saves csv files incorrectly - even though cells below your table are empty Excel saves them in the csv because maybe in the past, there was something written in there.
So, here is a suggestion
Maybe try to read the Excel file directly, not save it first as a csv. You can do that for example with read.xlsx() from the openxlsx package.
If that does not help, please open the csv file with a text editor (not with Excel again). You will then be able to see the actual problem and if necessary, post the text here (instead of the Excel screenshot)

Why Unicodes get converting from excel file to r data frame

I have excel file with unicode characters (like Korean and Japan language), when i load it from excel file to r data frame it's converting to some codes. For example
Excel Source Column
After load the excel file to
DF = KR|512207456|<U+D22C><U+BE44><U+C528><U+C5D4><U+C528>(<U+C8FC>)
I did lot of google to find the solution, unfortunately not able to find any solution. Any help would be highly appreciated.

how can I read spss data into R?

I have got a spss dataset which ends with .sps, not spss, now I'm trying to read it into R, I used read.table, but it doesn't work, read.spss doesn't work either. I'm thankful for any help!
I tried
it says this file
"is not in any supported SPSS format"
.csv - format is suggested.
.csv is more flexible in R.
and in SPSS you can change raw data into .csv
